
Chapter: 8

#Land of Fire - Konohagakure no Sato#

Naruto awakens after three days with a start but could not move, finding both his arms in casts to his elbows and his upperbody heavily bandaged. A familiar translucent box flashes over his and his eyes widen at the message of fu's untimely demise, "Musashi.. Could the Akatsuki have attacked Fu like me or Enemies" naruto thought.

"I do not know Boya.. The Akatsuki may have attempted this" musashi says.

"A fellow Jinchuriki and another one of your siblings are gone" naruto says and shifts a little, "Aki was powerful and I definitely need to get stronger.. So I'll need to find this Katsumi Kaioh in the Northern Continent" he adds.

"The Question is how to go there Boya" musashi says. The door opens and as a nurse with really pale skin and ink black hair comes in but sees naruto awake, "You're awake" she says and naruto nods.

"Can I have some water" naruto says, his voice a little gravelly. The nurse shifts his bed up and helps him drink some water as the redhead sighs from the coolness, "I'll inform Lord Godaime.. You've been asleep three days" she says and naruto nods once again, before she leaves and he checks his stats.

"Zenkai Boost.. It gave me at least a hundred to each.. I must have been on the brink of death" naruto says.

"Don't do it again.. It took a lot of my chakra Boya.. Hence the three days" musashi says.

"I won't" naruto says and brings up the store, looking at some skills to buy. He buys the skills Vigorous Right Fist Fukuryu, Vigorous Left Fist Garyu as both were similar to iron annihilation and channel energy with impactful blows. He then buys the Bullet Series of Shocking First Bullet, Destructive Second Bullet, Obliterating Last Bullet and Rapid Kill Final Bullet.

"Naruto" a voice says and naruto sees itachi, "How are you feeling" he adds. Naruto raises his casts with a weak smile, "I can only do so much" he says.

"I see.. Your arms are broken in a few places.. Plus the hole in your stomach" itachi says, sitting down as the nurse sai checks naruto's vitals.

"Aki was Powerful and his partner Yakumo just watched" naruto says and itachi's eyes widen a little.

"Yakumo" itachi says and naruto nods, "Then that explains it" he adds.

"Who's Yakumo" naruto asks and itachi sighs.

"She was a former Jonin with very unique Kekkei Genkai.. However her clan feared it and they preyed on the Sandaime's Peaceful nature.. Which lead to Yakumo wiping out her clan out with Genjutsu" itachi says.

"Like your Dad" naruto says.

"Yes but worse.. She spared No one.. My father thought of the children but Yakumo didn't.. Her Genjutsu Mania drove her clan Insane.. Details I won't get into but she is dangerous" itachi says and rises, "I'll inform Sarada and the others.. They were Very concerned" he adds, before leaving.

"She drove them Insane.. Could she overcome your Gamer Mind" musashi says.

"Who knows" naruto thought.

System Correction! System Correction! System Correction!

1) Itachi Uchiha, Mikoto Uchiha, Hitomi Hyuga, Tobiume Senju, Shizune Kato, Karin Uzumaki, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Kakashi and Anko Hatake will learn of Gamer Bloodline.

2) 500000 EXP

3) 500000 Ryo

Level Up!

"Your luck is Inhuman" musashi says and naruto sighs. Several minutes later his door slides open and a gaggle of girls enter lead by sarada. All of them have unshed tears in their eyes and esdeath has a few in hers, "We were worried" sarada says.

"Indeed" kaguya says.

"What happened.. Mom and the Hokage were vague" tsunade says. Naruto coughs a bit and sarada helps him with some water as he clears his throat, "I was on daily run near the park by the river.. When I noticed something was off.. No birds or people" he says and sighs, "It was then they appeared.. Aki and Yakumo Kurama both from Akatsuki... Aki wanted to test me.. And... And he was So much stronger than me.. It was like punching plated steel.. Every punch were hurting" he adds.

"Yakumo Kurama" tsunade says and naruto nods.

"She was a Jonin from here.. Aki is from the Northern Continent" naruto says.

"Really?!" sarada says and naruto nods.

"Are you mostly healed" kaguya and yor asks.

"Mostly but I'll need to wait until the doctors release me" naruto says.

"Well let's see then" shizune says, in the doorway in her black kimono. She has his chart in her hands and look it over before placing it down on his rolling table, "Now let's see" shizune says, her hands beginning to glow light green. She moves hands along his arms and chest, "If you didn't have Musashi.. Surely you would've died" shizune says.

"Yeah" naruto says, as she finishes.

"Things look good.. I'll remove your IVs and get you discharged papers.. One of you can get Naruto some clothes.. Also someone to remove the casts" shizune says and yor volunteers.

"I can remove them myself" naruto says, as shizune removes his IV and the wounds sizzle.

"How so" shizune says, moving his sheets. Naruto winces from the cold floor and holds his arms over the bed as everyone watches, slowly the casts shakes and begin to crack as he flexes his muscles, before both casts shatter and free his arms.

"Sorry for the mess" naruto says, moving his fingers and arms.

"It's ok.. Clean yourself up.. I'll get someone to clean it up" shizune says, heading out.

"So... Will you head to the Northern Continent" tsunade asks.

"I don't know.. The Hokage has the final say on this" naruto says and heads for the bathroom for a quick shower. He soon comes back with a towel around his waist with four sets of eyes on him, making him feel like a deer around hungry wolves. Yor walks in and like her fellows girls zeros in on naruto's body, "I have your clothes" she says.

"Thanks" naruto says, taking the bag of clothes and going back in the bathroom. After a few minutes comes back shorts and a hoodie, "I'm Heading into a Dungeon tonight... Alone" naruto says.

"Are you sure" kaguya says.

"Yeah.. Aki has shown me I need to grow stronger.. Even beyond him could be others" naruto says.

"S-rank Ninja are things are of stories.. There could be ones that could be on the level of Great Grandfather or Madara Uchiha or even the Sage of Six Paths" tsunade says. Sai comes in with naruto's discharge notes and bids him goodbye, "I'll make you all something before I go in" he says. Naruto and company leave the hospital heading to his house, meeting karin along the way and she hugs him immediately.

"I'm glad you're ok" karin says.

"Yeah" naruto says, ruffling her hair. Everyone heads for their place as naruto discusses what they want to eat, each settling on burgers and fries or rather potato logs. They reach home and the girls settle in as naruto heads for his kitchen, before unsealing a dozen fresh patties and potato logs. He puts the oven on four hundred degrees, grabbing his pink apron and grabs a few items. Two large skillets for the patties, a pan for the potato logs, a pack of buns, mustard, mayonnaise, relish, lettuce and a bowl. He seasons the patties and pours a little oil in the skillets, before placing the potato logs in the oven.

"Everyone want a Single or Double" naruto says and gets a single from everyone.

"Meaning Three Doubles for me" naruto thought, placing three in each skillet. He begins putting mustard, mayonnaise, relish and cuts some the lettuce into the bowl as he mixes them together. He places the mix into the fridge to keep it cold and checks his patties before flipping each then grabbing six plates from the cabinet.

"Almost ready" naruto muses, grabbing six cheeses and mix. He creates a clone as he begins fixing their burgers by putting the mix on both sides of the bun as the clone puts the cheese on the patties to melt a little. He takes the potato logs from the oven as the clone moves patties to buns. Naruto then places his own patties to cook as the clone places potato logs on plates, before they move plates to the table as the girls sit down to eat. He and the clone fill some glasses with sweetened tea from the store and place two jugs on the table as well.

"Itadakimasu" the girls say and dig in as naruto tends to his own burgers, snacking on potato logs during.

