
Naruto: Transmigrated as an Uchiha

An orphaned young man working a 9-5 job gets transmigrated into an Uchiha in the Naruto world. Read the story to know more ;). I guarantee this would be a fanfic that would thrill you to bits. AN : The updates are scheduled for everyday. If you are the kind who does not like slice of life and like more action. start reading from volume 2. You can support me and read chapters published ahead on my p@treon account - p@treon.com/noviceauthor777 Please rate this story for it to gain more popularity. Disclaimer : I don't own any characters in the story. All of them belong to Masashi Kishimoto, the great.

NoviceAuthor · Cómic
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127 Chs

Chapter 42

AN : You can read chapters published ahead by supporting me (3$) on my p@treon account - p@treon.com/noviceauthor777

Currently, I have published 40 extra chapters in P@treon. The extra chapters are going to increase in the next few days. Please support me.

For the next week, I have an offer for all the patrons joining until June 15th. They will have access to two more chapters than promised in each tier.

Academy Student - 5 (+2) - 7 chapters.

Genin - 10 (+2) - 12 chapters.

Chunin - 20 (+2) - chapters.

Special Jonin - 30 (+2) - chapters.

Jonin - 40 (+2) - 42 chapters.

Kage - Full access to all the chapters.

His 'kind' advice was not well-received, and instead, he found himself lectured for his earlier behavior.

The hot-tempered young man, unable to bear it any longer, reached for his ninja pouch and shouted, "Ninja experience, huh? Fine! I'll show you what a ninja's experience means!" As he spoke, he drew a kunai, intending to teach his companion a lesson right then and there.

Seeing this, the girl quickly set aside her sadness and grabbed the young man's arm with both hands, trying to prevent him from acting on impulse.

Kakashi, however, didn't back down. He glanced at his opponent, his right hand moving to rest on the hilt of the ninja sword strapped to his back.

Just as the situation was about to escalate into a full-blown fight within the team, the Jonin team leader, who had been silently leading the group, finally intervened.

"Enough!" he commanded.

"We'll stop here for today. Disband now!"

"But Sensei!" The young man protested, his anger barely contained. Ignoring his teacher's command and the girl's attempts to restrain him, he continued to argue.

"What? Are you going to disobey my orders? Disband now. I'll notify you of the next mission later!" The team leader's gaze bore into the boy's, waiting for his compliance.

"Understood," the boy replied reluctantly. He took the girl by the arm, and they walked off in one direction.

Kakashi, having received the order to disband, nodded and headed in the opposite direction.

It turned out that this mission team was the first one Kakashi Hatake, son of the famous Konoha White Fang, had joined after graduating from the ninja academy. The quarrel's origin was simple.

The team had been assigned to collect rare medicinal herbs, which grew on cliffs. To complete the task, they had to use the 'tree climbing' skill, which involved controlling chakra to walk on vertical surfaces and search for the herbs.

During the mission, Reiko, the girl on the team, struggled with her chakra control. After a while, she lost her concentration and slipped off the cliff. Kakashi, who was nearby, ignored her plight to conserve chakra, focus on the mission goal, and collect the herb plant he had just discovered.

If it weren't for the Jonin's timely intervention, noticing the situation, and lending a hand, Reiko might have fallen to her death on the cliff.

The boy, who had a crush on Reiko and saw everything unfold, couldn't accept this. After completing the mission, his pent-up anger towards Kakashi erupted into a quarrel on their way back to the village. Words were exchanged, and the hot-headed boy even drew his kunai, threatening to escalate the argument into a physical confrontation.

Walking ahead, the Jonin witnessed the brewing conflict. Unable to tolerate it any longer, he intervened and ordered the team to disband, hoping that some time apart would help them cool down.

Sighing inwardly as he watched his frustrated subordinates, the Jonin realized that teamwork was becoming increasingly difficult. He glanced at Kakashi and shook his head silently. The fallout from the White Fang incident still lingered, and as a current Konoha Shinobi, he understood some of the underlying issues.

He couldn't blame Kakashi, whose mission-focused attitude likely stemmed from the recent dishonorable death of his father. Nor could he fault the impulsive boy, who simply wanted Kakashi to understand the importance of valuing companions. And he couldn't criticize the village or the Hokage, as their decisions aimed to protect everyone.

Often, situations arise where both sides have valid points, yet sacrifices are inevitable to achieve a greater goal. This left the team leader in a difficult position, feeling it might be time to request a new team member from Hokage-sama.

Meanwhile, Toshiro was walking the streets of Konoha when he spotted Kakashi approaching. "Yo! Kakashi! Long time no see!" he called out.


Receiving no response, Toshiro sighed. "You're really as cold as ever!" he complained, looking at the expressionless, white-haired boy.

At this time, Kakashi's unruly white hair stuck out in all directions. He wore a ninja forehead protector with the Leaf Village symbol, which also held down a strand of bangs, giving him a slightly cute appearance. His eyes, devoid of emotion, stared at Toshiro with an annoyed expression as he hurried past.

Kakashi's signature black mask covered his face, and he wore a black short-sleeved shirt with a cross-shaped strap that secured the famous sword on his back. His arms were protected by metal arm guards, and he wore black ninja pants, finishing the look with a pair of high ninja sandals.

Seeing that Kakashi had no desire to talk and maintained his distant demeanor, Toshiro was unfazed. He reached out and grabbed Kakashi's shoulder, adopting a brotherly stance.

"Hey! Don't be so cold! Even though we graduated at the same time, I was still in the academy before you. So, technically, you should call me Senpai!"

