
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 61 - One Tail Riot

"I can see why Sunagakure struggles with both mission commissions and resources." Mira grumbled from underneath an umbrella.

Currently sitting on the balcony of a hotel usually reserved for guests, both Mira and Kagami were inside Sunagakure. They had arrived towards the later half of the afternoon and Kazekage refused to meet them today. For he had some important matters to attend to and said he would meet with them tomorrow.

While neither of them believed it, Kagami nor Mira really cared either. They had to rest in the village either way so if they met the Kazekage today or tomorrow didn't matter much. The mission will be completed either way.

"It's nearly night, but still so hot." Mira complained, waving a small fan.

"I would create an ice block but I'm not sure how well our watchers will react." Kagami shrugged, also waving a fan.

While they were fairly well hidden, the Suna shinobi who were tasked with watching them were discovered. Not for a lack of trying to hide, but their intense watching gave them away as Asura and Kōsetsu who sense a slight hostile intent from them. A skill they were working on more in depth.

"Still, it seems that the shinobi here are restless. Is something going on?" Mira asked.

Kagami didn't have an answer because he was slightly curious too, but since it was not his village. He can't just ask nor could investigate since he probably won't get an answer and with how the village is treating them currently. It will probably be misunderstood as spying or they will give a nonsense answer like running security drills.

"Well, I hope it is not a prelude. Reports said that the One Tail has been rioting once in a while over the last few years." Mira continued.

"The Kazekage isn't dumb enough to aggravate his son with us in the village." Kagami answered.

It would be dumb to aggravate Gaara under the guise of training to control Shukaku when he has foreign shinobi in the village. Not that it was right to do it in the first place the way he was doing it, if Kagami was right. What part of trying to assassinate his own child over and over again is considered training.

'Not to mention it would be detrimental to the village. So someone like the Fourth Kazekage who places value on things due to his ultimatum mindset. He surely would keep an eye on his son during this time.' Kagami thought to himself.

Not long after the sun dipped below the horizon and the heat cooled off. Kagami and Mira went to sleep.



In the middle of the night, Kagami woke up with a jolt as did Mira. Not that it was possible to sleep as the sound rattled the building and just looked out the window. A mountain sized beige raccoon looking thing appeared in the moonlight.

"I will suppress it, while you prepare a better seal. Otherwise it would take them hours to subdue the one tails." Kagami let out a yawn and quickly swapped into his clothes.

On his back, Kagami slung his scroll alongside his sword before jumping out the window and headed for the battlefield. Mira lightly grumbled before changing and drawing up the seal that would take Kagami seconds to do, but her a few minutes.

'He just wants to stretch his muscles.' Mira mentally grumbled as she went to work.

Behind her in the window, a large wooden human golem soon appeared and punched Shukaku.


After jumping out the window, Kagami raced towards the outer wall for Shukaku was released on the outskirts of the village. He wasn't the only one racing there as many shinobi who were either walking the village or resting were also racing there.

Running up the outer wall, Kagami jumped off as he clapped his hands together as he free fell from the wall. Even if he didn't do anything, thanks to training and chakra, he would be fine after the fall. However, he didn't plan to land on the ground since even if he landed it would at most make his legs tremble.

"Wood Release: Wood Human Technique."

In an instant of casting, wood rapidly shot forth from the ground and soon turned into a towering wooden man with a wooden dragon wrapped up around it. An angry face was presented on the wooden golem and standing on its head, Kagami felt a decent portion of his chakra vanished more so to suppress the natural energy.

"Let's do this." Kagami smiled as he directed the wooden golem to punch Shukaku who was knocked down from the force.

While Shukaku was on the ground, Kagami didn't waste time and summoned the Gate of the Great God. As the large red gates crashed down suppressing Shukaku, Kagami felt a large chunk of his chakra vanished leaving him slightly winded.

'Father. Isn't this a little overkill?' Asura sighed as he transferred a bit of chakra to Kagami.

While he knew it was unnecessary for him to transfer chakra to him. Asura wanted to be helpful to his father, since the chances of coming out to battle. Well, unless Kagami had Mira to fight him, even then it would be a slim chance for him to appear.

"Why!!!" Shukaku cried as fear rose up inside him. "When is a human pest this strong? I want a refund. This isn't supposed to happen!"

Kagami was sure he could see fear, anger and sadness from Shakuku as he was soon pinned down. Which was quite saddening if one thought about it, since he was finally free but instead running about a few hours like the last few times. It was only a few minutes and received a one sided beat down.

"Stop wailing so much." Kagami picked his ear with his pinky. "You're not the only one disappointed. I thought you would be stronger since you're in your element."

'I didn't even have to bust out the Sharingan much less the Mangekyō Sharingan. Even Asura didn't get to come out to play.' Kagami sighed to himself.

Not long after, Mira came and after stuffing Shakuku back into his crude seal. They slapped a new seal on Gaara allowing him to sleep for a change. Though, his father and a few elders of the village didn't look pleased.

However, soon their eyes shifted away pretending not to see anything.