"Succulent cooking as always Darling" esdeath says and the girls agree. Naruto begins fixing his own burgers as his clone starts filling the sink to clean the dirty dishes,, "A little trial and error" he says.

"Not skills bought Boya" musashi says and naruto nearly does a spit-take. He brings two plates with his three double cheeseburgers and potato logs, including a third jug of tea for himself.

"You're eating the same amount we're eating" karin says.

"He's a pit for food" sarada comments.

"Bottomless" tsunade adds.

"He loads up on a lot of calories.. lt'll help him heal further" kaguya says. The girls talk about a few things as naruto devours his large portions of food, avoiding certain topics concerning naruto's gamer bloodline. Naruto could enjoy these moments of just sitting around with those he cares about, able to put recent event to the back of mind but the seeds of betrayal were blooming as anko's quest reward number four will yield a bitter harvest.

[Music: Kevin Rudolf - Let It Rock ft. Lil Wayne(Loop)]

Naruto secures what he needs for the dungeon as a reinforced clone is downstairs with the others and to keep karin from suspecting, by pumping her full of sweet to distract her. The redhead is wearing his mission gear of cargo pants that taper into a skinner look near the end and look like stonewash jeans, a black belt and work boots having orange laces. A white tracksuit jacket with three black stripes on the sleeves and mesh armor shirt, lastly a pair of black gloves having metal knuckles.

"Now then" naruto says and enters the dungeon.

Welcome to Demonic Dungeon Level Thirty!

Enemies will be Thirty-five Levels higher. Checkpoints now Twice per Dungeon Level after defeating two Lieutenant Generals.

Quest Received

1 Defeat the Seven Lieutenant Generals. (0/7)


1) 500000EXP

2) Sword Qi

Naruto finds himself in middle of tiled space about fifty feet in diameter with four stone pillars around it. He sees what looks like raised section with seven chairs going up like a pyramid and each seat holds a person giving off a heavy pressure.

"Welcome Player" a loud and arrogant voice declares, sitting in the highest chair. Naruto uses observe on them and their names of Black Dragon General Lei Fan, Vargas, Masaha, Yooha, Lian Cho, Garam, Samsuyon Hian.

"Can you reach me Player" hian says, as smirk on his face. He has darkly tan skin and navy blue hair with light blue eyes, wearing flowing light robes and short shirt showing his abs.

"I will go first" lei fan says, wearing black and gold armor with a very large sword.

"No.. I will" masaha says, having braided white hair and dark robes.

"Calm yourself Lei Fan.. Let Masaha test the Player" hian says.

"Yes Lord Hian" lie fan says, sitting back down. Masaha launches forward like an unseen rocket as naruto flares his SSJ aura, dodging right and masaha is on him with snake like strikes. Naruto and masaha move across the space as dust whips from their lightning-fast movement, "He has high Dex and Spd.. But.." naruto thought, connecting with a vigorous right fist fukuryu uppercut and send flying masaha back but naruto follows.

"Shocking First Bullet" naruto shouts, crashing his fist to masaha's face and sends him crashing with a thoom. Masaha's face is caved in inside his five-foot wide crater as naruto lands in a crouch while masaha turns to stone and shatters.

"Weak" yooha says, having wild and long white hair. He has tan skin as he wears white pants and a black shirt with a wide sword having a half scissor like hilt.

"Go Lei Fan" hian says. Lei fan grabs his sword and makes his way forward his face blank, "You will die" he says, as red aura forming around his sword. Naruto brings out his sword uzumaku ten'notsurugi and shifts into a gatotsu stance, both shooting forward as the tiles crack and meeting with a thunderous strike. Lei fan blocks with his wide sword as naruto's gatotsu strike pushes forward but lei fan pushes as the tiles crack. Lei fan wins the test of strength and sends naruto back, "Birds of Fire" naruto shouts, sending his blue flame birds.

"Seems this player may know Sword Qi or a pathetic version" lian says. He has pale skin with a handsome face, long black hair in high ponytail and dressed resembling a murim manwha warrior.

"Perhaps but you will Not face him.. He has Earn his way to us" hian says.

"He possesses a Fierce spirit" garam says. He has tan skin with red and white hair, no shirt to show off his honed upperbody, flame adorned pants, bead bracelets and no shoes.

"Crimson Cyclone" naruto shouts, sending a cyclone of flames as lei fan swings and snuffs it out like the flap of a dragon wing. Lei fan shoots forward into a heavy strike but naruto blocks as he skids along the tiles and lei fan presses with heavy swings. Naruto somersaults back and brings out his azure dragon sword with his left, before tossing his sword upwards and using demon lasso on lei fan.

"Arrogant Brat" lei fan hisses, after crashing to one knee and heavy smoke wafting off his body.

"HahaHa.. Will he force Lei Fan to concede" yooha says.

"Then it will soon end" vargas says, wearing murim robes but half on to show his black undershirt with attached half mask and a conical hat. Lei Fan shakes in rage as his body glows red and it slowly as his body changes to naruto's shock while his eyes widen. Lei fan now resembles a great four-legged fire dragon covered with stalactites made of corundum, his hide is dark grey in color and the corundum stalactites are a dark magenta at their base. The stalactites lighten in color gradually from the base upwards and at their tips they appear pale pink. Naruto flares his SSJ aura and mixes in two tails slowly, "Uzumaki Ryu: Crescent Wave" he shouts swinging forward. The crescent wave slashes the ground but fails to cut lei fan's hide, "How Unsightly of me to take this form.. Against the like of you" he hisses.

"His power has grown but not to the level of a Biju" musashi says, as naruto rushes at lei fan's legs but only sparks erupt from his swings. Lei fan swings his tail and sends naruto bouncing along the tiles and losing his sword, "Maybe but his Hide is strong" naruto thought.

"Impossible?!.. He survived a swing of my tail?!" lei fan thought, lumbering towards naruto and raises a foot but naruto dodges to grab his sword.

"My Azure Dragon Sword.. What if I combined it with my sword and your chakra" naruto says, firing several energy blasts.

"We have no time for trial and error.. Either it works or doesn't.. Then we resort to Heavier attacks" musashi says. Naruto puts a little distance between him and lei fan as he points his sword forward, bracing his right sword arm with left as his azure dragon sword slowly envelopes it, followed by bubbling red chakra and slowly it become purple.

"How about Crimson Murasaki Azure Dragon Sword" naruto thought, raising his sword and musashi sighs.

"If you won't move.. I will Incinerate you" lei fan roars, spewing magenta flames.

"Heavenly Dragon Wave" naruto shouts, swinging down. The now purple dragon crashes through the flames and chomps into lei fan's hide, cracking his corundum hide to his shock.

"How can this be?!" lei fan says but naruto rockets forward and pierces his head.

"Uzumaki Ryu: Burning Tide" naruto shouts, as energy explodes out and engulfs them.[song ends]


Sarada says goodbye to everyone as she is the first to head home, her thoughts on how helpless naruto looked when she saw him in the hospital.

"How strong is someone who can do That to Naruto.. It just means I need to grow stronger as well.. All of us" sarada thought. The clouds lazily pass overhead and cover the half moon as the wind blows. Not many people were out but she decides to head for the park where naruto fought aki. The park is cleaned up for the most part but the damage from three days ago, a destroyed bench, bent railings, cracked cement and a few downed trees were visible.

"Kami" sarada says, squatting to see some dried blood that was missed. However something enters her mind that she missed when entering the park, "Where are the Anbu" sarada thought.

