
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Cómic
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74 Chs

Chapter 63: Red Roots, Hidden Heritage

The morning sun barely crested the horizon when Ryu Hamura stirred from his slumber. His muscles ached from the previous day's exertions, a testament to his relentless training regimen. As he stretched his limbs, wincing at the soreness, a sense of determination washed over him.

"Another day, another chance to get stronger," he muttered, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

The crisp morning air chilled Ryu as he stepped out of his home, clad in his training gear. Konoha was still shrouded in the quiet peace of dawn, its streets deserted, save for a few early risers. Ryu took a deep breath, relishing the cool, invigorating air before embarking on his daily run.

As his feet pounded against the dirt roads, Ryu's mind wandered to his progress. "I'm getting better," he thought, noticing how his breathing remained steady even as he picked up the pace. "But there's still so far to go."

The familiar sights of the village blurred past him as he focused on his breathing and the rhythm of his footsteps. By the time he completed his 10-kilometre run, the sun had fully risen, bathing Konoha in warm, golden light.

10-kilometer run (Progress: 10 km)

100 pull-ups (Pending)

100 push-ups (Pending)

100 sit-ups (Pending)

Ryu slowed to a stop in front of his house, hands on his knees as he caught his breath. "Not bad," he panted, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I'm definitely less exhausted than before."

After a moment to recover, Ryu dropped to the ground, ready to begin his push-ups. His arms trembled slightly as he lowered himself, but the strain was noticeably less than in previous days.

"One... two... three..." he counted aloud, his voice growing more strained with each repetition.

By the time he reached 10, his arms were shaking, but he hadn't collapsed. A sense of triumph surged through him as he pushed himself back up to a standing position.

"Ten without breaking," he said to himself, wiping sweat from his brow. "Still need to make it to ten sets, but it's progress."

Ryu closed his eyes, focussing on his breathing. He tried to sense the chakra flowing through his body, remembering the lessons from his grandfather. "Control," he murmured. "It's all about control."

As Ryu prepared for his next set of push-ups, a familiar voice called out from inside the house.

"Ryu! Time for lunch!"

His grandfather's call momentarily distracted him from his training. Ryu glanced at the position of the sun, surprised at how much time had passed.

"Coming, Grandpa!" he called back, deciding to take a break for food.

As he made his way inside, Ryu caught a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror. He paused, doing a double-take at his reflection. Something seemed... off.

Leaning closer to the mirror, Ryu's eyes widened in shock. "What the...?" he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

At the roots where his hair met his scalp, he could see a distinct reddish tinge. It was as if his naturally white hair was being replaced by a vibrant crimson.

"What the hell?" Ryu whispered, his mind racing. "My hair is turning red at some places."

He examined his reflection more closely, noting how he now resembled those who dye their hair blonde but have darker roots showing through. Except in his case, it was the opposite—red roots with pure white lengths.

A wry smile crossed his face as he considered his appearance. "Just great," he said to himself. "Full heterochromia, white hair, and now this. If this were my old world, I'd be a walking target for bullies."

Ryu's thoughts drifted to his previous life, memories of schoolyard taunts and sideways glances flashing through his mind. He shook his head, dispelling the unwelcome thoughts. "This isn't that world," he reminded himself firmly. "Here, I can be something more."

As he continued to stare at his reflection, a sudden realisation hit him like a bolt of lightning. "Uzumaki," he breathed, his heart racing.

The implications of this discovery whirled through his mind. "Am I an Uzumaki? It's their signature hair colour. Well, most pure-blooded Uzumaki have red hair."

Ryu made a mental note to ask his grandfather about this later. For now, he needed to focus on lunch and continuing his training.

As he entered the dining area, the aroma of a homecooked meal filled his nostrils. His grandfather, Dan, was already seated at the table, a warm smile on his face.

"There you are," Dan said, gesturing to the seat across from him. "I was beginning to think you'd gotten lost."

Ryu chuckled at the reference as he took his seat. "Sorry, Grandpa. I got caught up in training."

As they began to eat, Ryu's mind wandered back to his discovery in the mirror. He debated whether to bring it up now or wait until after the meal.

