
Chapter: 4

Quest Received!

Free the Country of Nami-no-kuni and save Team-10


1) 100000EXP

2) 1000 Rep Nami-no-kuni

3) Unlock Yor Briar

#Land of Fire#

Naruto soars above the clouds towards wave country but his mind is on team-10 and among their class they were the only true team, compared to the other teams as for example team-5 were made of girls with individual goals and worked together. Team-8 were individuals as well but follow kiba in sakura's case or shino simply following because of hive mentality. Team-10 were trained at a young age to be a team and honed those skills to point they could work without saying a word.

"And your team is You.. Yourself and Oneself" musashi says. Naruto comes down through the clouds as he passes the coast and sails along the water to create some waves, "Yeah Me.. Myself and I" he says, seeing a few dolphins and speeds up. He would receive memories from his clone that karin arrived safely in konoha, also itachi received his oral report on the mission and itachi will let karin stay with tsunade's family until he returns where they would discuss matters. Meanwhile team-10 were dealing with serious situation on their first c-rank mission of a simple escort mission of a man named Tazuna back to his home in wave country. However along the journey they were ambushed by chunin level missing-nin known as the Demon Brothers. Asuma allows his team to deal with them as shikamaru uses his shadow manipulation while choji distracts one and ino halts another with her mind transfer, learning of tazuna's deceit. The bridge-builder revealed a man called Gato is after his life for building a bridge to the mainland, something that would cripple his stranglehold on the country.

Tazuna also revealed his daughter and son-in-law lost their lives to gato and his bridge is the hope of a dying country. This pulls at the heartstrings of ino and choji as asuma debates on what to do, while shikamaru runs scenarios in his head. Asuma agrees to aid tazuna but would call for backup through his monkey summons, however once wave is free the country would sign a trade agreement with konoha as compensation. Tazuna hesitantly agrees and asuma sends for backup as they continue on towards the coast, meeting a boatman to ferry them towards the country and were prepared for enemies. However their enemy turned out to be Zabuza Momochi, a former member of kirigakure's Seven Swords of Mist and known as the Demon of Mist. The battle between zabuza and asuma is dance of death his team were not ready for as zabuza unleashes his Ki to keep the genin frozen in fear. However asuma defends his young charges and tazuna, allowing them to shake back and aid their sensei.

"You think some Wannabe Shinobi can turn the tide" zabuza says. Asuma stands in front of his team with his trench knives out and bleeding from several cuts, "You would be surprised" asuma says. Ino, choji and shikamaru were surrounding tazuna with kunai out but two more figures appear behind them.

"Um Asuma-sensei" ino says, a little terror in her tone and looking over the pair behind them. One has a kiri hunter mask over their face, long black hair in a bun and wears a teal kimono with olive hakama pants. The other is a fairly tall young woman with long, straight, black hair reaching her mid-back with short bangs framing her forehead and upturned red eyes. Her hair splits her into two parts and crosses it over her head, securing with a headband and forming two thick locks of hair that reach below her chest. She wears a form-fitting halter-style black dress with a rose choker and a red rose pattern on the inside of her skirt. The front of the skirt is mid-thigh length, while the back reaches below her knees, black thigh-high boots and black fingerless gloves.

"Do we have to harm them Haku" the young woman says, reluctant in wanting to harm anyone and holding a pair of golden stiletto-type weapons.

"If it is Zabuza's Will.. We carry it out Yor regardless of our feelings" haku says, his voice devoid of emotion.

"What will you do now Sarutobi" zabuza sneers, as the tension rises from yor and haku releasing their Ki along with their master.

"This is Bad" shikamaru thought, seeing his best friends on the verge of collapsing.

"Looks like we made it" a voice says, above all of them and makes them look up.

"Why unseal me this far up" another voice says.

"Because it will be sort of cool" the first voice says. A dustup erupts between zabuza and asuma to blow some of the ambient mist away to reveal naruto in a squat as kakashi lands on the redhead's right shoulder.

"Kakashi?!" asuma says.

"Sharingan no Kakashi" zabuza says, as kakashi hops down.

"Zabuza Momochi" kakashi says, raising his hitai-ate and showing his Sharingan. Naruto has his blue eyes on yor and haku as he uses observe to show both are chunin but close to low-level jonin. Yor's strength is comparable to him and tsunade, while haku has a high Dex and Spd with a hyoton kekkei genkai.

"Yor.. Haku.. We're leaving... Another time Kakashi.. I look forward to killing you" zabuza says and vanishes with the mist. Yor's red eyes linger on naruto's blue ones but she vanishes with rose petals as haku breaks down into ice flurries.

"Thank Kami" ino says, sighing in relief.

"Naruto" choji says.

"You guys ok" naruto says.

"Yeah.. You and Kakashi-sensei arrived Just in time" shikamaru says.

"Naruto sends some clones to make a perimeter and we'll head to Tazuna's place" kakashi says and naruto sees the older man gets a little nervous but makes said clones. Everyone remains cautious as they make their way towards tazuna's home but the older has this look of dread forming on his face.

"Weren't you on a Mission" asuma says.

"We were but Naruto's summons got us here in a hurry" kakashi says, leaving out naruto could actually fly. Tazuna's home sits on the water with a dock and resembles a seaside inn as the older man is sweating bullets as he opens the door.

"Dad.. You're home... Kazia.. Dad has made it home" a woman says, showing a baby bump and having long dark blue hair.

"Father" kaiza says, as the group see a fisherman.

"Who are they" ino says.

"I'm Tsunami and this is husband Kaiza" the woman says and touches her baby bump, "And this will be Inari" she adds. Ino whips around to tazuna with anger in her eyes, "I thought you said your daughter and son-in-law were killed by Gato" she says.

"Dad?!" tsunami says, shocking in her eyes.

"I did it so you would help me.. If you don't Gato will surely kill them" tazuna says and tsunami glares at him, before each team introduce themselves and allows asuma to get some healing done from ino.

"So what will we do Asuma-sensei" choji says.

"For now.. We'll guard Tazuna and keep our eyes trained for attacks" asuma says, as ino holds her hands out and glowing a light green.

"How will you encounter Yor" musashi says.

"We'll have to see.. It is question on how to get her from Zabuza" naruto thought. The rest of the day is used for strategizing and tsunami berating her father as ino agrees with everything. The next day comes and naruto sends his clones for dailies but also switching out his perimeter clones, also slipping amongst the clones to explore the area. Naruto disguises himself as one of the many of thugs hired by gato, wearing a surgical mask over his whiskers with his hair white and an inconspicuous outfit of a black red-line shirt and black pants with black boots, lastly a white yukata with a blue swirl pattern on the bottom and wearing only one sleeve. He uses his silver tongue skill to learn some information and leads him towards a bar many frequent but his stellar luck has him slam right into yor.

