
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 44 - Raikage Pulls Back his Army

In the Root underground base of Konoha, an old man whose hair began to gray at a fairly rapid pace looked at a man kneeling. His displeasure about the grayness present on his face, but to others he looked to be displeased with them instead.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, the letters have been switched and delivered. Both Kagami and Mira should be dead or will give up the mission like you planned, sir." The kneeling man replied with no emotion in his voice.

"Good." Danzo dismissed the man as he sat behind the desk.

'Don't blame this old man, but the two were becoming too powerful and famous in the village. I need to remove potential threats for the greater good of the village.' Danzo thought before thinking of something.

"How is the research of these Chakra Vehicles coming along?" Danzo roared as an explosion traveled throughout the tunnels.

Soon a woman in a mask appeared at the doorway. She kneeled on the ground before replying to Danzo.

"There is little progress. The research team is troubled as while the entire vehicle is fairly simple in nature, it is the chakra battery and small gadgets that are more complicated to replicate." The woman replied.

"I care not about the vehicle and those small gadgets. I care about the battery and if it can be weaponized." Danzo frowned before dismissing her. "Gather more manpower as I want results faster."

"Yes sir." The woman bowed and left.


Inside the Hokage Office, Hiruzen frowned as he looked at the letter in his hands. Each told him that the Raikage set up various forces that could push forward at any time, while one letter from the Raikage sat on top. There it said he is sending someone to negotiate an end to this conflict between them.

"What do you think, credible or not?" Hiruzen asked Shikaku Nara.

Shikaku was a fairly young man in his mid twenties with two fresh scars appearing on his face. However, what was special about this man was his brilliance allowing him to soar and able to make Hiruzen value him enough to discuss tactics.

Shikaku looked at the data presented to him and thought for a moment. His brain whirling furiously as he came up with various scenarios. Then he came to the conclusion that it seems possible.

"The army is a half bluff, while the negotiations are suspicious, but both sides want it. So I do believe it is credible, otherwise if this conflict continues another village might join the fray." Shikaku explained his thoughts. "So we should accept it, but keep our eyes open to the tricks they might play."

Hiruzen nodded as this was the same conclusion he came to. So after a bit of debating and deciding to sit on the letter for a few more days so as not to appear impatient to accept the negotiations. He sat back after shooing away Shikaku and decided to relax a bit by reading his apprentice novel.


Inside Konoha camp both Kagami and Mira were placed under watch as the camp leader frowned at their return. For neither were very injured and still alive and kicking after attacking such a large camp. Which he found unbelievable that two twelve year olds could pull off such an attack.

An attack that even an adult shinobi couldn't pull off and walk away like they did. Hence he found it too suspicious. Not that he blamed them if they returned saying they gave up the mission, but the punishment for giving it up and for lying are very different.

Hence, he placed them underwatch as he sent a few to investigate to make sure they completed the mission like they were told or were lying and returned after giving up the mission.


While the Konoha side was in a semi-peaceful state, the Kumogakure side was in turmoil. The discovery of one of their large gathering points was reported. Which stunned everyone, especially the Raikage as a small group of four who were the only survivors trembled before him.

For the reason these four survived was because they were off scouting the area and weren't in the camp during the attack. However, when they heard the explosions they rushed back and discovered the two who attacked and watched as the Earth swallowed their camp, comrades and friends.

"Do any of you recognize the two who are responsible?" the Raikage asked.

A large man with a slight tremble in his hands pushed out a bingo book with two bookmarks inside. Clearly they already prepared for this question as they watched as the Raikage slammed the book down after a look.

"That brat improved this much already." He growled. "Did you guys see any large black iron sand, or ice litter around the camp before it was swallowed? Even a sign of wood release?"

"No sir. We only saw the boy flickering a few times with what we assumed to be Flying Thunder God Technique reaping the final few lives in a blink." The leader of the four replied.

It was clear the man felt ashamed of himself as did the other three as they couldn't save their comrades. However, the Raikage on the other hand paused as a terrible thought occurred to him. So he quickly dismissed them and told them to relax and take some time off to recover.

"Wood Release, Flying Thunder God, Magnet Release, Ice Release and possibly all Five Elements releases. How did this boy accomplish all this or even learn so many kekkei genkais? He even made some like chakra vehicles that the spies reported." The Raikage grew more angry as he thought about it.

However, he soon felt a cold sensation as if his skin began to crawl with a bit of helplessness. For the boy was growing so strong at a young age. Not to mention that despite his attempts and apparently someone else in an effort to kill him. For he refuses to believe that Hiruzen would order such a prodigy to launch a suicided attack like this. None of their plans are working, but inside allowed them to catch a glimpse of his rapidly improving strength.

'Is he going to be the next Shinobi God like the rumored First Hokage, Senju Hashirama?' the Raikage thought to himself.

Finally, after a while of deep thought, the Raikage made a heavy decision to recall the other camps. He couldn't have them wiped out if Kagami was ordered again to make a move. Which made him feel terrible that he had to make such a move because of a brat.

"Update the Bingo Book and increase his bounty to seventy million. This brat gots to die before he can grow into the next Shinobi God." Raikage roared as he smashed his desk to pieces.

Thanks for Reading.

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