"Something on your mind, Ryu?" Dan asked, noticing his grandson's distracted expression.

Ryu hesitated for a moment before deciding to broach the subject. "Actually, Grandpa, I wanted to ask you about the Uzumaki clan."

Dan's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise. "The Uzumaki? What brought this on?"

"Well," Ryu began, choosing his words carefully, "I've been reading about different clans in Konoha's history, and the Uzumaki caught my interest. What can you tell me about their powers?"

Dan set down his chopsticks, his expression turning thoughtful. "The Uzumaki were a remarkable clan," he began. "They were known for their incredibly strong life force and chakra. This granted them exceptional longevity and resilience."

Ryu listened intently, hanging on every word. "What else?" he prompted.

"They were masters of fuinjutsu—sealing techniques," Dan continued. "Their skills in this area were unparalleled. But that wasn't all. The Uzumaki seemed to excel at nearly everything they put their minds to, be it healing, sensory abilities, or combat."

As Dan spoke, Ryu's mind raced with possibilities. Could he really be part of this legendary clan?

"Why the sudden interest?" Dan asked, his keen eyes studying Ryu's face.

Ryu took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. "I think... I might be part Uzumaki," he said quietly.

Dan's eyes widened in surprise. "What makes you say that?"

"My hair," Ryu explained, running a hand through his white locks. "It's turning red in a few places. I've read that red hair is a trademark of the Uzumaki clan."

Dan leaned forward, examining Ryu's hair more closely. After a moment of silence, he nodded slowly. "Yes, those are similar to Uzumaki hairs," he confirmed.

"But how is this possible?" Ryu asked, his voice a mix of excitement and confusion. "I never knew my father. From what I remember of my childhood, my mother was a single mom."

Dan's expression turned serious. "Ryu, if you do have Uzumaki blood, it's important that we keep this information to ourselves for now."

"Why?" Ryu asked, though he had a feeling he knew the answer.

"The Uzumaki were hunted nearly to extinction because of their abilities," Dan explained gravely. "Even now, there are those who would seek to exploit or harm someone with Uzumaki heritage. For your safety, we should keep this quiet."

Ryu nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "What should I tell people if they notice my hair changing?"

Dan thought for a moment before suggesting, "Tell them you dyed it. It's a common enough practice, and it should deflect any suspicion."

As they finished their meal, Ryu's mind was abuzz with questions and possibilities. He had always known he was different, but this revelation opened up a whole new world of potential.

"I'll look into your father discreetly," Dan promised as they cleared the table. "If I find anything, I'll let you know."

Ryu thanked his grandfather, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension about what they might discover.

As he prepared to return to his training, Ryu paused at the hallway mirror once more. He stared at his reflection, taking in his heterochromatic eyes and the hint of red at his roots.

"I am a Uzumaki, huh?" He murmured to himself. "It appears that my half-Uzumaki lineage is where I got my [Minor Healing]."

His mind flashed to the stories he'd heard of Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, and her son, Naruto. "If I really am an Uzumaki," he thought, clenching his fists, "I'll make sure to honour their legacy."

As the afternoon sun beat down on him, Ryu pushed himself harder than ever before. Each push-up and each pull-up was a step towards uncovering his true potential. And as he trained, a small part of him couldn't help but wonder what other surprises his heritage might hold in store for him.

As the day wore on, Ryu's muscles screamed in protest, but his spirit remained unbroken. The path ahead was long and fraught with challenges, but with each passing day, he was getting closer to his goal. The legacy of the Uzumaki, if it truly was his to claim, would be a powerful ally in the journey ahead.

## Author's Note##

Please add this story to your collections and review it if you can.

Please share your thoughts about the kind of summon you would like to see Ryu perform in the comments section.

As I previously mentioned, we currently rank in the top 10 for weekly collection; with your help, we can move up to the top 3. For more bonus chapters like this, continue to support the story by giving some power stones and adding it to your library collections. And if you can, consider sharing a five-star review.

You can also become a member on Patreon, where all free members get 5 more chapters for free! patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ

Many thanks to Tobias Sinkewicius, Chris and Alexis Chalifour for supporting me on patreon.

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