"I'm so sorry" naruto says, catching yor before she falls.

"I'm sorry too.. Let me buy you a drink an apology" yor says quickly and naruto slowly nods, following her inside. Even early in the day the thugs were drinking and leering at the women as they take a seat at the bar, "I'm Shin" naruto says, seeing she is wearing a overcoat over her clothes.

"I'm Yor.. Yor Briar" yor says and orders them a soda on the rocks but the bartender mixes alcohol into hers, "What brings you here" she adds.

"The all Mighty Ryo.. You" naruto says. Yor looks away with her eyes as their drinks arrive, "M-my Sensei is here working" she says, drinking her drink.

"Not many would come to such a small country for work.. From what I've seen the town is pretty destitute but who am to judge I am here as well" naruto says and notices yor's cheeks are a little red as she orders another.

"Sensei is all I have after losing Yuri" yor says, a little speed to her tone.

"Who's Yuri" naruto asks.

"He's my brother but died because we were Heretics.. All we did was help a family and Yuri died for it" yor says, downing her next drink and ordering another. Naruto drinks his soda with a little kakashi magic as he learns yor is from kiri and got caught in the civil war as she and yuri harbored a family of bloodline users.

"I managed to escape but Y-yuri stayed behind and was killed.. If not for Sensei I would have died too" yor says, a slight slur forming and downs another glass.

"Sensei even says I'm too soft and won't kill like Haku.. I'm a failure.. Why did he save me" yor says, now fully slurring her words and hiccups a few times as she reaches for her fifth drink. Naruto places his hand over her hand holding her drink and leans closer, "She's drunk" musashi says, as he pulls his mask down to show her his face.

"Yor.. Listen to me.. Your Sensei may saved your life but that doesn't mean he Owns your Life" naruto says. Yor's face slowly becomes redder and redder as her mind goes to naruto confessing his immediate love for her, "Kyaaaah" she cries, kicking straight up into naruto's chin and sending him flying backwards. Naruto corrects and lands perfectly as yor has already run off but his vision is slightly blurry, "Now I see why it said.. Never let her drink" he thought, rubbing his chin.

"You ruined our plan Buddy.. We were gonna fuck that Kunoichi Pussy" the bartender says. Naruto's eyes move from side to side as men were looking at him with drunken stares while the women run off, "I see" naruto says. About ten minutes later naruto steps out as inside were broken but barely alive men, "Will your words reach her" musashi says.

"Maybe" naruto says, returning to tazuna's home and switches with his clone. He learns that one jonin and two genin would guard tazuna at his bridge, while the other jonin and genin will guard his family. This would be rotated every two days until the mission finished with naruto pairing with a member of team-10 each time.


Yor sits quietly with haku as gato came to berate zabuza about not finishing tazuna but he threatened the troll of man away.

"You came back drunk earlier" haku says, his mask gone and revealing a handsome face with brown eyes.

"I'm not sure what happened.. I was talking to someone named Shin and then things got fuzzy with our soda" yor says.

"Gato's thugs probably wanted to have their way with you" zabuza says and looms over her, "What about this Shin" he adds.

"H-he was nice and listened to me ramble" yor says, looking away slightly.

"Hmph keep an eye out for him Haku... I also want the two of you to scout those Genin.. The three were scared shitless but the Redhead.. He may prove interesting.. Especially if he's a Uzumaki" zabuza says and both nod. Both sides would prepare for their inevitable clash as haku and yor scout the ino-shika-cho and naruto in town or covertly but naruto was doing the same as himself or as shin. The red hair player also dealt with gato's thugs by making the body count rise with kakashi's permission, infuriating gato to no end and slowly forcing zabuza's hand. A few times as shin encounters yor again but she avoids him and a few times as himself where she likes his whiskers and each time seems more at ease with him. He hopes his words can reach her and help her break away from zabuza as two weeks pass with their collision coming.

[Music: Chris Classic - Here We Go ft. Eminem(2021 Remix)]

"So.. What's it like dating three girls" ino says, sitting on the roof of tazuna's home. Naruto is on the ground doing some katas as they were guarding tsunami, while asuma takes kaiza into town with kakashi, shikamaru and choji heading to the bridge to guard tazuna.

"We do a few group dates but we sometime do single ones.. We're comfortable with one another" naruto says.

"I heard rumors of a competition" ino says and naruto holds a kick.

"I'm not telling you.. Get your Gossip elsewhere" naruto says and ino puffs her checks but her eyes widen.

"Naruto.. We got company!" ino shouts. Naruto looks down the path to see yor approaching with a blank look on her face, "Ino.. I'll handle her.. If you see a moment.. Use your Jutsu" he says.

"Right" ino says. Naruto tosses off his coat and moves down the path towards yor, "Naruto.. Please move aside.. I need to capture the bridge builder's daughter" she says.

"I can let that happen Yor" naruto says.

"Sensei wants me to take her.. I can't disobey him" yor says.

"Yes you can.. I told you.. Zabuza may have saved you in your Darkest Hour but he doesn't own your life" naruto says and yor's eyes widen in recognition, "Yes I was Shin.. I meant what I said" he adds. Yor's body trembles as her Ki starts to leak from her, "Naruto... If you meant those words.. Then Save me by defeating me" she says, slowly moving forward. Naruto raises his hands in fists in orthodox boxing stance as his eyes become serious and sways back as yor sends a spinning high kick that disturbs the air around them. Yor quickly moves into a nine-piece combo of punches and kicks as naruto blocks but moves back.

"Quite the power Boya" musashi says. Yor ducks under a left straight and balances on her hands into a eight-piece combo of kicks as naruto blocks with his forearms, before putting a little distance between them but yor is on him with heavy punches into heavy head kicks actually destroying his gloves and sleeves.

"Naruto!.. Save me from the Darkness" yor shouts, kicking open his guard with a high punt kick and he see tears in her eyes. Time slows as yor spins on her right heel for a weighted spinning roundhouse but naruto sidesteps it and traps her leg into a palm strike to her chest.

"Naruto.. Move" ino shouts with her arms raised and hands in a circle, "Shintenshin no Jutsu" she declares. Yor's body seizes as she falls on her back, "Can you seal her Chakra.. I'll have a heart to heart with her" ino says in yor's body.

"Right" naruto says and weaves sign as chakra lights up on his left hand before placing it on yor's stomach as a seal forms.

"If Yor came.. Meaning Zabuza could be at the bridge" ino says.

