
Naruto: The Shattered Eyes

The Kaisugan, or "Shattered Eyes," is a Kekkei Genkai unique to a young boy whose soul does not belong to this world. Watching the Kyūbi rampage and feeling such horrid chakra emanating from the demon fox, Kagami Suguru made a vow to himself. His eyes bled with dread, yet gleamed within the darkness. "This world is broken," Shall we shatter it some more? [ So, I just finished catching up with Naruto: The Wind Calamity and I am dying for new chapters to be released. This Fanfic will serve as an outlet for my desires while I wait. Thank you, Devil_Hex. Love your work. OuO ]

chubbyubemantou · Cómic
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51 Chs

Orochimaru's Faceless Student

Suguru slithered into the building, veiled by darkness. Following Orochimaru's movements, he bypassed the security measures, pouring chakra into the correct seals and opening a path that led him straight through without any hindrance.

As a plus, Suguru made sure to erase his tracks. A technique he learned naturally by mimicking Orochimaru's careful actions without any deviation.

Although he couldn't completely understand half of the techniques, Suguru found it sufficient to copy everything without questioning what he was doing.

True mastery could wait until he had more leeway concerning his body and talents.

Thus, Suguru progressed smoothly until he arrived. There was no obstruction, owing to his months of patience and analysis.

A puff of white smoke burst from his tiny serpentine body, revealing his original form. He then flicked a switch, pouring light into the pitch-black darkness.

'It's a different experience to be here in real life.'

Suguru looked to his side, where a corpse, neatly wrapped in bandages had just been stored. Orochimaru had used this lab just yesterday. Although much of the blood had either dried or had been cleaned up, the scent of iron still lingered in the air.

Steel, sulfur, and other chemical scents assaulted his nose along with the blood.

Suguru, admittedly, felt nauseous as he recalled what he had already seen. For some bizarre reason, he felt as if he could hear the cutting of skin and the slicing of bone. The gut-wrenching history of this laboratory was speaking to him.

'I need to stay focused,' Suguru shook his head and made a beeline to the items he needed. After a few short minutes of searching, he found the scrolls he was looking for. One was a storage scroll and the other two were the scrolls containing the jutsus he wanted.


'I want everything in here,'

Suguru's eyes flashed as he looked around, spotting many useful items that he might be able to use for his own research. Licking his lips, he realized that he could indeed do something like that.

The only risk involved would be alerting Orochimaru himself.

Suguru took a moment to think. He didn't need to steal. Perhaps making copies would be enough. Either way, he could probably return here before Orochimaru made use of the lab again.

'I really need to stay focused.'

In and then out, minimizing all risks and maximizing efficiency. That was supposed to be the nature of his mission. Suguru was getting very distracted by the allure of all the forbidden knowledge around him.

Suguru shook his head and stored the three scrolls he needed. Then, he left after diligently wiping his traces.

The only record of his presence here would be the missing scrolls.

—Plus a little note.


Weeks later, Orochimaru returned to his laboratory, only to find that the air wasn't as he had recalled it. Something was off. The presence of another person flitted through the particles. The scent of fragile mortality lingered in the shadows.

"Have I been discovered? Was it Sensei? Or Elder Danzo?" Orochimaru squinted as he released his chakra to sense his surroundings.

If any Anbu shinobi appeared, he was ready to eliminate them in the blink of an eye.


That was when he noticed a mysterious piece of paper lying harmlessly on his operating table. Walking over, Orochimaru read the note from afar.

"Hoh," A sly smirk broke apart his guarded expression. "Since when did I have such a cheeky student?"

Orochimaru flicked his wrist, burning the note and scattering its ashes on the floor. Looking down at its remains, he couldn't help but feel intrigued. There was no trap. It was truly a note of thanks, harmless and filled with an unnerving goodwill.

To know that someone else desired immortality just as much as he did was somehow pleasing.

"Very well," 

A few snakes slithered down his legs, each with a scroll in their bellies. Orochimaru then modified his laboratory, hiding a few banes and several boons. He also filled his library with the knowledge that might prove useful for this mysterious student of his.

All of which had their own share of deadly traps, of course.

"Let me see if you are truly worthy of calling yourself my student." Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a deadly glint. "I hope you won't disappoint me."

Leaving those words behind, Orochimaru abandoned this laboratory, hiding it with layers upon layers of seals. This was to ensure that the lab wouldn't be discovered even after his defection.


Unbeknownst to Orochimaru, Suguru saw the entire process.

"...Has Orochimaru accepted me as his student?"

Although the hundreds of booby traps gave him the creeps, it was undeniable that Orochimaru had shown him some form of goodwill. In a sense, all those traps were a test.


Suguru had a feeling that, by figuring out how to crack these traps by himself, he would become a capable ninja by simply indulging in the process. Upon realizing the intentions of his 'Teacher,' he was astounded. All those traps were arranged in a way that would guide him forward.

"Geniuses really do live in a different world, don't they?"

Suguru knew his limits. Designing such a complex system in such a small space... That was beyond him.

Whatever was in Orochimaru's brain... It wasn't just darkness.

It was genius that the mundane people perceived as insanity and cruelty.


Suguru shook his head in resignation.

'I guess I should be thankful...'

With these thoughts, Suguru returned to his studies. He had repeatedly gone through the theoretical side of his special Kinjutsu. The calculations, the logical explanations, and the merging of the Spirit Transformation Jutsu and Mind Transfer Jutsu had been perfected.

'Now, all that's left is the injection of Sakon and Ukon's modified cells...'

Suguru's nerves were at an all-time high. He had done what he could with his limited setup. The serum that he would soon inject into his body was theoretically safe.

However... one's theories rarely agree with reality in absolution. 

Nonetheless, Suguru had to advance. Any complications could be managed in the future.

Taking out a card he made himself with a pinch of Fuinjutsu, he summoned the serum with a cloud of white smoke. After a deep breath, he closed his eyes and activated his Kaisugan.


Suguru's shattered silver irises soon formed the signature crimson eyes of the Uchiha clan. A single tomoe Sharingan appeared, shining with latent potential.

"Let's hope I didn't overlook any glaring issues..." Suguru sighed as he held the serum in his hands. Although he was nervous, he made sure that his grasp was steady.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Suguru stabbed his heart with the syringe.

And so we build the foundations...

chubbyubemantoucreators' thoughts