
NCIS: Soldier's Creed

A new and unexpected member joins the NCIS Major Case Response Team, shaking up their dynamics and bringing a unique set of skills and challenges. Alexander Bishop. A tale that combines the action-packed world of NCIS with the exploration of identity, loyalty, and the true meaning of heroism. As the team fights to protect the innocent and expose those responsible, they discover that the strongest bonds are forged in the face of adversity and that true strength lies not only in physical abilities but in the power of friendship and trust. DISCLAIMER. The story is 100% fictional. All characters and events depicted in this film are entirely fictitious Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental. NCIS is owned by CBS Studios. This fan fiction is written for the purpose of entertainment alone. Authors Note: FF takes place in an AU. Expect a few changes.

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26 Chs

Targets and Allies

Even though it was midnight, the NCIS headquarters was bustling with activity. One of their agents was shot, but the perpetrator was still at large.

Overtime was activated for the agents, and the Temporary First priority was changed to finding the perpetrator of Agent Kate Todd's shooting. 

Several agents, including the probies, were assigned to the task of tracking down the attacker.

[ Director Morrow's office, jamming activated]

"Are you sure ?" inquired Morrow. 

"Yes, Sir. After ensuring Agent Gibbs's team had left, I went to Ari's nest. I found a single brass and this glass piece," said Alex, referring to the glass piece sitting on the director's desk. The glass was a part of Ari's Sniper rifle scope that was shattered. But the important part was the blood stain on it. Alex was 100% sure that the blood would come up as Ari's if a test was run.

At the crime scene, when Alex realised what the glass piece was, he called Director Morrow to formulate the next action plan. But finding the blood-stained scope piece was a game changer. This was a solid piece of evidence that linked Ari to the crime scene. 

"Do you know why I asked you to remove the evidence, Lt. Alex Bishop?"

"I do. You want to take care of the situation off the books."

"But as of now, if there are no other significant changes, your objective is to bring in Ari alive. He is far more valuable alive than dead. "

"Did Mossad make a statement about the matter?" asked Alex

"They are keeping their lips shut. Officially Ari is still considered as as a Hamas mole for Mossad. But Lieutenant, I have a feeling things aren't as cut as they seem."

'What a fucking drag.' thought Alex, though he kept his expression neutral.

[NCIS Forensics Lab, Midnight]

Abby and McGee were running tests on the 'only' piece of evidence left behind at the crime scene. A shell casing. The brass that had an emblem of Lapua.

Unbeknownst to them, about 1000 meters away, Ari Haswari was in his car, blending in with the shadows, his scope focused on the brightly lit NCIS forensics lab. His eyes never leaving the target: Abby Sciuto. 

Inside the lab, Abby was engrossed in her work, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she and McGee analyzed the shell casing left behind at the scene of Kate Todd's shooting.

" Lapua .308 casing, boat-tail, moly coated full metal jacket. ," McGee confirmed. "High-end sniper rifle, typically used for long-range precision shooting."

Outside, Ari adjusted his position, aiming his Sniper rifle through the high-powered scope. He steadied his hand as he focused on Abby's silhouette. His finger tightened on the trigger.


The sound of shattering glass filled the room as the bullet struck the window. Abby and McGee instinctively ducked, diving for cover behind a large metal table.

"McGee!" Abby cried, her voice shaking. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," McGee replied, his heart racing. "Stay down!"

A few seconds in Gibbs came running into the lab, gun drawn, his eyes scanning the room for threats. "Abby! McGee! Are you hurt?"

"We're okay, Boss," McGee answered, keeping low. 

Gibbs' eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "Everyone, move to the inner lab. Now!"

Abby and McGee scrambled to their feet, keeping low as they hurried to the more secure, windowless inner lab. Gibbs followed, ensuring they were safely inside before slamming the heavy door shut behind them.

*Silence *

 "He wasn't trying to kill you, was he Gibbs?... he was after Kate all along."

Gibbs said nothing, his head hung low. "And now he's targeting anyone close to me."

