
Naughty companion

In the mystic realm, a place steeped in ancient magic and wonder The boy and his classmates were there on a school outing, researching a project aimed at improving brain power. As they explored the mystical abode, the boy suddenly slipped and fell into a blood pool. As he struggled to regain his footing, he noticed the red blood in the pool had already begun to penetrate and find its b way into his body and assimilate with his human blood, and it clicked as he saw a silhouette staring at him. It was an ancient seven-colored snake, and as it entered his body, he felt an incredible surge of power coursing through him, but his wish remained unfulfilled because he would not share his body with the exotic beast. Little did he know that this chance encounter would make him the target of powerful people in the city who were eager to possess the snake's power for themselves. His father, a mysterious figure who had always been distant and enigmatic, knew that his son was in danger and immediately sent one of his most trusted disciples to protect him. The disciple was a skilled warrior, trained in the arts of combat and magic. He whisked the boy away to another university, far from the prying eyes of those who sought to capture him. It was there that the boy met someone he loved deeply, and they spent many happy days exploring the campus and getting to know each other. Meanwhile, his best friend back at the formal university missed him terribly. Becky was a smart and ambitious girl, but she was also trapped in a world where her father used her as a pawn to inherit more power and influence. Despite this, she remained fiercely loyal to her friend and could not bring herself to betray him, even though it meant going against her father's wishes. As the boy's story continued, he met many other girls, each one more extraordinary than the last. But no matter how much he tried to move on, he could never forget the girl he had left behind. And so, the cycle of love and loss continued as the boy struggled to keep himself and the people he loved safe in a world full of danger and intrigue, all while harboring an ancient and powerful entity within him.

Fullnessini · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Mysterious letter

The train was chugging its way through a scenic mountainous region, with lush greenery and breathtaking views visible through the train's windows. The surrounding mountains rose majestically on either side, their peaks touching the sky. The mountain range stretched as far as the eye could see, their slopes covered in a thick blanket of dense foliage.

The train passed through narrow winding valleys and gorges, with steep cliffs on either side. The sound of gurgling streams and cascading waterfalls could be heard in the distance, their crystalline waters shimmering in the sunlight. Occasionally, the train crossed over a bridge, and the passengers could look down and see the river flowing far below, carving its way through the rugged landscape.

The panorama changed as the train chugged ahead, presenting wide stretches of undulating hills and lush meadows. Herig could see some tamed beast at the side of the trail-road, and the owners exploring the area, their shadows etched against the clear blue sky in the distance.

The train passed past little villages and towns, lined with colorful buildings and quaint marketplaces. The perfume of fresh food and local delights filled the air, as did the sound of people going about their everyday lives. Herig swears he's never seen so much of the globe as he has in this distance traveling; he couldn't help but smile within for the surprises and the gorgeous terrain he so much enjoys, as well as the lives of the people he had no idea existed somewhere-somewhere in the world.

As the train gained altitude, the temperature dropped, and the air grew cooler and crisper. The higher they climbed, the more spectacular the views became. The passengers were treated to panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and sparkling lakes, their beauty leaving everyone spellbound.

The scenery around the train was a feast for the senses, with its stunning vistas and natural beauty. The journey was a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, and the passengers couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to witness such breathtaking scenery.

And when the train made a brief halt at the station to allow passengers to rest after the arduous ride, he wished to bless the driver. He noticed a young lady who captured his attention since inside the train also alighten from the train, she was so lovely and pristine but he instantly stopped gazing at her, as a reserved person he wouldn't get carried away with some random beauty he knows nothing about.

Yu'er couldn't help but grin as she observed Herig's reaction to her teasing. "What?" he inquired, sensing that she was up to no good once again.

"What-what?" Yu'er playfully responded, echoing his question. "Why are you slyly chuckling? Your evil temperament is acting up again."

"Who has a bad personality?" Yu'er asked, feeling a little defensive.

"Herig, I'm warning you to watch your mouth and not spout garbage," Yu'er retorted, easily irritated by his simple comment. "Your words stink with bad odor."

"Alright, alright, don't get too worked up," Herig conceded. "I was just guarded when I noticed you chuckling for no reason."

"Who said I didn't have a reason?" Yu'er shot back. "I'm not as stupid as you. I was only smiling at your ignorance - you adoring beauty without even having the balls to approach her."

Herig blushed with humiliation but denied it, insisting, "Who said I was staring at her?" Glancing back at the beauty, he remarked, "And who said I was referring to her?"

