
Naruto: Uzumaki Rebirth

Waking up in a body that is not mine was pretty confusing. Waking up as a redheaded Naruto Uzumaki even more so. A village on the horizon of an invasion. Being hunted by a organisation of people who could kill me with a pencil, John Wick style, was not pleasant either. There was only one thing I could do...wait, what is shooting out of my hand! Strong!Naruto, Redhead!Naruto, SI

Tronic42 · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

[Minato Namikaze POV]

There was not much he could do in the situation he and his new family found themselves in.

It was supposed to be a day of wonder, happiness and even if it is quite cheesy, love. The day Kushina told him she was pregnant was one he would never forget. At first, he could not even react because it was such a new feeling.

He was going to be a father.

It was probably one of the most terrifying moments of his young life. For someone who grew up an orphan and never even met his parents or any relatives, it was certainly daunting.

But after seeing his wife's face he could not help but be happy. The pure joy she must be feeling overshadowed any fear he had of being not good enough of a father and sparked a flame in him. A flame, similar to the fabled Will of Fire, but at the same time more…intimate.

Hiruzen probably would find a philosophical way of describing it, but for him it just meant one thing. His family was growing, and he would do everything in his power to protect Kushina's smile and make sure his child would grow in a loving family and not has to suffer the same loneliness and coldness an empty home will give you.

…I guess my fears did catch up to me. was Minato's morbid thoughts.

Looking at his son at the sealing altar, he felt…he ddin't even know how to describe the emotions.

Grief for the countless people that died and will die, including his wife, considering both were impaled on the Kyuubi's claw.

Love for his son and wife.

Anger at the masked man for ruining not only his and countless other people's life, but more importantly for him…he hated the man for orphaning his son.

There was also self-hatred along the line. For not being strong enough to protect them, for condemning his son to years of hatred and loneliness.

Kushina, the loving person she was probably felt his state and squeezed his hand tenderly while giving her last word to their son, Naruto.

Watching him, he could not help the smile that graced his lips. The red hair was definitely inherited from his wife along with the other outstanding traits in the Uzumaki Clans blood.

Then there were his beautiful blue eyes. Call it vain but he really liked his eyes and was secretly happy that Naruto inherited them from him.

He could feel himself getting weaker, so it was time to finish the sealing.

"Kushina. I will start with the sealing now." Minato said and saw the pain it caused her to not be able to object. They both knew it had to be done…

"Ok. Naruto, you need to be strong now." She directed to their son. "This will bring you great pain, not only now but also in your future. It will be hard. You will be at a disadvantage and will need to work many times harder to have an happy life. But please son, whatever happens, never lose your hope for a better future. Never lose faith in the love we carry for you."

"I could not have said it better myself" he finished while performing the appropriate hand seals with tears streaming down his face.

"Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal"

Looking over his shoulder, he watched the Shinigami forming out of thin air. It had two horns and long white hair cascading till his stomach. A knife between its jaws and prayer beads wrapped around its left arm.

Kushina seeing this and feeling the unnatural coldness enveloping their surroundings, addresses Minato one last time.

"Minato, it would probably be the best to seal the Yin part of the Kyuubi's chakra into Naruto. He would have better chance at reaching a reasonable Yin-Yang balance later on, considering he should originally have stronger Yang chakra because of the Uzumaki traits."

Considering Kushina's proposal and agreeing to it, he sealed the Yin part in Naruto and the Yang part in myself.

"Kushina, Naruto. I …love …you. Both …of …you." were the last words he could form. With that and seeing his dying wife cradle their son to her chest and the Sandaime running to their location he closed his eyes for the last time.


Time skip: 11 years later

[Naruto Uzumaki]

Consciousness was coming slowly to him. He was not sure what happened, but he was slowly able to open his eyes. At first, he was confused. Not recognizing where he was does that to you. The walls and ceiling were white and the room in general was clinical spare. There was a double window to the site with a strange but at the same time familiar view.

Looking further at the horizon he saw something that took his breath away. There on a mountain were four stone faces which he remembered from an anime show from his teens.

I could not think further on the situation, because a sudden piercing headache assaulted him. He fell back on his bed and groaned loudly. Desperately trying to muffle the sounds he was swimming through Naruto Uzumaki's …his? memories.

Growing up in an orphanage, being the social pariah of the whole village, never knowing his parents, attending the academy just for the instructors to ignore him, and with…his? memories now to realize that they purposefully sabotaged him in small ways.

What the hell!

After his headache and the wave of new memories subsided, he just lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.


Calming down a bit, the first thought was that he was hallucinating. But that unfortunately did not explain why the Naruto in this version was slightly different, than the one he knew.

The first obvious difference was that Naruto here was a redhead. Probably inherited from his mom, considering her hair color.

This thought caused Naruto suddenly extreme sadness and happiness at the same time. He could not even try to stop the emotions before he started to cry for the next few minutes.

After calming down and trying to wipe away the tear stains on his face, he started pondering what just happened. It was not hard identifying the source of these emotions once he thought about his previous train of thought.

One of the most important questions was just answered for him.

I had a mother and father who loved me.

My name was not just randomly given to me.

My name is Naruto of the Uzumaki Clan. First and only son of the Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze.

