
Chapter: 6

#Island of Alderon#

Mei Terumi the leader of Kiri's Revolutionaries stares around the table at a few of her commanders being giyu, Kisame Hoshigaki, Mangetsu Hozuki, Ao and Najenda. Mei is a tall and slender woman having green eyes, ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back and a top-knot tied with a dark blue band. She wears a dark blue dress having slits for freedom of movement, a black wrap around her waist that forms a tail, fishnet stocking and high-heel sandals with shin-guards reaching up over her knees.

"The Chunin Exam have been going on Horai Island for five days" mei says.

"Do we know if Esdeath and her team have been outted yet" ao says. He is a middle aged man with blue hair styled in a moused-up manner and an eye-patch over his right eye. He wears a striped, grey suit with a green haori that has white trimmings stopping halfway down.

"She knows not to reveal her Kekkei Genkai.. Hence why Akame and Kurome were sent with her" giyu says.

"Maybe but you know how she is.. She'll want to show off her strength.. Especially if she sees Shizuma" kisame says, a smirk on his face. He is the tallest in the room and has blue-grey skin, small, round, white eyes, three sets of curved facial markings under his eyes, blue hair in the form of a shark fin and sharp triangular teeth. He wears black cargo pants with combat boots, a fitted white tank top and forearm warmers.

"She knows what is at stake" mangetsu says. He has purple eyes, shoulder-length, white hair and pointed, shark-like teeth. He wears a black, sleeveless shirt, light-purple pants, striped leg-warmers and bandages around his neck.

"I agree.. Though can we trust Konoha to do what is needed" najenda says. She has long silver hair in a long braid and purple eyes, wearing a black suit that shows her cleavage.

"The Godaime Hokage has assured me of things.. He will personally deal with Yagura as their Jinchuriki will deal with Kagura.. Either on Horai Island or during the finals" mei says.

"I wouldn't mind facing the kid to see how he measures up" kisame says.

"Regardless of your feelings Kisame.. We have a little over a month to make final preparations.. The Daimyo is with us but Yagura Must be seen as the Aggressor and Initiate things" mei says.

"Then Esdeath can reveal her Hyōton.. Yagura has shown his blind hatred before and to see Esdeath reveal herself may drive him over the edge" ao says.

"Which will put her in immediate danger" najenda says.

"Esdeath is skilled enough to defend herself and knew the risks" ao says and najenda glares at him.

"Ao shut up or I'll Kill you" mei says and clears her throat, "Esdeath will reveal herself but we'll have this Naruto that she is enamored with aid her.. We will hide amongst the crowd.. Namely myself.. Kisame and Mangetsu.. Giyu.. Ao and Najenda will secure the Mizukage building" she adds.

"Yes Ma'am" all of them say.

#Horai Island#

Optional Quest Dungeon Received! Yes/No

Face the Four War Gods and Gain their Blessing!


1) +5 CC%

2) Yin or Yang Release Unlocked

3) Party System Unlocked(Party Members gain +50% to stats permanent)

4) Harem members gain knowledge of Gamer Bloodline(Only those unlocked)

Naruto stares at the translucent blue box with narrow eyes, "How can I face the Four War Gods" he says. Musashi raises a sake jug to her lips in his mindscape in thought, "The Four War Gods lived before the formation of Hidden Villages" she says. Naruto continues to look at the blue box and weighs his options, "The System has done impossible things.. Why not bring back Century old warriors" he says.

"Indeed" musashi says. Naruto nears the ruins and accepts the quest but suddenly the sky turns red and the ruined temple is no longer in ruins, giving off an ominous air as naruto goes on edge. Inside the temple three figures were inside with two standing and on sitting on a throne, "Seems someone has arrived Kyora.. Jura" the seated man says. He is hidden in the shadows but one could see his long bluish hair and arrogant red eyes.

"Seems so Ryura" jura says. He has tan skin with short black-white striped hair, very narrow slit-like golden eyes, dark stripe-like marks on both sides of his face right above his pointed ears. He wears black armor with a gold trim on his arms, chest and back with boots having a similar design. He also wears a tiger-print pelt around his waist, a giant set of tiger paws on his shoulders with a gray hakama and sash.

"Gora can handle him" kyora says, smirking. He has long, wavy red hair having two long curls hanging in front and hair pins to separate his mane from the rest of his head. He has pale skin with red eyes having narrow, slit-like pupils and wears two pauldrons on both his shoulders composed of feathers. He also wears armor but underneath wears a shirt which blooms out from his armor and comes to a point at his wrists ending in frilled edges. The bottom of his shirt extends further than the skirting on his armor and again ends in frilled edges. His hakama emerges from under his shirt and armor that are tucked neatly into his boots, which are brown and has a red center. A long piece of white fabric having a reddish tinge is tied around the waist of his armor twice and hangs from there.

"We will see" ryura says.

Optional Rewards

1) Defeat Gora, Increased Doton Efficiency and Tortoise Shield

2) Defeat Jura, Increased Raiton Efficiency and Thunder Cannon

3) Defeat Kyora, Increased Katon Efficiency and Crimson Demon Fan

4) Defeat Ryura, Increased Futon and Raiton Efficiency and Fujinga & Raijinga swords

Naruto looks over the scenery as he moves towards the temple but sees the optional rewards, "Interesting weapons.. Though I can only sell them in the Special Area" he says.

"You'll need to travel there and see it Boya" musashi says and naruto nods. A large shadow falls over naruto and he leaps back as a tall figure lands with a shattering of the ground. He is easily ten feet tall having greyish skin, beady eyes and spiky black hair, wearing full armor and carry a very large shield resembling a tortoise shell. Naruto uses observe and reveals that this is gora one of the four war gods, his level is 100 and his stats 500 plus. Gora stares naruto down and knows this boy is a threat to ryura as he lumbers forward with a speed not meant for his size. Naruto gets his hands up to block the large shield as gora pushes him several feet, digging two long ruts in the process.