"Right.. I'll make some clones" naruto says and makes four, before taking off towards the bridge.

"Will you face Zabuza or Haku" musashi says.

"Whoever gets in front of me" naruto thought and soon reaches the bridge, racing up to the bridge itself as the temperature has dropped with a thick mist. He sees shikamaru and choji fighting a few clones of haku with bo-staff while the rotund akimichi uses his fists as he guards tazuna.

"Seems Yor failed.. Shame she died" the real haku says, getting in naruto's path.

"She isn't.. Now surrender" naruto says.

"I will not.. You threaten Zabuza-sama's Will.. So I will kill you" haku says. He blitzes forward into a spin as naruto blocks his senbon with a kunai into a spinning barrage of counter strikes culminating in the redhead grabbing haku's right wrist.

"You may have trapped one of my hands but that will not stop me" haku says and weaves signs with his free left hand, "Sensatsu Suishō" he says, stomping the water and creating water needles. Naruto dodges skyward and fires two energy blasts to destroy the clones, "Shikamaru.. Choji.. Take Tazuna and go down the bridge" he shouts, as haku appears with a spinning roundhouse and sending the redhead down into a skid as he lands.

"We can help" choji says, as naruto rushes haku with a seven-piece combo.

"You can by moving away" naruto shouts as they cross lock their hands in test of power. Both engage in a series of knee strikes as shikamaru pulls tazuna along, "Don't die redhead" the older man shouts, as choji follows.

"What were those blasts.. I'll need to ask him" shikamaru thought.

"You spared them witnessing your death.. How noble" haku says, freeing his hands and swings a high head kick but naruto pushes a palm to his chin. This knocks haku off balance but manages to maneuver a kick to naruto's stomach and pushes back to a vertical base with a weave of signs to tiger, "Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki" haku says. He creates a cluster of ice needles in the shape of miniature swallows form as naruto dodges but they curve to follow him, before the redhead skids to use his machine gun blows to shatter them while haku is weaving more signs to ram.

[Music Change: NF - The Search]

"Hijutsu: Makyō Hyōshō" haku says, as the area becomes colder. Naruto's eyes widen as a dome of ice mirrors about twenty wide and twenty feet high forms as haku slowly enters one of the mirror and starts to be reflected in each of them.

"Now then.. Let us begin.. I will show you my True speed" haku says and naruto uses observe to see haku's Spd has increased dramatically. Numerous senbon of ice or steel explode from the various mirrors as naruto dodges in his limited area but a few find the mark to cut his visible skin.

"The Cold will slow you down as things drag out" musashi says.

"He avoiding them more and more.. Is he adapting.. Then I will use This" haku thought and weaves signs of tiger, dragon, boar and dog.

"Hyōton: Haryū Mōko" haku thought. Naruto jerks as a tiger of ice erupts from a mirror and slams into him as he manages to throw up a cross-arm block but he slowly starts to freeze, "W-wha t-the hell?!" he says, as another tiger bites his right leg from behind.

"Now I will end this by using Hissatsu Hyōsō.. Don't worry.. You will not suffer.. Your death will be Certain" haku says. Naruto grits his teeth as his body slowly becomes red as haku forms a ram-sign, "Kaio.. Ken!" naruto roars, shattering the ice with a red-hot aura. Haku halts his attack as his eyes widen and naruto lower himself before rocketing forward like a jet engine to shatter a mirror with his fist as haku dodges to another mirror but naruto follows upwards as a red streak, breaking mirrors in his wake to haku's shock.

"He's gotten so Fast.. Who is this Naruto?!" haku thought but he freezes as naruto's fist is coming towards his face, "I-I can't dodge" haku says, before being cracked in face and through the ice mirror. He bounces off the bridge a few times as his mask shatter and naruto lands as kaioken subsides, "Good thing I can used my clones to train in Kaioken.. Despite being a physical trait" naruto thought. Haku struggles to a half-seated position as his left eye has swollen up and some blood drips from his nose but his ears hear this crackling like the sound of numerous birds chirping. He shifts and his eye widens in horror as the mist has lessened for him to see zabuza bound by several dogs and kakashi's right hand crackling with blue chakra.

"Z-zabuza-sama.. I-I need to save him" haku thought, struggling to turn over and get up as naruto approaches behind him. Haku bounds to his feet and creates a lance of ice to stab naruto but as he turns a whitish-blue blade of energy pierces his chest and through his heart, "Z-z-zabuza-sama.. Forgive me" haku whispers, slumping on naruto's azure dragon sword. Naruto cancels his sword and catching haku as a squelching echoes, before looking to see kakashi pierce zabuza's chest to end the demon of mist. He lifts haku up and makes his way to them as kakashi removes his hand while zabuza draws his last breaths but weakly sees haku in naruto's arm.

"I'll see you on the other side Haku" zabuza thought, falling as the dogs dispel.

"Naruto" kakashi says but out the corner of his eye sees a group coming from the incomplete side of the bridge.

"So the Big Bad Demon is actually a weak Baby who died.. Though you did weaken those Ninja" gato sneers, with about forty mercs. Naruto places haku down next to zabuza, "Kakashi.. Can I end Gato" naruto says.

"Go for it" kakashi says, as gato grips his cane in anger.

"Kill them" gato shouts. Naruto raises his left arm and braces it with his right as his kaioken aura erupts, "Bararaq Saiqa" he shouts, firing a burst of blue energy. Gato and his thugs have no time to react as they were erased from the world, while the blast hits the water with a medium size explosion as kakashi watches with flicker eyes.

"I hope I didn't mess up Tazuna's bridge too bad" naruto says.[song ends]


"Naruto.. Kakashi-sensei?!" choji says, coming with his team and yor. She sees the bodies of zabuza and haku as her hands go to her mouth to stifle a shuddering breath, "S-sensei?!" yor whispers.

"Don't worry Kakashi-sensei.. Yor is on our side.. We talked it out and has surrendered to Naruto" ino says, seeing the weariness in kakashi's eyes as he pulls his hitai-are down.

"Why Naruto" kakashi says.

"What happened to my Bridge?!" tazuna shouts, seeing scorch marks.

"He saved me from the darkness" yor says, as they ignore tazuna.

"What will happen to them" choji asks.

"Can they be buried" yor says.

"Naruto seal up their bodies and the Kubikiribocho.. I'll contact the Hokage on what to do going forward" kakashi says and yor slowly nods, before her gaze shifts to naruto but says nothing. Her talk with ino was an eye-opening experience, her life since sensei saved her was one of servitude. She fought to not kill while haku faithfully froze anyone for sensei as like her was by saved him.

