
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 38 - Recovery

After nearly a year away from the village, after neatly five days of traveling a small group with two small figures approached the main entrance. Their dark eyes showed hints of joy as they slowly approached it alongside a small team of chunin and jonin walked around them. However, it was a very special group as most of the members were either on crutches or covered in bandages with a limp in their steps.

"This is a sight for sore eyes."

"Friend, you don't have eyes anymore."

In front of Kagami and Mira, two men in their late twenties were bantering. One man was on the right with a crutch while the other was on the man's shoulder. Just the man's eyes were wrapped up in a bandage along with most of his torso and arms.

"Wait, how did you know we were at the village entrance?"

"I'm blind, not deaf. How could I not know after listening to this ragtag team excited movement and not guess where we are. Also, we should be nearing the village." The blind man chided with a laugh.

After entering the village and checking in, Kagami and Mira after getting the clearance to return home from a medical nin. Since they returned with a wounded group, but unlike the rest, both Kagami and Mira bodies were healing quickly with nanobots. So besides a warning to take it easy and don't do anything intense for a few days. They were allowed to rest at home.

"So it was true." Mira said as they walked by the Uchiha land, but found non-uchiha walking around.

"The clan was relocated to the outskirts, huh." Kagami sighed.

While the Uchiha clan weren't well liked due to them enforcing the rules. It is a slight shame to see an entire clan being pushed out of the very village they helped found. Not that the Uchiha were entirely innocent either, but did they deserve to be pushed onto the path of no return like this.

'While neither I nor Mira can do much to ease tension at this time. If time follows correctly we have about six years to hopefully change the outcome.' Kagami thought to himself.

Yet, seeing how some merchants were selling former residents and teenagers were happily painting the Uchiha clan symbol as if mocking them. He felt slightly bad for the Uchiha since this is the way they were rewarded for all their work in the village. To be mocked and looked down upon by the ones they are tasked to protect.

'No wonder they Uchiha wanted to rebel, they can't leave due to the numerous enemies outside and also can't be a part of this village.' Kagami gave Mira a one armed hug to comfort her a little, before they headed toward his house.

While neither knew if either of their grandfathers were home, there was a high chance they were together playing chess or something. So it was more of a matter just guessing where they were.


In the end after having a large dinner to celebrate their return, both Uchiha Maru and Senju Taiyō were excited to see both of them. It has been nearly a year and now both Kagami and Mira are eleven years old. Which made both men sigh at how fast time passed by in a blink.

So after spending a couple days with the old men, Kagami returned to his laboratory after such a long time. This time, he was confident in making his Serum and went straight to work on producing it. During the time at the border camp, he was driving through his Science Notes and repeatedly processed and mentally tested out the adjustments to perfect it. Now, he just needs to try it out and if it works like how he thinks, then he can boost both his and Mira chakra levels.

'If this works, I could use the nanobots in our bodies to passively expand our chakra networks.' Kagami had this thought while putting it to the side for the moment.

Then, Kagami's eyes landed on the scroll he stored some of Kurama chakra inside. An idea sprang up inside his head, since both he and Mira did fairly well against Jinchurikis. It was mainly due to how prepared they were, but if caught unguarded it would be very troublesome. Hence, an idea formed inside his head as he debated if it was doable and able to create a pair of tailed beasts.

'Let's figure it out after I finish the serum.' Kagami thought as he focused wholeheartedly on the serum.

A few hours later he injected a bit into a mouse. Kagami watched as the data changed and grew excited as he pumped in success. While the changes were a bit slow acting as it will take about two or three years to complete. However, his joy didn't last long as the numbers did a complete reversal.

Once the chakra level soared in the mouse, instead of strengthening the body, it grew frail in return as cancerous spots appeared on its body. Then after a small struggle, the mouse died shortly after.

"I failed again." Kagami mumbled as he felt depressed as he was sure it would work.

So leaving the nanobots to collect the data while he had a few ideas why such a reaction occurred. Kagami decided to take a break from this research and swapped gears for the time being. Since this project was at a slight dead end and he needed a break to refresh himself.

Kagami moved towards another side of the room and began to plot out what he needed for the idea he had in mind. While he didn't plan on starting it so soon, but it will help relieve the chakra issue as well as increase their strength. So, he decided to push this idea forward in time and began to plot it out.

'Since the chakra is from the nine tails, the two tailed beasts will most likely take the form of a nine tails fox. Also, the amount of tailed beast chakra I gather, I only have one attempt at this.' Kagami thought as he wrote out the materials and began calculating the cost.

In the end, it will cost him a few million mainly due to the fluid and power cost, since he can save a bunch by just raiding the scrap yard. Hence, after finishing listing the materials and running a few simulations in his head. He set off to begin building the incubation tanks, while deciding to study a small piece of chakra from the nine tails.

Thanks for Reading.

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