I had a loving family!

What the last few minutes just proved to him however was, that this was not him hallucinating. The emotions he displayed were just too real to be considered as something other than some type of reincarnation.

The questions to that situation where pretty obvious from here on.

How did this happen? Why are some things different in comparison to the memories he had form the anime? And the most important to him now.

Who am I?

Is he Naruto Uzumaki with some extra memories or is he someone who hijacked Naruto Uzumaki's body and killed him. That train of thought caused him a headache and nausea at the same time.

He tried to remember more from his past life. That should give him more information to decide what happened, but all he got was a blank. Strangely he could remember everything in his past life including the Naruto series pretty well. Not completely but every major point was easily remembered.

Other than that, he had no idea how he landed here. Did I perhaps die, like in some of these fanfictions I read. Bud the longer he thought about how he landed in this situation the more frustrated he became and finally accepted not knowing the reason for his apparent reincarnation. There were a few other things he could not remember from his past life excluding his probable death.

No name, age, or family whatsoever.

In contrast, he could remember nearly everything from his life as Naruto Uzumaki.

And he has to say, that nearly everything is the same as in, well, canon.

Naruto Uzumaki was still hated by the villagers, still did not know why. He also tried to get attention one way or the other. At least for a time he tried to do that. A few months ago, the guy just got too depressed to care any longer and introverted into himself more and more.

He spent more time on the Yondaime's head than anywhere else and just stared at the horizon.

Which was also the reason why when Iruka-sensei found him and yelled at him for not being at the academy he slipped and fell down the mountain.

Remembering the fresh memories with the emotions of panic and fear were not pleasant. But here something new happened.

Naruto, somehow, shot something golden out of his hand in the rock and stopped his fall.

Remembering the scene, he was nearly as gob smacked as Iruka-sensei was when he rushed to save Naruto and abruptly stopped and stared at his hand.

That was also the moment, where the strange light disappeared, and Naruto lost his consciousness.

Remembering that strange situation, he was extremely happy and confused at the same time. With the memories he now had, this light reminded me of the Adamantine Sealing Chains his mother used to subdue the Kyuubi at the night of his birth. Considering how strong they seemed to be portrayed in the anime he was excited to have them "unlocked" and elated to have another proof for the connection he had to his mother.

He already accepted that he probably was Naruto and his previous self at the same time. Something like souls merging, if I had to guess. Because he was definitely not just Naruto, that much he could tell already. He was mentally more mature and changed in a few other ways he did not even realize yet. That did not mean he was not still a child, who craved his parents, affection, and approval.

What confused him with the maybe Adamantine Sealing Chains was that they did not look like chains…

Maybe there are different kinds of chains? He didn't know. I hope the old man knows something about them. Naruto thought.

This train of thought caused him to blink because he just realized that the Sandaime, naturally, knew of his parentage, as the previous Naruto suspected. The Kyuubi situation too for that matter and did not tell him anything.

He was angry at him, but his new perspective of the whole situation allowed him to calm himself a bit. Unfortunately, loath he was to admit it, the previous Naruto would not have cared for the repercussions and shouted the truth to the heavens and back.

The personality Naruto tried to force just to get some type of attentions was naturally the cause for why he was not deemed mature enough for the sensitive information.


He really needs to get himself together. Considering what he knows of the possible future he needs to train and get strong fast enough to stand a chance to survive and maybe even live a happy life.

Suddenly the door to his room opened and a familiar medic was standing at the entrance. She was one of the few people who did not discriminate against him and treated him normally, which is probably why she was the only one treating him, whenever he needed medical attention, which was very rare to begin with.

"Hello, Uzumaki-san. How are you feeling? Pain, disorientation, or anything else?" asked the medic, Misaki, as she entered his room and started looking him over.

"No. I don't feel any of that." he answered. "When am I permitted to leave Misaki-san? And for how long was I here to begin with?"

"You were delivered by Umino-san last evening. You had just experienced a slight degree of chakra exhaustion. Hokage-sama wished to see you before you leave, so after your conversation with him you are free to go. He should be on his way." explained Misaki.

Hearing a knock on the door, they both turned around and found themself looking at an elderly but intimidating man with a smile on his face. He had a white goatee and a small liver spot on his face. Garbed in his traditional red and white Hokage robes stood the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.



Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever story.

I just started writing FF and wanted to start with Naruto.

It is not yet everything fix in this FF, including the pairing. Who would you like to see with our MC?

If you do not want to wait for the next update here, head over to pat.n and read on. I am upto Chapter 6 over there.

Of course you do not have to do that. The remaining chapters will be posted here eventually.

If you decide to donate to me, than a big THANK YOU!

Story Pic provided by: TheTrueDragonSlayer69 on Pinterest

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever story.

I just started writing FF and wanted to start with Naruto.

It is not yet everything fix in this FF, including the pairing. Who would you like to see with our MC?

If you do not want to wait for the next update here, head over to pat.n and read on. I am upto Chapter 6 over there.

Of course you do not have to do that. The remaining chapters will be posted here eventually.

If you decide to donate to me, than a big THANK YOU!

Story Pic provided by: TheTrueDragonSlayer69 on Pinterest

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