With a sharp 'smack,' Kakashi blocked Toshiro's arm and took two steps back, creating a gap between them. Toshiro, expecting this reaction, merely pouted. He knew Kakashi's distant behavior well, having read about it in the manga, and he felt sympathy for Kakashi's experiences.

"Kakashi, don't shut yourself in a small, dark room, dwelling on past sorrows and pain," Toshiro advised. "True strength lies not in blind obedience to missions but in valuing the lives of your teammates. Protecting them is the mark of a true Shinobi. Remember, loyalty to comrades is what truly defines a ninja's resolve and honor."

Despite Kakashi interrupting his affectionate gesture, Toshiro remained undeterred. He offered these words, knowing they were bittersweet. Whether it had any effect, only time will tell.

Seeing that Kakashi didn't react to his words of encouragement, Toshiro couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. Comforting others was never his strong suit, even in his previous life. Despite Kakashi's young appearance, he knew the boy was highly intelligent. It was impossible to treat him like an ordinary child.

"One more thing, Kakashi..." Toshiro said, turning to face Kakashi with a serious expression, wanting to convey the sincerity behind his words. He wasn't sure if what he was about to say was right or wrong, as it contradicted the village's current teachings and Kakashi's actions. The village advocated for prioritizing missions, just as Kakashi was doing. However, witnessing the quarrel between Kakashi and his companions and seeing his cold demeanor made Toshiro feel compelled to speak.

Addressing Kakashi in such a way could potentially cause trouble for him and the Uchiha clan if word got out. Yet, he couldn't ignore the need to say something.

Kakashi continued to stare at him with his usual deadpan expression, but Toshiro noticed a subtle change. While his demeanor wasn't particularly inviting, it wasn't as rejecting as before.

"Despite the rumors in the village, I have always believed your father, 'Konoha's White Fang,' was a hero," Toshiro began. "I may not have the courage to do what your father did—prioritizing his comrades over the mission—but I don't think he was wrong. Teammates and friends should be more important than a mission."

Kakashi appeared stunned by these words. Without waiting for a response, Toshiro patted him on the shoulder and walked away. He knew it was risky to express views contrary to village policy in public. As an Uchiha, his position was already sensitive, and speaking out could make him even more of a target.

For a moment, Kakashi stood there, seemingly startled by Toshiro's words. After a pause, he began to react, mulling over what he had just heard.

"Hero?" Kakashi murmured, lost in thought.

As he watched the figure fade into the distance and eventually disappear around the corner of the street, Kakashi muttered to himself, slipping into a moment of deep confusion. He questioned the conflicting paths between the rigid ninja code he followed and the compassionate choices his father had made.

His father, Sakumo Hatake, had abandoned a mission to save his comrades, an act that brought scorn from the village, fellow ninjas, and even those he had saved. During that dark period, their home was besieged daily by a mob of ninjas and civilians, hurling insults and accusations at his father for causing a significant loss to the village. The relentless pressure and guilt ultimately drove his father to take his own life, leaving Kakashi alone in the world.

But now, another person has declared his father a 'hero,' asserting that Sakumo made the right choice. This sudden shift in perspective left Kakashi feeling uncertain.

"Father, what should I do?" he whispered, recalling the time spent with his team since graduation and the numerous conflicts while completing missions.

As he grappled with his thoughts, Kakashi placed his hand on the tanto strapped to his back, seeking answers. "No, the mission is more important than comrades; otherwise, my father wouldn't have died!" he thought, trying to reconcile his father's actions with the ridicule and abuse they endured.

If his father was truly right and a hero, why had the villagers accused and condemned him daily? If his father had been correct in his actions, why had he chosen to leave Kakashi so abruptly that night?

The conflicting emotions and unresolved questions about his father's legacy weighed heavily on Kakashi, as he struggled to find clarity amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

"Father, I won't choose as you did. I will complete my missions and become a qualified ninja!" Holding the hilt of the sword, Kakashi reaffirmed his resolve. Then he put his hands in his pockets and walked in the direction of home.

However, his steps were now much lighter. Knowing that someone recognized his father's sacrifice was a great encouragement for him.

At this time, Toshiro didn't know that after he left, Kakashi's heart had undergone such a complicated struggle. Because of his father's death, Kakashi ultimately chose to focus on missions, adhering to the strict ninja code.

If Toshiro had known the final outcome, he would have sighed with emotion. He wasn't Obito, and his bond with Kakashi wasn't deep. He lacked the talent for persuasiveness, unable to change someone's mind with just a few words. In the end, Kakashi would have to rely on a future mentor to influence him.

Toshiro simply saw a character he liked from the original story—someone who chose the mission over comrades—a choice that contrasted sharply with his future decisions. This left him feeling a bit regretful.

As he strolled through the bustling streets of Konoha, Toshiro wandered around casually to pass the time. Suddenly, he noticed a familiar shop with a long line in front of it.

"It's the 'three-color dango' shop. I haven't seen Mei-neechan in a while. If I don't visit her, she'll be upset."

It might have been his imagination, but Toshiro felt that Mei had developed a bigger temper since she got married. She also seemed more verbose, often pulling him into lengthy conversations.

'Hmm! Women need to be coaxed! Otherwise, if they get angry, you'll be the one to suffer!"'With this decision in mind, Toshiro joined the end of the line.

He was extremely lucky, as he managed to get the last 'three-color dango' before they sold out. After paying the bill happily, Toshiro carried a paper bag filled with dango and headed towards the clan compound.

"Today's dinner is going to be at Nee-chan's house!"

AN : You can read chapters published ahead by supporting me (3$) on my p@treon account - p@treon.com/noviceauthor777

Currently, I have published 40 extra chapters in P@treon. The extra chapters are going to increase in the next few days. Please support me.