
NBA & The star writer

Barine_Gift · Ciudad
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2 Chs

The article is about our night stand

Song {The Key by Tems}

Warriors slay with sword, robbers robbed with guns, teachers pass on knowledge, musicians drop exciting and sad songs. Now how does writer fight back, their weapon is their words, penning down their emotions, technically we say they kill with their pen.

That morning at school Cherry article about Green is the top trend on the school blog everyone retweeting and talking about it.

Guess what negativity go viral quite quickly especially when he's one of the best athlete in Victoria high, valued on how many trophies given that Victoria high remain the best athletic school in the state majoring in basket ball.

She went out all blunt on him from disrespecting his coach and having the friendly match rescheduled to Wednesday all because of his tattoo.

Cherry is summon in the principal office.

Her mind skipped recent time being called to the principal office is either someone saw her smoking weed at the backyard except that she doesn't really mingle or participate in anything except now miss Clara recommended her for the school registry.

She look anxious as the matron sent the message feeling fullFiled because the school actually made it trend, she hasn't seen something like that and for her write up to gain attention means she definitely do have a talent even if sometimes she doesn't regard herself as one.

Stepping into the principal office Green was there both of them looked at each other she awkwardly readjust her backpack, the coach himself was present as well.

Cherry smile they always say write about what is happening which she did maybe her hard work finally paid off. A scholarship wouldn't be so bad after all 20percent of Victoria are likely to start different university both athletic scholarships the majors were Amole and Green.

"Cherry do you have any idea about what you just did" cherry looked confused. The question was the entire opposite. Of what she had thought.

"Pardon! I wasn't out when the class was going on nor using the backyard after miss Clara warned me so hell no I don't" the principal sigh twirl his task chair toward his drawer, cherry looked at him in anticipation plus the fact the boy she just slaughtered on the school blog is in the same room with her feeling his glare on her couldn't be any more tense. Is thick in here I need air in her consciousness.

"Ain't nobody care about that, You need to take down that article Green wasn't disrespectful to his coach" he dumped the folded paper on the desk. Cherry swallow hardly before talking.

"Sure he was" cherry stood on her ground, Green neither the couch had not spoken a single word.

"He wasn't, I will let this one slide because you were just recently assigned to the school paper so make sure you take down that article else you won't like the consequence" he sternly point at the paper lying on the desk.

"Are you threatening me principal Wilson because I have the right to write about the truth and Green was disrespectful to his coach do you have any idea how many people who wanted to watch him play yet he treated us like cowards" cherry snapped at the principal but regain her composure.

"Do you have any personal issues with me because I don't remember doing any interview with you nor did you ask my why the game was cancel instead you went ahead and wrote dumb shit about me" cherry did not say any thing well as a writer she would've done a short interview with him before writing about him to the blog even when the school did not publish it she went ahead to post it.

"This was not publish by Victoria high this article might ruin our reputation for the state game...she told me you are very talented when it comes to writing and this is the best you can come up with, criticism, we don't condone violence here in Victoria high especially when it comes to our most valued student" principal wilson said calmly although the stiffness of his voice was cold.

"I will take it down....I'm not allow to wear makeup, polish my nails or use the backyard but Green can rightfully disrespect the school coach and get away with it" this is a man world cherry even as that you never interviewed green to begin with. What you have to say now doesn't matter is over she subconsciously feel.

"That's not what happened miss cherry and from now onwards only what the school review and approves can be publish remember you write for the school not the other way round are we clear" cherry tilted her hand as she leave the office she slam the principal door. because of that he gave her a strike one more time she's going home on detention.

"You have a strike for that cherry"


Cherry frustratedly walking home what did she expect that she's chiamanda over a sudden because her article bashing Green gain attention and now she's facing one strike.

After spending part of her money that afternoon settle some scores in school like purchasing of molly, a drug that keep her happy and excited and it was expensive around the school. While she walked she thought about the incident that happened in school today, the more Green act like nothing happened between them the more it irks her.

