
Naruto the player: solo leveling

after being nearly killed naaruto awakens the system and becomes the player, naruto know has the potential of infinite growth and he is teamed up with sasuke and hinata how will thongs change when the three of them brcome ninja and face the trials of the battle field find out in this exciting fanfic.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Cómic
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7 Chs

training, sparring, and improving.

Naruto and his team mates stood in training field 7, Naruto faced kakashi in a one via one spar.

Kakashi pulled out his book make out Paradise.

Naruto flicked his nose he drew his arms in a circle shifted his feet one foot in front of the other and made telephone fingers the classic Stance of The Dragon's Way,

'this kid must be crazy to think he could-'before he finish that thought he got sent flying into the tree's with a flying front kick as naruto cried out a Kiai.

Kakashi decided to get serious so he revealed his sharingan.

Naruto came at kakashi witheft straight and a right cross which kakashi attempted to parry but that was what Naruto wanted as Naruto trapped kakashi's wrist with his drawing them around I'm a circle before executing a chain punch crossing his foot work with kakashi's and executing a left straight to kakashi's body sending him flying into another tree this time however kakashi managed to use a kawarami and come from behind with a thousand years of pain.

Naruto however landed a high back kick to kakashi's chest causing him to be sent into the air before Naruto came from his side landing a roundhouse kick then appearing above him landing a axe kick.

Kakashi lay on the ground.

' this kids faster than Gai,' thought the jounin guess I'll use ninjutsu.

Kakashi disappeared and then a hand grabbed Naruto's leg and ragged him underground.

" Earth style: suicide beheading," said kakashi.

Naruto however poofed into a stick.

Kakashi's eyes widened and kakashi was suddenly kicked behind his knee causing it to be dislocated before Naruto came from the side and landed a spinning kick to the head.

Kakashi had decided to use that technique kakashi made a hand seal and suddenly a giant dragon of mud came at Naruto.

" Earth release: earth dragon Jutsu!" Said kakashi.

Naruto then let out a roar that shattered the dragon and caused kakashi's knee's to tremble.

Naruto then turned and saw Hinata trimbling and Sasuke was in the floor foaming at the mouth.

' hmm should save that as a last resort,' thought Naruto.

Kakashi looked at Naruto.

" Naruto what was that?" Asked kakashi who was struggling to stay on his feet due to both the technique and the dislocated knee cap.

" It's called dragons fear," said Naruto.

"Um sensei,Naruto-kun, Sasuke-San is passed out, and foaming at the mouth." Said Hinata.

Kakashi and Naruto sweat dropped while thinking the same thing.

' what a panty waist,' thought Naruto/kakashi.

After reviving Sasuke with some smelling salts and after kakashi recovered from the dislocated kneecap with some medical Jutsu and some bone setting he had is each do some drills.

Sasuke who was pissed that Naruto had managed to make him passed out challenged Naruto to a one via one sparring match only for Naruto to refuse and tell him that he wanted to help Hinata train.

Naruto began training with Hinata who dispite being a bit timid at first accepted Naruto's help.

Naruto and Hinata had a few scraps with Hinata using her gentle fist and Naruto using the catching hands method* of tai-jutsu which the dragon way was based off of, ( A/N Wing Chun training,) as the two had brief exchange involving hinata and Naruto crossing footwork and grappling Hinata actually found herself getting faster and stronger naruto would throw chain palms and use hooking kicks at her ankles this would cause Hinata to adjust her foot work little did she know that Naruto was teaching her a pattern that would help her learn how to our maneuver most tai-jutsu users Naruto told her to loosen up her movements were to rigged this would cause Hinata to changer her stance to a more looser form after some time Hinata began doing motions that were more circular.

Hinata eventually used a palm wave that caught Naruto off guard only because Hinata came from naruto's blindsided however it didn't effect Naruto due to his healing factor.

Sasuke watched the two thinking he was above them however when Sasuke challenged Hinata he lost miserably since Hinata actually took time to improve.

During the morning they would do training drills to improve teamwork although Sasuke had to be coerced into doing so,

During the mid morning to afternoon they would do missions which were mainly just chores but Naruto didn't complain since he had gotten accustomed to the way of helping people, and during the afternoon they did sparring drills which angered Sasuke since he had to try and keep up with Naruto and Hinata in terms of tai-jutsu after Naruto suggested they buy some training weights.

After about a month of D-rank missions the group was finally given a C-rank Naruto whose stats were originally level 20 at the beginning of the month now had gotten his stats at level 50 and unsurprisingly he managed to over power kakashi during their group spars kakashi would occasionally report Naruto's outstanding growth to the hokage and he finally agreed that the team was ready to take on a C-rank he chose what should be a simple bodyguard mission for the team.

" So you guys think your ready for a C-rank mission," asked sarutobi.

