
Chapter 14:

Another picture of them training in the yard; and two pictures of them, one for each, which looked as if they'd come from their Shinobi Licenses. There were so many it was hard to count them all; their entire lives had been documented so that he, their father, could in a way watch them grow up.

Turning over one of the photos of both his children who were simply standing in their shinobi gear looking seriously at the camera, Naruto choked.

Namikaze Uzumaki Kushina, 17; and Namikaze Uzumaki Minato, 17; First A-Rank Mission.

Setting the picture down on the table, Naruto closed the folder before bringing up one of his hands to cover his eyes, the other simply resting in his lap. That had really hit him hard, Shion had named their children after his parents, something that he'd always wanted to do when he'd been alive.

Even after his death she had remembered that wish and honoured it, maybe it was because of his death that she had honoured it. He'd even noticed that one of their children was named after him, a little blonde boy with a grin so large it forced his eyes closed, much like his own when he was that age.

He felt like crying, and the tears were really building up; after so long thinking about them every day of his existence, to finally see some proof that they were all doing well had filled him with some pretty intense emotions. Mainly relief at seeing them doing so well; and happiness to see his lifelong dream fulfilled, even if he couldn't be there with them.

Feeling a pair of arms wrapping about his shoulders comfortingly, Naruto looked out from beneath his bangs to see a pair of warm golden eyes gazing back at him. "We can look at them later, we don't need to do this now.

" She said quietly. "I'd like to take a good look at them too, after looking after you for so long they're practically my family too after all.


Naruto nodded, taking a moment to recompose himself as Yoruichi sat beside him, simply holding him comfortingly even if her arms could barely fit around his shoulders.

When he'd finally composed himself, Naruto picked up his bottle of sake and looked out over the yard, a peaceful expression on his face. "At least I know they're doing well, that's all I could ever truly ask.

" Taking note of the setting sun, Naruto brought the bottle to his lips and tipped it back, draining half the bottle in one go. When he set it back on the table he cleared his throat and stood up, gently brushing Yoruichi's arms from his shoulders.

"Well, I think dinner should be about ready. Hold on here a moment while I go get it.


When Naruto had disappeared around the corner into the kitchen, Yoruichi settled herself in her new seat and took a long drink of her own sake. Turning to Sui-Feng, who looked as if she were about to cry herself, she smiled.

"What a ride ne?"

Sui-Feng nodded, offering her own small smile. "My apologies Yoruichi-sama, I need a moment to compose myself.


Yoruichi smirked. Her little bee was getting pretty attached to Naruto, which was a good thing of course.

She wanted the two of them to be close, Naruto was wise beyond his years and could help Sui-Feng deal with things that were beyond her own experience. It also helped that he was a complete stud, perhaps he could help Sui-Feng out with a little issue that she couldn't now that he too was a Noble.

When Naruto walked back into the room, he was carrying a large pot in his hands that he set down in the center of the table. Taking his seat once again Yoruichi raised an eyebrow as both Sui-Feng and Omaeda looked at the pot in confusion.

"Ano, Naruto-sama; is that it?" Sui-Feng asked timidly, afraid to overstep her boundaries.

Naruto smacked his forehead in mock exasperation. "I knew I was forgetting something.

" Placing the middle and index fingers of his right hand on the surface of the table over a strange circular symbol filled with tiny kanji, there was a pulse of reiatsu that they could barely feel, followed by a flash of light and the table was suddenly covered by what appeared to be at least a dozen different dishes. Sui-Feng's eyes were sparkling, since there were so many of her favorite dishes sitting in front of her; while Yoruichi was shocked and a little confused and Omaeda was salivating.

Naruto chuckled and waved his left arm over the table. "Go ahead and dig in, there's more than enough to go around.


Dinner was a rather noisy affair; after getting over his short emotional outburst, Naruto had started joking and even flirting with Yoruichi, much to Omaeda's dismay and Sui-Feng's eternal embarrassment since more often then not they turned their attention on her. The both of them teasing her mercilessly as they ate.

Yoruichi however was in a slight quandary; for fifty years she had wanted to tell him just what he'd been to her. She had thought she felt something along the lines of motherly affection for him.

Now though she realized that she had actually fallen in love with him; his cheerful outlook on life, his magnetic personality, his fox-like grin, and his dazzling blue eyes that seemingly reflected his every emotion like mirrors. His ability to draw others to him had seemingly ensnared her as well.

Deciding that it wasn't worth fretting over, Yoruichi simply fell into her normal rhythm, and was pleased when he seemed to be able to keep up. Teasing and flirting like an old pro.

Then again he was technically a father, such things came with experience; and while he was not as experienced in the ways of lust and love as Yoruichi herself was, he was learning quickly.

Surprisingly enough, her Fuku-Taichou whom had initially taken great lengths to show his dislike for their host, had warmed up to him and the two were sharing drinks and laughing together like old friends. Singing a collection of drinking songs, while drowning themselves in sake.