
Naruto was Blessed by Writter (God)

Here Naruto is blessed by the Writer of his life.(ME) Writer(ME): Ask any 2 wishes, and I will grant you those wishes. You can ask anything, like being sage of paths, or power of God, or you can ask any powers or wish Naruto: My first wish is You writer must be my family Naruto: My second wish is you must fulfill my all wishes, the wishes may be Infinite. Writer:Ha ha ha ha. your wish has been granted. watch as the Naruto has the infinite wishes and become powerful. And follow the Journey of Naruto where he becomes true God OP MC. In this what I am gonna make Naruto a godlike shinobi.

Asief_Mohammed · Cómic
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16 Chs

Chapter 6: Writer and Wish

kurama asked, how does it feel to ask wish from writer sama.

Then Naruto said wait I will call him

Then Naruto called hey big bro (writer). Then suddenly both kurama and Naruto heard his voice what is it bro, you want some wishes to be granted. Kurama was stunned that, the writer was granting the wishes just like that to Naruto.

Then Naruto asked, big bro please grant us the information about the sage of the six path and the Biju, and if he has any son.

Then the writer said your 6th wish shall be granted.

Then suddenly both Naruto and kurama was gaining the information about the sage of the six path, his name was Hagaromo otsusuki, son of the rabbit goddess, Kaguya otsusuki. And how he fought his mother and the ten tail beast. and he sealed the beast within himself and became the first jinchuriki. And he had two son, Indra and Asura. How Indra was the progeneter or founder of uchiha clan. And Asura was the founder of senju clan. And how both of had disputes and how they fought. The fight was on whole different level. And how they decide to reincarnate themselves to fight and there is still the cycle of hatered and reincarnation is going. And now how he is the reincarnation of Asura, and sasuke is the reincarnation of Indra. And how the sage of six path split the ten tail beast into nine and made the tail beast, and sealed the husk of ten tail beast called gedo mazo into moon.

After gaining the information,both Naruto and kurama was quite. Both of them were thinking themselves.

Naruto was thinking that if he is the reincarnation of Asura, then why don't he has the wood style (mokuton).

He asked kurama about it, kurama said that he doesn't know about it, but he has some guesses. Naruto asked about it. kurama said it might be because he is a uzumaki, not a Sanju.

uzumaki were the cousin clan of Senju clan. or it might be because of my presence, or my powerful chakra might be suppressing his bloodline. and kurama even said that Hashirama Senju has earth and water affinity. and Naruto has wind affinity.

Naruto was in deep thinking, and said that he will awaken his bloodline if possible. or he will master earth and water affinity and combine it to make wood style. It was a project of Naruto for future.

Naruto has already awaken his adamantium chakra chains. it was written in uzumaki sealing scrool, if you have more chakra and your chakra is special, then how to awaken the chakra chains. Naruto saw that and tried to awaken for 3 days and at last he has awaken the chakra chains.

After some thinking Naruto said, I think my wish was even applied to you as well kurama, that your chakra will replinished within some hours of sleep or rest. even if you are chakra exhausted.

then Naruto told kurama about his chakra storing dimension(It is like a storage scroll, which stores Chakra, and infinite amount of chakra can be stored in it). It is a very advance level of sealing arts. and how he is storing his 50 percent of left over chakra at night, and how he gets replinished.

Then Naruto asked kurama that will you, also store chakra in chakra storing dimension, and he said that, it can store infinite amount of chakra, there is no limit of how much chakra can be stored. And you can use whenever you want to use that chakra.

kurama was senseing that Naruto was telling the truth and he was also amazed of this, and thinking about the possibilities of how much chakra can he store, and he can use whenever he wants to use, then he agreed to store the chakra.

Now after seeing about the past, about the sage of the six path, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, and Hamura Otsutsuki, and their mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki. Naruto knew that, he or anyone else is Nowhere Near, the power they held in past.

But Naruto wanted to achieve the power as great as them, or even greater.

But Naruto knew that it is impossible for any human to achieve that much power. Because at last we are humans, and they are Otsutsuki.

But Naruto was a genius, and he had a idea how to achieve that much power, without asking for a wish.

Naruto knows that with a single wish he can, be as powerful as them, but he didn't want to do that, He wanted to achieve that much power by his own strength. It would definitely take time to achieve that goal. But it is not impossible for a genius like him. But again he is thinking about asking a very powerful cheat, because he knew that achieving that much power will take many years.

According to him, he can achieve greater power than sage of the six path, but it would take more than 10 years.

According to him, at that time his body will be at his prime, and he'd be as strong as even kaguya herself. He had complete confidence, that even without wishes he can achieve that.

But again he wanted to gain power faster, so he decided that in upcoming days, he will ask a powerful cheat.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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