
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 70 - Arc Reactor Prototype

Inside the laboratory, Kagami stood behind a fairly durable piece of glass with Mira as they watched a small device on a pedestal. The device had a ring that was glowing brightly as electricity seemed to leak out and the pedestal was wobbling a bit. However, besides these notable issues, he didn't see any glaring issues.

Peeking over his shoulder to see some of the output of the small device before them. Mira nearly choked on air at the number she was seeing.

"Is this data true? This little device can power your laboratory and still have a bunch of energy left over?" she said.

"Well maybe five of my laboratories and still have enough juice to power a quarter of the village for two weeks." Kagami corrected. "Not to mention how much energy is leaking out as you can see."

Pointing at a red number and then at the sparks shooting out of the ring. Kagami smiled as she grabbed her forehead. He wondered how she would react if he said it wasn't even at full capacity yet. Though, he doubts she cares as much as she was showing at the moment.

"I'm guessing you already have an idea to fix it?" Mira asked.

"Yes," Kagami smiled. "So in a couple years we will have a giant one to power the village for the coming decades."

Mira just rolled her eyes at that statement since she felt he would make a different power generation in the future. Not that she would tell him that.

"Anyways, did you hear the rumor about Hiruzen wanting you to study under him and take over as Hokage in a few years." Mira asked.

"Not so much rumors, as he asked me and I said no." Kagami retorted.

"You said no!"

"I wouldn't mind becoming Hokage, but being called Fifth Hokage. I would rather be the Sixth Hokage." Kagami answered. "I thought I told you that before."

"You may have mentioned it before."

"Yeah, anyways, we will be bringing Tsunade back to the village and having her become the Fifth. Though in return I will be handling most of her work for her as the agreement made." Kagami grumbled. "Then in three to six years she will pass the mantel to me."

By then it would be around the time the Fourth Shinobi War would be happening. Which he was unsure would happen since he was sure Obito and Black Zetsu would make a move beforehand. Not to mention with Akatsuki since both Mira and him are standing in their way while collecting the tailed beasts.

"So you will be a Shadow Fifth." Mira joked as she cracked up at the new information.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." Kagami grumbled. "However, it will be about a year before she returns. Apparently she wants to work on her blood phobia and pay off her debts before taking the position."

"Then you would be twenty one or four before taking on the role as Hokage." Mira nodded, sounding impressed and proud.

"Yeah, but I am not sure how this happened. I never planned to become the Hokage." Kagami drew circles on the ground. "I prefer to play in my laboratory and study chakra."

"Of course. However, I think this is Hiruzen's way to make sure you don't blow up half of Konoha or make a giant metal robot." Mira pecked his cheek.

"I wouldn't blow up half of Konoha." Kagami scoffed at the notion.

However, he didn't have any comments on the giant robot as that was something on the list to build. First of all it would be cool, not to mention how immensely it could help with large scale projects. Though, he supposed he could do the same work with his Sunasoo.

'Well, I'm sure the remaining Uchiha members will throw a fit if I use their ultimate defense for such trivial matters. It would be a bit hard on the body and chakra to use it for a long period of time.' Kagami justified it to himself.

Mira just looked at him before turning on her heel. "Just don't mass produce the giant robot. They can be a threat to the security of the Village and Land of Fire. Most of the shinobi aren't us who could probably crush the suits."

Kagami grumbled but agreed as he saw the glare in the mirror telling him a night on the couch if he disagreed. Which was something he didn't want as he got used to her sleeping in his bed with him the last few months. A few months ago she moved into his bed saying they have been dating long enough and it should be fine.

He remembers what his grandfather's reaction was when she did this too. Much to Kagami dismay, he watched his grandfather shoot him a thumbs up. The next morning he even had a list of possible names for their children. Which ended up leaving his grandfather Taiyō hospitalized for the next week even with nanobots after she got done with him.

"Ok, I won't mass produce them." Kagami sighed. "Can I produce smaller ones and make a robot boxing sport?"

Mira paused her step for a moment. "Very well, but I will have a report of your security measures. We don't want the other villages getting it and building a bunch as soldiers."

"So it is true you are taking over as Anbu commander." Kagami asked.

"I told you over a week ago." Mira pointed out with a bit of an edge to her voice.

"Was I tinkering on something?"

"Yes," Mira sighed. "My mistake."

Kagami just rubbed the back of his head as he laughed. He felt slightly terrified as she glared at him for forgetting such a thing. So he made a note to visit Kakashi who seemed to be retiring from Anbu soon. To wish him luck in becoming a Jonin sensei, though he doubts he will take on a squad until Naruto and Sasuke graduate in four years.

'Four years before the plot…which means I could end up as Hokage then.' Kagami silently wept at the thought.

Thanks for Reading.

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