
Naruto: The Right Way To Become Hokage

Uzumaki Naruto has 1 year left before he takes the graduation test of the Ninja Academy of Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village. One day, he wakes up to see a floating screen in front of him, claiming that it can help him accomplish his dream to become Hokage. Follow Naruto as he goes on a journey to become Hokage and maybe have a harem of beautiful women from all over the world along the way. (Including Fem Sasuke and Fem Haku btw. And unfortunately there's no Gyatsu in this novel, he is needed else. Instead we have Might Guy.)

some_writer · Cómic
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96 Chs

Major Players

"Told ya One Jutsu is all I need." Shikamaru grumbled as he walked past Kiba who gritted his teeth at the Nara's taunt.

He was congratulated by Naruto, his teammates, Sakura and even Satsuki who gave him a nod of acknowledgment. At the same time, two more names appeared on the board.

'Kankuro vs Tsurugi Misumi'

Kankuro walked down the arena as he looked at his opponent who was apart of Team Kabuto. Misumi's appearance was greatly concealed by the mask he wore around his mouth that hung to around his neck and forehead protector which he wore like a bandanna.

He also wore what appears to be the standard attire of his team consisting of a high-collared, sleeveless, purple shirt with a short-sleeved, white one underneath, a simple obi around his waist, purple pants, blue sandals and purple fingerless gloves, along with a pair of round-framed glasses.

"Hey pay attention everyone! Make up boy is gonna fight now!" Naruto shouted loudly, earning a hateful glare from Kankuro.

"Damn it asshole, I told you it's WAR PAINT!!!"

"Yeah, 'war paint' that you probably stole from your sister's make up drawer!! " Naruto shouted back while snickering. Temari snickered to the side while Gaara appeared stoic to the argument.

All Kankuro saw was red now. "You stupid little brat! When I get done here, you're next!!!"

Naruto settled down, snickering occasionally as the fight started. Eventually he really started to watch the match. This one went by in about two or three minutes.

It seemed that Misumi was able to stretch his limbs to incredible length. He had managed to wrap his body around Kankuro and threatened to crush him if he did not yield.

Of course Kankurou just laughed at him and Misumi crushed his neck. Only to find out that Kankuro was in fact a puppet, surprising Naruto and others who had not known what the large mummified object on his back was.

After that Kankuro had come out of the bandages, showing that he had hidden himself inside of them and had been using chakra strings to control Karasu, his puppet's movement.

Karasu resembles a three-eyed, four-armed humanoid with jagged teeth and a spiky brown hairstyle protruding from the top of its head and framing the sides.

Because of Kankurō's enjoyment in installing mechanisms into his puppets, Karasu is very offensive, having numerous concealed weapons.

After that several spikes had stuck out of Karasu's body and impaled Misumi's chest who fell to the ground bleeding heavily. Hayate didn't even need to check Misumi's condition as he raised Kankuro's hand.

"Winner! Kankuro of the Sand!" Hayate declared before coughing violently. Kankuro smirked arrogantly as he went back to his siblings. The same quickly Medic-nin carried Misumi away on a stretcher to the Konoha Hospital.

'Karui vs Akimichi Choji'

Karui looked at Omoi who had a dejected expression on his face because he was humiliated. She sighed and patted his back. "Wish me luck." She whispered before she jumped and landed on the ground gracefully. Choji arrived in front of her moments later. He smiled at her.

"Let's have a good battle alright?" He asked her. Karui nodded, not really focused on talking but in strategizing on how to defeat the Akimichi.

"Karui's gonna win without dropping a bead! After that we're gonna smoke some weed—"

Omoi quickly covered Bee's mouth before he could say it out loud.

"Start!!!" After Hayate's declaration, Karui unsheathed her katana while Choji performed a ram hand seal and a second special seal.

"Expansion Jutsu!!!" He declared as his body expanded to nearly twice his original size, turning him into a big round ball. His head and all of his limbs retracted into his clothes.

Choji jumped to the air and tucked himself into a ball and rolled towards Karui. "Human Bullet Tank!!" He shouted as he started rolling towards Karui who used Body Flicker to appear behind the rolling Choji.


Karui cut open Choji's back with one slice of her katana. Choji grunted as he rolled away from her and quickly came back for more. Karui ran towards the wall with Choji following her every step.

It looks like Karui was going to slam herself in the wall. She smirked and leaped towards it at the last second, sticking to it by channeling chakra to her feet.

