
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Cómic
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86 Chs

Chapter 2 : reborn

The sun rose over the vast expanse of the Land of Fire, casting its golden hues upon the picturesque landscape that cradled Konoha Village. Nestled within a valley, the village lay embraced by rolling hills and dense forests, a testament to the untamed beauty of nature.

From afar, Konoha Village appeared as a mosaic of warm earth tones, its rooftops adorned with clay tiles that mirrored the colors of the land.

In the bustling labor and delivery ward of the Leaf Village hospital, Ayaka, a woman with chestnut white hair, found herself in the throes of labor. The room was alive with a symphony of sounds—the soft murmurs of nurses, the rhythmic beeping of machines, and the occasional cries of other expectant mothers.

Dr. Yamato, a skilled obstetrician, guided Ayaka through the intense contractions. Sweat glistened on her forehead as she clenched Hiroshi's hand his husband, finding solace in his strong hands .

Outside the room, the nurses running here and there busy and buzzed with activity. Haruko, a seasoned nurse with kind eyes, coordinated the efforts of the medical team. She barked orders, ensuring everything ran smoothly for the incoming baby.

Inside the delivery room, Ayaka's cries mingled with the focused instructions of the medical team. Hime, a skilled nurse, encouraged Ayaka with each push. "You're doing amazing, Ayaka-san ! Just a little more strength , I can see the head !"

Ayaka, her breath ragged and screaming "AGHHHHHH" pushed with all her might, her face contorted in a mix of pain and determination. Hiroshi stood by her side with a pale face as if he is the one giving birth "You're doing incredible, my love. Our baby will be here soon , just a little more"


Hiroshi just smiled wryly and didn't dare to answer, afraid that she will beat him up later.

Time seemed to pass as Ayaka's strength surged "AGHHHHHHHH" She cried out and then it happened.


She introduced a new life into the world. The room fell into a hushed anticipation and cries of joy as the newborn baby came out finally.

And then, amidst the joyous room and cries of the mother.

"Isn't it weird ? why doesn't he cry like the other babies ?!" A nurse asked in surprise as she noticed this pecular scene.

Hiroshi scared if his child was alright asked "Is there something wrong with my son doctor ! please check him up"

Dr. Yamato calmly came forward and held the child then *SLAP* "WAHHHH  WAHHHHHH  WAHHH " The baby started crying loudly "He is fine and healthy Hiroshi-san, Ayaka-san. You don't need to worry, he is just a quite child and nothing uncommon as I have seen many nara clan babies like him" Dr.yamato said with a reassuring smile.

"Thank goodness, I don't know what could have happened if he was not" Hiroshi said and released a sigh of relief as he held and looked at our his son tenderly.

But they all didn't know "AHHH IT HURTS IT H.U.R.T.S AHHHH" That our MC's arse is in agony with a visible red slap mark on his butt but of course they didn't understand his cries of pain and suffering.

As he calmed down, he started to observe his surroundings, but all he could see was black and white blurry images 'Am i blind ?! Do i have color blindness ?! Why can't i see ?!' As he was about to start crying again he felt a soft and warm sensation then quickly calmed down 'What's this warm feeling ? It makes me want to slee-Zzzzz'

"look at our baby Hiroshi, he is really small and cute, isn't he ?" Ayaka said softly with eyes full of love "Yeah, he did pick my facial features, so that's why" Hiroshi replied smugly and posed a victory sign as if the whole world was his "Haha yeah, hmmm what should we name him honey ?!" She asked .

"Well I have been thinking about the name Garou.. Hatake Garou.. it means Hungry wolf. I hope he becomes hungry for new things, knowledge and be the best while strong and loyal like a Wolf" He replied raising his hands in a claw shape.

"It's a beautiful name" she said.

"Well Hatake-san I would like you to stay here for 5 days until you are fully recovered. For now if you need anything, you can inform the nurses about it, again congratulations hatake-san" Dr. Yamato announced and left.

