
Naruto you said yes

Ibrahim_Lawal · Otras
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Luke for the first time in his life could say he was deathly afraid of the man in front of him. It was strange, he had faced many monsters, an automaton at one point and even faced Leucrotae and lived. But this man could evoke such fear in his with his presence alone.

That was a scary thought.

"What were you two doing this late at night?"

What were they? They had just got away from the mansion where Halcyon Green once resided. He thought back to the little prophecy he mentioned, it scared him somewhat. They managed to escape with the Aegis bracelet that Thalia was wearing but as soon as a monster saw she was injured, it thought it might have a chance.

It chased them for a while, they were tired and hungry. They were on their last leg a few hours ago. While the Aegis was invaluable, once defense will eventually be whittle down. He honestly wanted to thank the man who was currently hugging his daughter who was still making sniffing noises into his clothes. The other girl seemed to be poking Thalia's bracelet in fascination.

"We-uhh..Ah-" Luke tried to explain, but his nerves were still shot.

"We were running from those monsters." A voice beside him spoke.

'Does she have nerves of steel or what?' Luke thought.

Thalia stared at the man in front of her. She really didn't know what to think. From what she could see, he cared about his daughters, and somehow trained himself to be able to fight monsters to a frightening degree.

She would admit she would love that kind of power.

She was kind of irked that the man had such power but didn't say anything, who knew what he had to do to get it after all. He was scary yes, but it wasn't as if there wasn't other scary things in the world. And if she ever encountered any of them, she'd bash them with her awesome new shield and proceed to rip it apart.

When he spoke, it sent shivers down her spine though. It wasn't at all like the voice he used to comfort his daughter. She couldn't blame her though, she doubted she could handle almost getting killed by a monster at her age.

"What about your parents?" The man asked.

She immediately stiffened up at the mention of her parents. They were not happy memories. She also felt Luke stiffen, she knew he had problems with his family too but he hadn't told her yet. It kind of pissed her off too but it was understandable.

"I see." The man said.

She saw his eyes soften as she felt the oppressive aura he seemed to bring out dissipate. She let out a sigh of relief she hadn't known she felt. Her hands were trembling lightly.

She realized she lost control of her body briefly.

What a scary person.

"I should introduce myself. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. These are my daughters. Come on girls, say hi to them." He said, causing the two girls to react.

"Hi! My name is Tsuki Uzumaki. Nice to meet ya!" The girl with a pony tail said, she was an energetic one Luke and Thalia concluded.

"My name is Annabeth Uzumaki." The girl said, her crying forgotten, she stood confidently. Luke and Thalia thought she had guts.

"So, I assume you guys no about this whole Demi-god stuff." Naruto asked.

"We know some things but not a lot." Luke said.

"Like how much?" Naruto asked.

"Like how gods exist and that they come down from Olympus to have children and eventually abandon them." Luke scoffed, earning a eyebrow raise from Thalia.

"Well that's one way to describe it." Naruto chuckled nervously. That answer reminded him too much of a duck haired black haired man that Naruto was so familiar with.

"So how do you know?" Thalia asked bluntly.

"Well as you may have guessed, these two are my daughters." He motioned to his daughters, Tsuki looked clueless while Annabeth was trying to piece things together. "The reason I know is because like your parents, I had a relationship with some goddesses." Naruto said, trying to be as vague as possible.

Thalia caught it.

"Wait, goddesses. As in more than one!?" She asked almost accusingly.

Naruto let out a sigh, of course she would see it, girls have super hearing in these kinds of things. "That's right. Tsuki and Annabeth have different mothers, both of them goddesses." Naruto said.

"What!?" Was the all around response of everyone.

Luke being a male, a teenager at that point, with his body full of hormones could not help but gaze at the man in awe. After all, banging a model is awesome, and goddesses were worth like a hundred of them. The fact that he had a relationship with two goddesses and still live was amazing.

However Thalia was thinking of the activities involved. Currently thinking of some sort of goddess threesome.

"Your thinking something perverted aren't you?" Naruto asked Thalia, who shook her head vigorously.

She was not a pervert!

She was just curious!

"Dad, who's our mom….s?" Annabeth asked, tugging her father's collar. Naruto could swear that she was trying to pull him right in front of her face and give him the 'glare'.

Annabeth sometimes scared him.

Why? Because he wouldn't hurt her for anything in the world, that means he could not 'beat' her like everyone else.

"The thing about that is, I can't really tell you. It's against their laws or something." Naruto said.

He wasn't really sure about it but he figured its what it usually is. Unless the gods come and directly tell them, it must be some 'don't interfere with mortals' thing. He just knew it was something like that, it seemed like the typical shonen manga plot.

I am a higher being than you and you cannot know the rules until it is most convenient for me. Fearme!-

Is what the plot was.

"That's stupid!" Yelled Tsuki, throwing her arms up into the air.

"I don't get it either. Apparently your god parents have to 'claim' you at some camp before you get to know. I think that's just stupid, from the sounds of it, it sounds like there's a chance of them not being claimed." Naruto said casually. He immediately grimaced.

He saw the dejected looks on the girls while Luke gritted his teeth slightly.

Thalia shook of her thoughts, it wasn't the time to get depressed. "You mentioned a camp. What did you mean?" Thalia asked.

"Apparently there's a camp that houses half bloods, or demigods you can call them. The camp is called Half-blood camp or something. Kind of insulting if you ask me. But apparently it's the only safe place from the monsters." Naruto said.

