
naruto world / cheat = infinite chakra( dropped )

a normal young man due to a mysterious encounter transmigrated into naruto world. he had a cheat of infinite chakra . watch how he becomes a powerhouse and the events that take place due to the butterfly effect ..

gursimran_singh · Fantasía
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53 Chs

chapter 13

ren came to the location where the uzumaki compound is located . he has transformed into a random small he had seen playing in the market . after all , he attacked an uchiha and it would be extremely bad if they discovered him because uchiha had curse of extreme love and hatred. even if someone was right, they would still suffer because nobody attacks an uchiha gets away with it.

but ren was not a random child either. he had many ways to protect himself in this chaotic world even though he has arrived just a few weeks ago . simply being a disciple of mito uzumaki has its perks. ren had many life saving high rank seals crafted by mito uzumaki herself in case of emergency .

one of these was a blood seal . it was not anything gross or dangerous like its name . sealing also includes barriers so specialists create some tokens or other things so that someone may pass freely inside like their family members etc . ren had a blood token for secret training grounds of uzumaki compound in leaf village .

ren came to a small alley near the main gates of uzumaki mansion . the place was not hidden but nobody passed here as the alley was closed and the main gates were near so there was simply no need to come here .

ren closed his eyes and held his right palm in the air . magically a small cloud of smoke appeared and after disappearing left a square shaped palm sized golden token with uzumaki whirlpool clan symbol crafted on it . this was the key blood token which would allow ren to bypass any barrier seals created by uzumaki as with this token he would be recognized no different from an uzumaki clan member even though he is clearly not .

ren just guided a little bit of his blue chakra into the golden token and a magical scene happened. ren actually walked into the thick grey wall , he literally passed through it like the wall was an illusion . the wall was real but uzumaki have too many ways to create such entrances and barrier techniques .

ren appeared in a grassy plain which was a few kilometers long and there was only a small waterfall except grass on his left side . there were not trees or birds but this place was the definition of peaceful and beautiful.

ren admired the scene for a few seconds and stored the token back into the seal in his palm but he had a sad look because he was reminded of mito . still ren recovered his smile as he took out a small injection cylinder shaped from his pocket . this was exactly the baby which contained the blood of uchiha from before . ren just couldn't wait to test his theories that he can awaken sharingan naturally . ren just sat on the comfortable grass there and immediately injected the blood in his body from a thick vein on his arm.

ren was immediately surprised and had a look of understanding on his face . ren felt the strong uchiha bloodline cells absorbing his own cells at a fast pace to absorb vitality and dominate the body . but why would these puny cells succeed? instead ren flared his chakra to feed these monster cells instead.

ren had a happy smile on his face because his one theory turned out to be correct . the skin that had become dark after his cells were consumed by the uchiha cells , rapidly changed colour. ren could clearly feel that he just needs a little more amount of chakra to calm the uchiha cells so that the blood transformation process is smooth . actually the amount of chakra in these 6 seconds after injecting the uchiha cells , was even more than high chunin full capacity already.

so there won't be many who can afford to assimilate stronger and violent bloodlines like ren just by overcoming them with sheer amount of chakra . after more than five minutes of controlling the chakra amount , the uchiha cells finally calmed down and slowly ren could feel some foreign gentle power combining with his cells . ren smiled in satisfaction as the hard part was over and now he just had to circulate his chakra properly to quicken the transmission.

while ren was enjoying the feeling of ants crawling inside his body , the 3rd homage hiruzen was having a headache. right now inside his office , an elder of uchiha clan was shouting angry words complaining that somebody had attacked his son in broad daylight and inside the village to boot ..

' why are you getting angry with me ? instead find the culprit you bastard ' hokage was massaging his forehead and listening to the annoying shouts of uchiha elder with a serious face while thinking such things inwardly .

hiruzen was perplexed as the area was the civilian market place . so either some enemy ninja had somehow sneaked inside the village without them knowing or someone from the village who had some beef with the young uchiha attacked him . but both things were not right as the assailant had used seals to just incapacitate the young uchiha and left just like that . the uchiha wont get away with just this if the motive was revenge or an unexpected encounter with enemy village spy.

well hokage was thinking hard but nothing was coming to his mind which was good for ren . ren had planned to use seals for this purpose , just to simply confuse the higher ups as they cant find him due to their inability to guess the motive . after all , the small injection wound would heal completely in just seconds as the bodies were strong and they cannot possibly think that the motive was to only steal some fresh blood !

( after 3 hours )

finally the rapid division and formation of new cells ended and ren was freed from the crawling ants feeling . ren had to use little mind power to focus on maintaining the right chakra amount . so even though there was no need to focus on chakra control , still 3 hours of constant mental power depletion made him feel tired. but ren was grinning ignoring the beads of sweat gathered on his small forehead .

ren could clearly see his chakra pool that had expanded considerably now . during the process the chakra pool was completely unstable but now it was stable as rock . ren's vitality also increased more than 3 times from before which could be felt by the brimming energy in his cells .

but ren didnt try to test his new body strenght and chose to sleep . there was a reason behind this . of course ren was excited to test his new powers but ren wanted to cleanse his bloodline one again by using the full body chakra tempering method . even though ren's bloodline was purest before but now after combining with the impure uchiha bloodline, the transformed bloodline is far from being pure .

ren's bloodline was just too weak when compared to even the impure and diluted uchiha bloodline . so now more than 70 percent of his transformed bloodline can be said that its uchiha . of course the mutated bloodline is not so simple either but the concentration of uchiha bloodline easily that much . so now due to stronger bloodline ren would need huge mental power to constantly control his chakra while using chakra tempering method . and the time needed would definitely increase a few times more than before easily . so ren literally forced himself to sleep as it was his priority to recover the mental power fully .....