"Move Boya" musashi says. Naruto does as gora moves his shield to unleash a blast of energy from his mouth as it creates a scorching trench. Gora brings his shield down and makes a fissure towards naruto but the redhead raises his left hand, "Thunder Wave" he shouts, punching the ground and creating a energy fissure to negate gora's fissure. Naruto weaves signs and fires several wind bullets but gora uses his shield as naruto draws his sword, rushing the giant with a few heavy swings and attempting to slice joints to bring gora down however the giant is agile.

"Raiton: Raikyū" naruto shouts, avoiding a blast from gora and firing several lightning orbs. Gora blocks with his shield as naruto shunshins behind and uses guren kaina to explode the back of gora's right leg. He crashes to one knee but swings his tree trunk right back as naruto blocks and sends him crashing back a few feet, losing his sword in the process. Gora rises to his feet but crashes to one knee with a step while naruto is on his feet again, "Let's End his" the redhead says, holding his right hand out. A orb of chakra forms in his hand as naruto rushes gora as he prepares another energy blast, before firing and naruto dodging above.

"Rasengan" naruto roars, the orb now half his size. It crashes through part of the shield and into gora's face, crashing him to the ground with a medium size spiderweb crater.

"Take It" gora utters, breaking down into sand and the shield itself reforming. Naruto sees the prompt of defeating gora as he places the tortoise shield in his inventory, before searching for his sword and finds it but his danger senses go off. Naruto backflips several times as blasts of lightning destroy each place he was.

"Hahaha.. I didn't think Gora would die" a voice crows and naruto sees jura, also sitting at level 100 with his stats at 600. His thunder cannon under his right arm, also seeing his abilities being transformation, flight and hand to hand. Naruto seals his sword away as jura hovers above him with a wide grin on his face, before firing several volleys towards the redhead. Naruto fires his own volleys of energy blasts and jura proves elusive but the redhead launches skyward after him.

"Hoh you can Fly huh" jura crows, firing more volleys. Naruto dodges and focuses as he bursts red from kaioken to close the gap into a iron annihilation, cracking jura square in the face and breaks his nose as he crashes into the ground. Naruto lands as jura staggers to his feet with a blood thirsty grin on his face, "I didn't think anyone could bring his out of me other my comrades" jura says, as his body changes. His body grows and becomes more muscular as it rips his armor but leaves his tiger pelt. He sprouts three spikes from his shoulders with his limbs becoming longer, his eyes lose pupils and are now a solid yellow with sharp teeth.

[Music: Forever - 55 Escape]

Naruto keeps his face a blank face as jura grins while tension slowly rises but the redhead shifts his stance, leaning upper body forward, putting his right leg back and clenches both his fists to make a stance resembling an ancient animal. Jura stares and see the silhouette of a large animal with three horn, one on its snout and two long one on its head. Naruto rockets forward into jura with his claws tearing through ground as the redhead pushes him back, before coming to a halt and jura brings his hands down but naruto dodges. Jura rushes naruto with a flurry of swipes while blitzing around but the redhead keeps up and brings out his violent god slicer, "Hahaha.. This is fun" jura crows, as both blink around the barren land.

"Arghh" jura cries out, as his left is sliced off by naruto's azure dragon sword. However jura cannot counterattack as naruto brings his scythe of sorrow up through his chest and head. Jura crashes back and breaks down into a roaring lightning tiger as a prompt pops up of his defeat.

"Two down" musashi says, as naruto finds jura's thunder cannon and seals it into his inventory. Naruto rubs his face and focuses his eyes on the temple, "Meaning they are stronger" he says, making his way towards it. He soon reaches it and kyora is waiting for him with his crimson demon fan in hand, "My my.. Both Gora and Jura have fallen.. Perhaps you'll give me a challenge.. Because I Despise weakness" kyora says.

"Seems a progression in Stats" musashi says, as naruto brings out his sword and kyora leaps with a swing of his fan.

"Crimson Demon Fang" kyora shouts, creating a cyclone of flames. Naruto uses kawarimi with a log as it burns to crisp and fires a few water bullets but kyora shakes them off, flying away from the steps as naruto gives chase.

"Birds of Fire" kyora shouts, swinging wide and creating living birds made of fire.

"Uzumaki-ryu: Crescent Wave" naruto counters, making blue waves of energy to destroy the birds. Kyora flies at naruto and meets him with wide swing into a clash of strikes as the former has an arrogant grin on his face and the former on the backfoot.

"Quite impressive to keep up with me.. I'm beginning to see why Gora and Jura fell" kyora says, almost mocking naruto.

"Suiton: Suijinheki" naruto says and spews a wave of water but kyora uses crimson demon fang to negate the water. Naruto races through the steam and nearly slashes kyora but the arrogant man flies back, "Raion: Jian" naruto says and grazes kyora with a lightning like spear.

"You upstart!" kyora hisses and races naruto with a furious clash of sword and fan. Naruto misses with a wide swing as kyora leaps over him, "Bird of Fire" kyora shouts, as naruto slashes through the incoming fire birds. Kyora brings his fan down to crack the ground as naruto dodges and kyora dodges as naruto counter attacks.

"Die" kyora says, bringing down the pointed tip of the fan to spiderwebs the ground with energy as naruto avoids it. The redhead sends forth his chains as kyora dodges them and sends his crimson demon fang once again but the chains burst through, ensnaring kyora and yanking him toward naruto charging a familiar green blast.

"Final Shine" naruto shouts, erasing kyora with his attack and leaving the crimson demon fan.

"Only the Boss remains" musashi says, as naruto adds the fan to his collection. Naruto heads for the temple once again and up the steps as the eeriness increases while he looks around, moving further inside with his sword gripped tightly.

[Music Change: Demons To The Ground - Doom 2016]

Suddenly naruto's chest sprays with blood from two slashes as his eyes widen and falls his knees, "W-what?!" he says, before seeing a blast of purple lightning. Naruto is blasted to temple's steps but the redhead moves a little and rolls down the steps with a grunt of pain. He looks up the steps and sees ryura looking down on him, dressed similarly to kyora but having white, light blue, and gold colors with dragon claw pauldrons.