"Do you know how to get there?" Luke asked.

"Not really, but the problem should be solved pretty easily if we meet a god." Naruto asked.

"Isn't that almost impossible." Luke pointed out, it was true, he hadn't met a god yet even after years of wandering around.

"You just didn't know how. Don't you ever get the feeling that whenever you want to find something, its almost impossible to find it but when you aren't you find it immediately." He received nods."It's kind of like that. Trust me, I've been in stuff like this, just go on with your life and we'll eventually run into one." Naruto said.

"Wait, we?" Thalia said.

"What? The reason I never told my daughters about this was because the less they knew the better, seriously its literal." He said quickly after seeing his daughters heads snap to him. "There's this mist thing that prevents you guys from seeing things you shouldn't see." He saw Luke's head jolt up a bit. "The more knowledge you have about those things you shouldn't know about, the more clearer you will see them, but it's the same for them. They will see you too." Naruto said.

The two pre-teens had enough sense to look sheepishly. "Oh, well…" Luke trailed off.

"Sorry." Thalia ended.

"Don't worry about it. I was hoping to train them a bit before actually going, but I guess I'll have to put it on hold." Naruto said.

"Wait a minute, you were going to train us to do that stuff you did earlier?" Tsuki's eyes shined with hope.

"Are you going to teach us that ball thing you used? What was it Oo-something Rasomething right?" Annabeth said, that move looked very powerful and very helpful.

"Unfortunately, you two will never be as strong as your awesome dad." Naruto grinned causing his daughters to pout while Thalia and Luke looked at the two girls with mirth."Sorry girls, but when you two were born, your mother's blood overpowered mine, being godly and all. But since I am stronger than most regular mortals, you guys will probably be able to do things regular demigods can't or at least do immediately." Naruto said.

"So that's why Tsuki is crazy with sports, is that why she' so hyper too?" Annabeth asked, in her head suddenly connecting the supposive thoughts.

"Actually no." Naruto said, making Annabeth's sudden realization crash down. "She actually got that from me, which I got from my own mother. You Annabeth took more after your grandfather and mother." Naruto said with a grin.

"Wait, our grandparents?" Annabeth said dramatically.

"How come you never told us about our grandparents?" Tsuki questioned.

"One, you never asked." Causing all of them to face fault. "And two, I never met them, they died shortly after I was born." Naruto said solemnly.

"Oh." Both girls said quietly.

"Don't worry about it.. Look at me now, I'm loaded and I got two beautiful daughters that I couldn't be any more proud of." Naruto said, hugging them and they enjoyed a family hug.

Off a bit to their side, Thalia and Luke glanced at each other. "This is kind of…"

"Awkward. I know. Not to mention embarrassing." Thalia said.

"So, what are you two going to do now?" Naruto asked the preteens, causing them to jump a bit.

They shrugged.

Naruto spoke. "If your going to camp, I'm assuming you're going to stay there?" Naruto asked, which he nodded to. "Then at least say good bye to your parent. Trust me on this, a mother can worry about their child for an eternity and still keep worrying."

"Well we need supplies, so I guess…I should go home." Luke said a bit nervously.

"Good, then everyone get to sleep and I'll drive everyone there." Naruto said, to which everyone nodded.

Luke took a bed for himself while Thalia slept with both Tsuki and Annabeth. Naruto took the last one. Naruto wondered what was going to happen. These kinds of things don't happen unless something is about to happen. During his time as a shinobi, he had met random people during missions and in almost every one of them those people tended to be related to the mission.

Naruto cursed himself in his mind. He really wished Kurama was hear. Sure he could be snarky, a douche most of the time, but he could really use his 'constructive' criticism.

Though if they did ever meet, he was sure he would mentioned he banged a god.

The look on the bijuu's face would be priceless.

He drifted off to sleep, hoping nothing bad happened.

Thalia Grace was an abrasive girl. Well maybe abrasive wasn't the word but it sounded right. She really didn't care much about what other people thought of her. If it did turn bad though, she'd prove it false, maybe with a punch or two.

She was a badass chick, she had always known that.

At least that's what she thought of herself.

Even more badass because she had magical lightning powers.

Sure, she didn't have much control over it but it was still awesome.

Though it did bring up the question of who her father was. Now that she knew exactly how she came to be, it was pretty obvious who her father was. It was kind of awesome to be the daughter of the king of gods but still, it brought up a lot of questions. Like, you would expect the king of gods to at least send some help now that she's been 'on the run' for like 3 years. Or maybe send some sort of person to guide her or something like that.

But of course, if she knew herself and through an extension her father, he wasn't really the type.

She had woken up vaguely recognizing the ceiling of the hotel that she was spending the night in. She let out a sigh relaxing a bit and thanking god, figuratively for letting her sleep on a comfy bed. She moved a bit, trying to go to sleep again but she noticed the lack of obstacles in the form of the kids yesterday.

She stood up and looked around to see where they were. She was surprised at what she saw.

Somehow during the night, the two girls got up without her noticing and made their way to their fathers bed, where they were now. The one she recognized as Annabeth was curled up on her fathers left side of his shoulder, burying herself deeper into her father and warming herself with her fathers warmth. The other one, Tsuki was sprawled on top of her father, leaning to the right where she was snuggling deeper into the neck of her father.

She had to admit, it was incredibly adorable.