"I will no longer live as a tool but as a person" yor thought. Naruto seals each body in a stasis scroll and the large sword as well, before making their way back to tazuna's home as the older man complains. Team-10 would have a story to tell their sensei about facing yor, facing zabuza and haku, also gato now being dead. Kakashi would send a message to the hokage before he and asuma head to gato's place, leaving their genin to their own devices.

Quest Complete!


1) 100000EXP

2) 1000 Rep Nami-no-kuni

3) Unlock Yor Briar

"Yor's Harem Affinity is 20%" naruto thought, sitting on the dock and kicking water with bare feet.

"Naruto" shikamaru says, as naruto hears the creak of wood and looks back.

"Something wrong" naruto asks but shikamaru shakes his head.

"I wanted to ask you something... When you destroyed those ice clones.. What did you do" shikamaru asks. Naruto holds up his left hand and forms a blue energy orb, "You mean this" he says and shikamaru nods, "It's a clan secret.. Apparently some members of the Uzumaki clan can form their Chakra in various ways.. I can make a Sword.. A Scythe even or just form blasts" he says, using silver tongue and firing the small blast.

"You never showed it at the academy" shikamaru says.

"Didn't need it though.. Now I am working on some" naruto says.

"That will make him more dangerous" shikamaru says and sees yor approaching in casual clothes. She wears red off-shoulder sweater with black tights, a red skirt and brown-heeled ankle boots.

"Hello" yor says and shikamaru gives her a nod.

"We'll talk more later" shikamaru says, walking off.

"How are you feeling" naruto says.

"I am ok" yor says. Naruto rubs his neck as the pair stand and sit in silence, "What is Konoha like" she asks.

"It's not bad.. Though because of a certain incident some people are a bit narrow-minded" naruto says but pauses for a moment, "Um.. Do you know what Jinchuriki are" he adds.

"Like the Mizukage's nephew" yor says.

"Yeah on the day I was born.. The Kyubi attacked the village.. So many people antiquated my birth to the attack but slowly most are changing" naruto explains.

"I'm sure you were not the only child born on that day.. Fear just seems to alter people's perception" yor says.

"She is right" musashi says.

"Yeah.. I'm sure the Land of Water is a bit similar" naruto says.

"Yes but Sensei heard Revolutionaries are trying to topple the Mizukage's tyranny" yor says and naruto nods.

"Naruto.. Kakashi-sensei and Ausma-sensei are back" ino shouts. Naruto rises to his feet and taps yor on the shoulder, "Come on.. Let's see what they found" he says and yor slowly nods. Kakashi and asuma reveal they found deeds to various businesses which would be returned over the coming days. Both teams and yor would deal with any remaining mercs but most took off as the money was gone. About four days after zabuza's death did kakashi get a reply back from the hokage that team-10's mission is now finished and turn things over to team-7. An encrypted message for kakashi remarks that he and naruto will meet two members of the revolutionaries in two weeks to confirm zabuza's death and take possession of the kubikiribocho.

Team-10 would say their goodbyes to kaiza, tsunami, tazuna reluctantly, yor and team-7 before heading back to konoha. Naruto and kakashi would remain at tazuna's place as several thank them for saving their country. Tazuna also has a contract written up for the hokage to sign concerning the alliance discussed with asuma. Naruto and yor would continue to get to know one another, even sparring a few times and kakashi remarking she could join team-7 if the hokage approves it after some vetting. Kakashi even comments about how those three would react to naruto bringing home a pretty girl, causing naruto to explain about tsunade, sarada and kaguya but also the CRI. Yor turns bright red at this news and inadvertently kicks naruto in the chin once again, leaving him with a swollen chin for a few hours. Yor profusely apologizes and attempts to cook a meal but fails miserably, however tsunami sets her straight over the course of a few days.

Quest Received!

Meet One of the New Seven Swords of Mist


1) 500 Rep Revolutionaries

2) Unlock Esdeath Partas

"Huh?!.. I'm meeting Esdeath now?!" naruto thought, doing a few pushups.

"Naruto.. Mr. Kakashi is looking for you" yor says, sliding open the door to his room.

"Alright.. Let me get dressed" naruto says and yor nods, sliding the door closed and heading downstairs to help tsunami. Naruto dresses himself in some clothes bought from in town of black denim overalls shorts, some white running tights and boots with a dark blue long sleeve shirt. He heads downstairs to kakashi waiting and the jonin gives him a look, "You inherited your mother's fashion sense.. Come on" kakashi says.

"Ok... So where are we meeting them" naruto asks, saying bye to yor and tsunami.

"The Hokage has a Crow guiding them to Zabuza's old hideout Asuma and I found" kakashi replies, as they take off towards the more denser forest on he island.

"I wonder what Esdeath's Harem Affinity will be Boya" musashi comments.

"I said she will Immediately fall in love with me.. Yor is 20%.. Sarada and Tsunade are 85% and Kaguya is 95%.. So by process of elimination Esdeath should be around Kaguya's.. Then there are her Yandere tendencies to girls outside of the harem" naruto thought. The forest is more ominous the closer they get to the hideout and the trees seem to block the sun but naruto sees said hideout in the trees.

"Up ahead.. They are waiting" kakashi says. Naruto sees two people waiting at the base of the hideout before using observe to learn they are esdeath partas and Giyu Tomioka, the former comparable to a chunin and the latter a high level jonin.

"Kakashi Hatake.. The man said to have Copied One Thousand" giyu says, once they near them. He is a fairly tall young man of a lean muscular stature and pale complexion with unruly black hair of uneven lengths that sticks up in tufts around his head, tied back in a low messy ponytail at the base of his neck. His eyes are sharp and moderately large, their irises a deep sapphire that fades to a lighter blue and their pupils a bluish-black and framed by thin eyebrows. He wears dark pinstripe hakama pants with white wraps around his lower legs and zori sandal. A light kosode with a long sleeve shirt underneath and a haori to his hips.

"Giyu Tomioka.. Highly skilled Swordsmen and capable of Suiton Jutsu rivaling our Nidaime Hokage" kakashi says.

"High praise.. This is Esdeath Partas.. Former Apprentice of Ameyuri Ringo" giyu says but sees she is blushing. She is a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes with a cap on her head having the kiri hitai-ate plate. She wears a white, double breasted jacket with black cuffs and collar, arm length black gloves, a short pleated white skirt, a pair of white thigh-high stockings having garter straps and calf length heeled boots.

"Naruto Uzumaki my student and son of The Red Death" kakashi says, noticing esdeath blushing as well.