She put out that article based on how angry she is with Green and the way she twisted her words if she was so wrong about it like the principal stated why did it get so much attention.

She gets home no one was home as usual so she lifted the seal on the Fayrouz Can drink that she grabbed from the refrigerator dropping the module of molly into it letting it melt before taking it.

The bang on the door is so loud cherry cussed underneath her breath whosoever the person is she will make sure she straighten him or her, upon opening the door it was Green, he weaved his hair back, wore a biker short and a sleeveless singlet shirt exposing his tattoo. Cherry couldn't hold back her laughter she was laughing.

"What's funny do I look funny" Cherry tried to focus but the more she tried to the more she laughed, she kept laughing leaving Green awkward.

"Look I don't know what is going on with you I seriously did not like how you talk about me on the blog I just hope that doesn't happened again-

"Or what Green put me in a jail" cherry cut in still laughing. Green realized she wasn't taking him seriously it makes him more upset.

"Are you high cherry" Green asked looking at her sternly when he realised she wasn't her usual self.

"Does it matter I mean we all are drug addict including you so why do you think you can judge me-

"Jesus no I'm not judging you and I don't take drugs technical from how you are behaving it seems like you are high...if there is anything going on that I did wrong I apologize" Cherry was still laughing but nod.

"Will you mind watching me at tryout this evening" even though she wasn't taken her seriously he went ahead to ask him to come watch him at tryout, isn't what a BBall player would ask his girlfriend. Cherry wonders what he means by that, the way he looks, talks like they are so cool, as if he didn't gaslight her in the hallway yesterday lurking his lips with another girl.

"No I can't you and I aren't friends so why will I watch you at tryouts-

"Seriously" Green almost burst out laughing but his facial expression tell more seriousness than how he saw cherry as a joke.

"Yeah, you act like you don't know me at school then come over to my house to ask me to come watch you at tryout I mean why would I do that-

"Okay!!!! Sure" Green shrugged and left cherry house without asking her further she slam the door shut angrily, part of her wanted to watch him at tryout but it was in insane at the same time because she still haven't still told him what transpired between them means nothing to her. Yet she feels like it should mean something.

"Stupid ass" she cussed him I mean what does she expect and want from him but the more Green act like everything is normal the more it makes her upset.


Cherry woke up the next morning dad did not come home maybe is work but he never work so late before, she called his phone again but went straight to voicemail. She dropped her phone preparing for school just after she finish her cereal there was a soft knock at the door.

"Dad!!!" she exclaimed rushing wiping her her hands on her jeans on her way to the door it wasn't her dad they were the police.

"How can I help you" cherry asked they told her, her father disappeared from work and that same day fifty million naira missed in the company.

"My dad didn't take it I trust him-

"We are not here to ask you if he takes it or not" a fair blond lady cut in sharply in a colder tone.

"Is not about trusting your dad there is an ongoing investigation we are here to negotiate in case your dad comes home let us know-

"I said my dad didn't do it are you people deaf he didn't fucking steal any money" cherry said back so angry defending her father as she interrupted the lady.

"We will be watching you and if you refuse to comply and we found out you have been contacting him just know we won't be able to help you... so here is the thing comply and none of this will effect you-

"I'm late for school and don't ever show up here I promise you if you do I might go to jail before my father does so leave" the police officers and the detective left, cherry took her bag and left the house.

Sam was no where to be found as she walked the hall way her hand stuck in her hood front pocket, thinking about her dad if In any way stole from his job when Sam cornered her.

"Hey Cherry what's up.....jeez you look like shit did you smoke weed" she lowered her tone on that part sniffing in her face. is not new they both smoke weed and do drugs but not early hours of school.

"What's good, I'm ditching biology I have stuff to do" cherry retorted her hands still stuck in her pocket with her eyes barely open.

