


That was all he felt. That was all he was destined to feel. Destined to his own doom by his own clan.

"Get up! A proud warrior of the Kaguya clan doesn't back down" shouted his father as he slowly got up. It had been weeks and weeks since his training for the academy started but he had not stopped training. Or rather, his parents and this crazy clan hadn't let him take a break. Well, except for the night and the not so occasional meals.

He got up and lunged towards his father. His muscles ached with every single movement he was making. He was to be offered to the academy for the protection of Kiri.

The third great ninja war was going on and the academy needed every single shinobi candidate they could get.

He fired off a left hook as a distraction and tried to sweep his fathers legs. His father blocked it and sent a punch straight to his face. He tried to leap away but he couldn't as his father's grip was too tight. He got punched again and again and again 'till he blacked out.

His father looked solemnly towards him. "I am sorry son. It is for your own good" He picked up Daichi and went back.



"Daichi Kaguya?" asked the chunin instructor.

"Hai Sensei"

"Zabuza Momochi?"


"Nantio Kura?"

"Yes Sir!"

Daichi was torn apart. He was sent too the academy as an offering by the clan head. His own father! Curse his clan. He had expected the crazy clan to change their mind but no! He decided was going to survive the academy and prove them wrong. He would defy fate herself if it meant proving them wrong and he would stop at nothing.

"Everybody line up." spoke the instructor. "Today we are going to fight to the death to see if you are ready to be a shinobi. If not, you will die. You can use whatever you know. Each one of you has to kill a single person. Don't hesitate because no one will return the favour."

One by one the fights went by. By the end, nearly half of the hopeful shinobi were killed by one of their one. Only the last fight remained.

"Daichi Kaguya and Kasuto Yuki"

Both of the boys gulped knowing only one of them would survive this battle. They lined up to fight.

As soon as the chunin gave the signal both of the boys lunged at each other. The Yuki and Kaguya clashed with each other in taijutsu. Both of them seemed evenly matched. Well, that was the case until the Yuki revealed his trump card, Ice release. The Yuki clan were extremely powerful and quick when armed with their ice release.

Daichi didn't know what to do. He was not well versed in combat like the rest of his clan. He tried to dodge but he was hit again and again by the ice projectiles. He was injured and couldn't even move a muscle. He looked towards the chunin instructor expectantly but all he got was an apathetic look. He realised he was going to die. The Yuki launched a final ice spike towards Daichi to finish him off. But Daichi was not ready to die.

He wanted to survive. He wanted to protect himself from the projectile. He felt rage at the one who was trying to end his life. Despair turned to anger, anger turned to rage and rage turned to power. His eyes turned completely red with no iris or pupil. Bones came shooting of his body and blocked the attack. His body seemed to be moving on his own. He jumped towards the Yuki and started relentlessly attacking the Yuki with his bones. Daichi kicked the Yuki in the chest and punched him to the ground. Daichi shot a bone from his palm towards the Yuki and pierced his brain. Daichi had won the battle.

Eventually, he regained control and looked in the way of his victim. His first kill. He felt an odd sense of satisfaction. His stomach twisted at the thought of being satisfied by killing a person. He didn't want to do all this. He just wanted to live a peaceful life. But alas, goddess fate has already decided his destiny and it was to please her.