"Hey Sarada" a voice says and sarada sees sakura. The pinkette has a disingenuous look on her face, "How's Naruto.. I heard what happened" sakura says.

"Why do you care?!.. You hate Naruto because Kiba tells you to" sarada says.

"Not true Sarada.. Yeah Naruto is a Beta Male and constantly goes above his station" sakura says.

"What?!" sarada snaps. Sakura spreads her arms out a little with a arrogant smile on her face, "Isn't that why he was beaten to prove he's a Beta Male" she says. Sarada is about to storm up to the pinkette and slap her or break her jaw but someone grabs her from behind with a rag having a foul and sweet smell to it. She struggles as her vision is starting to swim in darkness but she manages to send her left elbow back. The person lets her go and she whips around for a punch to see kiba, "Y-you?!" sarada says, before losing consciousness from sakura shocking her with a taser.

"Shit that bitch can hit hard" kiba says, rubbing his chest.

"We need to hurry Kiba" sakura says. Three figures arrive but one of them is guren, "Good work.. We're on a timetable" she says, ordering Jirobo to carry sarada.

"Orochimaru will give me the power to kill the Beta Male and any others who challenge me" kiba says.

"Yes.. Now let's go" guren snaps, as kiba and sakura make their choice to betray not only their families but also konoha. The group head for the main gate as Sakon takes out two nondescript jonin to escape konoha for a meet up with the remains of the Sound-Six Kidomaru, Tayuya and kimimaro but kiba makes a critical error by leaving a certain someone behind. Akamaru comes to a few hours later from kiba knocking him out and races towards the inuzuka compound to inform tsume of kiba's actions. The inuzuka matriarch races to the hokage tower to inform itachi, "Brat what have you Done!" tsume thought, informing Anbu and they inform the hokage.

"What has happened Lady Tsume" itachi says, several minutes later.

"Sarada has been kidnapped" tsume says and the air leaves itachi's chest, "By my son Kiba and Sakura Haurno" she adds.

"Tell me Everything" itachi says, seriously. Akamaru barks and tsume interprets that kiba was given a curse mark by orochimaru during the chunin exams and kept it hidden under a tattoo, also gaining information from kabuto in exchange for bringing sarada to orochimaru.

"Anbu... Get me Lord Sandaime.. Lady Tobiume.. Tenzo and Naruto" itachi says and several Anbu vanish, "Lady Tsume.. I will need Hana as well... Though will she able remain focused" he adds.

"She will.. Kiba has betrayed our Pack and I-I'll accept if you have him executed" tsume says, her voice trailing away towards the end.

"Kiba and Sakura will be brought back Alive" itachi says.

Emergency Quest Received!

Save Sarada from the Horrific Grips of Orochimaru!

Optional Quest!

Spare Tayuya, a survivor of the Uzumaki clan!


1) 750000 EXP

2) 500 Rep Uchiha clan

3) Promotion to Tokubetsu Jonin

Naruto gasps as lei fan's human head hits the ground and turns to stone, "Sarada" he says and accepts the quest, creating a checkpoint on his current quest. He returns to his office and rushes downstairs as neko is in his living room, while all the girls have looks of shock, concern and anger.

"Naruto Uzumaki.. The Hokage needs you" neko says.

"Let me change" naruto says and neko nods, before the redhead rushes back up to grab a blue konoha shirt. He comes back down as the girls were standing by the stairs and neko waiting outside, "Bring Her back" tsunade says and yor nods.

"We'll be here waiting for her" kaguya says.

"Give those Fools Hell Darling" esdeath says. Naruto nods resolutely and heads out of the house to follow neko to the hokage tower, "Whoever did this.. When I find them.. They will Die" he thought. Neko and naruto soon arrive at the hokage where hiruzen is in combat gear of old school shinobi armor. Tobiume is here speaking to tenzo and kiba's sister hana with her three ninken, while itachi sits at his desk and a blank look on his face.

"Naruto.. Everyone.. Thank you for coming" itachi says and clears his throat, "About two to three hours ago.. My sister Sarada was kidnapped by Sakura Haruno and.. Kiba Inuzuka" he says and KI fills the room.

"Calm down Naruto" hiruzen says, grasping the redhead's shoulder as he is on the verge of transforming.

"Lord Sandaime is right" itachi says and naruto slowly does, "Now.. They are heading for the Land of Sound and more than likely Orochimaru sent his elites.. Your mission is to recover Sarada.. Kiba and Sakura.. Force is authorized and I want them alive.. Capture any of Orochimaru's forces if able.. Lastly Lord Sandaime will lead the mission" itachi adds and all of them nod.

"Naruto can you seal all of us in your Stasis scrolls.. Then have Akamaru guide you.. Once you are at least a hour away.. Unseal us" hiruzen says.

"Sure Old man" naruto says and breaks out a few scrolls, "Place your hand or paw on the circle" he adds. Everyone slowly does what naruto says and he seals them away, "Naruto" itachi says and places a hand on his shoulder, "Save her" he adds.

"I will Lord Godaime" naruto says and picks up akamaru in his arms, "I will" he says and leaps out he window. He rushes for the gate and takes flight, "I'll fly above the tree line.. Will that be ok" naruto says and akamaru barks, nodding.


"Why did you put Sarada in that barrel" kiba says, as the group were in clearing resting.

"This Barrel will make her more receptive to Lord Orochimaru" guren says.

"We should be over the border by now.. If not for Fatass" tayuya says.

"Shut up Tayuya" kimimaro says, glaring at her and she flinches.

"We'll rest for a few hours but prepare to move a moments notice.. Konoha will respond" guren says. Kidomaru sets up a trap with spider webbing and paper bombs on trees that appear to be sloppily made to the naked eye. About a hour passes as kiba's nose slowly picks up a scent and a guttural noise escapes his mouth, before sakon tosses a set of paper bombs on a kunai. However nothing explodes as hiruzen's company arrive with naruto having serious look on his face, "You got a lot to answer for Brat" hana says.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tobiume Senju but also Naruto Uzumaki" kimimaro says, as kiba glares heatedly at the redhead but also his sister.

"Surrender Sarada Uchiha.. Kiba Inuzuka and Sakura Haruno" hiruzen says, as tension rises between both sides.

"Guren.. Jirobo.. Sakon/Ukon.. Kidomaru.. Deal with them... Inuzuka.. Haruno.. Tayuya follow me" kimimaro says.

"Shōton: Hashō Kōryū" guren declares, slamming her hand down. A pink crystal chinese dragon forms and charges hiruzen's group but the former hokage slams his hand down to creates a earth wall. Kimimaro grabs the barrel as tayuya, sakura and kiba leap away while jirobo slams his hands down.

"Doton Kekkai: Dorō Dōmu" jirobo shouts. A large dome of earth surrounds our heroes as our villains smirk but it quickly leaves their faces as the dome shatters from a pair punches from a blonde and redhead as naruto rockets pass them, "Now young ones.. Let's see how well my wayward student trained you" hiruzen says.

[Music: Hunting You - Emphatic]

"He's following us" kiba says, looking back a bit.

"Tayuya.. Deal with him" kimimaro says.

"Are you Fucking Serious?!.. He a Fucking..." tayuya says but kimimaro gives her a look that promises death.

"Bastard" tayuya thought, using a tree as a springboard and heading in naruto's direction. She lands on a wide branch as naruto comes into view, "It was Foolish of you to come alone" tayuya says, as naruto lands.