"So you really do have a thing for beauty like that," Yu'er teased, fueling the flames. "Alas, you have no balls to walk up to her and claim your secret desire."

Herig was so irritated by Yu'er's teasing that he chose to ignore her. After collecting everything he needed at the supermarket in the train station and surveying the area, he grew tired and returned to the train.

When he fished in his back pocket after stepping into the train, he remembered the note Wen had given him.

"Say something, Yu'er."He stated this while licking his lips and twitching his brow. "Should I open the letter now?" he said, squeezing an idea out of his thoughts.He inquired. "I suppose you can; whatever she inscribes will have meaning." One clue in it will lead us closer to determining why you were transferred." Even though Yu'er admitted it, her remarks were tinged with sloth. He took the letter from his back pocket and examined it, disregarding her careless tone. The message was brief and to the point: "Danger was in the city; the journey won't be easy; and trust no one when you finally land." That's all the letter has to say.

"What the heck is this?"Herig was so irritated that he wanted to slap someone. Yu'er was sobbing up with laughter; she was on cloud nine with Herig, who was depressed. Her mockery was gasoline, lighting the already raging fire. Herig was enraged and rickering with rage. He felt like separating from her and punishing her in place of Wen; Wen's foolish mystery letter was already giving him migraines, and now that Yu'er is mocking him, he really wants to hang himself. But he couldn't ignore the eerie feeling and vigilantism that the letter had instilled in him; it was as if danger was hiding around him; his eyes met the surroundings, heightening his vigilantism; he couldn't stay quiet again. He couldn't help but wonder if Yu'er had noticed anything out of the ordinary about them. "Now that I think about it, the letter makes sense; since you boarded the train, I've noticed some ominous aura surrounding those people five seats away from you." She came to a halt, as if she had remembered something. "Yes, I remember them alighting the train immediately, as you did earlier, and seeming to tail around you like bunches of rotten eggs." She pilled her sentences layer after layer, as if they were genuine eggs, yet her imaginary egg wasn't rotting, as she said. From his seat, Herig turned back and noticed two individuals, one of whom had a violent expression on his face. The large scar on the man sitting near the window was deep enough to fit a toothpick; the other man was still in his early thirties and sophisticated. Herig would be unconcerned if it were just the elegant young man, but the maimed one's radiating danger would have him sitting on a pin. "What to do?" the thought raged in his head. "Calm down; don't let them be watchful. If you keep looking back, they'll know you've already found them," she warned. Herig swiftly shifted his gaze, pretending he wasn't looking at them at all.

He instantly clutched Yu'er to devise an escape strategy. "Why am I devising an escape strategy?" "Are you that useless that you can't think without me?" Yu'er truly believed he was ineffective.

"Who said you had to make a fuss about me? You've been getting me into problems since I met you, and enough with the nonsense, just cut it already," he urgently added.

He inquired once more. "What should I do now?" Stop giving me the cold shoulder if you don't have any better ideas; I've got a plan." Without waiting for Yu'er to respond, he jumped up and began walking to the train's interior, looking for a place to hide. He immediately rose and noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that he had given the two spying on him an excellent start. Seeing them pay more attention to him, he finally recognized to himself that Yu'er, despite her recklessness with her words, was correct about these men. He felt more forced to conceal from their gaze, and without wasting time, he wound his way through the crowd, returning to their seat, and cutting into the train's rear side.

He quickened his pace after noticing them becoming more bearing and eager to reach him before he vanished from their sight. The creak-opened door in front of him didn't matter where he was running to. He would have noticed the VIP at the top of the door if he had the time. He dashed inside the door, expecting to hide, but was halted by two heavily armed guys. Please produce your identification." The armed men inquired, "Do not threaten or be humble." Herig was agitated, and his breath was becoming difficult to swallow. The two armed men collapsed on the floor unexpectedly. Herig was perplexed and had no idea what was going on. "Stupid ants dare to stand in the way," Yu'er mocked. Herig was taken aback when he learned Yu'er had begun to demonstrate her prowess.

"You did something."

"Of course, I won't just stand there doing nothing," she said.

Herig rushed to take cover while still being pursued. He was fortunate to find an unoccupied room; the room was dark, implying that whoever had been in there before had simply left, not waiting long for things.

Knowing that whoever stay in the room was in a hurry and forgot to shut the door. Taking advantage of the situation, he quickly ripped the little space between the doors and blended in with the shadows in the room.