
Naruto: Veil of Deception (Aizen reincarnates as Sasuke Uchiha)

After thousand years of imprisonment, Aizen successfully executes his plan to reincarnate. However, the Hogyoku has its own agenda, and Aizen finds himself in the Naruto universe, inhabiting the body of a young Sasuke Uchiha. Witness Aizen being Aizen and observe the profound impact he makes on the Naruto universe. ----- For those who are not familiar with Aizen ----- You can still read this story and treat it as a self-insert with an original character. You can think of Aizen as a genius, evil OC who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He possesses no morality and respects only those who share his vision or intellect. The story will adhere to the power system of the Naruto Universe. ----Clarifications ---- -Aizen will NOT have Kyoka suigetsu, Kido and his other OP powers -Aizen's main advantage will be his intellect and his combat experience (Hakuda = Taijutsu, Kenjutsu) -The story will use powers from Naruto universe / Aizen will try to replicate some of his old abilities with chakra -The characters will use their brains and Aizen will face many challenges -I will try to develop the side characters and add new aspects in their personalities. However, Aizen-sama will be the focus of the story. -If you are worried about the HAREM TAG the explanation is that Aizen tries to restore his clan in order to gain political power. However, he is still is the same Aizen. JUST REMEMBER HOW HE TREATED MOMO DURING SOUL SOCIETY ARC. -If you are seeking a story with HIGH MORAL VALUES, please SKIP this one. This is Aizen-sama, after all! -Between the serious chapters, readers can expect lighthearted interludes featuring side characters and infused with comedy, primarily dirty jokes. --- Schedule --- 5 chapters per week. Extra chapter every Saturday if we reach the required soul stones :D The cover was created by DALL-E. It is unique and it was generated based on my request.

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41 Chs

The promised fight

Kakashi and Tenten instantly decided to follow them and watch their fight.

On the road to the Uchiha's training ground Kakashi discreetly touch Sasuke in the shoulder. Sasuke looked at him with understanding and nodded.

When they reach their destination Sasuke gave Tenten a kiss for 'good luck' and whispered in her ear.

"Naruto have just lost his sensei. I will not use my full power and I will make this match close. Don't react strangely and don't reveal my intentions."

Tenten nodded and giggled. To Naruto and Kakashi it seemed like Sasuke just told her something private.

Sasuke moved in the middle of the training ground opposite to Naruto. They both had small smiles.

"I will throw this rock. When it hits the ground, you begin." Kakashi said and the duo nodded.

The rock touched the ground and Naruto and Sasuke immediately engaged in taijutsu. From the first exchanges it was obvious that Naruto was overwhelmed and he barely defended against Sasuke's precise strikes.

Naruto immediately created 5 shadow clones and they all came at Sasuke together. 

Sasuke smirked and immediately threw shurikens towards them. One of the clones popped but the rest avoided the shurikens. However, the shurikens twisted in the air and popped all the clones. They were connected with wire strings. The original Naruto avoided the shuriken by having one clone defend for him. 

Sasuke looked Naruto and moved his index finger in a beckoning way in order to provoke him. Naruto smirked and created 5 more clones. However as soon as they appeared Sasuke threw a kunai with an explosion tag and immediately popped 3 of his 5 clones.

Sasuke didn't give him time to recover and kicked the main Naruto to the stomach sending him into the trees. He turned towards the remaining 2 clones and slaughtered them with a kunai.

"Naruto is this the best that you can do?" Sasuke asked mockingly.

Naruto was a little angry now. Sasuke played with him without breaking a sweat. He had watched Sasuke beat Lee in under a minute but now that he was the one facing him, he began to understand just how strong he is.

"I will show you" he said and this time he created 50 clones.

Sasuke smiled at him and brought out 8 kunai with exploding tags and threw them at his clones.

Naruto was shocked and tried to escape. Multiple explosions took place and Naruto only had 15 remaining clones. The main body also took a hit from the explosions but it was not serious.

"That is cheating! How can you fight like that! This was supposed to be a great battle" Naruto said with fury.

Sasuke looked at him like looking at an idiot

"Your clan was famous for their fuinjutsu scrolls. I am just using their tactics." 

'I will make it seem like the exploding tags is the crucial factor of this battle. By doing that I can achieve multiple of my goals. 

Naruto will appreciate the legacy of his clan and he would start learning fuinjutsu with a little more encouragement. When he learns the basics, I will be able to make better use of his talents. 

Also, by losing this way Naruto won't feel much weaker than me. I don't want Naruto to feel weak and become more focused with his training than he currently is. A humiliating loss will give him more motivation. With his insane amount of chakra and with his clone advantage his potential is enormous and he may be capable of threatening me in the future. I need to find ways to distract him from his core training until I can completely control him.

Moreover, by making this match close, Kakashi who knows my true power will translate the gesture as an act of kindness and I will gain more of his trust. His gesture during our way here told me that he wants me to hold back. '

 After hearing about his clan Naruto's expression twisted a little.

"Was my clan really so shameless?" he asked and immediately all the clones clasped their hands together and then brought them to the ground. Sixteen Naruto's propelled themselves towards Sasuke.

