
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 68 - Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

Inside the laboratory, Kagami was doing a light dance as he looked at the clone bodies laid before him. From the data he has, the clones came out perfectly and means he is ready for the next step. That is to transplant their eyes and gain the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Hence after a few days of this success, Kagami brought Mira to the labradory to undergo the transplant. For he would need to set up the machines or bring someone in who has the knowledge to do it for him. The latter didn't really appeal to him and while Mira is great, she does not have much more knowledge about medical past first aid.

"Surely just transplanting eyes won't work. In the long history of Uchiha, surely some have tried this." Mira said as she laid down on the operating bed.

"You know how the clan is or were. It was the biggest insult to take out one's eyes much less give it to another." Kagami replied. "Now don't worry, the clone eyes are almost an exact copy as your own, as the clone would register as your sister."

"Then what will you do with my current eyes? Surely you won't leave them laying around or destroy them right?" Mira asked, but her voice carried a dangerous edge.

"Don't worry, I will be sealing our eyes up in case we ever need them." Kagami gently caresses her cheek. "I will place them where no one but us will be able to find or retrieve them."

"Why do I allow this?" Mira grumbled to herself. "Let's get this over with. I only got a few days of vacation to spend."

Kagami smiled before he put her asleep and then carefully plucked her eyes out. Depositing them into a special jar where her two Mangekyō Sharingan floated inside. He gently placed two new eyes into her eye sockets and healed them after connecting them.

It was more a tedious process, but he was unsure if it was because of the Uchiha bloodline or because of this world. It was fairly easy to swap eyes since it seemed even if they had an eye brutally ripped out. Then as long as they put in a replacement, then they will regain their sight. Which made Kagami a bit curious as he only really remembers Uchiha clan members who can do this.

A few hours later, Mira woke up mainly as the sedatives wore off. After which Kagami began to examine her body and mainly focused on her eyes while nanobots began to repair and speed up her adaptation to them.

"How do you feel?" Kagami asked.

"A bit sluggish and a bit of discomfort in my eyes." Mira replied sarcastically.

"Well, at least the drugs didn't take away your sense of humor." Kagami replied. "Now let's get a look at your eyes."

Unwrapping the bandages he placed around her eyes. Kagami smiled as he saw familiar red eyes looking at him. Only this time her eye pattern had a bold black trim around them. Thus marking that it worked and judging by how Mira eyes flickered around, her eyes are working well.

"I can see things clearly again." Mira muttered. "Almost better actually."

"I would imagine since someone didn't listen to my advice about not using Mangekyō Sharingan often." Kagami retorted. "Now, let's run some tests before we really test these eyes out."

Mira grinned as she couldn't wait, "I won't have to be half naked for these tests do I?"

"If you want, but it is not necessary." Kagami replied.

An eye roll followed suit while he quickly ran through the tests needed. He tested her normal sight, both near and far sight, as well how well they followed and were coordinated. Then he began asking her to shift her eyes between the Three Tomoe Sharingan and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Once he was sure and her eyes with the nanobots correcting the minor inconsistencies. It was time for them to begin the fun part and that was running her Mangekyō Sharingan abilities through their paces.


"Did we really have to come here for the tests? Either of us could have just locked down a training field if we needed more space." Mira asked as she stood at the base of the giant Madara statue.

The pair were currently at the Valley of the End with her standing at Madara's feet while Kagami was on Hashirama's side. Under their feet was the raging water as the large waterfall beside them roared.

"We could, but if my guess is right. The amount of chakra you will be unleashing will make most of the sensors cry or wet themselves." Kagami shrugged. "I already informed Hiruzen and if he needs us he can send someone."

"Does he even know what we are doing?" Mira asked.

"Just something that will involve a lot of chakra and it might send the village sensors into a frenzy." Kagami waved his hand not minding leaving the details out. "So we agreed that to conduct this test, being out of the village was for the best."

"Is that so?" Mira asked.

"Yeah Mother, also when we have spar, it will be very destructive." Asura chipped in.

Mira just nodded, before her eyes transformed into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Then black flames erupted on the shore nearby as they continued to burn without any fuel. Showing the destructive power of the Amaterasu flames.

Then after waiting and marking down Mira remarks about the differences between the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and Mangekyō Sharingan. Then she used her second ability where she seemingly warped a fair distance away.

It was very similar to Flying Thunder God Technique, in which she can either mark someone or something as long as she touches or sees them. Then she can warp to them, but unlike the Flying Thunder God, she can only use it once before having to mark them again.

"How is it?" Kagami asked.

"It doesn't hurt as bad when using them." Mira replied. "It also feels easier on the chakra."

Nodding, he made some space as Mira closed her eyes before a purple skeleton appeared wrapping around her body. Which continued to grow as it soon covered in muscle and skin as armor seemed to appear on its body. Which made Kagami crane his neck upwards as Mira unleashed the full size, before she removed it dropping down to the water once more.

"It still hurts to bring out the Susanoo but it is not too bad on the body now." Mira said. "It does take a toll on the one chakra and strain my chakra network."

Kagami nodded as he marked it down, ending the test. Then headed back to the village with Mira where they spent the rest of the day hanging out in the village.

Thanks for Reading.

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