
Bursting with popularity

Having given the count, the referee waved his hands as he signalled the match was over.

The knockout occurring was a mistake on the part of the referee.

Zayd's speed was too much for the referee to keep up with, and his power had preceded his expectations.

They were in the lightweight division, so the referee should have expected some fighters to have knockout power that was not easily visible.

Anyway, as Zayd had won the match by knockout, his previous effort may get viewed as unnecessary. However, had Zayd been unable to knock out his opponent, utter domination would have scored him the win in the judges' eyes.

What some people viewed as luck, others viewed as skill.

A divide was transparent in the comments of Zayd's highlight reel from his fight from start to finish.

After the video got uploaded, a snowball effect occurred. The momentum gained as the video spread to all fans of Boxing in the area.

Social Media was a superb tool, but you had to know how to use it. That was true in some cases but not in matters related to Zayd. Sometimes, something completely random, like a slice of bread falling, could generate millions of views.

With Zayd demonstrating skill that far outclassed his opponent mixed with his young age, some people already believed he was a prodigy.

The number of people who believed such a thing was small, however. Even the calling him a prodigy began to dissipate. That was because some people delved deeper into information seeking as they found out that Zayd's opponent for the match had lost four fights in a row.

Some jealous people attempted to derail Zayd's train of sudden fame within the comments of the post.

It was strange how two videos of Zayd fighting both went viral very rapidly. It was partly luck but partly the entertainment value of his fights.

Some Boxers were incredibly successful. However, their fights were dull and induced sighs within the viewers. Such as a fighter who had fifty wins and no losses.

What people wanted was more of Zayd. It was not enough to have just a single fight to understand what he was capable of achieving.

Eventually, the entire fight was released- people did not mind paying a small sum to view the masterclass- of how to get beaten up.

Hattori Gensai was Zayd's stepping stone.

Naturally, now that a clear showcase of Zayd's skill was available, those who attempted to derail the train of fame felt a little embarrassed. In Hattori Gensai's last fights, they had all been close calls. In this case, it was clear from the first few seconds Zayd was the superior fighter.

Slowly, the other fights occurred, with Zayd shining from the first day of the preliminaries. He was bound to have lots of eyes observing him.

Going home, Aunt Naomi had prepared a meal for Zayd to congratulate him on the win.

Spending some quality time with her, Zayd felt a buzz of happiness as his mood skyrocketed into the heights of joy.

An everlasting smile was on his face no matter what.


The next day after Zayd arrived at School, the first thing he noticed was the notice board. It had an announcement with his face beside it. It was to the side- however, the colours on it were attracting attention.

'Congratulations to our First-Year Student, Zayd Anwar! He won his debut Amateur Boxing match with a knockout! Representing our School as a member of our Boxing Club, support him throughout his Competition!' Zayd read the notice.

'Why am I getting such a response from a single Boxing Match? I've not won the Competition, so why? I only got into the Quarter-finals...' Zayd thought to himself as he hastily walked the corridors. Confusion grew on his face as people greeted him with smiles.

'Is this an alternate reality? Or am I dreaming?'

To test his theories, Zayd found a bully and punched them in the face. Feeling the impact of the punch, Zayd confirmed he was in reality.

What Zayd did not know- was that a deal got created between the Principal and Mr Kaiju.

The deal was simple, the Principal would use his connections to promote Zayd, and Mr Kaiju would ensure Zayd brought fame to the School.

However, this did not explain the reason why all the Students were acting so strangely.

The reason was that Zayd was a badass! (Haha, moment.)

As a result, people respected him. Usually, the respect would not be to a large extent- instead, since Zayd had dominated with skill, he had gained more respect. It was clear that Zayd had talent from the videos and the rumours.

Who knew what would happen in the future? Zayd had potential right now, and that was important.

Finally entering the classroom, whispers had become voices that were okay with speaking louder.

Conversations occurred, and Zayd interacted with his classmates until Homeroom began.

It was a new feeling for Zayd, surrounded by people who wanted to be his friend.

Kai was feeling rather rotten at the moment.

Having not reconciled with Zayd, their weird 'not-friendship' was strange and was on the brink of being on the point of no return.

Kai did not want to bother with anything at the current point in time. Leaving the classroom, he went to the toilet until he heard the bell ring and then went back for Homeroom.


A sudden surge in the Boxing Club caused Mr Kaiju to need to create a timetable.

Too many students wanted to enter at the same time.

Zayd became the designated 'What year are you?' asker.

With Zayd being the talent of the Club, he went every day.

A three-week rotation timetable got created where one year got favoured over the other two in terms of total days.

For example, First Years had priority in the first week.

Next, the Second Years were in the next week.

Finally, the Third years were in the third week.

For each year, they had Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as their designated days.

However, they soon encountered another problem.

If you enjoyed the chapter, please remember to vote!

Thanks to everyone who already voted and special thanks to AltusTheGoat for leaving a review also!

I'm not sure if my writing quality will drop in the future. I only know that if this is as good as things are going to get, I may ruin this experience for those of you who are enjoying it greatly. If that does ever occur, I am sorry.

_boicreators' thoughts