"I'll be fine.. However.. Maybe it was foolish of you to come alone" naruto says and tayuya narrows her eyes in anger. She slowly reaches in her pouch as naruto tosses two kunai, forcing her right and back as she slams her hand down on the branch.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" tayuya shouts and a large puff of smoke erupts, revealing three ogre like creatures. One wears a dark green full-body suit and its hair covers its entire head and face, wielding a giant studded metal club. The other is shirtless and wears dark pants, having a bald head with a few scars on its head and a blindfold. It has a thorn-like weapon tied to each arm. The other has its upper body covered in bandages and wears brown pants. Its head is in an awkward position and has several needles pinned on it. It doesn't have arms and thus it doesn't wield any weapon. Each demon has a purple, rope-like belt tied in an inverted bow around its waist.

"Now you're in for it.. My Doki will kill you" tayuya says, bringing a silver flute to her mouth. A melody begins to play as the doki begin to sway and vanish as spike swings down on the branch naruto is on. He avoids it as needle bull rushes forward and slams into another tree but naruto dodges, while thorn is on him with wide swings. Naruto dodges with acrobatic moves and sends needle into a tree from a delayed dropkick but notices tayuya has black lines in the form of straight lines spreading out in a jagged, zigzag pattern on her skin. Thorn closes in on naruto as the redhead bring out dual azure dragon swords, slicing off its arms into dual swings bifurcating it at the waist and its head.

"What?!" tayuya says, sending spike and needle. Spike launches down brings its club down but naruto avoid it into a leaping spinning wheel with enough force to snap spike's neck and felling the doki. Needle charges naruto from behind but he turns into a punt kick, lifting it off the ground and a vigorous left fist garyu caves in its upperbody and sends it through tree.

"No Fucking Way" tayuya says and preparing to go into her level two curse-mark state. However naruto appears and slams a palm on her stomach as a sealing array forms and shutdown her chakra, "A-a-asshole" she says, falling into his arms. A clone pops to life and takes tayuya from his original, "Seal her away and hand her off the Old man.. Help if needed" naruto says, launching off.

[Music Change: Berserk - My Brother (Extended) (Definitive Version Loop)]

Kimimaro and company halt in a wide green field before reaching the valley of end, "Why are we stopping?!" kiba says, knowing naruto is coming.

"Take the Barrel and go to Lord Orochimaru.. I will deal with him" kimimaro says.

"Are you serious?!" kiba says.

"I am.. Now Go" kimimaro says, coldly. Kiba grits his teeth as his curse mark crawls on face in the form of claw marks, "Fine" he says, lifting the barrel on his back but he has other plans.

"Come on Sakura" kiba says as he and sakura run off before naruto arrives in the clearing. Kimimaro and naruto soon stare each down as both have blank looks on their faces, "You only delay the inevitable" the former says and naruto's eyes narrow into slits.

"So do you.. Once I'm finished with you.. I'll catch Kiba and Sakura... It would've been smarter to leave them here in your place" naruto says.

"Perhaps but you laid hands on Lord Orochimaru and for that Crime.. Death is the only recompense" kimimaro says, as a bone comes from his left and right palms. Naruto slowly inhales as he raises his arms but flexes them inward as he turns SSJ and kimimaro's eyes widen slightly, "Is this the power of the Kyubi" kimimaro thought, as his curse mark spreads across his body in the form of contorting and parallel lines. Kimimaro makes the first move with six alternating strikes from his bone blades but naruto parries each as both feel each out. Naruto connects with a rising knee as kimimaro slashes naruto's left arm, before both shunshin back and kimimaro rubs his chin while the redhead spams signs.

"Doton: Doryūsō" naruto says, slamming his hands down. Kimimaro skips back as he avoids the flowing earth spears and ducks under naruto's shunshining behind him with a spinning wheel kick. Naruto lands and avoids a dual thrust of kimimaro's bone blades by bending backwards, bracing on his hands to bring his legs up for a kick to kimimaro's chin and lifting him off the ground about five feet.

"Teshi Sendan" kimimaro says, as he corrects and swipes his hands with hardened finger bones shooting down. Naruto uses kawarimi with a log as the bones tear through it while and lands with a skid to rocket forward while bones burst from kimimaro's knees, elbows, and shoulders.

"You forget I saw your fight with Tsunade" naruto says and avoids the palms, knees in a acrobatic leap, and grabs the back of kimimaro's shirt. He tosses kimimaro over his head but the leader of the sound-six has the wherewithal to kick naruto in the face, before sending his palm bones through naruto's shoulders. Blood sprays but naruto yanks himself free and pulls kimimaro into punishing knee strike and follow up with a spinning toss into the air as chains wraps around kimimaro.

"Suooh" naruto roars, pulling the chain hard and slamming kimimaro to the ground with a thud. Wind blows as blood runs down naruto's arms while his wounds sizzle but kimimaro slowly rises, "You are strong Naruto Uzumaki.. I can admit that but I will kill you" kimimaro says, slipping half out his shirt. A thick and look white bone rises from his shoulder as he pulls it free, "This bone is hard as Tempered steel" kimimaro says. Naruto brings out his violent god slicer as both rush each other in a clash of strikes picking up in speed.

"Tsubaki no Mai" kimimaro declares, with rapid stabs but naruto avoids them. Each stab comes at a slightly different angle and with slightly different regularity in speed. Naruto manages to gain the upperhand by cutting through kimimaro's bone sword into a vaccum sphere to his chest and sending kimimaro flying back into skid.

"It seems I will need to use Level Two" kimimaro thought, removing his top completely and his curse-mark fully spreading.

"So you're Finally in the mood huh" naruto says and flares his SSJ aura. Kimimaro's form changes before naruto's very eyes as his skin becomes a dark grey, his sclera bleeds black, his irises shimmer a dark yellow and two dark black curved like markings under his eyes. One under each eye and two as elongated eyebrows, one above each eye. Six large bone spines protrude out of his back and a long bone-spiked tail slaps the ground. Kimimaro rushes forward but naruto notices he is slower than before as they meet in a clash of strikes, "He slower but stronger... Is he coating his fists in bone?!" naruto thought, taking a fist to the cheek and staggering back but clenches his left fist.

"Shocking First Bullet" naruto shouts, connecting with a body-blow and sending kimimaro careening back. He comes to a halt back dragging his claws in the ground but coughs up blood from naruto's blow, "He sent a blow through my Bone Armor" kimimaro whispers, seeing naruto coming. Naruto and kimimaro connect with a simultaneous knee strike to said knees into a twenty-piece barrage of punches with no blocking. Naruto avoids a right from kimimaro and goes for his tail, grabbing it into a spin and sending him flying skyward.

"Haah" naruto shouts, firing a energy blast towards kimimaro and it detonates. Kimimaro crashing to the ground with smoke wafting off his body but slowly rises, while clenching his left arm and bone emerges from it to twist around his arm like spear.

"If you believe yourself Powerful Naruto Uzumaki.. Stay right where you are and feel the power of my strongest bone.. Tessenka no Mai: Hana" kimimaro says. Naruto lowers his stance and raises his left arm high as he slowly makes a fist, "Then let's put it to the test" he says, his aura flaring and the muscles in his arm flexing.

"Time to Die Naruto Uzumaki!" kimimaro shouts, shooting forward and naruto does he same.

"Obliterating Last Bullet!" naruto shouts, punching forward and meets kimimaro's bone spear. The ground buckles from the force of the attacks but kimimaro's bone spear begins to crack to his shock, "It's too Strong" he thought, as it shatters and naruto blitzes pass him. Kimimaro staggers as his entire left side is missing while blood coats the ground and naruto's left arm is steaming, "I-I-I will not D-die alone" kimimaro thought and falls to his knees with his right hand flat, "Sawarabi no Mai!" he screams. Naruto's danger senses go off and he launches skyward as the entire area is destroyed by thousands of bone blades from the ground but he see kimimaro, "Bararaq Saiqa" naruto shouts, firing the blue lightning energy blast.