"You've managed to kill All my comrades" ryura says, walking down. Naruto springs up and grabs his sword with a leaping downward strike but ryura blocks with his swords, "Nice sword but its wasted on you Boy" ryura sneers, sending naruto back with cyclone of wind. Naruto lands with a skid and weaves one-handed sign to spew a wave of flames but ryura slams his fujinga down, "Earth Dragon Gale" ryura shouts, making a dome of wind that snuffs out naruto's flames.

"Heavenly Dragon Wave" ryura adds, swinging raijinga. Naruto narrowly get his sword up as an ethereal purple dragon slams into him, pushing him back several feet and explodes to toss him several more.

"Seems the entertainment has passed" ryura says, seeing the motionless redhead. Naruto slowly rises with a determined look on his face as ryura smirks and spins his swords, before the redhead tears away the remains of his top and digs his boots across the ground. Ryura narrows his eyes as the wind picks up around naruto as his hair becomes like flame before turning golden-blond with goldish aura and pupil-less blue-green eyes.

"Quite the transformation.. I feel the Power exuding from you" ryura says and grins, "Why don't I do the same" he adds and naruto's eyes narrow. Ryura's forehead glows as a jewel appears and his form changes, growing in height as red marking form on his face, slowly kyora and jura's faces form on the side of his head as a second set of dragon arms emerge while gora's head forms on his chest. Naruto forms his azure dragon sword and rushes ryura as he swings his swords, while with each parry or dodge creates a gash.

"Hahaha.. Yes.. Yes.. Show me more" ryura howls, firing gora's energy breath. Naruto closes the gap with a few swings as ryura blocks and creates a few bolts of lightning, managing to get inside ryura's reach and clenches his fist.

"Iron Annihilation" naruto shouts, connecting a body-blow. Ryura staggers back and naruto uses his now named demon lasso, impaling ryura with exploding javelins, "Arghh" ryura hisses, dropping his swords and crashes on his back.

"Doton: Sokonashi Numa" naruto shouts, weaving signs to snake and slamming his hands down. Ryura jerks as the ground under him turns to thick mud and slowly encases him as naruto leaps skyward, "Galick Gun" naruto shouts, erasing ryura and finishing his quest. [song ends]

Optional Quest Completed!


1) +5 CC%

2) Yin or Yang Release Unlocked

3) Party System Unlocked(Party Members gain +50% to stats permanent)

4) Harem members gain knowledge of Gamer Bloodline(Only those unlocked)

Naruto secures ryura's swords and looks to find his sword before going to the temple steps to sit down as the sky returns to normal with the temple becoming ruins once more. He slowly leans back to look towards the sky with a sigh, "Well.. Well.. Well.. Hello Naruto Uzumaki" a voice says and naruto look to see shizuma, hassaku and buntan.

"They may look at you and believe you are easy pickings" musashi says. Naruto rises from the steps and sheathes his sword with his eyes on the three, "Have you come to see how my eyes look dead" naruto says.

"You think a treehugger like you can face someone like Shizuma" buntan says. Naruto sighs and slowly makes a cross hand sign as one thousand clones of him appear to the shock of shizuma and his team, "Well can He defeat All of me" naruto says, bumping fist with one of them to show they are solid. He walks towards them and passes them as the clones remain, "See you in the Finals" naruto says, vanishing into shunshin and all of them pop into smoke. The last five days pass as teams continue to whittle down and on the tenth day survivors move closer to the eastern shore. A minor unease forms as teams and survivors were coming to a shaky cease-fire, sticking to their respective countries. Naruto finally sees team-8 and they look worse for wear with sakura now having shorter hair, while kiba looks exhausted but still has his haughty nature.

"How many coins did you get Beta Male" kiba says, holding up four fingers. Naruto looks to team-5, team-3 and team-10 but slowly raises nine fingers to kiba's ire.

"We have Seven" kaguya says.

"We have Six" tenten says.

"We only managed Two" shikamaru says, as kiba looks ready to blow a gasket.

"Have you chosen who will represent your team.. If you make the top ten" ino says and looks to team-5, team-3 and team-8.

"Naturally me" kiba says, immediately.

"We're still debating" tsunade says.

"Gai-sensei will decide" lee says. Naruto tunes out everyone as his gaze drifts to kabuto and his team, "Thanks to my clones.. I now know he and teammates work for Orochimaru.. I need to inform Kakashi" he thought.

"Those two have revealed themselves as Oto ninja as well.. Orochimaru may want revenge for your Affront to him" musashi says and naruto internally snorts, before glancing the princess trio. They nor esdeath have asked about his gamer bloodline but he would add to them to his party to give them their stats boosts.

"We can try a Dungeon when we get back and smart of you to chose Yin as I am the Yin half" musashi says.

"Yeah and my control gets better.. I wonder will I get a similar Quest where I can tell the Hokage.. Sensei.. Kakashi.. Aneue.. Lady Hitomi and Lady Mikoto" naruto thought unaware the fourth prize from anko's quest will bring him some misfortune. The next day comes and two boats arrive for everyone with their sensei as well. One boat will take survivors and the other take everyone counted as the top ten but their choices must made, forcing team-5 and three to chose immediately. Tsunade and lee were chosen from their respective teams with their remaining teammates allowed on the boat. In the end kagura, shizuma, naruto, gaara, kimimaro, kiba, shira and esdeath made the cut, even being informed by proctors that opponents would be the one closest in number of coins in one month's time.

"So according to Coin count.. Naruto will face Kagura.. Tsunade faces Kimimaro.. Lee faces Gaara and Kiba faces Shira" sarada says, as the konoha winners were on the rear deck of the ship except for team-8.

"And Esdeath faces Shizuma" naruto adds.

"Where did this Kimimaro come from" tenten asks.

"Apparently there was a Second Oto team.. A two-person team who remained on the down low" naruto says, seeing gai and kakashi coming.

"Strategizing" kakashi says.