"Hi" naruto says, extending his hand and sparkles flicker around his form. Esdeath slowly takes naruto's hand to shake it but pulls him into a kiss as the redhead's eyes widen, "Hello" she says, after pulling back and licking her lips.

Quest Complete!


1) 500 Rep Revolutionaries

2) Unlock Esdeath Partas

"Quite forward and her Harem Affinity is 98% Boya" musashi says. Giyu clearing his throat snaps naruto back to reality, "Do you have Zabuza's body and the Kubikiribocho" giyu says.

"Y-yeah.. I do" naruto says, pulling out two scrolls. He unseals zabuza's body for giyu to confirm it is him as kakashi takes the kubikiribocho scroll, "Naruto.. Why don't you get to know Esdeath over here" kakashi says and naruto slowly nods, as they give the two men some space.

"Tell me did you Kill Zabuza's apprentice Haku Yuki" esdeath asks, a bit of glee in her tone.

"She does have a sadistic side for fighting" musashi comments.

"I did.. He was an interesting opponent" naruto says.

"I see.. I too am capable of Hyoton.. Perhaps a bet is in order" esdeath says and smirks, "I desire you Naruto Uzumaki.. So I wish to face you in battle to see if you are Powerful enough for me.. I will enter the Chunin Exams as a Kiri competitor... If you defeat me personally or rank Higher than me.. I will accompany you back to Konoha as your bride... However should I defeat you personally or rank higher.. You move to Kiri as my prize" she says.

"Alright.. However be prepared.. You won't be my only bride" naruto says and extends his hand.

"I'm content with that.. However Only the strong deserve you" esdeath says, shaking his hand.

"Naruto... Things have been confirmed.. Zabuza's Bounty will be collected by Konoha.. Also his body interred per Yor's wishes" kakashi says and the redhead nods.

"We will meet again son of the Red Death.. Come along Esdeath" giyu says.

"Bye Naruto" esdeath says, following giyu and they vanish in a swirl of mist.

"So... Why did she kiss you and What are you going to tell those three" kakashi says and naruto sighs with no answer. They head back and begin the process of interment on a small, grassy area which overlooks tazuna's bridge with simple grave markers. A day later the three say their goodbyes to tazuna, kaiza and tsunami before getting a ride back to the land of fire via one kaiza's friends.


Tsunade, sarada and kaguya sit on one side of a table inside the senju compound with yor on other side with a look nervousness, while a silent naruto and karin are in the middle.

"So.. Let's review what has happened.. First you and Kakashi were sent to Kusa to save little Karin there.. Encountered several foes.. One of which was capable of my Grandfather's Mokuton" tobiume says and pauses for naruto to nod.

"Then you were sent to Nami to save the newest Ino-shika-cho and encountered the Demon of Mist and his two followers" tobiume says and shifts her eyes to yor, "You fought her and Yamanaka swayed her to our side.. Then you saved Nara and Akimichi from a Hyoton user while Kakashi dealt with Zabuza" she adds and naruto nods.

"This is when Ms. Briar decided to dedicate herself to you" sarada says, a glinting in her glasses hiding her eyes.

"And then.. Another Hyoton user kissed you on the lips when meeting you for the First time" kaguya adds, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face.

"And proclaimed you as hers with a Bet for you possibly moving to Kirigakure" tsunade finishes. Naruto looks at the mahogany table as four sets of eyes were on him and three trying to turn him to ash, "That is what I said.. Yes" he says.

"I see no issue with this.. However my daughter is the Head Wife in the future.. So things will defer to her.. Right Mikoto.. Hitomi" tobiume says, glancing to the two mothers.

"Yes" both say, sweet smiles on their faces. Tsunade has her arms folded under her buxom bosom with her eyes closed in thought, "One thing the three of us agree on is that Naruto is too pretty to be left alone.. Two missions outside and he has Essentially collected two more girls for his harem" she says and both nod.

"I agree.. Naruto is good looking and I can see why Yor and this Esdeath would be enamored by him" sarada says.

"Which is why Yor will live here and get to know us.. While Naruto cleans house during the exams" tsunade says.

"I won't fail" naruto says.

"Good.. Now Itachi has a new home for you and Karin" mikoto says.

"Really" naruto says.

"Yeah.. It's a nice house" karin says.

"Come.. We'll show you" tsunade says and naruto slowly nods. The group of five leave the senju compound as yor is taken by tobiume to T&I and head east towards the edge of the clan district, "Brother says the house was commissioned by Lady Kushina and has been abandoned but Lord Sandaime has kept the upkeep" sarada says.

"It's only four bedrooms but we can get something bigger later" kaguya says.

"Karin can take ownership once we need a bigger place" tsunade says. After about fifteen minutes of walking come to a high wall of about ten feet with a wooden gate having the uzumaki swirl on it. Naruto sees a two-story home that has this rustic feel about it with a moderate size front yard, a few trees and long porch having large glass doors and windows but looks, one could see the hokage mountain. They head along the stone path and see a few long flowerpots as they go up several steps, "I'll open it" karin says, unlocking the door. There is a landing to place shoes and a long hall towards one of the two bathrooms, stairs leading to the second floor on the right and a few closet storages. A few feet from the door is a turn left into the kitchen, dining room and living towards the glass doors.

"We'll need longer sofas.. Same with the table in case we have a few people over" sarada says.

"It's good enough for us.. We can go to one of your places for large get-togethers" naruto says. The kitchen has several cabinets with a large one for perishables, a double sink, four burner stove and counter. The dining table has six chairs and living room has one sectional sofa and a normal sofa, a long table for books and place for a tv. The second floor has a second bathroom, a office, three normal bedrooms and a master bedroom having a bathroom of its own and large closet.

"We'll need a bigger bed for Those activities" tsunade says, as kaguya covers karin's ears.

"Yeah and sturdy one for some" naruto says and one shoots him a look, "Strength.. Not weight" he adds.

"Well Kakashi has given me two weeks off... So I'll be able to fully move in.. We can even invite the others for a housewarming party" naruto finishes.

"Well Shino will come but Kiba and Sakura no way" sarada says and all of them nod, confusing karin. Two weeks pass and naruto has fully moved into his new place with a party to celebrate, also karin and yor's arrival to konoha. Yor did endure anko's vetting but nothing harmful and became a member of the village, even given the rank of chunin for her skills.

"Well Naruto.. We're taking a C-rank mission.. It will be our last for a bit.. As we'll use these last three months to prepare for the Chunin exams" kakashi says.

"Who's the Client" naruto asks.

"Godo... However another team got the mission but when Godo saw the team.. He paid extra for our team.. Your work ethic has touched him" kakashi says.

"Which team" naruto says and kakashi sighs, "Team-8 huh" he adds and kakashi nods.

