
Naruto the player: solo leveling

after being nearly killed naaruto awakens the system and becomes the player, naruto know has the potential of infinite growth and he is teamed up with sasuke and hinata how will thongs change when the three of them brcome ninja and face the trials of the battle field find out in this exciting fanfic.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Naruto Uzumaki the player.

Naruto ran through the village as the villagers tried to catch up to him again he was being persecuted by them due to their discrimination.

Eventually however he can to a dead end and one villager carrying a knife tried to stab him with it in the heart and succeeded.

Naruto lay there in the alley way life leaving him as a bright light overcame him yet when he opened his eyes he saw a screen.

{ Do you wish to be a player?}

{ Yes or no?}

The screen read these text Naruto thought

' if I become a player then I can live and become hokage?'

" it's better than dying so I choose yes!" Said Naruto then there was a flash and Naruto awakened in a hospital room that was specifically reserved for him.

Sarutobi looked at him.

" Naruto-kun thank God your alive you had us worried sick." Said the elderly hokage.

" I'm alright thanks for worrying about me," said Naruto.

From the corner of his eye he saw Hinata hyuga peering in on him

" That little one found you in the alley way you owe her a thank you," said hiruzen.

{ New mission: thank Hinata}

{Mission reward: ten skill points!} the system said.

Naruto got up and walked over to Hinata.

" Thank you for helping me Hinata," said Naruto with a sincere bow even though it was a mission Naruto still would've thanked her because it was his nindo his ninja way.

Naruto then heared a chime.

{ Mission: thank Hinata.}

{ Mission status: completed.}

{ Mission Reward: 10 skill points.}

{ You now have 10 skill points.}

{ allocate your stats.}

Naruto decided to put half of his points in his strength and half in his speed.

After which Naruto felt a huge surge of power.

Naruto was then given clearance to go and return to the academy.

Naruto was at the academy he discovered he has certain skills called passives and certain skills known as active skills as well as certain skills called job skills.

Currently his only skips he had were two passives.

{ Skills passive: will to recover}

{ Player can recover from any possible injury almost instantly,}

{ Skills longevity,}

{ Player is immune to any possible desires ailments or poison,}

' so I can't be harmed with either weapon or poison,' thought Naruto.

After Shinobi history which Naruto found interesting because he learned about the hokage of past and heroes he then went to gym class.

{Daily mission: Do a hundred push ups} the system said.

{ Reward: five skill points,}

Naruto didn't even stop at a hundred he went as far as he could which was over two thousand

Regulating in him receiving a notice.

{ Player has done 2,000 pushups due to this player has earned 100 skill points plus the title record breaker,}

Now with this in mind Naruto allocated 20 points to strength 20 to speed 20 to agility 20 to stamina and 20 to intelligence.

This did not just effect his status as a player as it affected his daily life to now Naruto was the top of his class and he was the best fighter in the class in terms of power speed stamina and durability.

It was on a day during the beginning of summer break that Naruto discovered a scroll for an ancient taijutsu style called the dragons way Naruto discovered the style was built of of various disciplines and methods,

Methods like emphasis on the lead left straight and the lead side kick, he who controls the center line controls the fight,

Five methods of attack.

SDA ( Single Direct Attack)a direct attack that is a single movement,

SAA (Single Angular Attack) an Angular attack in a single movement

HIA ( hand immobilizing Attack) uses trapping to restrict the use of that appendage.

PIA (Progressive indirect attack,) a single attack that forces an opponent to react that allows the second half to move in the opposite direction basically a feint.

ABC ( Attack By Combination,) a series of blows fallowed by one another naturally.

And after learning the methods of this scroll he would learn techniques.

After about two weeks Naruto had trained and fully mastered the dragons way.

Naruto returned to school the fallowing semester.

Naruto surprised everyone with his progress as he showed that his intelligence seemed to be on par with shikamaru and his talent in the ninja arts even seemed to surpass sasuké Uchiha who was the top of the class but that would soon change since Naruto received the top grade in both written exams and practical exams,

" This is impossible I mean it's Naruto he even beat shikamaru and Sasuke in terms of both intellectual and practical performance." Said one of the exam practitioners.

"Well Naruto has been doing some weird things since he was attacked in that alleyway." Said iruka.

" Like what?" Asked sarutobi.

" Well every day he insists on doing a thousand push up's sit ups and running ten miles, he spends most of his time studying from a scroll, and he spends time doing task that would seem meaningless," said iruka.