[Meanwhile, Outside the NCIS Headquarters]

Ari had missed his shot, the bullet was diverted by the thick window glass. He knew he had limited time before they locked down the building and increased security. He needed to move.

Ari threw away the brass outside the windows and swiftly drove away. 

[Back in the NCIS Headquarters]

McGee's fingers flew over the keyboard, pulling up the security feeds and scanning through the footage. "Got it," he said, pointing to a screen showing a dark figure inside a car at the Anacostia Park across the river. "He took the shot from here." A team was sent to gather evidence and collect info from the second shooting site.

By then, Alex had also reached the inner forensic lab; From the profile he had made on Ari, Alex knew he was going to target the female associates of Gibbs first; But there was no way he could have guessed Ari would try to kill someone else the same fricking night. alas, he was 90% sure the next target was going to Abby Sciuto. 

"I heard the noise. What happened?" Alex asked, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the shattered glass and the shaken expressions on Abby and McGee's faces.

"Ari took a shot at Abby," Gibbs replied, his voice grim. "He missed, but not by much."

Abby nodded, her hands still trembling slightly. "If it weren't for the thick glass, I wouldn't be standing here now."

Alex frowned," Abby. We must keep you safe while figuring out his next move."

Gibbs crossed his arms, his jaw clenched. "He's targeting people close to me."

Alex sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I've been profiling Ari. His pattern suggests he's targeting the female associates of Gibbs. Kate, now you... it's a twisted psychological game for him."

"Great, just what we needed," Abby muttered, rolling her eyes. "A psycho with a vendetta."

Gibbs shot her a reassuring look. "We'll get him, Abby." Alex saw him clenching his fist.

[Scene break; Morning]

The Sun was out shining, and things had calmed down a bit, at least on the surface. Tony was with Kate, standing guard. Tim was with Abbey. Gibbs was Morrow at the M tac. Letting him know that he was stepping down as the Director of NCIS. While this was happening, Alex was at 'his spot' in the bullpen. With his eyes closed. Only this time, he was actually sleeping. 

After the attack on Abbey, the surveillance and security around the HQ were rammed up. Kate also got additional protection details.

Even though he was sleeping, Alex was aware of all the bustling and the chatter around him. But then his danger sense spiked, alerting him of enemy movement. He immediately woke up but did not make any notable movements. 

 He scanned the intruder with one eye slightly opened and realised that she was a young foreign woman who was standing outside the bullpen area, dressed in a jacket, trousers, and boots with an NCIS Visitors Badge pinned to her jacket and her long dark hair was tied up with a bandana.

'Brown but not Latin or Indian, so Middle Eastern. and from the looks of the star necklace... Israeli.'

She dressed like an investigative journalist, but the strides of the left leg and right leg were slightly different. That meant she had something slightly heavy attached on one leg. like a concealed weapon.

'Mossad.' realised Alex

But what intrigued him most was the distinct shape of her nose and eyebrows. He had seen these before, just the previous day. By then, the 'visitor' had found her way in front of Alex.


'Deja Vu.' thought Alex.

Alex opened his eyes fully, sitting up and looking at the young woman standing before him. She had a confident posture, and her eyes held a spark of curiosity. But mostly, She was gorgeous.

"Good morning," Alex greeted, his tone calm but watchful. "Can I help you, Miss..?"

"Good morning," Ziva replied, a slight smile playing on her lips. "I am Ziva David. I'm here to see Special Agent Gibbs."

"Ziva David," Alex repeated, nodding slightly.

'David..!! I have heard rumours Ari was related to the big man himself. Maybe there was some truth to it after all.' 

"Mossad, right?"

"Yes!," Ziva confirmed, a hint of surprise in her eyes. "And you are?"

"Alex Bishop," he introduced himself, extending a hand. "I'm... a contractor, you might say."

Ziva shook his hand, her grip firm. "A contractor? That is a vague description."

Alex chuckled softly. "It's meant to be. Keeps people guessing."

"Is that why you were pretending to sleep?" Ziva asked, tilting her head slightly. "To keep people guessing?"

Alex's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Let's just say it's a habit. You have no idea what you might overhear when people think you're not paying attention."