"Focus on helping Godo.. So pack for about two weeks.. We'll be in a caravan heading for a mine near the Land of Rivers.. We'll be on guard duty for bandits.. So meet at the West gate in thirty.. The caravan will depart from there" kakashi says and naruto nods. He heads home but meets up on team-5, "Sorry I've got a C-rank" naruto says, as they head inside.

"That's ok.. Though can you summon Princess Shuna.. Brother has agreed to let me sign the Oni Contract" sarada says.

"Father agreed as well" kaguya says, glancing to tsunade.

"I want a more Offensive Summon.. Lady Katsuyu is more Defense and she has given her consent" tsunade says.

"Let me get ready and I'll summon her" naruto says and head upstairs, as they three nod. He dresses himself in denim cargo pants with suspenders and work boots, a long sleeve white shirt and vermillion hoodie.

"What sort of mission" sarada asks, as naruto comes into the living room.

"Escorting a caravan with Team-8" naruto says, sliding opening the glass door.

"Good luck" all three say, as naruto bites his finger and weaves signs.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" naruto declares, slamming his hand down and thinking of shuna. A puff of smoke erupts and dies down to reveal a beautiful oni with narrow porcelain horns protruding from her forehead, long, wavy, pink hair, coupled with large hot-pink eyes under very light, barely existing eyebrows and tear-like face markings. She wears a white kimono with simple but graceful red embroidery, a red kimono skirt held in place with a red ribbon and making her look like a miko.

"Greetings Naruto and Princesses" shuna says and all of them bow.

"Hello Princess Shuna.. I need to go on a mission but they have agreed to sign the contract" naruto says.

"That is fine.. Summon us if needed and be careful" shuna says and he bids them goodbye. He heads for a ichiraku for a bowl and arrives to the caravan outside the gates about five minutes before kakashi told him to, "Hey Kid" godo says.

"Hey Old man" naruto says, bumping fists with the older man and godo introduces some of the caravan to him. It is six wagons pulled by two teams of oxen and half are loaded down with various supplies as team-8 arrive. Kiba gives naruto a smug look as sakura fawns over him while shino is silent and gives the redhead a curt nod as kurenai is neutral, before kakashi arrives with a red mark on his mask in the form of lips.

"So are we ready" kakashi says.

"Yeah.. You and the Kid can ride in my wagon.. The other team can take that one" godo says, as his wagon leads the caravan and team-8 gets the rear. Kiba grits his teeth in anger and is about to say something but kurenai stop him as she guides her team to their wagon. The caravan drivers crack their whips to get the oxen moving and the journey towards the mine near the town of Honoka. It is a quiet journey for the first three days with stops to feed the oxen and give everyone a chance to stretch their legs. A slow simmering tension is noticed by kakashi and kurenai but it mainly comes from two genin towards one genin. No bandits or highwaymen harass the caravan and on day five they reach honoka but something is off about the town.

"Someone usually meets us" godo says.

"Naruto" kakashi says and the redhead nods, creating a dozen clones and sending them into the town. Kiba sniffs the air and gets a lot of scents but smells blood on the air, "Sensei I smell blood" he says.

"Alright.. Naruto create some more clones to guard Godo and the others.. We'll head in and check things out" kakashi says. Team-7 and eight disembark the wagons as naruto creates said clones, "Kiba.. Lead the way" kurenai says. The six move in a loose formation but have a cautious edge, "Where are the people" sakura says.

"Anything from your clones" kakashi says and naruto shakes his head.

"This way" kiba says and they pick up their speed, reaching the town center to find nearly two dozen deceased bodies. Sakura nearly screams but kurenai covers her mouth, "Bandits" kurenai says.

"No.. Shinobi" kakashi says, picking up a kunai and seeing a few struck by shuriken.

"A trail leads this way" kiba says, pointing north.

"Naruto call your scouting clones back to us" kakashi says and naruto makes a clone that dispels. The dozen clones arrive as kakashi orders them to bury those there with godo's group as the teams follow the trail kiba has picked up. Both teams follow the trail towards the north and it seems to lead them towards the mine. The mine is in a valley with high ridges and several underground caverns littering the area.

"Everyone halt" kakashi says, his eye looking to the ridges.

"What's wrong" kurenai says but notices it too now.

"We're surrounded" kakashi says, as three dozen men rise from the ground.

"Kill the males.. We can take the Females" one says and they fire numerous kunai but our heroes use kawarimi, before springing into action and fighting the bandits.

"Hold on Kiba" kurenai shouts, as kiba rushes ahead towards the mine. Naruto goes after kiba to find a very tall and muscular man with a dozen or so more men, along with some frightened townspeople. Kiba immediately uses his beast mimicry and rushes towards the obvious leader, alerting them to their presence and they rush the impetuous inuzuka. Naruto makes some clones to free the townspeople and deal with the bandits but uses observe to find out the tall man his called Yomi Masanori with his Str being near 800.

"Tsūga" kiba roars, twisting towards yomi. The towering man simply smirks and clenches his right fist with a heavy step in, sending his fist towards the brash kiba but naruto uses kawarimi to save him and takes the full power punch to left shoulder, knocking it out of the socket. Naruto lands with a skid and his left arm dangling having a glare on his face as kiba is not far from him, "What the Hell Beta Male?!" kiba shouts.

"Hahaha.. You have good senses Boy.. Unlike your friend" yomi says. Naruto guards with his right side as yomi chuckles, "Why did you kill those people" naruto says.

"My group and I want the mine.. They refused" yomi says and shoots forward with another punch but naruto shifts to his left. He grunts as yomi's fist pops his shoulder back in place and leaps into a knee to yomi's chin, "He strong but slow" naruto thought, dodging yomi's grab. Kiba has to watch as naruto dodges yomi with rage in his heart, "Fucking Beta Male" kiba thought. Yomi swings a six-piece combo but naruto weaves away from each with a three-piece counter, dropping yomi to one knee but he rushes the redhead in low tackle. Naruto sends a quick uppercut to yomi's cheek but he pushes through and grabs him, tossing the redhead with a enough force to send him bouncing off the ground twice. Naruto recovers while yomi sends a fist down to shatter the ground as naruto weaves signs and fires a few vacuum spheres but yomi narrowly dodges grazing his side.

"Doton: Doryūsō" yomi shouts, creating earthen spears but naruto somersaults over them and slams his hands into ground, before yomi crashes into him with a spear. He rushes them towards the ridge wall but the redhead uses kawarimi with one of his men, crashing the unwitting bandit into the rockface and killing him. Yomi turns to naruto with a smirk as his fellow bandit crashes to the ground, "Not bad Boy" yomi says.