That and she was a tad bit jealous.

Why? Because she was sure that parents like the blond, Naruto was his name were rare, she assumed. Her mother was a mess for a while after her father left, but that kind of fixed itself after her stepfather came. While she didn't like the guy, she didn't hate him. It was awkward between them. Then her little brother was killed and she couldn't stand her mom going downhill. She didn't want to go down too.

After this and that, she had arrived at her apparent savior, who at the moment was staring at her, with a hint of amusement.

How did she not notice.

"Good morning." He said casually.

"Yeah…Good Morning." That was really awkward.

"Your way too easy to read, you know that." Naruto told her.

"Shut it Whisker face." She grumbled, so she wasn't a morning person, big deal.

"Oh? An insult? Does that mean you like me? They say girls are mean to people they like." He replied.

Thalia snorted. "Don't get ahead of yourself whiskers. I insult people all the time. You ain't special. Still you did save us yesterday so thanks but what's up with the stupid question?" She asked.

"Your welcome. I got two daughters for your information. I gotta learn what a teenager thinks now if I'm ever going to keep up. Women will forever remain a mystery that man will never solve." He sighed.

Thalia let out a small laugh, "And you never will. "

This guy really confused her. Thalia thought he was really weird. So far, he only acted all fatherly when it concerned his daughters, he spoiled them, she could tell that. But when he battled, it sent shivers down her spine. He was ruthless. He said he was human but no regular person should be able to move that fast or be that strong, or be able to use energy balls.

If this was a game, he'd be a walking cheat sheet!

Though she really wanted to ask how he got that much power…

"Then ask." She heard Naruto say.

"Don't do that!" She yelled, it really ticked her off how well he could follow her thoughts.

"Then don't be predictable. Just go ahead and ask, you aren't the type to." He said.

He had a point, she wasn't normally that reserved but she wanted to tread carefully, he was powerful after all.

"How did you get so powerful." She asked bluntly.

"I trained." He said simply.

"That's it?"


"What, no teachers?"

"Kinda, mostly self taught."

"What was the energy ball thing?"

"Pure awesomeness."

"…You know, I think we can get along."


They both grinned. It seemed that she reminded Naruto a lot of how he was when he was younger, except she was much more confident in herself and could back it up.

"So, you have electrokineses." Naruto said.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Electricity powers." He said simply.

"How'd you-" She said but was interrupted by him pointing at the electric alarm clock, and the TV…and Annabeth's computer. "Oops." She said.

"she's going to nag me about getting her a new one." Naruto groaned.

His daughters somehow picked up his ability to annoy everyone around him whenever they wanted. He vaguely wondered if he was the same.

Thalia looked embarrassed. She hated whenever she couldn't control her powers.

"Don't worry about it. She's been wanting a new one anyway." Naruto said. That was a lie but she didn't need to know that.

"Sorry." She responded. What else could she say and do?

"Don't worry about it. It was an accident. Truthfully I expected her to break it a while ago. Looks like she took after her mother, I would have broken it at her age." He said.

Thalia just smiled, thinking the same thing.

Naruto felt Tsuki and Annabeth start to wake up. Somehow, kids seem to get up so early. Stretching themselves, they yawned and stretched their joints, while they did that, there father did the same thing. Almost in the exact same manner.

How close can a family be?' Thalia thought.

Seriously, his daughters copied his sleeping habits.

Ah! They rubbed the back of their head the same way too.

Kind of freaky.

"Mornin' Dad." They mumbled.

"Morning sweetie, honey." Naruto said, grabbing them and giving each a kiss on the forehead before standing up. "Now take a bath and we'll go get breakfast." He told them. They nodded and went about their morning routine.

"Wake up Luke." Thalia attempted to rouse Luke from sleep.

"Hehehe…that's dirty…threesome." Luke muttered in his sleep.

"Huh? It looks like he's having one hell of a dream." Naruto said grinning, Thalia was angry. Seriously, that was not the correct thing to say.

BZZZT! "Gah!" Luke cried out.

"Get up ya perv." She said angrily before leaving the room.

"What?" He said, that was not a pleasant wake up.

"You were still thinking about threesomes from yesterday." Naruto pointed out.

"Oh yeah, that was an awesome…Oh crap. She heard me didn't she." Luke whispered to him.

"Yup. Seriously, control yourself though. You're with three girls now, and if you think one was hard, try dealing with them combined." Naruto said.

"Not a good thought." Luke grunted.

"So where does your mother live?" Naruto asked.

Remembering last nights conversation, he scowled but answered. "Westport, Conneticut. It'll take us a few days of hitchhiking though." He responded.

"Hitchhiking? I can drive you know, at most maybe 2 days or 3." Naruto responded.

"Oh, right. You know I forgot that we're actually getting adult help. Hardly anyone cares about us kids." Luke said.

Naruto stayed quiet. He knew how he felt. He was alone for mostly his whole life after all. The only people that he seemed he could count on without fail was the Sandaime and Iruka. But he didn't need them after he became a ninja and they became someone to voice his concerns, which were rare. After so long, he started to think that adult figures could go to hell. His lack of respect for authority figures sprouted from that feeling.

He could tell Luke felt vaguely the same way.

He sighed, seriously, he feared that almost all demi-gods would have some baggage with them but still its shocking to see the amount.

He heard laughing from the bathroom. He heard Thalia's voice, he assumed she went in there too. 'That was nice of her' he thought.

