
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Cómic
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86 Chs

Chapter 53 : Time flies 1

"Tsunade sure was worried sick about you" Ken suddenly said beside me with a smile.

"Yea" I replied back as I remember Tsunade clinging to me for hours until moments ago that she let me go with some tears running down her face in worry that made me pissed off at myself for worrying her this soon, even though it's not been that long in our relationship.

"Well, it's not an everyday occurrence where someone just changes this...drastically" Yuji said slowly with his eyes narrowed.

"Hmm, seriously ! If a disease could do this to someone then I don't mind if get infected by it too. By the way ! can you please sneeze right up at my face garou ?" Ken said with a light bulb on his head.

"Ahh just shut up man" I replied tiredly not bothering to even look at him.

"But can you blame us ? I mean, just look at those unnatural bulging mouth watering muscles that could put every single man put to shame" Ken said while looking at my body in jealousy.

"Don't involve me" Yuji said and backed away a little from ken.

"Say no homo" I said as I stare at Ken suspiciously.

I still remember that cursed dream about gays and shit, so my point of slaughtering them still stands.

"No homo of course, but I am jealous that all those girls in our class went into a trance the moment you entered through, just thinking about how easy it's to fuc-"


Before he finished, I just slapped his face that was flushed and saliva ran down his mouth while I was very sure he was thinking about some extremely unmanly things using my body as a reference to do his shit.

"Eww !" Yuji lazily uttered.

"Amm, what's a fuck Ramen-kun ?" Satoshi asked Ken very innocently which made me and Yuji give ken a glare.

"Ah..haha. It's something I will tell you later when you grow up more because it involves our fiances but don't utter that word again infront of them, Ok ?" Ken replied with a slap mark on his cheek while sweating bullets and Satoshi just nodded in understanding then started to take out a chips bag inside his ass.

After that we just stayed silent and just looked at the sky for some moments, appreciating the nature infront of us before...

"I am dropping out of the academy" I suddenly revealed to my buddies laying beside me on the ground while still looking at the blue sky filled with some clouds here and there.

"What ?!" Ken immediately sat on his butt and asked in surprise.

"No food ?" Satoshi said in a sad tone.

"Why ?" Yuji just asked lazily.

"Well, this useless lessons waste alot of my time where I could use that time for something better" I replied with a shrug.

"Something better Like what ?" Yuji asked.

"Like training" I replied back which made them look at me in confusion that made me confused too before it clicked...

"What ? Do you think this muscles just grow by themselves or fall from a tree ?" I looked at them and asked weirdly which made them nod in realization.

"Well, it's up to you if you leave or not, we will graduate a year and half from now too then become genins but from now on, I want you visit that new restaurant they built near here to meet sometimes or we will drag you out of your house ourselves if you don't" Ken said with a frown and the other two nodded at what he said.

"Well, sure I guess" I replied back and look at the sky again and appreciate nature before Yuji asked me in annoyance.

"Now tell me the second part of the instant sleeping technique please"


One month later /

"So what do you say ?" I asked the Akimichi clan head who was looking at the map of our compound which I gave him because I wanted to use all the properties of my deceased clan members to a better use by turning all those houses into restaurants of Heaven's Feel and create a new district specially made for my restaurant.

*clap clap clap*

"This a great idea Dango-san ! Let's sign the contract quickly" The clan said and clapped with his chubby hands in excitement.

I am just giving those lands as a rent for the Akimchi clan and not just sell it which is a plus as I will have another passive income. And this chubby dude is quite helpful actually as I don't have to pay for the reconstruction and things like that, he will take care of it all with his own money which he said it's just an investment.

'Guess he is eager to eat those foods' I thought with a shrug to myself.

During this last 6 to 7 months, most of the Akimichi clan were busy training many chefs and workers from their own people and normal civilian ones too, then put seals on them to not disclose the secrets of those junk food I shared with them which I appreciated it at.