"Jeez, what's wrong with you your eyes are so red what if any of the teachers see you in this state" Cherrythud her fingers hard on her locker trying so hard to tolerate Sam but she was getting on her nerves, she wasn't in the mood to talk.

"My dad didn't come home last night...the police are looking for him" cherry did not give the full story, Sam felt for her.

"Any idea what happened why the police are looking for him....have you tried to reach him" cherry nod her head books pushed with her hands to her chest, as soon as she noticed miss Clara tried to dodge her but she saw them before they could even do anything.

"Cherry in my office in fifteen minutes-

"I can't I have biology class and is starting now-

"Don't worry I took excuse from your teacher" miss Clara snapped her finger walked pass them, cherry wasn't taking the class she was ditching it and mow miss Clara is involved.

"I will see you tomorrow alright" she hugged Sam and left the school without meeting Mrs Clara as she asked.

Walking home using paid phone to call her dad none was going, she has no money and the fridge is empty after making a do list on grocery. A lot going through her mind three years ago mother died if not with molly and weed she'd loose her mind.

She glanced at Green building he lived with his mom his father left him when he was just five ever since then his mom and younger sister lived in the one story building not that much luxury it was that of his grand father who slept with many women back in the day, the only thing they inherited from him.

She wasn't closed enough to her house when the police cornered her again. Putting hand cuffs on her.

"Let me go" she fight back but the cops were stronger than her the lady that showed up in the morning was admiring how she was fighting back.

"Stop fighting, what ever you do or say will be use against you in the court of law I advised you remain peaceful" the detective warned while the cops hold cherry down still so they cuffed her wrist taking it backward.

"Fuck you!!! I said fuck you" they put her inside of the saloon car siren blaring neighbors were peering from their window to watch the incident. Cherry school materials were taken along with her.

In the question room cherry have not respond to any questions they asked only kept mute until one of the female detectives walked in , she has a blond hair, a blue starched shirt and black pencil skirt, her shirt three unbuttons downwards someone is likely to see her boobs.

"You know this can send you to jail cherry" the lady said dropping cherry thighs in front of her that they took from her house including the ashes from the weed she smoke before going to school from what she was seeing in the transparent bag most of it came from her trash.

"You came into my house without warrant and did a thorough search....tell me the difference between what you did and breaking and entering" the lady exhale.

"I read few of your manuscripts indeed you write so well, I ask myself what will an intelligent girl like cherry do drugs for? Pleasure? Porno?-

"I'm seventeen I'm sure at your age you did handful of naughty things i don't believe your facade of detective if this is about my dad well sorry I haven't heard from him" cherry did not answer the question.

"I will let you go under one condition comply with us we know your father is going to contact you, if you don't, say good bye to your school

And career I will lock you behind bars and make sure you don't come out till your father appears" cherry frown at her,

"Fuck you!!!! Fuck you" she said so angrily, they didn't give cherry back her drugs and weed after they let her go. The detective told her she's watching her if she does not abstain from it.


Cherry punched the couch over and over again, after the friendly match Green did a lot better in the court and his tattoo is allowed, cherry did not go into detail just straight to the point. Again the principal called her again.

"You send for me principal" he was going through his computer it took seconds before he finally look upto to her.

"Yeah i deed cherry" he reckoned putting his laptop aside, taking off his glass.

"Your article is good but miss Clara told me your writing is compelling and detailing I'm not sure she is right-

"I don't understand can you go straight to the point I have no clue about detailing or compelling" cherry spoke out of patient she did not have the time to waste around, she did not bash their trophy athlete in her recent article.

"Green article it was juvenile not at all better" cherry pressed her lip into a thin line.

"I don't care what miss Clara told you but if I'm going to be constantly interrogated about what and what not to write about I think is high time you get someone better to do the sport job because I can barely put my life together don't expect me to put someone life together in the news" cherry angrily left the office despite the principal calling her she totally ignored it. Who cares about detention.

Well she's going on detention likely a week or further notice at this point cherry care little about her school of course is finals.