When everyone finished their daily routines, they went out to eat. Naruto argued with Annabeth and Tsuki that they needed to eat from the kids menu but they insisted that they want something from the'grown up' menu. They wanted to show off to their new friends. Luke and Thalia just looked amused.

A couple of hours later, and some awesome radio music later, Annabeth chose to talk.

"Hey dad, what were grandma and grandpa like?" She asked.

Tsuki nodded to the question. Naruto looked at his rear view mirror and noticed that Thalia and Luke became quiet. They must be thinking that maybe his parents were gods.

"I never met them directly but I heard about them, do you want to hear anyways?" Naruto asked.

Both girls nodded.

"Okay. Your grandfather's name was Minato Namikaze. Your grandfather was an orphan like me. He was where I got my color of hair and eyes. He was a man destined for great things. He was a once in a lifetime prodigy. But he carried a lot of responsibility. People placed their hopes and dreams on him. You could say he was a war hero.

"Your grandma's name was Kushina Uzumaki, she had red hair and hazel eyes." He lied about the eyes, purple was not a normal eye color. " She came from a rather wealthy family but due to a natural disaster, she had to relocate to where your grandpa lived. She was a tomboy and had one hell of a temper. When she came into class, she shouted out her name and her dream and everyone laughed at her. Because of how chubby her face looked they called her a tomato." Naruto said.

Tsuki spoke up eagerly. "And and grandpa helped her right?" She said.

"Nope. She got mad and the tomato squashed them." Naruto let out a laugh.

Tsuki's eyes were shining. Her grandma was awesome! Annabeth was thinking how her grandpa was, a once in a lifetime genious, that's amazing.

However Thalia and Luke couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. His family was weird. Not to mention their rather exotic looks. Seriously blond hair, red hair, blue eyes, hazel eyes, grey eyes, and amber eyes, that must be one hell of a gene pool.

"She even got a nickname. The red hot blooded Habanero because of her hair." The rest gave a chuckle.

"So how did grandpa get grandma or was it grandma get grandpa?" Annabeth asked.

"Well it was a few years after she moved. She was teased because of her hair. She hated it. Around the time she was 13-14 she was kidnapped." Naruto said.

"What!" Was the overall reaction.

"She came from a wealthy family. They wanted her for it, and if it wasn't possible to be willing to help, they would produce their own heir, by any means." He said darkly, causing the older kids to gulp and the others in confusion.

"They left on foot for god knows what reason. But your grandma left behind a trail of hair. It was a small chance but it was a chance she took. Just as they were reaching the point of no return, it happened." Naruto grinned.

"What happened?" They said in synch.

"My dad. Like a hero he came at the last minute and saved mom. He was the only one that noticed her hair. He told her that he noticed because it was pretty. Her hair that she hated became what led her to her soulmate. It became the red thread of destiny to her. From then on she liked her hair, because it led her to fall in love with dad."

Everyone in the back was smiling except for Tsuki who was grinning. Who knew romantic stuff like that still happened nowadays.

There was thankfully no problems on the road for a while. The only problems they had was the constant bathroom usages of the kids and the food. Naruto never really liked going to fast food places, sure it tasted great but it tasted too unhealthy to him. Sure, Ichiraku's was vaguely the same but they made everything handmade and fresh. Not to mention it was more healthier than the stuff they had in this dimension.

Luke told Naruto a bit about his mother. Apparently she went a bit crazy. Sometimes screaming at Luke for things that made no sense. Naruto was worried for both of them, if she acted like that, then there was a good chance that things won't go well.

They arrived in Conneticut after a few days of travel. Annabeth was angry that she didn't get to see the pantheon in Nashville and the new York empire state building but she got over it. She was being a brat, her father didn't tell her that but whenever he sighed, it made her sad.

She and Tsuki had one rule they always obeyed.

Don't let dad be sad or mad.

Sure, sometimes she whined and Tsuki would cause trouble but they hated seeing their dad depressed. It wasn't like he wasn't going to bring her there someday either. Sure she was mad that they skipped the buildings and her computer was busted, but that wasn't a reason to throw a tantrum.

She hated looking weak.

Luke's house wasn't impressive but it seemed perfect for the ordinary family to live in. The only thing that seemed unusual was that there was odd things hanging of the window but that was about it.

"Welcome home kid." Naruto said casually.

Luke grunted. Everyone could tell he wasn't exactly looking forward to coming home. But it had to be done, he couldn't exactly run away from it.

With long strides, he walked up to the door and knocked.

There was rustling and other sounds one could hear from the other side.

The door swung open revealing a tall blond women with slightly cloudy eyes. Her hair had a few lines of grey hair but overall she looked like an above average pretty blond who was getting along in years.

"Luke? Luke!" The women cried out, hugging the teenager.

"Yeah…hi mom." He greeted.

"Luke where have you been? Look at you, you look dirty, come inside and get cleaned up." She said as she pushed them in.

"Okay but mom, I gotta-" He said but was cut off.

"Yes I know, I know. Come on in everyone. Make yourselves at home." She said.

Naruto raised his eyebrows in confusion. How would she know? The only way she could know is if someone informed her that they were coming. There were few people that would bother, Artemis and Athena were out, they had no reason to. Zeus was too, he wouldn't know Luke's mom anyways, so the only one would be-

"Hi there son, how've you been?" He heard. Followed by a rather loud thud.