Now with this vacant lands, it will become easy to create something very special that will catch everyone's attention in konoha, And after this contact, it will not be long for the grand opening of the Heaven's Feel to the public officially as we started to advertise everywhere in konoha and opened up some temporary shops in some places which made some people immediately to become regulars and advertise for us later indirectly by spreading it mouth to mouth.


4 years later /

-9 years before the second shinobi world war-










In a training ground that was filled with pits and cracks all over the sandy ground, there stood a very tall bulky and shirtless figure at the centre of this place that had a small tattoo on left side of his chest.

His hair a dark pinkish-red. He also has a large diagonal scar across his face. His right eye was red and bloodshot with yellow pupil and his left eye was normal.

He was laughing uncontrollably with a sickening look while looking at a paper in his hands.

Garou's POV /

I look down at the paper that an obese ninja delivered to me just few moments ago.

"8 zeros" I muttered to myself with a wide grin as I check our clan's bank account in the capital of fire country which I am sure is now filled to the brim with money.

"I should slowly buy some equipments and maybe build my Dojo soon ?" I muttered to myself with a smile.

I looked around me calmly and thought about how time sure flies just like that, it has already been 4 years that I dropped out of the academy.

Not many things happened except me now training without a care in the world now, sometimes with Duy and other times with myself or I pick up Tsunade and go on dates occasionally.

Me and Tsunade already passed the kissing stages, And all it needs is one more little push for me to become a father which I have no problem with because I have always dreamed to have a happy blissful family then die of old age with my kids and grandkids surrounding me. but for now, let that wait for some more time which I know Tsunade will hate for sure because she was nagging me yesterday to take that step but unfortunately, I refused.

And my relationship with the other two future sannin weirdos is good but jiraiya pisses me off everytime either because of his pervert nature or not stopping harassing my girl which I beat him up for it many times, And now he is a little better but not that much.

As for orochimaru, he is just a chill dude who is interested in learning jutsus but one time I felt as if he was looking at me with disdain which made me extremely annoyed, How dare this inferior being look at me like that ?!

But ! I am a benevolent monster and it was only one time, so I didn't gouge his eyes out right then and there.

'Tch, this Humans ! ' I thought in disdain.

Those two and Tsunade are already high-chunins and go out on missions occasionally which makes me worried about Tsunade's safety every single time she goes out of the village.

I once heard that the girls in the academy have some kind of sex education or something like a love trap to gather information out of people, And I am not happy about Tsunade learning anything from that shit. it's concerning.

One day she came back from a mission disoriented and was clinging to me for hours crying in a house I bought for both of us to have some privacy.

She just killed for her first time in the mission and for days, I had to accompany her throughout konoha, buy her candies, going to parks and visiting orphanages to donate some money or play with some kids just so she could get better which helped fortunately.

But later after, she became normal again much to my relief but I didn't stop and still spoiled her rotten because of no damn reason.

I just like to give her anything she wants...

Well, except giving her money to gamble, that shit is pocket traumatizing, so I forbade her to gamble much to her displeasure but she still agreed reluctantly.

Even if she did gamble anyways, she had to play with me so the money could go to my own wallet than a stranger. Well, she sucks at this and loses every single match anyways. Also, money is money, the more the happier.

'Am I becoming obsessed with her ?' I asked myself but I just shrug in disinterest in the topic and smile at the day she first kissed me because I told her something quite cheesy when we were sitting on a cliff and looking at the sun that was setting.

And for me and the boys, we meet up almost every weekend if they had no missions outside the village.

Sometimes I treat them to eat in my restaurants which they are very addicted to the food there that I almost see them in the district everytime on their free time.

The Hatake clan compound is no more and now it's turned to a very active and crowded one way food district where the smell of various delicious foods could just make you crazy.

Even from here I could hear people chatting and moving around or shouting for no reason.

I even had to create a huge fence around my training ground so no people could enter and start to eat their things here because this place has some quite nice spots to take a rest and eat which I only bring my friends or Tsunade here to spend time.

As for me and Duy, that guy is an irreplaceable friend. He is just so helpful and caring except when we train, he turns all nuts and train until he collapses.

