
Naruto: Transmigrated as Shikamaru

Transmigrated as Shikamaru in Konoha post Nine tails incident...then fusion happened between the two souls gradually.

ZEN1ST6 · Cómic
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8 Chs

What happened?

I was going for my client presentation. Today traffic was light, so I reached the office early. There were very few people in the office complex. I went towards my client's building. Something was weird about it, I ignored the feeling and went towards the entrance.

After searching for a while, I was able to take a lift to my client's floor. I was surprised as this client has approached our startup on their own initiative.

It was a pleasant surprise to know, money spent on my website's SEO was bearing fruit so soon. Lost in thought I reached in front of their office, the banner of G.EsK. was pretty prominent, not sure what that stands for. I may have to ask my team to improve their customer research.

I pushed the door and entered a hallway, there in front was nothing. Truly nothing just plain white hallway going in. As any sane person would do I did, that is went in towards other end. As I was walking I noticed the hallways was abnormally long, hmm. But I kept going at some point I knew something is definitely wrong. As I was not sure how long I have been walking here. I lost my sense of time and surprisingly I was not panicking.

I don't know how long I walked, but I reminisced about all the happy memories and missed opportunities. My life was not long but I was satisfied and happy. I knew I would not return as soon I was even getting confused and started to lose my Ego.

I saw a door finally, I rushed towards it, at least I hoped I rushed as at some point I even lost sense of my physical body. I walked out of the door and a cool breeze hit my face waking me up from my trance. I was standing.

I was standing on a street, and in some kind of town. I started to observe my surroundings and was surprised that the first thing I saw left almost gave me a heart attack. There were big faces on the mountain like a replica of Mount Rushmore, but that was not what shook me. I am in Konoha. I am in Konoha. I am in KONOHA...A village made of killers...and I fainted.

I was sleeping, I think I had a nightmare of finding myself in the middle of Konoha, haha. What is this Chinese fanfiction? Haha.

I better get up or else I will lose motivation to go to the gym. I turned to one side to snuggle my blanket, but something felt off. Since when my mattress became so hard, and why the blanket is not feeling cozy.

I am irritated, why is this happening to me? I realized, I have not opened my eyes, since when was I so lazy?

A thought occurred in my mind, why am I thinking so wildly. I opened my eyes and looked around to see something which made me panic. I closed my eyes and started praying to almighty in heart strongly to make this a bad dream, as I know if this is true then I am royally screwed. Because there was a person standing at the door of my room, and the concerned person was none other than Nara Shikaku.

This cleared a few things, either I have been drugged heavily, and I am hallucinating. I have become the main character in some fan written novels. Haha...maybe the stress of the situation is getting worse. Let me calm down and think or better not think. Breathe in ... Breathe out ... Breathe in.... Breathe out...

I finally gathered enough courage to face the man whose son's body and memories I seem to have stolen. Wow, lucky me my brain has been silently and subconsciously working overtime to bring me up to speed.

Shikaku seems to be patiently observing me, wow that is scary, dude has not made a single noise at the sight of his bed ridden son. Now that is some hardcore cold parenting. I should better stop judging him as somehow he seems to understand I am judging him badly.

I don't know at this point in time I have been staring into the eyes of Shikaku Nara for more than 10 mins, YES you heard me right, even lovers don't stare so long into each other's eyes. It has become awkward, not sure who is going to speak first and what to say.

I cannot take this torture every second feels like eternity, dude just say something, I am your son, atleast this is your son's body. And anyway, I am your son. Please say something, even make fart noises for chakra's sake. I will have to say something. And now I will have to break this awkwards, let's prepare...

And suddenly I heard "What Happened?" I almost cried of happiness of small mercies he finally spoke.

writing a comedy and light piece.

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