"Out of my way Beta Male" kiba shouts, as he and now akamaru leap into a gatsūga. Naruto goes prone as the dual twisters pass over him but yomi his ready with another heavy punch but now enlarged by rock. Yomi misses akamaru but punches kiba and sends him flying over naruto with several hops, "You may want to help him" yomi says, weaving signs and slams his hands down.

"Doton: Quicksand Sinkhole" yomi declares. The ground around the mining area starts to buckle and sink as naruto turns to rush towards a downed but struggling to his feet kiba as the townspeople rush to escape. However in the chaos a little girl falls and kiba ignores her as he runs away. Naruto grabs the little girl but something grabs his leg like thick tendril, "Sorry about this Little one" he says, creating a clone and tosses her to him as the ground collapses. Kakashi and the others reach the frightened townspeople as the mine has collapsed some say but none of them see naruto, "Where's Naruto" kakashi says.

"Who knows" kiba says, knowing full well naruto was caught in the collapse.

"H-h-he saved me.. I-I-I fell and he picked me up.. He fell in there" the little girl says, pointing to the mine collapse. Kakashi and kurenai's eyes widen as shino and sakura have a shocked expression well but kiba has a smug look, "Good Riddance.. Serves the Beta Male right" he says and sakura quickly changes her expression due to his sentiment. However suddenly kiba finds himself slammed into a rockface with kakashi having a very serious look on his face, "How Dare you say that Genin" kakashi says. Kiba is about to retort but only sees sakura is on his side, "I-I'm sorry Kakashi-sensei" kiba says.

"How can we help Naruto" shino says. Kakashi lets go of kiba and looks to the sinkhole, "Naruto may have a way to escape but it may cost the people their mine.. That is if he's still alive" he says, clenching his fist.


Naruto snaps awake in a cavern or a vein of the mine and tries to move as blood coats the right side of his face but his right leg is pinned under a rock. He groans in pain and lifts a little to see he is bleeding from his stomach as well, "Shit I am fucked up.. I'll probably get a little Zenaki boost" naruto thought.

"Free yourself so I can fully heal you" musashi says. Naruto moves a little and manages to use iron annihilation to shatter the rock, freeing himself and dragging himself a few feet before turning on his back in pain as his leg looks mangled.

Do you wish to purchase Map of Mine Yes/No?

"Looks like all paths are blocked.. Yomi really did a number on this mine" naruto says, groaning as feeling is slowly coming back.

"Then how will we escape" musashi says. Naruto runs his fingers through his red hair with a sigh and wipes some blood on his sleeve, "I will blast my way out.. Unfortunately that will destroy the mine" he says.

"So.. Still alive Boy" yomi says and naruto looks with a gasp, seeing yomi alive from an upside-down perspective.

"Don't move Boya" musashi says.

"Come to kill me" naruto says.

"Of course.. You are even defenseless as well" yomi says, standing over naruto and raises his fist.

"I'll crush your skull like your leg" yomi says and brings his fist down but a chain wraps around his throat from naruto's chest. He sends his azure dragon sword through yomi's chest as he chokes from the chain, "C-clever Boy" yomi says, before slumping over next to naruto. Naruto slowly sits up to look at his slowly healing leg, the pants leg is ripped to knee and his boot is damaged but also ripped apart. It takes musashi about a half hour to fully heal his injuries and gets plus twenty to all his stats due a zenkai boost.

[Music: Goku Renewed - Bruce Faulconer]

Naruto seals yomi's body away before getting to his feet and pops his joints as he goes SSJ, "A Final Flash should suffice" he says, holding his arm level with his shoulder. He focuses and points his hands skyward as yellow energy surges between his close hands, while the ground cracks from his surging power.

"Final Flash" naruto roars, his yellow blast exploding skyward towards the surface. Above ground the night is calm but many were concerned for naruto's safety except for two but they keep that their opinion to themselves. At the mine the ground starts to bloat and explodes as a pillar of yellow energy rises to the sky, something the whole town sees as kakashi and team-8 rush to the epicenter. They do just as naruto flies out clad in his golden-red aura as he lands before powering down with a sigh of relief, falling to his knees as kakashi reaches him.

"Are you ok" kakashi says and naruto gives a thumbs up. Team-8 look over naruto and see his torn clothes and dry blood on his face, white shirt and the hole in the stomach area, one shoe is missing and his pants leg as well. Kakashi helps naruto to his feet as the redhead locks his gaze on kiba and the inuzuka flinches but his bravado comes back, "You got a problem Beta Male" kiba snaps but naruto says nothing.

"Come on Naruto.. We'll discuss things" kakashi says and naruto slowly nods, as the group of six head back to town. [song ends]


"How long was I down here" naruto asks.

"A day" kakashi says and naruto's eyes were wide.

"You were bad off Boya" musashi says. They reach town and few people who have come out due to the redhead's final flash, "He's alive.. He's saved.. He saved us" a few say. Naruto waves to a few as kakashi takes him the place godo has for them, "You're alive Kid" he says, bumping fists with the redhead.

"Not much can kill me old man" naruto says, joking some. Kakashi takes them to their room and the redhead gets out of his destroyed clothes, for a very relaxing bath and some new night clothes of a long sleeve shirt and shorts. Kakashi and kurenai were waiting as the latter sent her genin to bed, "So what happened" he asks, as kurenai believes his dark passenger is responsible for freeing himself from his underground tomb.

"When I woke up... I found myself in a tunnel with my right leg trapped and Bleeding from various spots... If not for Musashi I would've bleed out or died from the Concussion" naruto starts and sighs with a rub of his leg, "I managed to free myself and let Musashi start healing me... However Yomi appeared" he says.

"Yomi" kakashi questions.

"The leader of the bandits.. Kiba and I fought him.. He caused the collapse and it must have been happenstance he found me" naruto explains.

"Did you kill him" kakashi says and naruto slowly nods.

"He believed I was defenseless.. He stood over me.. Ready to crush my skull but I used my chains and finished him off with my azure dragon sword" naruto replies. Kakashi has a neutral face as he knows yomi is a iwa missing-nin but kurenai has shock on her face, "Then you blasted yourself out" he says and naruto nods.

"Yeah and I destroyed the town's mine" naruto says.

"Why was your hair Blond and your eyes changed" kurenai asks.

"It's how Musashi's chakra manifests" naruto replies.