"Ah. I did the same thing." Naruto muttered out. The only one that heard him was Thalia who raised an eyebrow.

Quickly he grabbed both the newly arrived Hermes and Luke and separated them and threw them into the closest closed off room. Probably not one of his most brightest idea's, putting them so close together when Luke was obviously mad at Hermes but it wasn't like he had a right to interfere.

Slipping in a silence seal on the door so no noise would escape, he closed the door and started walking back where the girls were waiting.

Wow, his life was totally surrounded by women or girls, weird.

All of them looked at him strangely, he sighed, of course they would find it weird.

"It's a guy thing." Naruto said. A look of understanding crossed Mrs. Castellan and Thalia just snorted in understanding while the girls just nodded, accepting their dad's answer.

"Now, why don't we introduce ourselves. My name is Naruto and these are my daughters." He said, pointing at them.

"Hello, My name's is Annabeth, pleased to meet you." She said politely.

"Hello, my name is Tsuki. Do you have anything to eat?" She asked. The women just giggled and nodded.

"Hello, my name is Thalia Grace, a pleasure." She said rather stiffly. It was her friends mom, no matter what every friend wants to make an impression on their friends mom.

The women thought it was funny. "My name is May Castellan, thank you for taking care of Luke." She said.

May and thalia talked for a while, discussing about looks little adventure while Annabeth and Tsuki listened and added their own little things every now and again.

Naruto stayed vigilant. He noticed the times when May got a far off look in her eyes. They were a rare look that not many could tell. Fortunately he knew that gaze, he saw it a few times on Shion, and it was not a normal gaze, it was the gaze of a seer, an oracle.

The only time he saw it up close was when he helped Shion to produce an heir. She gained a far off look shortly after their little adventure and he told her about the child. Not much but just little things like how she would act and how much he was like him.

He kind of hoped for a son honestly but apparently it was a pseudo bloodline to always produce a female baby for the priestess.

But the thing he found weird was that a seer was located in an area like this. It made no sense, no real protection, no godly things or anything. It was just a women that Luke described as a little touched in the head.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't notice that May was right in front of him until he felt someone caress his cheeks. That caused him to come back from his thoughts but was a bit startled at the closeness of May.

"Can….I help you with something?" Naruto asked.

"You… you are a strange one." She said.

"Pardon?" He asked confused.

"I can't see you… or anything else. Everything keeps changing." She muttered.

Naruto flinched, his suspicions were right. "So you're an oracle, and by the looks of it, you can't control it." Naruto said.

She let out a sad smile.

Thalia, Tsuki and Annabeth were in the kitchen eating cookies and Kool-aid so they didn't notice them leaving.

"So, what can you see?" Naruto asked.

She opened her mouth various times but did not speak. It took her a while to find her words. "It's like you said, I'm an oracle but a defective one. I'm slowly descending into madness, I only have brief windows of lucidity from time to time." She said, looking at the floor.

"You can't control it, can you?" Naruto said, he was one aware of controlling powers that were not his to command.

She shook her head. "It's all random at times, blurs and events that will happen some time in the future, or maybe they already happened. I see many things. I see the gods, I see the titans, I see people dying. I see many things that I wish I could forget." She grimaced.

Naruto nodded, it was never a good experience to see things not meant to be seen.

"I see my son, I see him walking a path. A dark one. I don't think I will be able to stop him." She said sadly.

"You can't change it?" He asked, to know the future means you can change it.

She shook her head. "It has been predetermined. Fate has already taken course and even the prophecies foretell the events. It is inevitable."

Naruto let out a laugh, startling the women. "God, I haven't laughed like that in a long time."

"What?" She said startled, she expected him to deny it, not laugh at it.

"Let me tell you a little story….

"Once there was a beast of unspeakable power, wherever it walked, mountains were formed, lakes were made, it was a symbol of mankind's end. But a man stepped up, with the power of the heavens and managed to stop the beast. However the beast was too powerful, so he separated its spirit and its body and locked it away. At his deathbed he feared the power would escape so he separated it into 9 parts. He foretold of a person that would one day save the world, the child of prophecy. He left behind two children that carried his own power.

For many years, chaos and war ensued. The two children and their descendents battled many times, the reason for fighting long forgotten. Until as prophesized, the child of prophecy emerged.

He was a brave man, compassionate and protective of his family and friends and a demon to his enemies. He had the power to change the world, he was full of potential. Then one day, the day of his son's birth, he died."

May gasped, how could the child of prophecy fall?

"He died defending his home from one of the 9 parts of the beast. The parts could not die so he did the most selfless/selfish thing he could do. He sealed the power into his own son."

She gasped.

"The son was cursed and blessed from birth. Because of the power, he was seen as an omen, and a demon. They shunned him, ignored him. The son was never meant to be the best, he was at most above average. But because he was cursed, he saw the good around him.

The son struggled through life, pain, betrayal, loneliness. He was about to fall into darkness if it wasn't for the words of his friend, who would later turn to his enemy.

"Only when you fight to protect, is when you can become truly strong."

From then on, the son made that his way of life. He believed in those words, it gave him strength to do what many people thought he could never do. It gave him the power to oppose fate. He fought and fought and never gave up, with his body battered and with his soul about to break, yet he fought on.

When he was to fall, the bonds he made from protecting his precious people gave him strength.

Then there was a group that wanted the power of the beast for their own goals. With his own goals, he set out to challenge them, the son with no goal of greatness or riches set out on his journey, along the way making more allies and friends, saving those who needed help just because they needed help.