"Lord Orochimaru" kimimaro says, before being erased from the world as a twenty foot section is incinerated.

"Sarada" naruto says, flying off to find her. [song ends]


Kiba stands with his arms folded as sakura sits on the barrel, "Um Kiba.. Why are we waiting" she says and kiba shoots her a look.

"I'm waiting for the Beta Male" kiba says, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"Why Kiba.. You think Naruto will defeat that Kimimaro.. Kimimaro's looks really strong" sakura says.

"He'll come.. He wants to save Sarada before Orochimaru has his way with her" kiba says.

"He's actually going to rape her" sakura says, shivering some.

"He wants some Uchiha kids.. Serves her right for following the Beta Male" kiba says and looks high to see a golden missile coming, before he sees naruto halting in the sky with a shimmering aura.

"About time Beta Male" kiba shouts, his voice echoing. Naruto looks down at kiba and slowly lands with running water between them, "Looks like you had a tough time with Kimimaro" kiba says, smirking at naruto's haggard look but the SSJ says nothing.

"Release Sarada and return to the village" naruto says, finally.

"Seriously?!.. Why would I go back there.. I'm an Alpha Male and Konoha seems to fail realize that.. Especially you.. You refuse to accept your place" kiba says, as his curse mark spreads.

"He believes himself strong Boya" musashi says.

"So because you're an Alpha Male.. That means you betray your Village.. Your Clan and kidnap the Hokage's sister" naruto says.

"Yes!.. And I'll show you Now!" kiba howls and naruto levels a serious look.

"When have you ever beaten me whenever we fought" naruto says. A few guttural breath escape from kiba's mouth to the point of being visible as his curse-mark fully spreads, his eyes bleed black and his slit pupils become gold.

"That changes now" kiba hisses, his muscles increasing and pushes on his jacket. He gnashes his teeth as his body starts to increase in size, his jacket sleeves rip as brown fur emerges on his skin. His sandals and pants rip below knee as his feet become more digitigrade, his face stretches to gain a snout and wolf like features. Kiba stomps across the water and towards naruto until he looms over the redhead, before roaring in naruto's face but the redhead remains stone-faced.

"Is this it" naruto says. Kiba responds with a heavy uppercut that lifts naruto off his feet, following up with a right hook to the redhead's face and sends him flying. Naruto get to all fours and kiba rushes to kick him in the stomach, enough to lift him and grab his left leg to fling towards a large rock.

"Tsūga" kiba roars, flinging himself forward as naruto rises to his feet and crashes them through it.

"Hahahaha.. How that Beta Male?!" kiba howls. Naruto slowly rises from the broken rock with his face hidden in shadows and dusts himself, "Is that All" he says. Kiba growls and rushes naruto but the redhead ducks under the wide swipe as naruto slams a heavy punch to kiba's stomach, sending kiba flying back about three feet and crashing to his knees.

"I-It was One.. P-punch.. H-how am I So.. So damaged" kiba thought, spitting up blood. Naruto methodically marches towards kiba as he staggers to his feet into a wide swipe and naruto avoids it into another blow to the gut. Kiba staggers back and naruto clicks his jaw with an uppercut, following up with another gut shot that sends the arrogant inuzuka crashing across the water.

"Kiba?!" sakura screams, rushing towards naruto but he back fists her and breaks her jaw as she crashes in the water with a clone appearing to secure her.

"You Fucking Beta Male" kiba roars, throwing a right but naruto catches his fist and squeezes. Kiba roars in pain as naruto crushes his fist and starts to fall to his knees but the redhead sends a knee up to his jaw.

"Hyakuretsuken" naruto says, unleashing one hundred punches to kiba's now rag dolling form.

"Vigorous Left Fist Garyu" naruto says, sending the concussive left fist forward and sending kiba crashing into the rockface with indentation. Kiba's vision is swimming in stars and black spots, "No more... No More.. Please stop.. Grant me mercy.. I'm begging you" he says but it comes out as beta male this or I fucking hate you that.

"Ora.. Ora.. Ora.. Oooorrrraaaa" naruto roars, as three hundred punches push kiba further into the rock. Naruto goes for a final blow but sees kiba passed out and back to normal, "Not much of challenge Boya" musashi says, as naruto spits a loogie on the ground.

"No" naruto says, powering down with a sigh and heading for the barrel. It has several seal tags on it but before naruto reaches it a pinkish-purple aura explodes out.

"Sarada?!" naruto shouts but see her standing and her eyes changed. Her Sharingan now has a circle with eight triangles around it, somewhat resembling the sun as tears run down her cheeks.

"Give him Back!" sarada cries, as her right eye bleeds. Naruto jerks as the area he is standing on catches fire with a white flame, even setting his shirt on fire and forcing him to tear it away as he leaps away. Out the corner of his eye he sees the pinkish-purple aura form skeletal ribs and a skeletal arm before he is punched away and crashing with three hops.

"What the Hell was That?!" naruto says, sitting up and bleeding from a few places from the jagged rocks.

"Boss.. You ok" the clone says, pulling kiba free and preparing to seal him away.

"I'm fine" naruto says, getting to his feet and rushing to sarada. She lays face down as naruto reaches her and he turns her over, "What happened to you" he says and lifts her bridal style, "Hurry.. I need to get her back to Konoha" he adds, as a second clone forms. The first clone brings the two scrolls and places them in naruto's pockets, "Find the others and tell them" naruto says, to the second clone as the first one pops. A purple aura surrounds naruto and sarada as they blast off back to konoha while his clone inform everyone of things.

Emergency Quest Complete!

Optional Quest Complete!


1) 750000 EXP

2) 500 Rep Uchiha clan

3) Promotion to Tokubetsu Jonin

Naruto sits next to sarada's hospital bed as shizune enters and looking over the notes, "She has suffered from a very potent Genjutsu.. From what you told me.. She was in some sort of barrel" she says.

"Yeah.. Could the barrel be the source of the Genjutsu.. When she broke out.. She screamed give him back and her eyes.." naruto says.

"The Mangekyō Sharingan" mikoto says, standing in the doorway.

"Mangekyō Sharingan" naruto says and mikoto nods, coming to the opposite side of the bed and strokes her daughter's head.

"I'll be back" shizune says and excuses herself.

"So Sarada awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan" naruto says.

"Yes.. From what you told Itachi.. Sarada has indeed awakened it.. A flame that burns White hot and the Susanoo.. Albeit incomplete" mikoto says and sighs, "To awaken it.. One must suffer a traumatic experience and now both my children have" she adds.

"Orochimaru will pay for his crimes" naruto says.

"I hope he does... Now when you brought up Sarada's Susanoo.. It means she has awakened two MS abilities.. One is the White flames and another ability unknown at the moment" mikoto says.

"Is it possible to awaken Susanoo with one MS ability" naruto asks.

"Not in the recorded history of our clan but it may possible.. One certain I know is the more she uses her MS abilities.. The more her light will be stolen" mikoto says and naruto furrows his brow, "She will eventually go blind... However if a MS user transplants their eyes with a sibling.. One can gain the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.. Which will make their MS powers stronger with no blindness" she adds.

"Something the Real Madara had.. He controlled my original self with it" musashi says.

