
Chapter 3

"Sir... Your... Your shoes are smelly" She stammered, nervously.

Hayes glared devilishly hard at her this time and Tessa stylishly coughed out.

"Do you wanna loose your job?" He fired and she blinked.

She bent down again and stick her tongue out aiming to lick his shoe, but then he moved away from her making her tongue land on the cold tiles.

"Are you that naive? You're actually gonna lick my shoes?"

Tessa quickly stood up back, cleaning her tongue.

"I... I wasn't gonna do that" She muttered and he scoffed.

"Go back to your work!" He snapped at her and started walking away.

She clenched her fist tight as she imagined the image of her punching Hayes on the face for how he just embarrassed her.

"Such an arrogant jerk" She hissed, before walking into the boys room.

Just like Hayes came in few minutes ago, they were still asleep so she left the room.



The sweet scene of the hot chocolate tea Tessa was serving filled the dining room when Nathan came downstairs dressed for school.

"What are you making?" He furrowed his brows when he got to her. He stood on his toes, glancing at the cups on the table.

"Tea, at least no pepper in this one" She smiled and he nodded, looking at her. His cute lashes giving him a cute girlish look.

Tessa moved closer to him and tried to touch his cheeks but he moved backwards, now looking at her hands.

"I don't like touché, and like I said, I don't like chubby girls too" He said, and sat down on his reserved table before starting to sip from his tea.

Tessa folded her hands tight in embarrassment. "Can these kids get any worse?!"

"Um.. where's your brother Liam?"

"He hasn't even had his bath yet! He's sluggish and it's running late for school" Nathan grunted.

"I'll go call him" She replied, going upstairs to Liam's room.

She opened the door just to see Liam still on the bed, he was snoring loudly like there wasn't any school today.

Tessa chuckled when she remembered how she used to sleep back at her place too.

"He sleeps just like me" She mumbled, walking to the bathroom.

She prepared a warm water bath in the jacuzzi tub before going back to the bedroom.

"Liam" She called and he groaned.

"Stop disturbing myself miss tin can, go away" He groaned like he could see her.

"It's late for school, 8am!" She exclaimed and Liam flew from the bed instantly, he was naked.

His tiny dick popping out and Tessa gasped when she saw it. She immediately turned her eyes away with giggles. He gasped too, holding his small size.

"Did you see anything?" He blinked and she shook her head negatively.


"Good, because it's for my girlfriend" He rolled his eyes before grabbing his white towel. He tied it around his waist.

"Wait, you have a girlfriend? At this small age of yours?" She asked, unbelievably and he rolled his eyes again.

"So? I mean, I'm thirteen" He scoffed, walking into bathroom.

He stopped on his tracks and turned to look at Tessa. "You prepared a bath for me?" He asked and Tessa nodded.

"I'm gonna get your uniform in no time while you have your bath" She said, smiling as she rushed to his closet to pick his outfit.

Even the closet is made of gold, the clothes in it are fully of fancy wears. "Gawd, is this man is fucking rich?" She thought, inwardly.

Soon, Liam came out drying his hair only to meet her still inhaling his clothes like she'd eat them raw.

"Are you honestly gonna eat my clothes?" He asked dryly and Tessa flinched, turning to look at him.

"Uh, I just uh, I just uh, yunno..."

"I didn't know you were a stammerer" He glared at her, grabbing his uniform from her.

"Liam!!!! It's running late!!!" Nathan's voice came from downstairs.

"In a minute!" Liam shouted back.

"If you don't mind, I need some privacy miss chubby" He said and Tessa forced a smile.

"Okay" She nodded, walking out of his room.

A minute later, the driver came in and that was when Liam and Nathan had just finished eating breakfast.

Tessa stood there expecting a kiss or at least a goodbye as they walked but they won't.

Liam walked out fully and Nathan was about going out, but suddenly turned to look at Tessa.

"Bye miss tin can" He winked and Tessa's cheeks reddened. "What! Did she just blushed because of a kid?"

"Bye" she waved and Nathan finally left.