"Go get some sleep Naruto.. We'll discuss things going forward in the morning" kakashi says and naruto bids them goodnight. He reaches his room and plops on the bed with a sigh but takes awhile to fall asleep despite his gamer mind. The morning comes and a few people coming to see naruto to thank him for saving them, even the mother of the little girl he saved. Godo and his caravan members decide to remain in honoka to aid the people, releasing both teams from their guard mission but signs a mission complete. Both teams reluctantly leave and return to konoha, informing the hokage about things also naruto killing yomi. He would get the bounty for yomi to the ire of kiba but naruto would donate the money to the people of honoka.


A month would pass since the mission to honoka and naruto learns good news is coming from the town as itachi sent Anbu with a doton specialty to fix the damage caused by yomi and subsequently by him. This inspires the redhead to try and learn both the doton and raiton affinities, giving him control over all five major elements. Another bit of good news is jiraiya has finally returned to the village, allowing naruto to finally remove anko's curse mark.

"Finally ready Chibi" anko says, laying on the floor of tobiume's sealing room in shorts and breast bindings. Naruto is writing seals on his hands as a larger array is under anko, "Yeah.. This Seal will transfer the Curse mark to this scroll in case of Dead-man features" he says.

"I doubt Orochimaru would go That far but who knows" jiraiya says, coming up behind them.

"Everything ok to start Ero-sennin" naruto says and the sage makes a face, as his wife and daughter snort behind him.

"Yeah.. Ume and I checked.. You're good to go Kid" jiraiya says. Naruto takes a deep breath and weaves a lengthy chain of signs before placing his hands on the array, slowly it glows and anko feels this pain starting to course through her body. The snake mistress grits her teeth to keep from crying out in pain as something latches onto her curse mark with this strenuous pull on her chakra and maybe even her soul. Both sannin watch for any issues or cause to step in, "He's like his parents" jiraiya says, seeing minato and kushina.

"Indeed.. He even has a thing for Blondes too" tobiume says.

"Lucky little Brat gets the CRI.. Every man's dream and I can't" jiraiya says.

"Who'd want a Pervert like you other than Mom" tsunade says.

"I'm not a pervert dear.. I am a Super Pervert" jiraiya says and both blondes sigh, "I heard from Kakashi.. He's trying to be like Sensei and learn all Five Elements" he adds.

"The mission to Honoka showed him to further broaden his skills" tobiume says.

"I read the report.. He was buried alive for a day.. If not for the Kyubi" jiraiya says and rubs his princess' shoulder, "I'm sure this will please Certain elements in the village" he adds, changing the subject.

"Sensei has show an interest.. Naruto has a built in cheat code to do it.. However this also catches the interest of the Bastard" tobiume says.

"Sensei.. We're finished" naruto says. Tobiume moves to them and sees anko breathing heavily with sweat covering her body, "Good work" tobiume says.

"Yeah.. Now I can become a Milf" anko whispers, as naruto rolls up the scroll.

"I'll take care of this Sensei" naruto says and tobiume nods.

"Thanks Chibi" anko says and naruto gives her a thumbs up, heading outside as tsunade follows him.

Quest Complete!

Level Up!


1) 15000EXP

2) Plus 1000 Rep with Anko

3) Plus 500 Rep with Kakashi

4) ?

"Where's Yor" naruto asks, tossing the scroll into the air and disintegrating it with a blast of energy.

"On a mission with some other Chunin" tsunade says and raises her sleeve, "Like my new Tats" she adds. Naruto looks her over and the right side of her body has tattoos resembling thorny vines having oni interspersed in them, "Shion's idea" he says and the blonde nods, knowing sarada and kaguya have similar ones in their own style.

"How about a spar before lunch.. I want to test my strength against Musashi's chakra" tsunade says.

"Sure" naruto says, as the pair head he senju private training ground. Tsunade slips off her blouse that leaves her with a sports bra and cracks her knuckles.

"Tsunade's Str has reached 550 compared to my 700 and is augmented by Sensei's Super Strength.. Perhaps someday she can twist metal like Unchained" naruto thought, as he turns SSJ. He raises his right arm forward with his hand open and clenches his left fist for a punch before blinking forward as tsunade narrowly sways right, avoiding naruto's sailing left that disturbs the air along the path of the punch.

"Shit.. That could've taken my head off" tsunade thought, moving right with several back skips. She goes on the offensive with heavy sixteen-piece combo keeping naruto on the back foot but he manages to catch her sixteenth punch with his left and swings his right but tsunade catches it. Both push to gain the upperhand but naruto has more strength and pushes tsunade back, however she frees her hands and sends a head kick forcing naruto to block with his forearm. He follows up with left hook but tsunade goes low to balance on her hands, sending a donkey kick as naruto avoids it and sends a knee into her stomach. It has enough force to lift her off the ground into a flip as naruto follows her but she manages to kick out his legs with a sweep. Naruto slams his left hand and uses his superior strength to push himself up into a somersault to tsunade's shock.

"How much upperbody strength does he have" tsunade thought, shooting after him as he lands with a weighted right straight. Naruto avoids it into a backflip and tsunade barely avoids taking a kick to the chin as he lands, before tsunade slams into him for a spear and lifts into a punishing AA spinebuster to spiderweb the ground. Tsunade stares into naruto's blue-green but pupil-less eyes and caresses his cheek, "You look even more pretty in this state" she says, before leaning down and kissing his lips. Naruto slowly wraps his arms around the blonde as his left moves up and his right down as they kiss but giggling catches their ears, causing tsunade to look and see her perverted father in a tree.

"I'll be Back" tsunade says, coldly and naruto chuckles as she goes to punt her father across the village. Two months pass and the time for the chunin exam has come with each team heading for the coastal town honomilla to embark on a ship to head for the land of water's main island. Naruto managed to learn a few low rank jutsu in the doton and raiton affinities giveing him a wider arsenal of jutsu. Team-7 and team-5 also learn their sensei would be expecting their first child and anko would not be accompanying them but wished each of them luck. Itachi also informed naruto on what to expect as he would deal with yagura and the redhead would deal with kagura, only team-5 and team-gai were informed of things as well. Team-8 and team-10 were not but this as precaution as certain members were not prepared, however they would have to see what real ninja do.

*%#%&_=$&%$&<%÷^ ><=**$^< p>

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: Heir of Uzumaki Clan

Level 104: 752,500/820,000

Rank: Genin


HP: 175000

CP: 175500

CC: 85%

Str: 700

Spd: 620

Sta: 830

Dex: 600

Vit: 860

Chk: 1980

Wis: 270

Stat Points: 5

Skill List


Whirlpool and Hummingbird Taijutsu

Uzumaki-Ryu Style Kenjutsu

Killing Intent


Uzumaki Regeneration

Chakra Chains

Kyubi Regeneration


KI Blasts