"Naruto.. Why don't you go home and get some rest.. I'll be here with her" mikoto says and naruto slowly nods, rising and giving sarada a kiss on the forehead. He bows to mikoto and excuses himself to make his way home, his thoughts on various things like kiba's betrayal, his sensei capturing guren and the old man running wild.

"Excuse me.. Well Endowed" a voice says and naruto freezes as a few hear this. He looks back to see sai with a fake smile on her face, "W-what did you say" naruto says.

"I said Well Endowed.. When one becomes friends with another.. You give them a nickname and you are Well Endowed" sai says. Naruto begins to slowly panic as a few women were looking and whispering, "What do you want" he says, looking left and right with his eyes.

"Well my parent wishes to meet you.. He has an appointment today.. So can you see him Well Endowed" sai says.

"F-f-fine" naruto says and sai leads him away, as a few look and they head to the second floor.

"He's inside.. Excuse me" sai says, bowing a little and turning on her heels. Naruto opens the door and sees danzo in a chair with his cane, "Hello Naruto Uzumaki.. I am Danzo Shimura.. One of the Four Elders" danzo says, as naruto closes the door and leans on it.

"The Old Man told me to avoid you.. Saying you have a Zealot nature to Konoha and it blinds you certain things.. He also said you were Vehemently against Itachi becoming Hokage" naruto says.

"The Uchiha can't be trusted" danzo says.

"Yet Itachi has done plenty of good.. Improved the Academy by making sure Genin are properly ready.. Created cooperative Alliances with Kirigakure and Sunagakure.. Yet you blame his clan for the actions of his Father and a few others" naruto says.

"Perhaps but aligning with those countries will make others align as well.. Can you fight Four Jinchuriki" danzo says and naruto narrows his eyes with his arms folded.

"You believe Iwa and Kumo will join forces" naruto says.

"It is a possibility.. Then those girls you have will go to war" danzo says.

"Then what do you propose" naruto says.

"Tell the Hokage you wish to be trained by me.. I can prepare you for what's to come" danzo says. Naruto pushes off the door and slowly close the gap between them, "What can you teach me" he says and looms over danzo, "I know All Five major Elements... If you mean my Father's Signature Jutsu.. It's a matter of time before I master Both" he adds, before becoming a SSJ. Several papers fly away from the gust of power, "Can you teach me to use my powers as a Jinchuriki" naruto says. Danzo stares at the pupil-less blue-green and flame like golden hair, "You are strong but your emotions hold you back.. Hiruzen's teaching have harmed Konoha.. Itachi is very much like him.. Words will not protect Konoha" danzo says.

"And having Enemies from every corner saves Konoha.. Maybe.. Maybe.. In your mind it does as it weeds out those who are weak.. However it kills those who are innocent as well.. So I'll say No... However" naruto says as his voice change tone, "If Any harm comes to those I deem Precious" he says and places his hand on top of danzo's hand holding his cane, "I'll Hunt you down" he finishes. Naruto powers down and heads towards he door, "In your mind.. You may consider what I said as a Childish Threat" he says as opens he door and danzo's cane shatters before naruto closes the door to leave the fuming elder.

"Do you believe he will do something" musashi says.

"If he does.. I'll be ready" naruto thought, reaching the hospital exit and shunshining home. He reaches home and karin is not home ss he takes a shower, before climbing into bed and gets some sleep while the rest of his team makes their way back. Also several individuals gain knowledge of naruto's unique bloodline. Around midnight karin wakes naruto because one of the Anbu is here, namely to take him to hospital as his sensei is about to awaken sarada. Naruto reaches her room as the other girls, mikoto, hitomi and itachi were there as well as tobiume.

"Nice of you to Join us.. Seeing as you arrived first" tobiume says and naruto looks away, as the girls giggle and the blonde places her hand on sarada's forehead. Tobiume's hand glows a light green and after about three minutes sarada's face scrunches as her eyes slowly flutter open, before slowly sitting up and seeing everyone but her eyes fall on naruto as tears form.

"N-naruto" sarada whispers, covering her quivering mouth. Naruto approaches the bed and sarada immediately hugs him as he sits down with small sniffles. Everyone lets sarada softly cry for few minutes on naruto's shoulder, "Sorry for wetting your shirt" she whispers.

"It's ok" naruto says, as sarada pulls back and takes a towel from her mother to wipe her tears.

"Sarada.. Do you remember what happened" tsunade says. Sarada takes her glasses from her mother and slips them on, "Well... After leaving Naruto's house.. I decided to see the park where He fought Aki... It was then Sakura showed up.. She was lying about be concerned for Naruto but it was enough for Kiba to put a rag having some sort chemical over my mouth" sarada begins and takes naruto's hand.

"Then there was darkness.. However the darkness began my journey into Hell... I found myself in our clan district but I was younger" sarada says and looks to her brother, "It was like the night Father... Instead it was you Brother.. Killing Everyone and I found you killing Mother and Father.. Then He appeared" she adds, squeezing naruto's hand tighter.

"Who" esdeath says.

"Orochimaru.. He mocked me and I saw horrible things over and over.. I saw Everyone's deaths but most of all was Naruto.. I believed he was trying to save me but was defeated each time" sarada says.

"Naruto may have manifested as a Defense mechanism to protect your mind" tobiume says.

"After a brutal death.. Suddenly my eyes started to feel strange and I felt a rush of power and freed myself.. Killing Orochimaru" sarada says.

"Which was actually me but I'm glad you're ok and safe" naruto says.

"I attacked you?!..." sarada says and naruto pats her hand with a it's ok.

"Sarada.. The surge of power you felt was the Awakening of the Mangekyō Sharingan" itachi says and shows his own in the form of three spiralling curves around the pupil.

"It is the next evolution of our clan's Dojutsu.. Awakened by a traumatic experience.. Namely the lost of a loved one.. Mine awakened after the deaths of Shisui and Izumi" itachi says and relaxes his eyes.

"Why don't we let Sarada rest some more.. It's well as Midnight" tobiume says.

"Yes.. You can meet tomorrow at ten" mikoto says and everyone nods, before saying their goodbyes. Naruto lingers a little longer as sarada has a grip on his hand, "Stay a little longer" she says and looks to her mother.

"Just until you fall asleep" mikoto says, as she and itachi hug her with kisses.

"Are Kiba and Sakura dead" sarada asks, once her family was gone.

"They're alive.. I broke Sakura's jaw and put Kiba through a rockface in the Valley of End" naruto says.

"Is it wrong of me to want them dead" sarada says, leaning into naruto's chest.

"You're not wrong but living will make them pay for their crimes" naruto says and sees she's fallen back to sleep. He makes a clone and swaps with him, "Stay with her" naruto says and the clone. Naruto leaves the hospital and makes his way home but he could not sleep, so he decides to head back into the dungeon.

Dungeon Quest

1 Defeat the Seven Lieutenant Generals. (2/7)


1) 500000EXP

2) Sword Qi

Naruto finds himself back where was with lei fan dead as vargas is next while the redhead slips off his sweater. Vargas takes a guarded stance with his right fist forward as naruto transforms into a SSJ, before vargas punches forward and ice shoots across the tiles. Naruto avoids right but vargas is on him with a six-peice combo of fists and naruto blocks clearly, pushing a right straight through and vargas skips back with a one-two. Two jagged waves of ice shoot forward and naruto fires two energy blasts to shatter the ice into weaving signs to tiger, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto thought, firing a jet of flames and vargas creates a wall of ice.

"Fights like Haku" musashi says, as naruto punches through the wall. Vargas meets him in a flurry of punches as the they blink around the tiles, "Sure does" naruto thought. Vargas sends a kick to naruto's gut but the redhead grips it into a spin and slams him into the tiles, "Arrogant" vargas says but naruto slams his fist down.