Hayes came downstairs, wearing a black plain shirt and a black suit on his left arm. He consistently kept checking his phone like he was expecting something and Tessa couldn't stop glaring at him.

"Good morning sir" She greeted and that's when he noticed her.

"Morning" He answered and Tessa was taken aback with surprise.

"Are they off to school already?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes sir. If you may like, do you want me to prepare anything for you?" She asked and he checked his phone for the umpteenth time again.

"I'm expecting someone important to me today so watched that door closely. Don't act stupid" He replied, and started walking out.

"Sir, I asked if you would like to wait and eat?" She asked again.

"No, I don't! Just let me fucking be will you?" He grunted, hissing at her before finally leaving the house.

"Just fucking let me be" She mimicked dumbly. "Like I even tied you with something before" She laughed out.



"Oh yeah, please don't stop!" Ariel kept moaning as Xavier pounded her. Her legs were wide opened like they could tear any minute but she doesn't mind. All what's running through her was the way his monster in between is fucking her.

"Fúck!" She moaned, holding onto him tight. She was slowly reaching her climax, Xavier slowed down a little before fueling again.

He started moving fast, swirling inside of her making her go insane.

"Ah!! Oh yes! Baby!!!" She shouted, cumming heavily on his dick but he kept knacking the hell out of her. He was banging her like there was no tomorrow. His eyes focusing on the pu*sy he was pounding into.

His phone suddenly beeped and that caught his attention when he grab it.

"Hayes's engagement party?" He raised his brows, staring at the phone..it was all over the internet.

He was getting engaged to Emery Brown, the famous Tiktoker.

"Hayes is gonna be getting married?" He asked again, pulling out of Ariel's pu*sy.

"Babe, let's continue" She frowned but Xavier only stood up.

He started wearing his shirt and trouser and Ariel watched him angrily.

"Are you still gonna go back and plead to your selfish brother? I told you, you should have killed him a long time and take the company! He doesn't value you as his brother!" She shouted abd Xavier grabbed her neck, chocking her.

"Let... Let me go Xavier" She coughed.

"My family matters aren't any of your business! I'm not a killer and I can never be one!" He shouted, letting go of her and Ariel laughed weakly.

"Let's watch and see then" She smirked and he scoffed, grabbing his phone from the bed before rushing out.

Ariel rolled her eyes, picking up her as she dialled a line. She was still horny as fuck and Xavier wasn't seem to helping either.

"Come here as fast as possible. I need you to fuck me hard" She said shamelessly and hung up.

Her mind went back to Xavier and a smirk crept up on her lips sexily.

"Hayes is gonna be your end Xavier" She smirked.



The plane landed back to Canada safely, the stairs revealing and people started coming down. In the their midst, a tall slender lady dressed in all black with jacket placed on her body, she held her luggages stylishly. Her sunglasses giving her a gorgeous look.

The sounds of her heals were catching the people walking attention. Cameras kept on clicking on her. An arrogant smirk spread on her lips as she walked proudly.

👥 It's Emery!😯

👥Oh my goodness! She's back from London!

👥Heard she's getting engaged to Hayes Flynn, one of the richest trillionaire here in Canada!

👥Her curves for me!!?

👥Gosh, those jewelries!!!

👥 Emery we love you!!

A wide smile spread on her lips as she kept walking with proudness. She heard some jealous gossipers as she walked through but she chose to ignore them. There are some lots of better things to do anywhere.

A call came in and she picked up when she saw it's Linda. Hayes's assistance.

"Hi ma'am" Linda spoke.

"Come pick me up, I'm at gateway airport ways. I give you five minutes to get here. Quick!" Emery snapped at her almost immediately.

"Okay ma'am" Linda said, hanging up.

Not too long, a Lexus Rx came into the airport ways. Emery was standing under the hot sun, fanning herself from the heat with an angry look worn on her face.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we got into traffic jam" Linda quickly apologized when she got down from the car and Emery glared at her. She hissed angrily, walking straight into the car.

"Woo! She's angry" Linda exhaled, rushing into the car before driving away.



"I said you should let me in! Don't you fucking get that?!" Xavier shouted at security guards for the umpteenth time.