"A little" sarada says.

"Lee will have a spirited match with the Kazekage's son" gai says and lee joins him in their cursed genjutsu, as everyone looks away. The boat makes the two hour trek back to the main island, proctors informing competitors where they can train and where they can stay. Teammates were allowed to remain as a courtesy to their competing teammate.

Add Sarada Uchiha, Tsunade Senju, Kaguya Hyuga, Yor Briar, Esdeath Partas to Party Yes/No

"Might as well give Esdeath some added power" naruto says, laying on the bed of his room. Each konoha team were in separate rooms on the same floor with their sensei in separate rooms from their genin.

"Seeing as things will happen during her match with Shizuma" musashi says. Kakashi secretly informed him that the rebels will act when esdeath reveals her ice release and yagura reveals his true nature of utter hatred of bloodlines users.

"Is he really blinded by such hate" naruto muses. A knock on the door echoes as naruto gets up and heads for the door, seeing team-5 and naruto invites them inside.

"Something wrong" naruto says.

"We wanted to see you and plan things out for the next month.. Also we felt.. Off on our way here" kaguya says.

"I added you and the others to my Party.. Giving you a Permanent 50% boost in your stats" naruto says.

"Nice.. I do feel stronger" tsunade says, flexing her right arm to show her bicep.

"It seems the system didn't reveal you choosing them as Harem members" musashi says and naruto makes a face.

"So what will we do" sarada says and naruto ruffles his hair.

"We can do a Dungeon.. We can test your enhanced skills and train away from prying eyes" naruto says.

"Sounds good.. We should wait a week in case Kakashi-sensei has plans.. Does he know about your Bloodline" sarada says and naruto shakes his head.

"I hope a Quest comes along where it'll allow me to.. Same with your Brother.. Aneue and your Moms" naruto says.

"What can we expect from a Dungeon" kaguya asks.

"Depends.. I've done forests and Deserts.. Hidden Bosses have been humans.. I stopped before the Level25 dungeon.. So one can only wonder.. However be prepared" naruto explains and all three nod, as they would spend the night and order a few pizzas to discuss things. The next day both teams meet kakashi in one of the training grounds under the distant eye of kiri Anbu, "So what will we doing for the break Kakashi" naruto says.

"Since only Naruto and Tsunade are in the Finals.. We'll focus on honing their skills and yours" kakashi says, looking to sarada and kaguya. A week passes fairly quickly and the princess trio meet in naruto's room in their combat gear as naruto makes four clones, three henged into them in case.

"Ready" naruto says and the three nod, holding hands in a chain. The four were transported to the dungeon in the form of a massive graveyard as familiar prompt comes up.

Welcome to Demonic Dungeon Level Twenty-Five!

Enemies will be Thirty-five... System Error!... System Recalculating!... Twenty Levels higher and Dungeon Boss Thirty levels higher. Checkpoints now Twice per Dungeon Level. Party members receive half EXP.

Quest Received

1 Defeat all the enemies within the Dungeon. (0/100)

2 Defeat the Dungeon Boss. (0/1)


1) 150000EXP

"A Graveyard" tsunade says, as naruto looks over the blue box.

"Maybe so but we're still inside a Dungeon" naruto says.

"How do we clear" sarada says, looking towards the gate leading inside the graveyard.

"We need to kill 100 enemies and the Boss but be prepared.. Enemies won't be easy" naruto says. They pass through the gates of the graveyard as a coldness runs up their spines while headstones were littered about, some broken and a few tilted on the verge of falling. A ominous full moon has dark clouds passing over it with some occasional lightning and thunder echoing ever so often. Kaguya activates her Byakugan and looks down before her eyes widen, "Below us" she says.

"Tsunade on point.. Kaguya.. Sarada middle" naruto says, as fists burst from below. Some were human with rotted skin and wearing broken armor or fully skeletal, while others were goblins, beastmen and animals.

"Don't hold back and don't get bogged down" naruto says.

"Right" all three say. The battle is joined as tsunade and kaguya use taijutsu, while sarada and naruto uses ninjutsu as each girl learns to focus their chakra into their attacks to destroy the undead foes.

"Sarada Fire" naruto shouts, kicking one away and weaving signs as sarada does the same.

"Fūton: Daitoppa.. Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto and sarada shout, creating a large inferno and incinerating a large group of undead. Tsunade crashes several heavy fists into a few undead and leaps with her left leg high as she concentrates chakra to her leg, "Tsūtenkyaku" she roars, bringing her heel down and creating a large crater spreading out.

"Kaiten" kaguya declares, spinning on her heel and making a dome of chakra. Over the course of about two hours the four kill the hundred undead, allowing each girl to gain valuable experience in a dungeon.

"Naruto look" sarada says, pointing on the hill.

"Stay out of this.. That's the Boss" naruto says and makes four clones to protect the girls. Naruto makes his way towards the hill as the boss comes more into view, being a very muscular but headless man. He is sown together from various bodies and has a third arm on his right side with each arm having a broadsword. He immediately goes SSJ as he rushes towards the boss and draws his sword, "Birds of Fire" he shouts, making blue flame birds unlike kyora. The boss swings his swords to slash the birds of fire as naruto jumps into a downward gatotsu but the boss dodges, swinging his third arm's sword as naruto ducks under.

"Iron Annihilation" naruto shouts, connecting a body-blow and dodging the downward swings.

"No Damage" musashi says.

"Or it doesn't matter" naruto says, rushing back into a furious clash against three swords.

"Amazing" sarada says, her Sharingan active and barely keeping up.

"I'll say" tsunade says.

"His charka is So bright" kaguya says. Naruto flies back with a skid from a heavy swing as the boss has a few smoking gashes, before rushing back in and uses his chains to disarm the boss' third arm, leaping over and using guren kaina to blow off its third arm. The boss swings back with both swords and naruto blocks, pushing him back but the redhead holds his ground as it buckles under his boot. Naruto focuses his SSJ aura towards his blade along with musashi's chakra as his muscles slowly begin to increase in mass, before he boss' blade shatters as naruto skids pass but he turns to leap with his sword raised.

