
Naustiv Love

Novel 1 of (Naustiv love) Even though I had many people who I loved this person was the one I truly loved this love lasted longer than others. Its a new state, new school, new everything... I like my teacher Naustiv Ylir. He's pretty, calm, tall, and sweet. What do I do?! I can never like a teacher.. because that just puts him in a difficult spot. I need to get rid of this love but it keeps coming back.. to me. Skip chapter 5 if you don't wanna get to know me more and just wanna hop on about my love for my teacher.

Square_Time · Adolescente
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16 Chs

Chapter 14


That one moment when I was getting mail really made me flustered because I saw my 3 main teachers outside together. After lunch ended for me I went to put away my lunchbox in my locker and I saw Annex, Malke and Naustiv all eating at a round table together I speed walked by hoping they didn't see me.

After lunch:

Usually after lunch I see Naustiv at my locker he lowers his body down to me (im really short for some reason or he is either really tall) then he ask what I had for lunch or if I had a good lunch. I answered saying I had "food". I literally would usually eat a bagel and some fruit. He said he had eaten "food" too. I would also usually give a medium thumbs or thumbs up.


Naustiv asked if he could check my assignment I agreed because if I disagreed he would've become curious and ask why? He than sat down with me and checked it and then said everything's pretty good.

We then talked about each others lifes and stuff. He even told me owning your own house and cleaning it is very satisfying.