Ayaka, gazed at her newborn son. She marveled at his tiny fingers and toes, his skin still tinged with the gentle blue hue of birth "Welcome to the world, my little Garou" she whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "You are a gift beyond words"

Hiroshi's voice quivered with emotion as he looked at his wife and son. "Our family is complete now, Ayaka. Garou, our son, you carry the bloodline of the Hatake clan within you. May you grow strong and find your own path in this world my son"

As the medical team busied themselves with post-delivery procedures, the room filled with a sense of both exhaustion and exhilaration. The birth of a child was a testament to the beauty of life, a reminder of the cyclical nature of existence.

5 days later /

In the days that followed, Ayaka and hiroshi marveled at his every coo and gurgle . Going Back to Their house ,a wooden brown adorned with white color and a blue rooftop just like kakashi's house, a modest yet cozy dwelling in the heart of the Leaf Village in the small compound of the hatake clan, became the backdrop for Garou's early days.

"Hatake"  means "farmland" and perhaps true to that name, their clan symbol resembles a sectioned out piece of farmland that adorned the front gate and the big walls of their house .

The walls of their home held cherished memories. Family photographs adorned the hallway—a testament to generations that came before , and let's not forget what the hatakes are known for , their white hair . In the living room, soft rays of sunlight filtered through sheer curtains, casting a warm glow on the worn yet comfortable furniture.

A crib, adorned with hand-stitched blankets and stuffed animals, stood as a sanctuary for peaceful slumber. The gentle chime of a mobile filled the air, soothing Garou as he drifted off to sleep in his room .

"Ahhh, this is life.. my eyesight is getting better after some days being here, I don't really know why do those MCs complain about being a baby I mean, you wake up, drink milk for booubs, do some gugu gaga to my parentsand sleep again. I was a lazy guy in my past life so I ain't complaining about this, well, except the pooping part where you get naked then cleansed, it's so embarrassing. anyways everything is good here till now"

"blle blurp blle burra bu "

"Look how cute he is honey, he is speaking to us" Ayaka said "Yeah, maybe he sees fairies and tells us to look at it" Hiroshi added.

At that moment Garou self-talk was interrupted as he heard his parents and looked at the still blurry images of their faces weirdly 'Say what now nibba ?! I thought only the parents of earth made up those bullshits'  He thought in confusion.


In the past months The daily routine revolved around Garou's needs and his parent's love. Mornings would find Ayaka, dressed in robe, gently rocking Garou in her arms, singing some japanese type of lullaby. Ayaka, having prepared a simple breakfast, with my father in the cozy kitchen, their voices blending in harmonious laughter and affectionate banter.

MC's POV /

In this past months my eyesight can be called normal but the world around me is still a little weird for me to get used to as it's more colourful and mixed with 2D elements that made it more unique and... new ?! it's just like genshin impact but far more realistic like earth.

As for my parents, My father Hatake Hiroshi, has a striking white hair and piercing black eyes, with a nice slim figure that held some hidden strength as he is a special jonin ninja according to what I heard. He is calm and stoic but gentle that resembled Sakumo Hatake, maybe we are related ? I don't know.

And my mother hatake Ayaka, with her elegant white hair cascading down like a waterfall and her captivating black eyes brimming with tenderness, exuded a sense of serenity. I don't know if it's because i was in her womb or not but she is like an aspirin for me. Sometimes when I think about my previous family and partner I cry as my emotions are still uncontrollable, it doesn't help either when I am just a baby and dependent on my current parents.

Sometimes when my father is not home mom would carry me in a sling, securing me against her chest, as we ventured The streets bustled with activity—merchants displaying their wares, children laughing and playing, and villagers engaging in animated conversations. It is really captivating as I observe and take my surroundings nowadays.

Something that weirded me out at first was the eyes of people here are larger and more beautiful than my previous life, just like that cyborg girl Alita from a movie I watched in the past.

Oh, and something else was when someone becomes angry not so seriously their teeth becomes sharp like a shark for a comical effect or when people's jaws drop in a comical way when they are shocked like in one piece haha, and it's a normal occurrence here like where the hell are you science ?!

It's just really beautiful, the majestic hokage heads on the mountain, the vibrant trees, the bustling streets, beautiful women, all in all I will give it a 9/10.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the close of another day, mother put me in the crib and started to sing some  lullaby to sleep. As my mom went out and I started to fall asleep but suddenly I remembere a very crucial thing.

"Where in the hell is my cheat ?!"

Bip • [ system initializing ...%1 ]


The End .