"Destructive Second Bullet!" naruto shouts, as the ground fractures underneath vargas. Yooha grabs his sword and launches towards naruto as his attack collides with vargas, "Final Shine" naruto roars, turning and firing the green blast to erase yooha.

"The Fool.. He was overeager" lian cho says, rising.

"Indeed.. To think he has reached This far" hian says.

"His strength has been proven" garam comments. Lian cho has a lazy smile on his face as naruto looks him over, "Impressive to reach this plateau but it ends here Player" lian cho says and folds his hands behind his back, "Show me your Sword Qi.. What you used against Lei Fan" he adds.

"Sword Qi?!" naruto thought and brings out his sword.

"Perhaps he means your Crimson Murasaki Azure Dragon Sword" musashi says. Naruto holds his sword horizontal and level with his shoulder as red-blue energy coalesces into purple as lian cho looks on but vanishes as naruto barely get his sword up to block. However several cuts form on naruto's body as lian cho is behind him with his jian drawn and glowing red, "Your Sword Qi just a pale imitation" lian cho says. Both turn and rush forward into a clash of blades as lian cho has the advantage as he pushes the redhead back.

"You are weak with Sword Qi player" lian cho says, sending naruto back into a skid.

"Birds of Fire" naruto shouts, creating purple flame bird. Lian cho slashes through each and closes in on naruto with this psychotic look on his face as their clashes speed up, blurring around the tile arena but naruto is lagging behind lian cho.

"You're not doing very well Player.. Entertain me" lian cho says, laughing. He kicks naruto into the air as the redhead swings down with the uzumaki-ryu crescent wave but lian cho avoids it and swings his own wave of energy. Naruto blocks and it pushes him higher as lian cho launches after him with a furious clash as gravity takes hold.

"I am lagging behind" naruto thought but suddenly new techniques were melded to his brain.

Advanced Uzumaki-Ryu Style Kenjutsu Unlocked

Lian cho's eyes narrow as naruto is slowly beginning to close the gap between them in terms of skills, "What is going on" lian cho thought. Naruto vanishes and appears behind lian cho into a spin, "Uzumaki-Ryu: Ryūkansen" naruto declares, slashiing lian cho's back. Lian cho lands with a skid as blood drips on the tiles as rage fills him because some nobody has wounded him, "Insect" he hisses and raises his sword, "Storm of Swords" he declares. Naruto gasps as purple ethereal swords form above him as lian cho laughs, "Now it's the End Player!" lian cho shouts. Naruto lowers his stance with a stance similar to sha no kamae stance, "Super Kaioken" he thought and burns red as the swords come down, dodging the swords to the shock of lian cho.

"Uzumaki-Ryu: Kuzuryūsen" naruto declares, striking nine points simultaneously as he passes lian cho. He staggers with wide eyes as nine points on his body of his forehead, right shoulder diagonally, right arm's center, right wrist diagonally, his groin area from below, left wrist diagonally, left arm's center, left shoulder diagonally and center of the chest at breastbone spray blood heavily.

"Demon Lasso" naruto shouts, as the energy javelins pierce lian cho and explodes to end his life. Naruto steadies his breath and glances back to garam but also samsuyon hian, before he takes his last checkpoint.


Naruto awakes on his bed and the sun shines softly on him, "Only two left and I bet the strongest" he says, getting off his bed and showers. He dresses in dark sport shorts and an underarmor long sleeve shirt as karin is making pancakes, "Morning" she says.

"Morning.. Making pancakes" naruto says.

"Yeah.. How many" karin asks and naruto holds up six fingers. He begins setting the table for them as karin cooks ten pancakes, melting butter and grabbing the syrup.

"How was Sarada" karin asks, bring the pancakes to the able as naruto grabs the rest of things.

"She is alright.. Sensei healed some of her trauma but otherwise ok" naruto says, as they thank kami for the food and begin eating.

"How's the academy going for you" naruto asks.

"Well.. I'm in a class with Konohamaru Sarutobi and his two friends.. He's a bit Loud but ok" karin replies and naruto nods, stuffing a whole pancake in his mouth. Naruto finishes his pancakes and makes some clones to do his dailies, making up for nearly five days.

"I'm going see Sarada.. Do you want to come" naruto says and karin nods, before she head to her room to get dressed in casual clothes. The uzumaki pair head for the hospital and naruto checks his watch and sees it is near nine, "Everyone decided to see her at Ten.. So we're early" naruto thought.

"Mind if we go see if the Hokage if he's in.. I need to speak with him" naruto says and karin nods, so they take a detour to the hokage tower. They reach the tower and head to the highest floor as itachi's secretary sits at her desk, "Is Lord Godaime in" naruto asks.

"He is.. Go right in" the secretary says.

"I'll be right back" naruto says and karin nods, taking a seat. Naruto knocks and opens the door as itachi is at his desk with tobiume, "Lord Godaime.. Sensei" naruto says.

"Fortunate timing.. I was going to send Anbu to fetch you" itachi says and naruto furrows his brow, "It concerns the mission and your Promotion" he adds and naruto's eyes widen a little.

"Congrats.. Not even your old man did it this fast.. Though you'll be a Tokubetsu Jonin" tobiume says.

"Yes.. For going above and beyond by saving my Sister and returning two traitors.. I am Promoting you to Tokubetsu Jonin.. Which gives you a little more freedom" itachi says and naruto bows at the waist.

Rank Tokubetsu Jonin Achieved

"Thank you Lord Godaime" naruto says and clears his throat, "Then I wonder if you'll allow me to head to the Northern Continent" he adds and itachi ushers for him to go on.

"On Horai Island I found the weapons of the Four Gods and they can Only be sold there... I also would like to seek out Aki's Master Katsumi Kaioh" naruto explains.

"Sure is not some trick" tobiume says.

"I won't know until I find him.. I need to get stronger.. If Aki was the measuring stick" naruto says.

"I will discuss things with the Council.. I'll frame it as a Personal Training Trip and for some a chance for our Jinchuriki to grow stronger" itachi says.

"I plan to do the same with your Little Harem" tobiume says, a smirk on her face and naruto looks away.

"Thank you for the consideration Lord Godaime.. I'm going to check on Sarada" naruto says and excuses himself. He collects karin and they head for the hospital but make another detour to buy some sweets for sarada, meeting up on kaguya buying some cinnamon rolls for herself.

"Morning Naruto.. Karin" kaguya says, after hugging naruto.

"Looks like you'll be the first to know I go promoted to Special Jonin" naruto says and kaguya's eyes widen.

"Congratulation" karin and kaguya say.

"And I asked the Godaime to travel to the Northern Continent" naruto says.

"Will the Hokage let you" kaguya asks.

"He'll ask the Council" naruto says.

"What's the Northern Continent" karin asks.

"It's to the Far North past Snow Country.. You have cross a large area of frozen land with a few settlements until you reach the Northern Continent.. Which is pretty fantastical" naruto explains, as they reach the hospital and head up to the fourth floor. Naruto knocks and slides open the door to see sarada looking out the window, "Sarada" he says and she looks to see everyone.

"Hey" sarada says and sees the box, "For me" she adds.

"Some jelly filled donuts and some chocolate sprinkled ones too" naruto says, as karin gives sarada a hug.

"I am willing to part with two cinnamon rolls" kaguya says and sarada giggles.

"The donuts will be enough" sarada says, giving kaguya and then naruto a hug as the former sighs in relief.

"How are you feeling" naruto asks, sitting next to her bed.