And sometime ago, I actually helped him to open up his 6th gate where he was struggling to get into it for some years.

Even though I barely can keep up with his 4th gate even now, but when he gets into 5th and 6th, there's absolutely nothing you could do against him.

From a physically powerfull high chunin, he just blitz through the power levels and becomes a kage powerhouse immediately, And to my own displeasure, I am sure Hiruzen uses him as a trump card against any sudden events that may occur.

I told him many times to come and work in one of my restaurants that give a higher salary to its workers unlike anywhere else.

I still remember people fighting each other just to apply and work there but Duy is too stubborn like his own son Guy and refuses me every time, so I just shrugged at it after sometime and left him be happy the way he wants.

As for my parents, except some more wrinkles building up on their faces that made me sad, nothing changed about them.

Well, mom sometimes acts weird which concerns me but maybe she is pregnant ? I don't know, really. Also I feel like my dad has something to tell me now for sometime, so I will ask him later about it when I go home.

I look down at myself where my pants is torn again which I came up for a solution for it by buying some chakra fabrics and tell a smith to create a good flexible outfit for me.

"Maybe I can ask to upgrade the outfit by applying some rare metals to make it stronger ! I have enough money to buy 100 Bugattis, so something as simple as a cloth should be easy, right ?" I said to myself then my sight caught the black tattoo engraved on my left chest which made me smirk.

"Now, no one can copy anything from me mhehe !" I said with a chuckle as I remember Mito who finished this seal a year ago.

She talked about some science bull crap behind the seals that even my IT degree of my previous life couldn't understand a single thing, so I just shut down my brain at what she said and just nodded absentmindedly the entire time she talked.

The only thing I understood is that, some invincible barrier around me scans the strong brain waves of any individual that has intention to copy anything from me, And how the seal works on a tiny bit nature energy in the air that surprised me she could pull off something like this.

As for kurama, when I am infront of her, I could feel him but couldn't go and talk to him like the previous time which I suspect it's Mito's doing to prevent me from meeting him.

Well, At least he knows what the plan is for his escape, so that's all that matters for now.

'I think I should visit Teuchi, I haven't seen him all this time and I am curious at what he is up to now' I thought as I remember Teuchi now.

'Hope he is doing good' I thought again and slowly make my way back home through the Heaven's Feel district.

"Oh it's Young master Garou !" I suddenly heard a pedestrian say.

For a second, I was about to cut his head off in annoyance but quickly calmed myself down and spared his life.

'Dude, I am not into being face slapped, So stop turning this into a xian xuan world or whatever it's called' I thought as I moved away quickly from that guy.

"It's really him !"

"I heard he is the one who created all those delicious dishes !"

"Really ?!"

"Yes, I heard he is a genius among geniuses"

"But that's not what I heard, I heard he is a failure who can't become a ninja even though he is becoming his own clan head !"

"But look man, do you think he needs to be a ninja when he can just literally make a slave out of them with just money ?"

"Well Yeah, I heard he is now one of the richest men in konoha or even fire country !"

"Even though, do you think he is weak ? Just look at that height and muscles man, It's just unreal"

"I heard he is 6.9 feet tall"

"That's unfair"

"But he looks weird man, his hair and eye is not looking that great to me"

"Yeah, I am scared of him every time he passes by here"


People be whispering about me being this and that everytime I pass here that it pisses me off too much. Can't you just enjoy your meals and leave me in peace ?

'And what's wrong with those racist comments ?! Will they slowly turn to those dumb ass fuckers of the future where they discriminate against people just for something that can't be controlled ? And what do you mean by weird ?! Tsunade says I am handsome asf, What's wrong with this people ?' I thought in a little surprise at this vermin humans and shake my head at their stupidity.

I continued my journey through the quite long and crowded district that made way for me like I am some sort of a King which put a smile on my face.

'And I am not weird, I am scary'

The End


{ So anyone noticing something weird regarding the MC ? }

{ And it's really exhausting when you have to write after Time skips. you have to make too many shits up outta your brain that happened inthat time interval which is no good }