Then the true enemy appeared. Having gathered 7 of the nine powers, he set out to control the world. But without no child of prophecy, it was destined to fall.

But the son never gave up. Even with the power odds against him, even with the one he called a brother in all but blood fought against him, he did not give up.

He never wanted the power, all he wanted to do was protect. He became a guardian. The boy with no hope of winning declared that his father entrusted him with his dreams, his goals. He took up his mantle, the child of prophecy. Without anything but what he learned throughout his journey, he faced a beast of unspeakable power.

With the teaching of his teacher, the wisdom of a hermit, the blessing of a man whom challenged his conviction, and the bonds he formed with everyone. He succeeded. The boy who everyone thought would amount to nothing did the impossible.

He brought peace to the world, but he didn't stop there. He grew restless and one day he decided to continue on his journey to parts unknown."

Nothing is set on stone. As long as one never gives up, anything is possible." He said. Looking at the totally enraptured woman in front of him.

Huh? Maybe his life story would make an excellent book?

May just grinned at him and smiled. "You really are an unusual one."

Naruto looked confused.

"I can see you in the future, but it is always changing. Your future is your own, I can only see a certain ways away. There are ones where you are surrounded by children, another where you are fighting the gods, another where they are at your feet, and others where you set the world ablaze. You really live up to your name. You are a person able to defy fate. It is a powerful power, a curse and a blessing. There's even one with many women by your side." She said giggling a bit at the last one.

Naruto blushed, that one seemed the most likely despite the weirdness of it.

Naruto just shook of the thought and shrugged. "Tell me something I don't know. This stuff has come at me so often it's become ordinary. I guess I really do live up to the Uzumaki name. We were always a rowdy bunch, even if I'm one of the last." He grinned.

She smiled, it was a joy to meet him. He was capable of many things and she was interested in him, the things he could do would make anyone want to know him.

"Can I ask a question?" He said.

"Hmm? Oh sure."

"What about my daughters. Will they be alright?" He asked.

"She smiled, "Believe it or not, in almost every vision I had, you were dedicated to making them happy."

He just smiled while she remained smiling. It was a comfortable moment when two parents couldn't help but smile at what there child was doing or in this case, what would happen.

Just then, the doors where Luke and Hermes were slammed open and Luke ran out of the house, with a backpack full of clothes.

All the kids looked shocked at Luke. After a few seconds they realized that he was leaving and chased after him. Naruto stayed back and saw everything unfold. Hermes came out with a solemn look in his face while May looked like she could break into tears.

"What happened?" He asked.

Hermes sighed, he really didn't know what to say. How could he tell Naruto what lay in store for his son. May looked at him with understanding but it still affected her. 'She is still as beautiful as ever.' He thought.

"It's complicated." He said.

Naruto just looked between May and Hermes. He could take a guess that whatever Luke asked wasn't good.

"It didn't deal with Luke's growing hatred of the gods and how he would one day make them pay would they?" Naruto said bluntly.

He saw both Hermes and May flinch. "Seriously?" He blurted out.

"How did you know?" Hermes asked.

"A guess honestly." Naruto responded.

"A guess?" May shouted. It took her being a half-oracle to see what her son would become and he just took a guess!?

"It isn't the first time I've seen eyes like that. He's walking an avengers path and nothing will get in his way. I had a friend who was like that, he went insane. There were others that were the same." He said.

Seriously, Sasuke, Gaara, puppet dude from back in time, what's his face that kidnapped kakashi, seriously, there were a lot of messed up motherF'ers in the elemental nations.

He even fought an alternate version of himself!

"You know, last time I thought you were interesting. Now you're the strangest person I've ever met." Hermes said, his wife/lover nodding.

"Meh, it's a gift. Seriously it runs in the family." Naruto said/joked.

"You have one messed up family." Hermes said.

"Really? With all the incest in your guys family, you guys shouldn't talk." Naruto shot back. Well Incest wasn't uncommon with Clans back in the elemental nation but he didn't know that until later in life.

But then again, being a ninja broadened his outlook to accept shit.

"Well…I guess you got a point there." He agreed. Well after a few thousand years, inhibition like that tends to vanish at some point. Sure some don't act on it but it doesn't really matter.

"Anyways, what are you going to do with Luke?" Naruto said.

"I can't do anything. It is forbidden to interfere with a hero's destiny." Hermes said, indicating his son.

"Hero? You call all demi-gods a hero right?" He said.

"Well back in the day they usually ended up as hero's so it sorta stuck." Hermes said.

"You guys just keep bringing trouble, don't you?" Naruto muttered.

Hermes stayed quiet. It was true, world war 2 was proof, not to mention the other near apocalyptic things that have gone off.

"Well, whatever. Fortunately I'm still human. I'm not sure I can change his way but I'll have his back." Naruto said, shrugging. He couldn't convince Sasuke, then he might as well support Luke, if things go wrong he would end him himself, the gods be damned.

"Thank you very much." May told him. Even with the curse of Hades affecting her, she still loves her son.

Some of the nicest people have the most horrible luck.

"Thank you Naruto, for everything." Hermes said.

"All in a day's work for an orphan." Naruto said. He calmly walked out the door, leaving behind Hermes and May.

"He's going to change things you know. He's a walking disaster for everyone that he sees as a threat. Not even the gods can stand up against him when he gets angry." May said outloud.