"Interesting," Ziva commented, glancing around the bullpen. "You seem to be very observant."

"It's part of the job," Alex replied, leaning back in his chair. "What brings you to NCIS, Ms. David?"

"I'm here to speak with Gibbs," she said, her tone casual. "But I am also curious about the people who work with him."

"Curious, huh?" Alex raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"

Ziva shrugged, a playful smile on her face. "Gibbs is known for having a very capable team. I wanted to see for myself."


 "Alex Bishop, you seem...a bit complicated."

Alex smirked at that.

Ziva nodded. "You seem to have layers. A calm exterior, but a lot going on underneath."

Alex studied her for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "And what about you, Ziva? You're here to stop Gibbs from killing Ari. That's a dangerous mission."

Alex did not know for sure if that's why Ziva was here. But if she was family, the chances were high.

Ziva's smile faded, her eyes growing serious. "Ari is my br..responsibility. I do not want to see him dead because of false allegations."

"Ah..," Alex acknowledged his tone understanding. "But you should know that Gibbs is determined. He won't let Ari get away."

"I know," Ziva said quietly. "But I must try."

Alex stood up and looked straight at her. "Just be careful, Ziva. This game we're playing... it's deadly."

Ziva met his gaze, a steely resolve in her eyes. "I am well aware, Mr. Bishop. But I have my own reasons for being here. Reasons that go beyond just stopping Gibbs."

Alex leaned forward, smiling. "Care to share?"

"Maybe another time," Ziva replied, a cryptic smile on her face. "For now, I need to find Gibbs."

" He should be here any minute now. Just wait here."

Alex could hear the group, which consisted of Gibbs and the new NCIS Director Jen Shephard, exit M-tac. 

But...Morrow did not tell him anything about the Israeli officer coming to NCIS, so this must be the New director's doing. If that was the case, he had to discuss a few things with ex-Director Morrow. 

Alex was on his way to M-tac. On his way, he saw Director Shepard and Agent Gibbs. He nodded at them and made his way to Morrow at M-tac. but not before signalling Gibbs 'possible trouble up ahead.',

Ziva couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue about Alex. He was more than just a contractor; there was a depth to him that she found both intriguing and mysterious.

And as for Alex, he was equally intrigued by Ziva. She was sharp, confident, and clearly had her own agenda. It was clear that she was someone to watch closely.


Alex scanned his eyes at the biometric scanner. The door opened, and he entered.

Alex walked into the room where Director Morrow was waiting, his expression serious. He could sense that the situation had changed significantly since their last conversation, with Abbey getting shot and the arrival of the Mossad officer.

"Director," Alex greeted, sitting next to him. "What's the status?"

Morrow leaned forward in his chair, looking pensive. "Alex, things have taken an unexpected turn. The Director, Jenny Shepard, informed me that Mossad officer Ziva David will be assisting Gibbs's team to capture Ari."

"Capture Huh?" Alex echoed. "I am pretty sure she is here to protect Ari, though."

"Hm." Morrow replied, his tone sombre. "Officially, she's here to strengthen ally relations. Mossad and NCIS are both interested in taking down Ari but for different yet similar reasons."

Morrow sighed, rubbing his temples. "We can't let Ari fall into Mossad's hands. If Ziva's here, it means Mossad wants him alive as well. "

"Alex... I want you to join Gibbs's team. Bringing in Ari takes precedence, and it's obvious he has some vendetta against Gibbs. I have already talked with Gibbs; he seemed a bit reluctant but didn't outright say no. "

"I thought I was doing that already."

"You are still an outsider. Integrate and adapt. "

Alex nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Understood, Sir. Does this mean I should read him in on the primary objective?"

"It's up to your discretion, Lieutenant. Do what must be done. Failure is not an option."

"Don't worry, Director. I'll handle it."

As Alex left Morrow's office, he felt the weight of his new responsibilities settling on his shoulders. Joining Gibbs's team would be challenging, especially with Ziva in the mix. But he was determined to see the mission through, no matter what it took. Besides, she interested him for some reason.