
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Cómic
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74 Chs

Chapter 47: A Game of Power

The imposing view of the Hokage stone mountain and the building in front of it loomed before Dr. Yuki, a stark symbol of the authority she was about to implore. Its shadow stretched across the village, a constant reminder of the power and responsibility housed within. Since Ryu's life has been in jeopardy due to the decisions made by the Leaf Medical Council, this place has been Yuki's only hope.

Dr. Yuki paused at the foot of the grand staircase leading to the entrance, her hand unconsciously clutching the folder containing her research. With a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy oak doors. She, with steely resolve, announced her arrival to the receptionist. "I am Dr. Yuki Sarutobi, and I am here to see the Hokage. It's a matter of urgency."

"Dr. Sarutobi, of course," the receptionist said. "Please take a seat, and allow me to notify the Hokage of your arrival."

Yuki nodded, settling into one of the plush chairs in the waiting area. Her eyes wandered over the walls adorned with portraits of past Hokages, their stern gazes seeming to assess her worthiness. Moments later, she found herself ushered into the Hokage's office. His office was a testament to the village's rich history and the burden of leadership. The large window behind the Hokage's desk offered a panoramic view of the village, a constant reminder of the lives under his protection.

With a hint of surprise, Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi looked up from his seat at his cousin Yuki Sarutobi. It was obvious he was not expecting her. Their past was a tangled web, but today, she was here not as a cousin but as Ryu's only hope.

"Yuki," Hiruzen said, "It's a surprise to see you here. What brings you here today? Is everything alright?" He asked her that even though he already knew what was wrong. The Leaf Medical Council had put a roadblock in the way of the human trials, as one of his ANBUs, codenamed "Mouse," had previously told him.

Dr. Yuki offered a strained smile, her smile failing to reach her eyes. "Not quite, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen thought to herself, "Have we drifted so far apart? Even though we are family, she continues to call Hokage-sama. When we were younger, she used to call me brother." 

Hiruzen said, "Yuki, you can call me by name; even though we are not as close as we once were, we are still family."

Yuki nodded in acknowledgement of his request and said, "Its about Ryu, Hiruzen, His condition…". She hesitated, searching for the right words: "It's worsening rapidly. I fear that we are running out of time."

Hiruzen's eyes widened upon hearing this. "Tell me, Yuki, what can I do to help?" he enquired.

Yuki took a deep breath, and she explained, "I've been researching a potential treatment. We've made significant progress in understanding the underlying mechanisms of Ryu's condition. Our early lab results are promising, Hiruzen. We believe this potential cure could save him and potentially others with similar conditions."

A hint of surprise flickered across Hiruzen's face. "Yuki, that is fantastic news."

Though he knew why, he asked her, "But if Ryu's experiments produced positive results, then why this visit? Is there a problem with the formula itself, or is there some other problem?"

Hearing this, Dr. Yuki blinked twice, a hint of surprise belying her well-practiced calm. Of course, Hiruzen knew about the experiments and that they were Ryu's, not hers. He is still the Hokage, obviously, she thought to herself.

"So you were aware," she acknowledged, a sliver of tension easing from her voice.

Hiruzen nodded. "Yes, I've been keeping tabs on your progress. I promised not to fail Ryu this time."

With a hint of urgency in her voice, she said, "Hiruzen, Ryu's condition is very critical. Our earlier estimates regarding the time we had were way off. For the last few weeks, he made some progress, but now his condition is deteriorating once more. This formula is his best, perhaps his only, chance. We can't afford these bureaucratic delays! Every moment counts. The council's insistence on further data review is jeopardising his life."

With a thoughtful look on his face and his fingers interlocked, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen, explained, saying, "Yuki, I understand your urgency and your love for your children." Still, the council has good reason to be concerned. A more comprehensive analysis of your data guarantees the efficacy and safety of the treatment for all prospective clients."

Yuki shot back, her voice trailing off a little, "While caution is crucial, this delay feels... politically motivated."

Dr. Yuki looked quickly around the room, as though she was looking for listeners who might not be there. She leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hiruzen, there is more to this delay than meets the eye. I suspect someone is deliberately sabotaging our efforts. The council also barred Ryu from participating in the trials, citing my relationship with Ryu as a reason."

Hiruzen's gaze narrowed, a steely glint replacing the warmth in his eyes.

"Hiruzen," she pressed, her voice tight with worry. "I don't know who leaked the information about my relation to Ryu, but I have a hunch. It wouldn't be the first time someone has placed their own agenda above the needs of the village. Though I am unable to provide any proof, I have some suspicions about who. I am sure you can figure it out without me saying anything."

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, a contemplative silence descending upon the room. The weight of Dr. Yuki's words hung heavy in the air. A mosaic of recollections flashed through his mind: the icy, calculating stare of Danzo Shimura, his former friend, and the hushed discussions in the council chambers' dark alcoves.

He sighed, the sound heavy with the burden of leadership. "Yuki," he began, his voice low and measured, "your concerns are not unfounded. The politics of our village can be... complicated. But let me assure you," his voice gained a steely edge, "I will get to the bottom of this. The safety and well-being of Ryu and the potential this treatment holds are far too important to be obstructed by political manoeuvring. As for the clinical trials, I will exert my influence within the council to ensure that Ryu will be part of the human trials."

A wave of relief washed over Yuki. The Hiruzen's words were a beacon of hope in the storm of uncertainty. "Thank you, Hiruzen," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I am so grateful for your intervention."

With a softening tone, Hiruzen went on, "Rest assured, Yuki. Ryu's life and the potential cure you have developed deserve a fair chance." Let me handle the investigation now. Focus on your research and prepare for the trials."

Dr. Yuki stood, bowing deeply to the Hokage. "Thank you, Hiruzen. Your support gives me hope."

Dr. Yuki left the Hokage's office with renewed hope. As she descended the grand staircase, the weight that had been pressing on her shoulders seemed to lift slightly.

Back in his office, Hiruzen was anything but relaxed as he thought through every course of action he could take in this situation. He intended to use his influence to overturn the Leaf Medical Council's decision, even if it caused some controversy, but that would not be sufficient. There were more powerful forces at work. He needs to make sure that direct sabotage does not happen. As even if the Leaf Medical Council's decision is overturned, he knew Danzo would not stay still after that.

Subsequently, he lifted his head and silently ordered his hidden ANBU guards above the ceiling tiles, saying, "Bring Fox to me." His only response, a faint rustling sound, was that his orders had begun.

The Hokage moved to the window, his eyes scanning the village sprawled before him as he waited for this new ANBU operative to arrive at his office. The weight of the past pressed heavily on him.

Ryu Hamura, the last surviving member of the once-proud Hamura clan, represented more than just a potential cure. He was a chance for Hiruzen to atone for his past failures. The memory of Ryu Senju, who perished under his watch, haunted him. He wouldn't let history repeat itself.

Hiruzen's weathered face hardened with resolve. The village needed the cure, yes, but it also needed Ryu Senju's lineage to survive.

He clenched his fist and thought, "It is a debt of honour for me, an opportunity to atone for my past mistakes. Ryu Hamura has to survive. Danzo, I would not let you put Ryu's life in danger. For the possibility of a better future for the village."

Hiruzen went back to his desk as the last of the sunlight vanished and the fire in the smoking pipe died. There was work to be done, shadows to be unravelled, and a future to protect. The game of power and politics was about to begin anew, but this time, Hiruzen was determined to emerge victorious.

[## Author's Note: 

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