"Naruto… is an interesting person. I don't know him well, hell if we even spend an hour together I guarantee you that I'd probably consider him my best buddy. But that's what scares me, he can be the best friend a person can have but the worst enemy one can make." Hermes said.

"How do you know that?" She asked her once upon a time lover.

"I don't know. He reminds me of a parent taking care of their young. A parent can be aggressive and protective, but this guy… he a whole new monster when it comes to protection. Honestly, if he met Hestia, I doubt we'd have any virgin goddesses left." He said.

"Wait, you mean he…" She trailed off.



"Lucky bastard."

Then they heard a loud boom, followed by rather loud curses. They sounded vaguely like Naruto screaming about his car.

"Is he still a lucky bastard?"

"He got VIRGIN goddesses."


Naruto was furious right now. Why?

Because a bloody monster had the nerve to attack him while he was driving.

Thankfully the children hadn't been with him but still, he almost died in a fiery metal death trap. Then again, it was better than drowning in a cold metal death trap.

How come there's always some kind of metal death trap?

Oh, he was pissed. His freaking CAR blew up. He wouldn't have cared but all his money and whatever clothes he brought were in there. Luckily he kept his gear in scrolls sealed on his person at all time but still… HIS CAR BLEW UP.

If the monster that rammed into his car didn't explode with the car, he would have shoved a sennin Goroshi revised edition on its ass!

Naruto looked around, wondering why the hell the streets were empty and as it looked like, he was surrounded.

"What the hell?" He yelled.

The monsters seemed to have gathered, it wasn't a normal amount either. Sure there were monsters here and there but never as many as he was seeing right now. But why now? Why at this moment.

'I'm separated from everyone else!' He thought.

These monsters waited for him to be alone and separated from his charges. They must have known that with him around, they'd stand no chance. So most likely they were either making sure he died right now or they were stalling.

Either way, these monsters are clearly more smarter than they let on.

He thought they ran on mostly primal instinct.

But then he thought again, primal instinct allowed animals to evolve and adapt. After thousands of years fighting demi-gods after demi-gods, he guessed that's where they picked it up from.

But still, its way too many for just being around. He just left it that they chased him for a while. He had been driving with 4 demi-gods and his abnormal-ness, it must have been irresistible for the monstes.

"Someone has it in for me. I don't know who or what but this is serious bullshit." Naruto murmured.

Normally he would not have cared but he had a family and daughters and charges to care for, he couldn't go gung-ho anymore. He couldn't spend his time just fighting for the fun of it. He really needed to end this fast.

Think Naruto. What can help you take out a large number of enemies in a little time with water being an abundance at the moment.

"Kukukuku. If I ever meet Haku again, I'll make sure to give him something nice." Naruto said.

A sudden rush of mist blanketed the region. If there was something Naruto had an abundance of it was Chakra.

Taking out Kusunagi that Orochimaru once wielded to make sure that the monsters were ripped to pieces, after all, he was pretty sure that monsters can't survive with their heads decapitated and their chest ripped open with severed limbs.

"Hyoton:Makyo Hosho!"

ice mirrors began forming in the air all around him. Within seconds, the panes created out of the moisture in the air formed into a dome, comprising of many ice mirrors. The jinchuriki's eyes darted around, looking from one block to the next, before locking onto his opponents still looking clueless of what was about to happen.

Naruto cracked his neck and swung the sword a couple of times, ripping through wind as he did so.

"Now, since the little kids aren't here, there's nothing holding me back. I'll make sure to end it in a second." Naruto said as his body merged with the mirror.

There was one monster that was able to talk that could summarize what had happen. Just as he almost met his own end he only managed to say one thing.

"….A demon in the mist…"

Tsuki was learning another lesson that her dad had told her once upon a time ago.

'Tsuki, at some point in time, I won't be there to defend you. So use everything you learned to protect yourself, by any means.'

Tsuki couldn't help but agree with her father.

That's why she always had one of those funny looking knives her father always had around with her.

Luke had ran a long way, they somehow managed to keep up with him. After a few swear words and a couple of punches to a wall, he seemed to calmed down.

But she could tell that he wasn't. She had an uncanny ability to tell if a person was dark. She didn't know why, but it was like she could sense emotions but not things like happiness, more like bad things, albeit she had no control of it.

She was so rapt up in figuring Luke's newfound darkness that was beginning to latch to him, she didn't notice what was going on around them. However Annabeth did.

She had learned a bit from her past encounter. She made a note of it to stay constantly alert. She was still beginning to do it so she wasn't the best at it. But when she finally realized what was going on, she said it in the most cliché way possible.

"It's too quiet." She said.

Tsuki would have laughed at that if she hadn't noticed the same thing shortly after. Thalia cursed out loud and Luke cringed, realizing that his emotional outburst might have gotten them killed.

And worse, her father wasn't there.

A bunch of monsters appeared, in all shapes and sizes. Some just crazy looking, some had animal body parts and some looked like birds.

Sweat fell from her forehead as she looked around, it wasn't looking good at all.

It wasn't until one of the birds attempted to claw Luke's tear soaked eyes that she threw the knife which struck the bird between its eyes.

"Nice shot." Thalia grunted as quietly as possible.

"Yeah, dad taught me to throw them." She said as she retrieved the knife.

"Huh. That's pretty cool actually." Thalia murmured.

"This is not the time to praise dad for being awesome." Annabeth cut in.