"Heavenly Dragon Wave" naruto roars, bringing his sword down the middle of the boss and making a bluish-white dragon.

Boss Defeated!


1) 150000EXP

2) Party 75000EXP

Sarada and the others find themselves back in naruto's room as he notices they've leveled up and they have four more tries but no hidden boss, "Odd" naruto thought.

"So that was Dungeon" tsunade says, plopping in a chair. Each girl's adrenaline is wearing off and exhaustion is setting in, "Even if we've become stronger thanks to Naruto's party system.. It is no easy feat" sarada says.

"True.. I nearly died in my First Dungeon to a Goblin Champion.. If not for Musashi and my Chains" naruto says and all three shoot him looks, "Anyway... We have Four more attempts on this.. We'll use them and I may you let you try your hand at the Boss.. After we use the remaining time to hone for what's to come" he adds and all three nod. Over the course of a week the four would enter the dungeon the remaining four time, allowing each girl to level up and naruto even went up one level. The remaining two weeks before the finals were making final preparations to aid the revolutionaries, meeting with giyu to discuss their upcoming roles.


Naruto looks around the arena as numerous people were present to see the ten chunin hopefuls as the proctor goes over the rules but also the lineup. Kiba and shira will be going first followed by tsunade and kimimaro, esdeath and shizuma, lee and gaara, finally himself and kagura. The redhead wears graphic design hybrid hakama-cargo pants, it designs being flames and chains with combat boots, a white tracksuit jacket with three black stripes on the sleeves and mesh armor shirt. Naruto looks toward the kage booth and sees itachi, the yondaime kazekage rasa and yagura.

"All Genin except Kiba Inuzuka and Shira.. Head to the waiting area" the proctor says, pointing the waiting area shaped like a balcony. Everyone but the chosen pair make their way up as kiba sneers at shira. Naruto, tsunade and lee keep to one side as kagura, shizuma and esdeath are on the other side with gaara and kimimaro in the middle, a blank look on their faces and arms crossed. The match begins and kiba rushes in with akamaru using his beast mimicry but kiba seems more feral.

"Shame I won't personally get to see how your eyes look dead.. Seeing as you won't get pass Kagura" shizuma says, breaking naruto and tsunade's immersion in the match.

"Huh?!" tsunade snaps. Naruto glances shizuma and sees esdeath glaring at the latter with a promise of a violent death in her ice blue eyes, "Confident are you Shizuma" naruto says.

"I am.. I am to be one of The Seven Swords in the near future" shizuma says and grins maliciously, "And I didn't come from a Clandestine village with Peace loving Fools" he adds. Naruto grabs tsunade by her arm before she turns shizuma into a stain, "Again I'll say.. Quite Confident.. Consider you couldn't face All of me" he says and shizuma tune changes.

"Shizuma Enough" kagura says and sets his gaze on naruto, "I will see how you fight... Kyodai" he adds and naruto's eyes narrow.

"Isobu may have told him" musashi says.

"We will see Indeed" naruto says, shifting his gaze back to the fight as kiba slashes shira on the chest with his claws.

"Even if Shira makes no sound.. The Dog's nose is hard to overcome" musashi says. Blood is in the water and kiba is hunting as he presses shira with a ferocity not seen before. Akamaru joins the fray as kiba tosses him a red pill and becoming a copy of his master, forcing shira on the backfoot and keeping him from using his heavenly breathing.

"I've never seen Kiba fight like his.. What happened to him Forehead" ino says, sitting with the other rookies.

"Kiba is showing Everyone why he's an Alpha male" sakura says.

"That's if you don't count Naruto" shikamaru thought, seeing shira dodging dual tornados.

"Now Akamaru.. Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō" kiba shouts and akamaru leaps on his back as they transform into a a two-headed wolf.

"Chō Garōga" kiba roars, creating a violent vortex and crashing into shira before he can move. The proctor rushes to a downed shira and feels a pulse, "Shira is unable to continue.. Kiba Inuzuka is the winner" she declares and sakura screeches.

"Kiba actually won" tsunade says.

"Yeah.. He kept Shira on the defensive and pulled out a powerful move" naruto says, as medics come for shira while kiba soaks in adulation. Kimimaro leaves the waiting area as tsunade sighs, "My turn" she says and naruto pulls her into a hug.

"Be careful" naruto says and the blonde nods, heading off.

"Tsunade may not win this" musashi says.

"I know.. Kimimaro is Jonin level and possesses a deadly Kekkei Genkai" naruto thought, clenching his fist in his pocket.

"I'm shocked Kiba won" sarada says, seeing sakura continuing to cheer for him.

"Now it Tsunade's turn" kaguya says, seeing the blonde staring at kimimaro. Tsunade pins her honey eyes on kimimaro's cold green eyes, "He's dangerous.. He has the air of a seasoned killer.. I need to be cautious" she thought, as the proctor calls a begin to the match.

"She is close to the Kyubi Jinchuriki.. I will Kill her and give her Head to him" kimimaro thought. Tsunade rushes forward and jumps with her leg raised, "Tsūtenkyaku" she shouts, bring her boot down and shattering the ground as kimimaro dodges but she shoots towards him.

"Gokuraku Jōdo" tsunade roars, swinging chakra charged fist. Kimimaro dodges into the air and points his ten fingers wide, "Teshi Sendan" he says, firing bones from between his fingers with a swing of hands and tsunade quickly uses kawarimi to avoid them.

"What the Hell was That?!" tsunade thought. Kimimaro forces bone out his palms and rushes forwards with several swipes as tsunade dodges to grab some kunai and parry his strikes.

"Is that Bone?!" tsunade thought. Kimimaro forces the bones back in his hands and half slips out of shirt as bone rises from his shoulder, before pulling it out slowly as a bone sword.

"Your actions are futile against my Shikotsumyaku" kimimaro says.