Kakashi who was watching the fight immediately grasp the fact that Naruto knows about the Uzumaki clan. 'It was a matter of time for Naruto to learn about the Uzumaki. According to my reports Sasuke received fuinjutsu scrolls during the academy. He was propably the one who found out and told him. I remember that Kushina was Mikoto's best friend but I doubt that Sasuke knows about this. However, the scenario of Naruto knowing about Kushina is not impossible. Hokage is a paranoid lately with Sasuke. I think that It's better if I don't share my theory with him.'

Sasuke had only 5 more shuriken with exploding tags. He decided to wait for Naruto's next big batch of clones to use them. It wasn't worth it to use them for 15 clones. It was time for Sasuke to use one of his newly acquired techniques

'Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique,' 

This technique was perfect for this situation. Sasuke hadn't enough time to practice it but he could use it comfortably because of his highly trained fire affinity and chakra control. 

This technique creates multiple small fireballs and the user can control each with his chakra. The fireballs were much smaller compared to the great fireball jutsu but it was perfect to pop up the clones. This technique is also a C rank like the great fireball jutsu.

Naruto and his clones were in the air and they couldn't easily avoid the fireballs. However, the main body and five of the clones managed to use the gale palm and changed their trajectories. 

'This wind jutsu is very practical. I will copy it. Also, I need to use my sharingan against him for him to believe that I take him seriously. It is also time for me to receive some hits'

Sasuke activated his sharingan and engaged in close combat with Naruto and his 5 clones. He could easily see each of their moves but he pretended that he was struggling. 

Naruto landed a fist into his nose and broke it and a lot of blood splattered around. Sasuke took a step back and used body flicker to move away from Naruto and his clones.

Naruto was very surprised that he managed to land such a good hit but he was a little worried when he saw the blood.

"Sasuke!" Tenten shouted.

'Sasuke is willing to take such a hit to give Naruto a good fight. He is really a good friend…If only I was like him at his age…' Kakashi thought with sadness.

Sasuke smirked at Naruto. His hand turned green and touched his nose. After a few seconds the blood stopped.


Naruto was fired up. He and his clones run towards Sasuke and closed the distance. Sasuke used 'Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique' again but this time Naruto was prepared. All his clones used gale palm and repelled the small fireballs. Of course, Sasuke took advantage of that and successfully copied the technique. 

Naruto and his clones got him surrounded. Sasuke took out a kunai and this time Naruto didn't even touch him. Using the Uchiha taijutsu style Sasuke counter attacked and popped all of them. The main Naruto took a very heavy kick in his ribs.

"NARUTO USE EVERYTHING" Sasuke demanded.

Naruto's durability was extreme. Even though some of his ribs were probably broken he got up almost immediately with an expression full of excitement. He used a lot of his chakra and created 100 shadow clones.

However, Sasuke had anticipated it and he had already thrown his five-remaining exploding tags. As a result, 73 of the clones immediately popped.

"HOW MANY OF THESE THINGS DO YOU HAVE?" Naruto was extremely pissed.

Sasuke didn't reply but he used his great fireball jutsu and caught another 12 with it. 

The remaining 15 clones surrounded Sasuke and started propelling themselves with the gale palm. Sasuke allowed himself to get hit several times and now he had several bruises. However only the main Naruto was standing now who was completely out of breath.

Sasuke who also pretended to be out of breath, looked Naruto in his eyes and said "COME NARUTO. LET'S END THIS"

Both of them run towards each other. Naruto used his right hand to propel a kunai towards Sasuke with his gale palm. He then used his left hand towards the ground to propel himself towards Sasuke. 

Sasuke managed to avoid the kunai but his movements left an opening for Naruto. 

Naruto used all his remaining power to throw a punch. The punch moved towards Sasuke's face and it landed. However, the sensation was empty.

 "It is over" a voice said.

Suddenly, Sasuke was no longer in front of him. Sasuke was breathing heavily behind him and had a kunai on his throat.

"HOW?" Naruto asked completely confused.

"It took me enough time but you successfully fell into my genjutsu." Sasuke said.

"It was a very nice match. You are both much stronger than genin" Kakashi said satisfied with both of his students and especially Sasuke.

Tenten immediately went next to Sasuke and started healing him.

"Tenten, I can heal myself. Go and heal Naruto." Sasuke said. 

Tenten immediately agreed. Afterall, she knew that Sasuke was much stronger and he wasn't really wounded. She had watched him tear his own body with an enormous amount of weight several times a day and she, Ino and Sakura had to heal him. She eventually got used to it.

Naruto hadn't realized his loss yet and his expression was complicated.

Sasuke looked at him and said "Naruto it was a nice fight. Do you remember how great the gap was between us? Did you expect to win in our first fight? You did very well, better than I expected and It seems that I was right. You are a worthy rival!"

Naruto heard Sasuke's words and immediately felt much better. "The next time I will beat you."

"Let's fight again at the final of chunin exams." Sasuke said.

"Chunin exams?" Naruto asked confused. 

"Let me explain that…" Kakashi said