
Naruto-The secret sage

Given a second chance by a R.O.B Kenzo traded his knowledge of the Naruto story in exchange for being born a sage. Keeping his power a secret Kenzo must make his way in the unforgiving and dangerous world he has found himself in.

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109 Chs

Plans for Danzo and teams arriving

I had of course investigated the guy myself after he kept sending people to spy on me. What I found was that Danzo Shimura was a paranoid individual that seemed to have an issue with secrecy. I had covered myself in nature energy to avoid detection while I trailed him but was forced to run around in circles for like an hour as he went through every method to ditch a tail that he could before finally entering one of his secret bases that were positively COVERED in seals. Thanks to my sensei I had gotten quite familiar with identifying the presence of seals after all.-

Even more extreme was that Danzo was nearly always in one of his bases and thus out of my reach unless I decided to toss all caution and carefulness to the wind and go straight for him. The rare instance that the man was not in his bases or surrounded by guards escorting him in secret he was constantly vigilant of his surrounds like he expected to get attacked in the middle of the village. This made ambushing him with the intent of cleaving his head off and leaving pretty much impossible as he never got into a position that would allow me or anyone for that matter to kill him without getting caught.-

It was a bit frustrating to be honest but there was literally nothing I could do about it. That said his subordinates weren't off the table of people I could make disappear silently. It would be laughably easy as they weren't nearly so cautious as their leader and it would take little effort for me to make them vanish without a trace. I of course wasn't so foolish as to do so however as all that would accomplish was to raise the mans vigilance even higher. -

Instead I bide my time while probing the defenses of his base to find a way in without tripping the seals. I thought about just flooding the whole base with a toxic mist but that would no doubt get traced back to me when the poison was compared to existing samples and found to be nearly identical to Rens poison. While I could easily play it off since I sold Rens poison in the village for quite some time in the past and it was not much of a stretch that a foreign shinobi could access it. The doubt that I was involved would always exist however which was not good.-

Still I had found out that the seals had a fatal flaw in that they detected chakra in a living being sort of like a Byakugan and that meant that I just so happened to have a beast with the perfect ability to infiltrate one of these bases, my lizard. Unfortunately there were other seals that detected sound, air movement and scent that were not possible to avoid with my lizards ability. Thankfully I had methods to fix some of these issues.-

For the scent I could just remove it with powders while for the air movements I just needed to stick close to a group of three or more shinobi entering the base. Sound was going to be trickier but if I was in a group I should be able to disguise my own sounds with the groups. All of this of course predicated on the assumption that I figured out how to perfectly mimic my lizards ability. Until then I merely sent a shadow clone everyday to keep an eye on the man.-

Moving on from my plot to assassinate Danzo the Chunin exams started to draw near enough that the participants from the other villages began to show up. While all the villages got an invitation to participate only Suna(sand), Taki(waterfall), Kusa(grass), Oto(sound) and Ame(rain) accepted and sent genin to participate. The participants needed to be in three man squads to participate and the final count for each of the villages Konoha: twenty nine teams, Suna: ten teams, Taki: two teams, Kusa: two teams, Ame: seven teams, Oto: one team. This meant there was a total of one hundred and fifty three participants or fifty one teams if you prefer.-

There was of course jonin accompanying these teams of genin and under watch to make sure no one does anything unfortunate like the Hyuga incident years back. That event was right after the third great war and Kumo(the cloud) had sent ambassadors only for one of them to try and kidnap Hinata who was a toddler at the time. The leader of the Hyuga clan killed the ambassador and triggered Kumo into demanding the clan leaders corpse as repayment unless we wanted to go back to war.-

Shamefully we ended up sacrificing the clan leaders twin brother to appease Kumo as the village simply couldn't handle yet another war so soon after the last. Thanks to that incident Konoha always kept a distrustful eye on any visiting people from other villages. Otherwise however we were a fairly hospitable people as we greeted our guests in a friendly manner even if it wasn't returned. Like we didn't bend over backwards to whatever whims they had but we still accommodated them just fine. That said not all of the teams sent to our fine village were friendly and some were downright hostile.-

For example the team comprised of the fourth Kazekages children was very abrasive when they first came to the village even going so far as to insult us as weak while trying to beat up Konohamaru who was a mere child defending the villages honor. That was a bit too much for Naruto and myself as we moved to confront them about it after witnessing this escalation. Naruto blocked the attack at the kid while I landed behind the team and pressured them with the full force of my chakra. All three of them were forced to their knees as the ground rumbled and the winds began to howl.-

"Sunagakure must be failing to properly educate their genin if you don't even know how to behave in a foreign village." I said calmly while looking down at them.

"That's enough Kenzo, they are our guests for the moment even if they were out of line." Kakashi said when he showed up to mediate.-

"As you say." I acknowledged and withdrew my chakra in an instant restoring the area like nothing had happened. 

The blonde girl and boy with face paint looked at me warily as they stood up but the red headed boy with the tattooed word meaning "love" on his forehead and earthen gourd on his back glared at me with murderous intent that was very thick. I merely raised an eyebrow at him however since he was much too weak to think he could take me. Sure he had a large reserve of chakra that was acting suspiciously similar to Narutos when the nine tails was acting up. But other than that he was weak as his body was untrained beyond the very minimum and he clearly had some sort of mental issue.