" Well I don't mean to complain but it's better than cleaning garbage and catching that darned cat," said Naruto.

" I...agree with Naruto-kun," said Hinata.

" Hn," grunted sasuke in agreement.

" Okay then," said sarutobi.

" Come in mister tazuna," said sarutobi.

" Hmm so these are the ones who will take care of me until I get home huh," asked a man who was ten sheets into the wind.

" You guys don't look promising especially that idiot blond," said tazuna.

Before he could react however Naruto was in tazuna's face with a kunai aimed at his pelvis.

" You were saying something mister tazuna?" Asked Naruto with a smile to sweet to be innocent.

Tazuna broke out into a cold sweat as that one movement was enough to take him out of saké land and into reality.

" Eh-hem what I meant to say was I'm glad to have you three promising Genin as my bodyguards," said tazuna in surrender.

After which the three went to prepare for their long trip to the land of waves.

The next day Naruto and his team met kakashi at the gate who was only fifteen minutes late they were joined by tazuna and the group headed towards the land of waves.

As they were walking Naruto saw two puddles of water and notioned to kakashi.

" It's sure been hot lately hasn't it kakashi," he asked.

" Yes Naruto indeed it has," said kakashi.

" Not a drop of rain in sight," said Naruto.

" Nope," said kakashi.

" I'd be surprised if there were actually any puddles at all," said Naruto.

At that moment two Shinobi came from the puddle and attacked the group.

Naruto instinctively landed a vicious roundhouse kick to one Shinobi's neck until there was a crack causing the Shinobi to die from a broken neck.

Kakashi dodged the other Shinobi's poison claw and struck him in the throat with a slashing palm before driving a kunai into the Shinobi's shoulder.

" Tell us who your working for?" Asked Kakashi.

" See you in hell," said the man and he began to foam at the mouth a sign that he bit the suicide pill.

" Those were the demon brothers B-rank nukenin," said kakashi.

" Alright tazuna tell me who is after you and why is this C rank and don't lie to me because I'll know if your lying," said kakashi.

" Alright the truth is I'm being hunted by a very dangerous man, his name you may have heard of him, is gato." Said tazuna.

" You mean gato of gato transport industries," asked kakashi.

" You don't understand he's cut off all our trade ever since I began to build this bridge," said tazuna.

" Then why not order a b rank mission," asked kakashi.

" Because all I could afford was a C-rank," the bridge builder replied in Ernest.

" Fine but this mission has now office bumped up to A-rank," said kakashi.

" I'll send a ninken to inform the hokage about this," said kakashi.

Everyone decided it be best to actually help tazuna since he seemed to be betting it all on this mission.

As the group arrived at the dock Naruto felt as if someone was fallowing them someone who did not need to be trusted no matter the case.

Casualty Naruto and his group boarded the ferry and they headed to the land of waves.

On the ferry Naruto stood at the bow and he practiced his forms focusing on the hand motions and the the use of balancing his feet before he sat down once they reached the rough waters.

Naruto then went into the cabin to sleep.

The next day Naruto did his morning routine twenty one handed two finger push up's, two thousand push ups on his knuckles, a thousand punches and kicks in shadow boxing and then two hours of meditation.

After an hour he ate breakfast then they arrived at the bridge.

When Naruto saw it he accidentally screamed what he was thinking.

"Hot Damn Do You See The Size Of That Thing!?" Asked Naruto.

" Yes now be quiet," said kakashi.

" sorry sensei." Naruto said while blushing for losing his composure.

" Don't worry kid it is an impressive sight," said tazuna.

After they dismounted the ferry Naruto and crew began to track through the marsh lands whenever Naruto felt that presence again he played it cool and after they reached a certain distance he saw them ten fuma shuriken comi6their way Naruto quickly grabbed his weapon of choice a pair of nunchucks and with a set of swift swipes he quickly repelled each shuriken as if it were nothing.

Then a laugh of malicious Intent echoed through the forest.

To be continued.

woo wee sorry I e been writing this chapter all day I wanted to have the crew do some training before they began but thought a chapter just about training wouldn't be appreciated and I wanted to skip over the D ranks and get straight to the land of waves arc.

anyways so if your not getting at it Hinata's fighting style will be a bit more looser and fluidsr this being due to me fallowing the fan theory that Hinata is weaker at the traditional gentle fist due to her being of water affinity rather than earth affinity like the rest of her clan.

anyways I won't spoil the next chapter but I will plan on giving you a preview.

" so kakashi of the sharingan we met at last," said a man in bandages.

" kids stay back this guy is on a whole nother level," said kakashi.

" now I have you," said zabuza capturing kakashi in a water prison.

" so your the demon of the mist let's see how you handle against the golden dragon of konoha gakure," said Naruto.

to be continued.

(who will survive,)

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