Since he rushed out of his place,he has been banging the gates to be let in but Hayes placed him on restrictions.

"I'm sorry Mr Xavier, but we can't allow you in until we inform our Boss" One of the security said.

"Then go fucking tell him that his brother is here!!" He shouted, madly.

Meanwhile, in Hayes's office.

"Sir! Sir!" A security guard rushed in, panting heavily and Hayes raised his head from his laptop, staring at him.

"Why are you panting? What's it?" Hayes asked, feeling unbothered.

"Sir, Mr Xavier is at the gate. He's really going insane about wanting to see you" The guard answered and Hayes sighed out.

"Let him in" He replied.

"Okay sir" The guard left.

Xavier rushed into the one of the elevator, going to the third floor. The company was so damn big with different elevators so it was easy.

He got to Hayes's office, barging into his office angrily.

"I know you're a moron but at least learn some manners before barging into someone's privacy" Hayes stood up.

"You actually let those guards waste my time downstairs?!" Xavier shouted and be scoffed.

"So? What do you want?" Hayes asked.

"Really? Your brother? Why are you doing this fúck sake Hayes! You're being selfish!" He shouted, hurtfully.

"No, I'm not. I just want what's best for us" Hayes snapped.

"Us? There's no us Hayes!" Xavier snapped back.

"What do you want?" He shrugged.

"You're getting engaged right?"Xavier asked and Hates nodded.

"So? Emery Brown, you know her right? My current girlfriend" He replied.

"Have you forgotten about Hailey so easily? What about your kids? How are you gonna tell them you're getting engaged?" Xavier asked.

"And that's why I wanna settle down with someone because of them" He responded and Xavier gulped hard.

He slowly nodded before taking slow strides to the door. He held the doorknob gently, still grieving about everything.

"You're invited to the engagement party" Hayes's voice came again, more boldly this time and His turned to look at him.

He nodded once again and finally left the office.



"Nanny Tin Can, where's our dad? Is he not gonna be coming back?" Liam asked as Tessa served the plate filled with noodles.

"I don't either but hey, cheer up!" Tessa smiled and Liam only glared at her.

"You know sometimes I wonder why you both are like your dad, one minute you're calm and the other minute you're cold" She rolled her eyes.

At once, the door bursted open and Emery walked in, throwing her handbag on the couch.

"Home sweet home!" She exclaimed, swirling around the room.

Tessa and the boys ran to the living room with wide eyes at the same time.

"Daddy's girlfriend!" The boys both chorused.

"Where's your dad Liam and Nathan?" She smiled at them and Nathan scoffed silently

"Dad isn't back home yet so if you don't mind pls leave" Nathan replied. From the way he spoke, one could tell he doesn't like her.

"Erm... Ma'am, please who are you?" Tessa asked, bringing the boys to her side protectively.

"And who are you to ask me that?! Don't you know me! You piece of shit" Emery fired angrily at her.

"I'm just getting back and you guys are already getting me pissed off! Where the fúck is Hayes?!" She added.

"No language in front of the boys" Tessa interrupted again and this time, Emery went closer to her, staring at her intently.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm their nanny and you can't just barge into the house that way, it's not like it's your house" Tessa rolled eyes at her. Emery boiled with rage and slapped hard her on her face.

"Nanny tin can!" Liam gasped.

Tessa's jaw clenched and her hands folded as her cheeks turned red from the slap. Within a blink of an eye, she turned swiftly and landed two consecutive slaps on Emery's cheeks and the boys gasped for the third time again, looking astonished.

"Enough of your bullshit ma'am! I've heard enough" Tessa said and slapped her again on the same cheeks.

Emery staggered backwards continuously, her eyes rolled on its own and she felt herself landing on the floor, passing out.

"Ma'am!" Tessa gasped.

Liam's eyes widened by who he saw standing at the doorstep, Nathan's and Tessa's gaze followed him and Tessa's eyes twitched to the person.

"H-Hayes Flynn" She muttered, her voice shakily with open mouth. There, Hayes Flynn was standing, glaring hard at her with so much hate and she felt like the ground should just open and swallow her right now.