She looked at Choji rolling towards her and jumped high in the air. Choji slammed into the wall while still spinning.

Karui realizing he was stuck, quickly landed behind him. Lightning crackled around her katana as she channeled lightning chakra to it. She shot her katana forward towards Choji.


"Ack!!" Choji grunted as he felt pain on his back. His back suddenly vibrated and went numb in an instant.

"Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder!"


Choji's eyes rolled to the back of his head as Karui electrocuted him till unconsciousness. His expanded body shrunk back to normal as he laid on yhe ground spasming periodically as the electricity flowed throughout his body.

"Winner!! Karui!!" Hayate declared. Karui smirked as she sheathed her katana and walked towards her team.

"She's pretty good." Naruto whispered with a smile on his face. He looked up at the board as two more names appeared on it.

'Naruto Uzumaki vs Kabuto Yakushi'

"Alright!!" Naruto grinned as he jumped and landed on the arena. Kabuto landed on the arena too with a calm expression on his face.

'I have to play along; it would not do for a spy like me to be seen as too strong. They're already suspecting that there are spies among their ranks, I don't need additional attention on me.' Kabuto thought as he stood in front of Naruto who looked up at grinned at him.

"You're pretty unlucky, dude. After I win, this is gonna be your eighth time that you fail the Chunin exams." Naruto taunted him. Kabuto just smiled back at him, unnerving Naruto at how calm he was.

" Fighters! Get ready!! *Cough! Cough!* Fight—


Kabuto spat out blood and some of his teeth flew out of his mouth as he was blasted to the arena wall by Naruto's chakra enhanced punch added with wind release.


Kabuto's crash into the wall created a giant explosion. The man fell onto the ground unconscious. There was an awkward silence that followed.

Even Gaara had to take a double look at what just happened. Temari was shocked at the blonde's speed while Kankuro was in disbelief at the blonde's strength.

Hayate did an awkward cough as he raised a stunned Naruto's hand to the air. "Winner! Naruto Uzumaki!" He declared but no one applauded the blonde for his victory, they were just simply staring at the unconscious Kabuto, wondering if he was playing tricks on them.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes as Kabuto was being carried away by the Medic-nin. 'He could've blocked that and came out relatively unharmed. What was the reason for forcing himself to take that punch?' Shikamaru asked while thinking about various reasons in his brain.

The only one that seemed to work the best on this scenario was that Kabuto was a spu hiding his abilities.

It matches up, he seemed to know everything about everyone, including the neighboring nation's Genin. And there was no way he failed the exams seven times, he could've gotten stronger after the exams but he didn't.

Orochimaru who was disguising as Team Kabuto's Jonin sensei narrowed his eyes and subtly looking at the jonin senseis around the arena.

He cursed to himself as Ibiki appeared beside Hiruzen from nowhere and started whispering something into the old Hokage's ear. The Hokage nodded and Ibiki disappeared from the building in a blur.

"What the fuck just happened." Satsuki muttered after a while.

"I don't know Satsuki. That was the most boring fight I've ever seen." Sakura muttered as Naruto arrived beside them.

"He forced himself to take the punch, wonder why." Naruto grumbled as Shikamaru arrived beside him.

"Naruto, I need to talk to you for a moment. It's something important." Shikamaru whispered to him.

"But I wanna watch the fights. Can't we do this later?" Naruto asked him. Shikamaru shook his head.

"We can't, like I said it's important." Shikamaru persisted. Naruto sighed and they walked away from the genin. They stood outside of the men's toilet, both leaning against the wall.

Shikamaru looked around him for a moment, almost like he was looking out for spies before taking something out from his pouch. It was a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the items Shikamaru was holding. The Nara ignored the blonde's gaze and took out a cigarette. He put the pack back into his pouch and put the cigarette up to his lips.

He lit up the cigarette and began smoking it. He breathed out a puff of smoke before looking at Naruto.

"Let's start." Shikamaru muttered. Naruto pointed at the cigarette he was smoking.

"So we're just gonna ignore that you're smoking now. You know your mom's gonna kill you before the smoking does." Naruto said. Shikamaru shrugged.

"She won't if she doesn't find out."

"When did you start smoking?"

"When Asuma sensei handed me a cigarette a month ago. He even gave me his lighter too. Now can we begin?"

"Alright alright. What do you wanna talk about?"

To be continued.....