"Better.. Much Better.. I had a few nightmares but Nothing like that Genjutsu" sarada says, offering karin a donut.

"That's good.. Do you know when you will be released" kaguya asks.

"Not sure.. Though I prefer some different food" sarada says, after eating jelly donut.

"I'm sure they would give you something you want" naruto says. The door slides open as tsunade, yor and esdeath enter with a wave.

"How are you feeling Sarada" yor says.

"I'm fine" sarada says.

"Now that you're here.. I spoke to the Hokage and he promoted me to Special Jonin" naruto says and a few gasps erupt.

"Seriously?!" tsunade says.

"Amazing Darling" esdeath says.

"I also brought up the Special Area and he'll speak to the Council and may frame it as a Training Trip" naruto says.

"Mom brought up the same with us" tsunade says.

"A way for us to grow stronger" sarada says, after another jelly donut. About a half hour later shizune comes to check on sarada and she's looking good, saying about another hour and she will be able to leave.

"I'm going to finish the Dungeon" naruto says.

"Is it hard" karin asks.

"They are strong fighters but I'm learning from them" naruto says and rises to stretch, "I'll see you later" he adds.

"Be careful" sarada says and naruto says bye to each, heading out of sarada's room to head back home.

Dungeon Quest

1 Defeat the Seven Lieutenant Generals. (5/7)


1) 500000EXP

2) Sword Qi

[Music: Rules of Nature - M.G.R.R(Loop)]

Naruto finds himself back in the dungeon with two final foes or so he thinks as garam rises from his chair but shocks naruto as he kills samsuyon hian with a backfist to his chest. Garam vanishes and appears not far from naruto, "He would ruin my fight with you.. You would hold back.. Now you will not" garam says.

"You're right.. Not knowing Samsuyon's abilities I would have to hold back" naruto says, flaring his SSJ aura and transforming. He launches forward for shoulder charge but switches to a spinning shin kick with his right as garam blocks, before sending a left that garam catches. He sends a left hook but naruto ducks under and leaps to avoid garam's front kick, into spinning hurricane kick as garam slides under him and sends a kick that naruto avoids as he lands into several backflips. On the fourth backflip naruto vanishes and garam ducks under a kick before blocking a downward elbow from naruto, throwing him several feet but the redhead rockets forward. They clash with rapid punches as garam mixes in some knees to block and manages to connect with right to naruto's cheek but the redhead pushes a kick in as both leap back.

"Perhaps he is stronger than Hian" musashi says, as naruto rubs his cheek. Garam goes on the offensive with a heavy blow that naruto blocks with his forearm and vanishes to avoid a spinning kick. Naruto lands and shoots forward as garam but leaps over to avoid his left, vanishing again however garam sends a back elbow and hits naruto in the face. Naruto flips and lands in a crouch but shoots up with a right as garam turns, hitting only an afterimage of naruto and follows up with vigorous left fist garyu to send garam flying back. Garam digs his fists into the tiles to stop himself as a wide grin forms on his face very similar to aki, while his hair begin to glow like a flame and right arm to midway of his chest becomes darker.

"Now then Player.. The Warmup is over" garam says, rocketing forward and cracking the tiles as he now behind naruto and connects with a fist as he turns, sending naruto crashing into one of the four pillars. Naruto falls to his knees and spits some blood but quickly rising to flare his SSJ aura and crossing his arms over his face.

"I'll use my own Chakra first to augment SSJ" naruto thought. Garam watches as the wind picks up and small tremors happen before naruto shoots his arms out while his aura flares out to create a dust cloud. Naruto rockets from it as garam meet him with barrage of punches that were moving faster than the naked eye, picking up in velocity as they move around the arena. Dust trails is the only indicator of where both were with flickers of them appearing, even small shockwaves beginning to form. Naruto appears skidding with his arms crossed over his face to block a punch from garam but he break opens the redhead's guard with left to the face and sends seven rapid right jabs. Naruto vanishes on the eighth jab and appears behind garam with a skid, "Final Shine" naruto roars, firing the green blast.

"Martial Qi: Fist of the Moon" garam says and shoots his right fist forward, creating a fist of energy to block naruto's final shine. Both attacks explode but garam wastes no time and rushes naruto with punches as he pushes the redhead back to the edge. Naruto falls back and avoids garam's right by twirling right, landing on the edge once more and flips forward to dodge garam's kick but sends a kick of his own to garam. He catches himself and launches at naruto as he lands, appearing behind naruto and the redhead sends a handstand kick that garam blocks. Naruto vanishes as garam sends a downward left that fractures the arena floor in a spiderweb.

"Hao" naruto shouts, adding musashi's chakra and taking his USSJ form. He flares his aura as he lands and hold his hands forward for the final flash as garam sees this, understanding this is one of naruto's strongest attacks and shifts his right fist close to his body.

"Show me Player.. No.. Naruto Uzumaki" garam thought. Yellow energy crackles around naruto's hands with discharges of energy shooting off him and cracking the tiles, "Final Flash!" he roars, firing the large blast.

"Martial Qi: Fist of Mars" garam roars and shoots his right fist forward, creating a flaming fist of energy as both tear through the tiles. They meet in a concussive burst of wind as both fight for dominance as tile floor splits down the middle but naruto's final flash begins to overcome garam's fist of mars.

"Seems you are the Victor Naruto Uzumaki" garam says, being engulfed by the final flash. Naruto falls on his back as he reverts to normal as his final flash continues to destroy the seven chairs of the lieutenant generals. [song ends]

Dungeon Quest Complete!


1) 500000EXP

2) Sword Qi Unlocked


Hidden Quest Complete!

Earn Garam's Respect!


1) Martial Qi: Fist of the Heavens Unlocked

Naruto awakes on his yard on his back with the prompt for completing the dungeon but the skills sword qi and martial qi melding with his mind, "Earned Garam's Respect huh.. Thank you Master Garam" he says. A month would pass as the village at large learns of kiba and sakura's betrayal of the village and sarada's attempted kidnapping. Sakura's parents pleaded for leniency for their daughter but it falls on deaf as her chakra is sealed and she is sentenced to five years in the konoha strict correctional facility. Kiba would have the curse-mark removed and sent to the infamous blood prison in the land of grass.

Itachi would inform naruto that he is allowed o ravel o he northern continent as training trip but would need to return in two years. Tobiume would do the same with the girls as they will travel various countries and communicate through the oni summons. Kakashi and anko would keep an eye on karin in case she needs anything as naruto prepares to leave. Tobiume and company would leave two days before naruto with tears, hugs, kisses and goodbyes given on both sides. Two days later naruto would say his goodbyes to karin, kakashi, anko and their growing baby, team-10, hitomi and the twins, shizune and lastly mikoto.

Potential Harem Member Chosen

Mujina: Mujina is a Half Elf, Beast Tamer. Hated by Elfs and Desired by others. Mujina is unlocked in Special Area, save her from slavers who intend to sell her to the highest bidder. Mujina has no worthwhile goal or purpose in life. However meeting you and experiencing new things will awaken her love for you and living.


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: Heir of Uzumaki Clan

Level 110: 29,500/880,000

Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin


HP: 208000

CP: 179500

CC: 90%

Str: 900

Spd: 810

Sta: 1120

Dex: 790

Vit: 1260

Chk: 2910

Wis: 395

Stat Points: 0

Skill List


Whirlpool and Hummingbird Taijutsu

Uzumaki-Ryu Style Kenjutsu

Killing Intent


Uzumaki Regeneration

Chakra Chains

Kyubi Regeneration


KI Blasts


Sword Qi

Martial Qi