"Oto has a survivor of the Kaguya?!" yagura thought, keeping calm as a few kiri ninja were doing the same. Kimimaro charges tsunade with a precise swipes and once again she parries but a few swipes push through, cutting her on various spots on her body as she leaps back with a weave of signs.

"Doton: Doryūsō" tsunade shouts, slamming her hands down and earthen spikes rise towards him. Kimimaro avoids them but tsunade is weaving more signs, "Doton: Doryū Taiga" she declares as kimimaro's legs give out from the ground turning to mud but she chains more signs.

"Doton: Doryūdan" tsunade says, as an earth dragon head rises and fires several mud balls. Kimimaro forms a shield of bone to block the mud balls but tsunade charges him and shatters his bone shield, sending him flying back as he flips to dig his hands and stops himself.

"You are strong Senju but you will ultimately fail.. You are Nothing like the stories of your Illustrious Great Grandfather" kimimaro says and fully slips out his shirt. Tsunade rolls her shoulders back and raises her arms like bear, "Maybe but I don't need to be like him or my Great Parents.. I am Tsunade Senju" she declares, causing her harem sisters to smile. Both rush forward in a flurry of strikes as kimimaro sees tsunade is moving faster and more compact with her blows, "Her moves are Linear but powerful.. Will she force me to use my Curse seal of Earth... No.. I will not use it one the likes of her.. Instead I'll use the Karamatsu no Mai" he thought.

"Huh" tsunade thought, as kimimaro's left arm undulates and four bones emerge out as she swings her fist. Kimimaro catches tsunade's punch as his bones grazes her arm and she cries out as one comes from his left knee, tears into her right thigh and staggers her to take a roundhouse in the stomach. Tsunade skids back several stutter steps and falls to one knee with a glare on her face but stems the bleeding as more bones come from kimimaro's body.

"Now do you see the Futility.. You can not pierce my Karamatsu no Mai.. Making your Taijutsu useless" kimimaro says, as the blonde glares at him and slowly gets to her feet.

"He's right.. I don't have Mom's Byakugō no In.. So I can't Brute force my way through him and I'll waste chakra with Ninjutsu" tsunade thought and sighs, "I forfeit" she says, as the proctor calls the match. Tsunade turns to leave as kimimaro contemplates killing her as her leg gives out but suddenly someone sweeps her up into his arms.

"N-naruto" tsunade says.

"I have you Princess" naruto says and shunshins them back to the waiting area.

"That was sprinted match.. You showed the Power of your Youth" lee says. Naruto places tsunade down as esdeath and shizuma make their way down for their match, "Can you heal it properly" he asks.

"I can" tsunade says, glancing to kagura. Naruto focuses his attention on the arena floor as esdeath and shizuma stare each other down, "How will she force their hand" naruto thought. Esdeath has a blank look on her face as shizuma has a lopsided grin, "I've noticed something you" he says, as the match is called to begin.

"And what's That" esdeath says, drawing her rapier.

"You seem to fancy Naruto Uzumaki" shizuma says, drawing his sword as well. Esdeath moves forward with a flurry of sword thrusts as shizuma parries each, "I desire Strong men and Naruto is that.. Compared to you Shizuma.. I refuse to be one of your Conquests like Buntan or Hebiichigo" she says.

"Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri" shizuma says, slashing a few times and forces esdeath to counter with a few water bullets.

"So you choose a Tree Hugger from a village that praises Bloodline Traitors" shizuma says, rushing her with flurry of strikes.

"Bloodline Traitors Shizuma.. Well I have some Bad news" esdeath says and ice lances form at her sides. Shizuma's eyes widen as numerous kiri ninja were talking in shock as the rebels were readying to move, "You have a Bloodline?!" he says, gritting his teeth.

"Yes I am.. As you can clearly see it is the Hyōton.. I am also he former Apprentice of Ameyuri Ringo.. Who you helped murder" esdeath says, coldly. In the kage booth rasa and itachi look towards yagura as the yondaime has this look of cold rage on his face, while gripping his chair and slowly rising from his chair.

"Kagura!.. Kill the Bloodline Traitor!" yagura shouts, adding chakra to his voice.

[Music: Rurouni Kenshin - Ishin Tenpuku Keikaku - OST]

Esdeath hears yagura's voice as shizuma charges and she forces him away with her ice lances while kagura appears a few feet from her, his sword aimed for her back but naruto appears behind her to parry his sword away. Yagura whips his head towards itachi with hate and lunacy in his eyes, "You would aid a Bloodline Traitor Hokage?!" yagura says, as a few explosions go off. Rebels reveal themselves and begin clashing with kiri ninja as itachi tosses his robes as rasa does the same, "I have.. Your actions have gone on long enough" itachi says. Back in the arena naruto is holding off kagura's blade as esdeath is at his back while buntan, hassaku and hebiichigo join shizuma.

"Now that things have been interrupted.. Our bet has been terminated.. Though you did earn more coins than me.. So I hope your home is good enough for me" esdeath says.

"I see" naruto says and focuses on kagura, "Can you handle things on your own" he adds.

"Of course Darling" esdeath says. Naruto parries kagura's sword and grabs the front of his shirt, "Then I'll see you later" naruto says, before blasting off with kagura like a purple missile.

"What the Hell is going?!" kiba shouts, holding off a kiri genin.

"Lord Godaime decided to aid Mizu's Revolutionaries in stopping Kiri's Wholesale Genocide of Bloodline users" kurenai says, casting a wide genjutsu.

"Why weren't we told" sakura says.

"Some Teams were told beforehand but I felt you were not ready for such information" kurenai says and kiba grits his teeth in rage, suspecting naruto may have known beforehand.

"Will we go for the Uchiha" guren says, as she follows orochimaru and kimimaro.

"Kukuku.. I'm sure Itachi has a detail on his Baby sister.. No.. He will bring her to me.. For now we'll steal some Bloodline users and Kiri's secrets" orochimaru says.

"Naruto took Kagura away" sarada says, using her Sharingan on two chunin.

"Meaning their fight will get dangerous" kaguya says, hitting a genin with her juken.