" Meaningless?' asked sarutobi.

" Basically he does things like drink water, help carry groceries for ladies, catch squirrels, and swim under water," said iruka.

" That sounds to me just like-" said mizuki.

' things boys just do,' thought everyone in the room.

Meanwhile outside in the academy dojo,

Naruto sneezed.

'Hmm someone must be talking about me since I know I can't get sick,' he thought inwardly.

" Alright line up everyone!" Said mizuki sensei the man was in charge of being the academy taijutsu instructor.

Naruto smirked he would get the chance to show off his tai-jutsu style he had been practicing all summer break.

" Okay first up Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha!" Said mizuki.

' this will give me a chance to see if the demon has been doing something different,' said mizuki.

Naruto assumed what appeared to be a light weight stance he assumed what was a south paw horse stance.

" He's an idiot he's fighting with his less dominant hand!" Laughed one boy

Sasuke came at Naruto with an attempt at a body hook but Naruto stopped him with a left straight to the chin.

This caused Sasuke to stand there stunned before he fell to the ground his legs giving out.

" What did you do to me," said Sasuke.

" Right now your suffering from what Is called a concussion," said Naruto.

Everyone who was watching and didn't know what was going on was speechless was this some technique like jūken or did Naruto use a Jutsu Sakura apparently thought so.

" Sensei Naruto is cheating!" She said.

" Silence child Naruto did nothing wrong," said the hokage.

Sasuke pushed himself up to his feet.

" Bastard got lucky," said Sasuke.

He then attempted a sweeping roundhouse punch only for Naruto to trap the hand and land a elbow to his gut before using a back fist into his midsection which sent Sasuke into a tree.

Sasuke got up and he grit his teeth he came at Naruto aiming a back spin kick to Naruto's chest and attempted a leg lariat only for Naruto to move so fast he left an after image as Naruto appeared in Sasuke's blindsided of the opposite position of where he was standing and delivered a lead side kick into Sasuke's jaw that sent him flying to the academy rooftop.

Everyone stood there with wide eyes and slack jaws.

Naruto turned to the people watching and with a smile he said " you'll catch fly's like that," said Naruto.

Everyone including the hokage was surprised to see what Naruto had done.

" Naruto how did you ...is that some form of...what was that?!" Said iruka.

" Oh that it's my tai-jutsu called the dragon's way," said Naruto with a smile.

" Ahem well I guess it's safe to say Naruto has passed the taijutsu exam," said mizuki who was secretly cursing himself for underestimating the demon brat.

After which Naruto went about his day he walked over and sat next to Hinata who apparently was blushing when Naruto came her way.

" Hey Hinata do you mind if I sit here?" Asked Naruto.

" N-n-no I d-dont Mind, N-n-naruto-kun," said Hinata.

"...would you like to be my friend?" Asked Naruto.

At that point Hinata went silent.

(Hinata POV)

' no way Naruto Kun asked me to be his girl friend no wait slow down,he said his friend after all I don't know him that well yet to be that close to him well as far as it involves both of us I know plenty about him,' thought Hinata.

(End hinata POV)

" Hinata?" Asked Naruto worried.

" YES!" She said in sudden outburst before catching herself.

" Yes Naruto Kun I would love to be your friend," she said.

" Great well then let's have lunch together," said Naruto.

About a month later Naruto and the group stood at the front of the class Sasuke who had recovered from that kick although his pride definitely hadn't was standing next to Naruto and shikamaru.

" Alright first up the title of highest grade scorer goes to shikamaru Nara," said iruka.

" Next the title of best practical ninja goes to Sasuke Uchiha!" Said iruka.

And finally the title of rookie of the year goes to..

"Naruto Uzumaki!"

To be continued.

wooh so Naruto got himself the solo leveling systems yeah I know I cut it a bit short and most of that was summary and not dialogue but give me credit since this is my first anime videogame crossover Anyway's Naruto and Hinata are the pairing if it wasn't obvious enough, as for that tai-jutsu the dragon way it's Bruce Lee's real life jeet-kune-do : )

now on to the preview.

" okay kids now come and receive your headbands!" said iruka.

{new mission retrieve the scroll of seals,} said the system.

{ reward: secret}

" my name is kakashi hatake," said the cyclops.

" my name is Naruto Uzumaki!" said Naruto.

" I am sasuke Uchiha!" said Sasuke.

" my name is..."

who is the third member find out next time

to be continued

( who will survive)

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