

Thinking back a little bit Kaito was still annoyed and agitated about the last conversation at Ichiraku´s. The slap on his face was still hurting and throbbing

When he finally arrived at his home and opened the door to the apartment, it was Naruto that came looking for him after he went inside.

"Welcome home.", he said with a grin at first. But that expression soon disappeared after he saw his brother's swollen cheek.

"What happened?", he asked.

Kaito looked at him while getting his tabi off his foot. "Nothing." He wasn't in the mood to talk about it.

Naruto only frowned to that answer. "Hey, I can clearly see you got into a fight again. Who was it? Come, let's get revenge. I will get ready immediately."

"God damn, Naruto! Stop bothering me! I said it's FINE!" Kaito had enough of him at the moment and raised his voice.

Seeing how Naruto´s expression became somewhat shocked Kaito only sighed. He rarely raised his voice against his brother.

"Okay! Fine! You don't have to be an ass about it!", growled Naruto back after getting his composure back. Then he stormed out from the living room to go to his room. A clear slam from the door indicated his anger.

"Damn, I am really not in the mood for this..." Kaito only stood there and watched him doing his tantrum. ´Why am I so impulsive right now? I should know better...´

Then he went to his own room as well. It was already getting dark so he just undressed the most necessary stuff on his upper torso without bothering getting into his pajamas and just fell straight asleep like that.


The dream that night was a very clear one. He could see two shadowy figures that resembled a woman and a man holding something away from him.

Blood trickled down on his little forehead from the massive sharp-looking shadowy object hovering only a few inches away from him.

Then the shadow slowly turned into a white claw. What he experienced was the night when he and his brother were born.

He was so conscious in this dream that those events made him scream in sorrow internally. He tried to cry but there was nothing. No reaction at all but his baby body crying loudly. He could do nothing but watch everything happen.

But the images became even more twisted as shadows started clawing themselves around his parents, his brother and the Kyuubi. It all happened only to just twist them into a hideous monster that grew larger in size. by the second until its visage hovered over his existence.

Its glare was menacing and fear overwhelmed his prior sadness. The monster opened its mouth to show its twisted fangs of pure blood. Doing what a monster does, it devours him whole like a candy.

Inside that mouth, his mind became increasingly blurry. Only the feeling of dread and danger grew until Kaito could not handle it and cried out - waking him from his sleep.


Calming down his breathing he could hear his heart beating like a drum in his chest. His body was sweating bullets.

At first, he thought he could finally calm down after a few seconds of shock but when he shifted his head towards the window he saw something tentacle-like moving around. It immediately let his goosebumps return that only rested for seconds.

He could not discern its clear shape nor what it was but it clearly brought back his fear. He immediately jumped from his bed and tried to reach the light switch. His weapons were also close to that switch to the left on a shelf.

Turning on the light and looking back with his kunai raised, he was shocked. What he could see were blood-red chains everywhere in the room. They were small but still filled the room completely.

But he didn't need to fear them because he already saw that they slowly started to retract themselves back into him.

As they originated from his body it was only natural.

´Shit...´ Kaito grabbed his head with one hand while holding the kunai with the other and slumped down on his butt to lean himself on the wall behind him. ´I am going fucking crazy...Did I activate them after having that nightmare?...´

This event that night brought him no sleep and so he kept himself awake through it.


The next day Kaito was the first to use the shower to freshen up. When he came out he saw Naruto.

"The shower is free.", he said to him. Surprisingly Naruto didn't say anything and went inside.

Even later at breakfast, he didn't say anything.

"Going with the silent treatment?", asked Kaito but didn't expect an answer. He didn't bother discussing this after he himself felt like shit at the moment - mentally and physically.

It went on even when they were at the academy.

"What is up with Naruto?", asked Shikamaru after noticing his weirdly gloomy mood.

"Don't ask me. He decided to be like this since morning."

"Hmm...Naruto, you okay with talking?"

"I am but it's just someone else that thinks I am a bother.", replied the blondie for the first time.

That actually put an angry vain on Kaito his forehead. This little ass actually talks with others but for me now?

Then Hinata approached them and asked shyly if it was alright to eat together. But unexpectedly Naruto didn't answer and that put Hinata in a clear sad mood.

"So that's how it is huh?", commented Kaito and stood up. He put Naruto´s head into a vice lock. followed by a good rubbing with his knuckles.

"ARGH! Stop!", cried Naruto out in pain.

"Will you start talking then? I am sorry for yesterday, alright? Are you happy now?", said Kaito and apologized for being so impulsive last night. Of course, he didn't overdo his rubbing since he was only warning him to stop this act before he would get really angry. Kaito was actually known for quite some outbursts when angered enough.

"Urgh, alright. I will."

"Then go ahead."


"I mean Hinata her request. Answer her."

"But its Hinata-chan. I am sure as soon as we eat together, she will be dead silent as always anyway."

That last sentence clearly hit Hinata emotionally as her eyes somewhat trembled.

Kaito on the other hand now became furious. That sentence earned him a real hard hit on his head from him. This idiot actually can't see a forest even if it is right in front of him.

"OUCH! Hey!", rebuked Naruto and rubbed his bump.

"You deserve it. Sorry, Hinata-chan. Of course, we would like to eat together. Don't mind him having a sour mood today.", smiled Kaito at Hinata and accepted on his brother's behalf.

Hinata seemed to be happier but also concerned. "Really?", she asked with uncertainty. Her gaze went back an forth from each of them.

"Alright.", replied Naruto and looked at Sakura.

Kaito did notice his gaze and look towards the pink-haired girl as well. ´This brother of mine...Blindly chasing after a goose while there is a swan trying to approach him.´

"Then let's move over.", ordered Kaito to him to change places so they could eat.

Naruto returned his attention to them and nodded.

After searching around a little bit I found a picture that actually depicts how I imagine the MC in this story :D

Well, he does wear clothing close to Boruto´s from 12 -15 y.o. But from Shippuden onward I imagined him exactly like this :


change hair color and cloth color to crimson red and minus the tat on his face. Otherwise pretty spot on.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts