
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Cómic
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74 Chs

Chapter 55: Shadows and Light

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the Village Hidden in the Leaves, a different kind of shadow loomed within the Hokage's office. A sharp knock was heard on his door.

"Enter," the Hokage's gravelly voice commanded, his tone carrying the weight of years of leadership and the burdens that came with it.

The door swung open with a soft creak, revealing two imposing figures clad in the distinctive armour of ANBU operatives. One, tall and commanding, wore a fox mask that concealed their features, silver hair swaying with each deliberate step. The other, shorter but no less formidable, sported a mouse mask, their posture radiating quiet strength and readiness.

As they approached the large mahogany desk, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpet, the Hokage's weathered face creased with anticipation. His eyes, sharp despite his advanced years, fixed upon the two ANBU with unwavering focus, seeming to pierce through their masks.

"Hokage-sama," the taller figure, codenamed Fox, addressed the stern-faced man. Even muffled by the mask, his voice carried a note of urgency that immediately caught the Hokage's attention. "We bring news regarding Ryu Hamura's condition and recovery."

The Hokage leaned forward, his elbows resting on the desk, fingers interlaced before him. The mention of Ryu's name caused a flicker of emotion to pass across his face – concern, hope, and something deeper, more personal. "How is he faring?" he enquired, his voice laden with genuine concern that belied his usually stoic demeanour.

Fox launched into a detailed account of the past week's events. He spoke of Ryu's sudden collapse, the fear that gripped those around him, and the tense hours that followed as the young prodigy's life hung in the balance.

Mouse chimed in, her voice carrying a note of wonder. "Hokage-sama, the recovery has been nothing short of miraculous. Ryu went from death's door to sitting up and engaging with his visitors in a matter of days. His condition is no longer considered life-threatening."

A hint of amusement crept into her tone as she added, "In fact, he seems to be in remarkably high spirits, all things considered. The medical team is having a hard time keeping him from diving back into his research from his hospital bed."

The Hokage's brow furrowed, a mix of relief and intrigue playing across his features. His eyes, which had softened at the news of Ryu's recovery, sharpened once more. "And the trials themselves? How are they progressing?"

Fox took up the narrative, his posture straightening as he delivered the report. "The first phase was completed without any significant problems or adverse reactions, Hokage-sama. The results have been... extraordinary, to say the least. Patients who had been struggling with chronic infections for years showed marked improvement within days of starting the treatment. The medical council is buzzing with excitement."

"Hmm," the Hokage mused, stroking his beard thoughtfully. His gaze drifted to the window, looking out over the village he had sworn to protect. "This is certainly interesting. Ryu seems to possess an aptitude for medical knowledge that goes far beyond his tender years." A faint, nostalgic smile touched his lips, memories of another prodigious medic flashing through his mind. "Perhaps Tsunade's legacy lives on in more ways than one."

The mention of the legendary Sanin hung in the air, a reminder of the incredible healing prowess that had once graced their village. Ryu's burgeoning talents seemed to echo that legacy, a flickering flame of hope in an uncertain world.

The Hokage's shoulders relaxed slightly, some of the ever-present tension ebbing away. "I'm relieved to hear of Ryu's recovery," he said, his voice tinged with genuine warmth that he rarely allowed himself to display. "His potential contribution to our village – to the entire shinobi world—cannot be overstated."

But as quickly as it had appeared, the softness vanished, replaced by the steely resolve of a seasoned leader. His eyes, which had momentarily misted with relief, now blazed with intensity. "However, this news also raises some concerning questions." His gaze hardened as he fixed the ANBU with a penetrating stare. "What about the Root operative that was tailing Dr. Yuki? Any developments on that front?"

The atmosphere in the room shifted palpably, the air growing thick with tension. "We apprehended the agent, Hokage-sama," he reported, each word measured and heavy. "But unfortunately, he took his own life before we could extract any information."

A shadow passed over the Hokage's face, his expression darkening with frustration. His fist clenched on the desk, the only outward sign of the anger and disappointment that roiled within him. "Unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected, given Root's reputation," he murmured, shaking his head solemnly. "Their operatives are notoriously difficult to crack, even for our most skilled interrogators. Danzo's conditioning runs deep."

Root's former leader's name lingered in the atmosphere like a poisonous miasma, a constant reminder of the darker currents that still loomed large, threatening to pull their village back into the shadows.

Regaining his composure with visible effort, the Hokage leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled before him. His cold, calculating eyes drilled into the ANBU agents as he asked, "Were there any witnesses to the incident?"

Mouse responded promptly, her voice steady and clear, cutting through the tension. "Only Dr. Yuki Sarutobi witnessed our intervention, Hokage-sama. We were able to isolate the area before engaging the Root operative."

The Hokage nodded, a glimmer of relief flashing in his eyes. "She's already aware of my involvement in this matter, so her knowledge poses no concern to us," he reasoned aloud, more to himself than to his subordinates. His gaze sharpened as he continued, "But tell me, did you successfully dispose of the body and eliminate any traces of the altercation? We cannot afford any loose ends, not with Root potentially still active in the shadows."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Fox replied, his tone curt and decisive. "We disposed of the operative's remains using a high-level fire jutsu, reducing the body to ash. The scene was cleared thoroughly, with all traces of the struggle eliminated. No evidence of our presence remains."

"Good," the Hokage said, his voice firm and resolute. "In light of these developments, Ryu's safety becomes even more paramount. He's not just a potential medical asset to the village, but also carries the promise of becoming a skilled shinobi in his own right." He paused, his gaze boring into Fox's mask as if trying to see the man behind it. "I want you to assign a different ANBU recruit to his protection detail. Someone discreet, yet highly capable. Someone who can blend in with the hospital staff and Ryu's circle of friends without raising suspicion. I can't have someone like you on babysitting missions all the time."

Fox dipped his head in acknowledgement, his silver hair catching the light filtering through the window. "Understood, Hokage-sama. I have someone in mind – a recent addition to our ranks who has shown exceptional skill in covert operations. I will convey your wishes to the ANBU Commander immediately, and this operative will be assigned to Ryu Hamura's security without delay."

"Very well," the Hokage said, his tone brooking no argument. "You are both dismissed. Keep me informed of any further developments.".

The ANBU operatives nodded silently, a gesture of understanding and respect, before slipping out of the office with the same silent grace with which they had entered. The door closed behind them with a soft click, leaving the Hokage alone with his thoughts.

He turned to gaze out the window, his eyes scanning the village sprawled below. The sight of children playing in the streets, of civilians going about their daily lives filled him with a familiar mix of pride.

"So you survived, thank God," he murmured to himself, his thoughts centred on the young prodigy recuperating in the hospital. "Now show me what lies ahead in your destiny, Ryu Hamura. Show me that my faith in you is not misplaced."

The legacy of the past, the challenges of the present, and the promise of the future all converged on one young boy, whose brilliance might just change the course of their world.

The Hokage's weathered hand clenched into a fist, a silent vow to protect and nurture this flickering flame of hope. He would make sure Ryu Hamura had the opportunity to shed his light on the village's future, regardless of any shadows that might be lurking in the distance, whether they came from Root Division, the dangers posed by enemy villages, or the constant spectre of war.

With a deep sigh, the Hokage turned back to his desk, where a mountain of paperwork awaited his attention. But as he settled into his chair, his mind remained on Ryu, on the drug that had saved his life, and on the potential it held to save countless others. In a world often darkened by conflict and strife, such a breakthrough offered a ray of hope – a reminder that even in the shadows, light could always find a way to break through.


One goal has been accomplished, and the other is almost there. As promised, here's the chapter!

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