Each one drawing their own weapon, Annabeth wielding the dagger that Luke gave her got into their fighting stances which were nothing but sticking their weapons out, got ready for whatever would happen.

Unfortunately, all the monsters bellowed, causing Tsuki and Annabeth to fall on their behind. While they may be brave, they had just come to a realization that their death was fast approaching. As they fell, both daggers struck the floor, causing Tsuki's knife to light up briefly.

Then, they felt an oppressive aura.

It was heavy, it was nothing that they have ever felt before, but just like that, it vanished.

"Oh, there's more." They heard.

All of them turned around to see the sight of a familiar mop of blonde hair. The only thing that was different was that he was holding an extremely long sword that was stabbing a monster that attempted to attack from behind.

All of them looked at Naruto and gulped, they had never seen him with such a serious expression, except when Annabeth was attacked but this look held power that seemed like he was confident he could win.

"Tsuki, what was one of the rules I told you about, you know about dropping your weapon." He said in monotone.

Tsuki gulped. "T-To never drop your weapon when there's still enemies. Sorry dad." She said meekly.

"Well, you did help me get here, so I'll forgive you, okay sweetie." Naruto said softly, rubbing the top of her head.

She nodded.

"Looks like you guys got into a lot of trouble this time." He said, whistling at the amount of monsters.

"I get the feeling this is your fault dad." Annabeth snapped.

Naruto sweat dropped. It might be true, his daughter had incredible insight at these kinds of things.

"Your probably right dear." He said.

He really had to decide what to do next. On one hand he could take care of themselves, and on the other, he needed them to learn that there actions have consequence. He sighed, he needed them to face danger in order to grow because if being a demi-god was anything like being a ninja, they would never be completely safe.

There was only one thing to do.

He looked at Thalia, she had a lot of potential and if he was right with her electricity control, then it might be possible to utilize his lightning element jutsu with hers.

"Hey, Thalia, have you ever seen the movies Star wars?" He asked.

There were monsters everywhere. Luke wondered what the hell Naruto was doing because he was reaching for a piece of paper? He called Thalia over, and he asked her a question.

"Yeah, why?" She responded.

"How do you feel about becoming a Jedi?" He asked.

He pulled out a hilt from the paper. How did he even do that. He placed it in Thalia's hands and it instantly grew a blade of freaking LIGHTNING!

That was so badass!

"Holy- What the hell is this!?" she screamed. She was more amazed than shocked. Who wouldn't? She had a freaking light saber in her hands.

"That my dear girl is called Raijin no Ken. Otherwise known as the Sword of the Thunder God." He said, epically.

Annabeth chipped in. "Forget what I said before, dad is awesome!"

Thalia was convinced.

Naruto was the best Dad Ever.

Wait, they were technically related through the grapevine as some distant uncle.

So let me rephrase that.

Naruto was the best UNCLE ever!

"Okay, since I know you guys won't be able to handle them all, I'll get rid of most of them. You guys pick off the small ones. Tsuki, Annabeth, you two are in no condition to fight, you have only two daggers and nothing else. You stay behind everyone and if necessary run distractions. I won't forgive you if any of you die. Got it?" Naruto yelled, getting nods from them.

"Dad, after this promise you'll train us." Annabeth said, Tsuki nodded.

"I was going to wait a year or two but I guess I got no choice. I promise." He said, getting his infamous smile from him.

Just as Naruto prepared to pull out his scroll full of Hiraishin Kunai, he felt a presence. A lot of presences actually. They were all immortal or semi-immortal by the feel of it except for one.

He had already gotten a grasp of how the gods aura or power felt, so he could pinpoint any gods if they let their presence be felt.

"Wait a bit everyone, we have company.." Nauto said, gaining everyone's attention.

Just as they were about to ask what he was talking about, an arrow shot from the forest nearby felling a monster. Then more and more arrows came out, piercing and killing all the monsters and turning them into gold dust.

"Hmm…not bad." Naruto commented.

"What just happened?" Luke said out loud. Thalia was a bit angry that she didn't get to use her new lightsaber!

It was so badass!

Naruto ignored his question and faced the forest. "You know, I sort of figured we'd meet again like this. Is that weird?" Naruto said outloud.

"Not really. I thought the same."

As they heard the voice, figures started coming out of the forest. What was strange is that they were all young not young as in young adult like literally just breaking their double digit birthdays. Most of them were scowling at him and at Luke.

He felt a tug on his pants. "Hey dad who are they?" He looked down and saw Tsuki. Oh, the chances….

"Those are the Hunters, basically it's a group of young girls that pledge their loyalty to the goddess Artemis and they are bound to her. Semi-immortal, loathe boys in general. The one with the auburn hair and silvery-yellow eyes is Artemis. Don't say anything offensive or she'll turn you into an antelope." Naruto quickly summarized, earning a rather audible gulp from Luke, while Thalia looked interested and Annabeth slightly. Tsuki seemed a bit nervous for reasons she didn't know.

The 12 year old looking Artemis couldn't help but stare at the girl practically hugging her once upon a time lover's leg. "Naruto…is that…" She trailed off, changing into her adult form.

The hunters who now saw the girl and his own charges were now looking back and forth between Artemis and Tsuki, almost as if trying to connect the dots.

"Tsuki." He said, drawing her attention. "Don't be shy, say hello to mom."

The distinct word, "What!?" was heard for miles.