"Or he can talk him out of it" tsunade says.

"One can hope" kakashi comments, passing them. Meanwhile naruto takes kagura nearly three dozen miles from kirigakure, tossing him into a medium size clearing, "I did not believe a country like Konoha would interfere in another country" kagura says, getting to his feet and dusts himself off as naruto lands.

"Maybe.. Maybe.. However not many would turn a blind eye to Innocent people being killed for simply having a Bloodline" naruto says.

"I follow orders" kagura says.

"So do I but not ones I disagree with" naruto says and thumbing his sword's hilt, "I would rather not fight a fellow Jinchuriki.. However I will if I must" he adds.

"Maybe Kyodai but you are threat to Kirigakure.. So I will use the Sanbi's power to Defeat you.. Then Kirigakure will March to Konoha and Wipe it out" kagura says, pointing his sword and releases a disgusting amount of chakra.

[Music Change: Universal Trailer Series - Time Bomb (Heaven and Hell Remix)(Loop)]

The amount of corrosive chakra released causes a minor shockwave and burns away the grass, while the redhead shields his eyes from the dirt blasted away. Naruto raises his arms level with his side and releases a yell as his veins bulge, his muscles bulk up and his boots cracking the ground. He releases a disgusting amount of chakra as his red hair lifts, his blue eyes become a pupil-less blue-green and releases another yell as he transforms into SSJ. The combined chakra from both is seemingly warping the area around them as naruto draws his sword slowly and shifts it downward. Both charge into leaping strikes as they pass one another, before landing and charging once again with simultaneous heavy swings to violently disturbing the air.

"Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri" kagura declares, after leaping back and swinging down. Naruto avoids the high speed and linear wave of water as it slices through the ground, "Birds of Fire" he shouts, swinging and creating his fire birds.

"Suiton: Suiren no Jutsu" kagura says, wrapping his sword in water and extinguishing the birds but also unleashing a strong stream of water on his final swing. Naruto avoids it and closes in on kagura and into another clash of swords, moving out of the clearing and trees falling from their misses.

"Suiton: Suijinheki" kagura says, spewing a large amount of water towards naruto. However the redhead slices down the middle and forces kagura to break right as naruto shatters the ground with sword.

"The Water saturated air allows him ease of Suiton Jutsu" musashi says, as naruto races after kagura in another clash of swords that leads them one of many lakes.

"For me as well" naruto thought as kagura weaves one-handed signs.

"Suiton: Dan: Oruka" kagura declares. The water rises and surges for in the form of an orca towards naruto but the redhead counter, "Crimson Cyclone" naruto shouts, making a flaming cyclone and both attacks collide. Naruto and kagura shoot through the created steam as their swords meet, creating a wave of water from the force as another clash begins.

"Musashi told me Isobu was a reasonable Biju.. I doubt they would willingly aid in the Genocide of people" naruto says, pushing kagura back some.

"The Sanbi is under My control.. Its power is my own" kagura says, breaking open naruto's guard but the redhead blocks with his sheath as kagura cuts through it. Naruto drops the broken sheath and swings a high arc as kagura leaps back, "Then I'll free them" naruto says. He channels wind to his sword and launches forward with several strikes as kagura blocks but his sword can no longer take the enhanced strikes, before it shatters and his chest sprays with blood and a roundhouse sends him bouncing off along the water. Kagura rises while red chakra bubbles along his wound as the chakra cloak forms having two tails and tosses his sword aside as naruto seals his away.

"Impressive to break my sword" kagura says, before naruto cracks him in the face. Naruto throws up his forearm to block a chakra tail and the corrosive chakra burns his jacket, forcing him to toss it away as it corrodes and kagura rushes him with a fifteen-piece combo. Naruto mixes musashi's chakra into his SSJ aura that counters kagura's chakra cloak, connecting with gut blow and lifts kagura off the water but manages to punch naruto with a clubbing blow. Kagura shunshins back and is chaining signs to ram, "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu" he declares, as the water gurgles and rises to create a dragon having yellow eyes.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto declares, firing a large flame as the water dragon charges him and collide in geyser of steam. Several water bullets come the wall of steam as naruto runs along the water with a counter of vacuum spheres. Kagura blocks with his chakra tails and weaves signs to ram once again, "Suiton: Suiryū Sanrendan no Jutsu" he declares. Naruto skids to a halt as three dragons rise from the lake to surround but the redhead rapidly chains signs and slaps his hands together, "Combination Jutsu: Rairyū no Tatsumaki" he shouts. Wind and lightning rises to swirl around naruto to form a horned dragon having red eyes as the three dragons collide, exploding with a minor shockwave as naruto rockets out but kagura is chaining more signs.

"Suiton: Abare Kurage" kagura declares. The lake swells as a giant water jellyfish rises under kagura and raises several feet in the air, numerous tentacles burst out and naruto dodges but one catches his leg to whip him hard to the water's surface. Naruto frees himself as it yanks back and bounds to his feet before whipping off some water from his hair.

"He has yet to transform" musashi says.

"Time to force him" naruto says and weaves signs to tiger but kagura sends his jellyfish forward, forcing the redhead to avoid the tentacles.

"Katon: Karyū Endan" naruto shouts and inhales. A fire dragon emerges from a jet of flames and it splits into several heads as it incinerates the tentacles and the main head crashes into the jellyfish, while naruto vanishes and appears in front of kagura with a Rasengan forming. Kagura spews blood from his mouth after the Rasengan slams into his chest and sends him crashing to the lake's edge. He struggles to move from his damaged chest as naruto lands on the water but thick red chakra begins bubbling back to the surface while his skin starts to peel away, being destroyed by the viscous red chakra. Kagura reaches all fours as three tails were now visible as the water begins to boil, his eyes slowly vanish as all the skin from his face is gone.

[Music Change: Jinchuriki - Naruto Shippuden Ost]

"I could've ended this sooner but I wanted to test myself to see how far I've come" naruto says, as the wind picks up while the area is saturated by the ominous chakra. Kagura roars as a pillar of red chakra explodes out and destroys everything for a quarter mile. Naruto hovers above as he sees kagura on all fours and covered by some sort of endoskeleton with a dark red, nearly black layer of chakra. He has gained girth and has a crab-like shell, spikes all over his body and three shrimp-like tails. Naruto flares his SSJ aura and adds more of musashi's chakra as red tints mixed with the gold but also muscles growing before rocketing down, shattering the ground as he lands.

"I will Kill you!" kagura hisses, rocketing forward with a speed that catches naruto off guard. The redhead careens back from a palm strike by kagura as pink coral rapidly forms from his chest but naruto flares his aura to free himself. At the same time kagura opens his mouth as red and blue orbs coalesce to a purple orb, "Watch out Boya!" musashi says, as kagura fires a miniature biju bomb. Naruto avoids the biju bomb as it detonates behind him with a moderate shockwave and he sees kagura charging another but rockets forward, bringing out his azure dragon sword and using demon lasso.

"Arghhh" kagura roars, as the javelins explode and disrupt his biju bomb.

"Rasengan" naruto shouts, crashing it into kagura's head. Kagura roars as his chakra explodes and blows naruto back as it expands, "He going to fully transform into Isobu" musashi says, as naruto halts himself and sees the full sanbi. Isobu resembles a very large turtle with a crab-like shell, spikes all over its body and three shrimp-like tails. Under the shell is red muscle-like tissue, a pair of human-like arms and hands but no hind-legs. Isobu's face is concealed between a large forehead and lower jaw, which have spikes and red eyes that have crimson-yellow pupils.

"NO MORE GAMES.. YOU WILL DIE!" kagura bellows, before firing a tight blast of water. Naruto dodges as each lacerates the barren area, "Final Shine" he shouts, firing the green blast but kagura counters by turning into ball and it hits his shell. Kagura rolls forward like a destructive wrecking ball as naruto avoids due his small size. He slowly unfurls and fire more water blasts as naruto counters with his machine gun blows, when that does not work kagura goes for broke and begins charging a real biju bomb.

"He's going for broke" naruto says and clenches his fists, before roaring to the heavens and powering up. His golden-red aura explodes as his muscles starts to increase in mass and tears open his mesh shirt as he nears four-tails worth of musashi's chakra.

Skill Ultra Super Saiyan Unlocked

Naruto is now noticeably more muscular as he shifts into galick gun stance as kagura continues to charge a biju bomb. The ground buckles under kagura as the orbs form into a large purple orb as naruto charges his purple blast. Kagura fires his biju bomb and naruto fires his galick gun as both meet, fracturing the ground as naruto focuses to push it back.

"DIE!" kagura roars, charging a second biju bomb.

"Super Kaioken!" naruto roars, as his body burns red hot and his beam expands. The biju bomb explodes and engulfs the area as the blowback hits kagura, disrupting his second biju bomb and engulfing him in dirt and earth. Kagura swipes the debris cloud away and sees a barren wasteland but no naruto, "Bararaq Saiqa" naruto echoes from above. A wide electric blue blast pierces kagura's shell, "ARGHHHH!" kagura cries out, as dozens of glowing chains wrap around him. Kagura struggles as the chains bind him and chakra is being drained as his biju transformation slowly come undone but exasperates the wound to his chest.

"It's over Kagura.. The wound will kill you and these chains lock your chakra" naruto says, landing with chains sprouting from his back. Kagura looks up from his kneeling position as blood dribbles from his mouth and breathing labored but his eyes dim as he collapses.

"Thank you" a voice echoes on the wind. [song ends]


Esdeath methodically approaches shizuma drags himself along the ground as his legs were frostbitten to his knees. Hassaku is frozen pieces scattered to the wind, while buntan and hebiichgo lay unconscious after being used as human shields. The day would be won by the rebel alliance as she doubts yagura could stand against three kage level opponents, his forces were arrogant and blind to things outside of kiri with their foolish ritual of halfing their graduates with killing.

"S-spare me Esdeath.. I can be a use to you.. I'll do anything" shizuma says, turning on his back. Esdeath looks down at shizuma with cold blue eyes hidden in shadow, "Can you turn back time.. Revive the dead and Give me back the woman who raised me.. The woman who saved after my Family was slaughtered by Loyalists" she says, sadness infecting her tone but there is only silence from shizuma. Esdeath rams her boot heel into shizuma's stomach and twists it as rage replaces sadness, "No.. Then Die" she says and raises her hand towards him, "Hyōton: Hyōten Kasō" she says. Shizuma screams as ice flowers form on his body until he completely freezes and shatters, "Ameyuri-sensei.. I have killed him" she thought.

"You are most cruel when you fight" a voice says and turns to sarada, kaguya and tsunade with all three showing signs of battle.

"One must be.. I'm sure Our Naruto does sometime" esdeath says, seeing the fighting is dying down.

"Ours" tsunade says.

"Yes.. Naruto has essentially won our bet and I will move to Konoha... Now which of you is the eventual Head Wife" esdeath says.

"I am" tsunade says and esdeath smiles.

"Good.. I will train you to be stronger.. All of you and I will fight for Second in command of his Harem.. I have a set of skills that will prove useful" esdeath says. On this day the revolutionaries would see the beginning of kiri stepping out of bloody past but this day would also be the birth of The Six Witches of the Uzumaki, powerful women and the shadows of their husband.

"$^%#-^&<÷@*;:#&(_:$=< p>

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: Heir of Uzumaki Clan

Level 106: 177,500/840,000

Rank: Genin


HP: 195000

CP: 175500

CC: 90%

Str: 725

Spd: 650

Sta: 880

Dex: 620

Vit: 900

Chk: 2000

Wis: 275

Stat Points: 0

Skill List


Whirlpool and Hummingbird Taijutsu

Uzumaki-Ryu Style Kenjutsu

Killing Intent


Uzumaki Regeneration

Chakra Chains

Kyubi Regeneration


KI Blasts