
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Cómic
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158 Chs

Chapter no.89

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Portgas D. Naruto vs. Uzumaki-Namikaze Nawaki

Naruto stood in the center of the arena as he listened to the roars of the crowd. He would give them a show that they would remember for the rest of their lives, one way or another. Naruto was done hiding. Naruto was tired of hiding how strong he really was, tired of keeping all of these secrets, Naruto was just tired of it all. Today would be the very day that the will of fire rises once again.

Naruto impassively eyed his opponent who was standing across from him. Nawaki hadn't changed much since the ravenette had last seen him. Nawaki was now wearing an orange and black jumpsuit as opposed to his usual orange and blue ones. Naruto didn't understand the family's fascination with orange. Yes, Naruto had previously worn and orange hat and belt, but he didn't stand out like sitting duck in the color nor did he completely cover himself in it. Nawaki also wore what looked like a mesh shirt underneath and blue shinobi sandals. Over his jumpsuit he wore a haori similar to Minato's, however Nawaki's version was red with black flames licking the bottom edges and had the Uzumaki crest on the back..

What really caught Naruto's attention though was the cylindrical hilt of a sword on Nawaki's waist. 'It seems as if Minato has given him the Raijin no Ken to wield...oh well, it's only a minor hinderance...Though this does give me some useful information. One must have a natural Raiton affinity to use that sword to its fullest potential.' Naruto thought after seeing the blade.

Nawaki looked confident to say the least. He had no doubt that he would win this match easily. He had spent the entire month training with his father and the toad sage Jiraiya. Tsunade had also given him Senju Tobirama's notes on how to wield the Raijin no Ken and how to utilize it to its full capabilities, unlike what Rokusho Ao was able to do with the blade when they fought him. It would definitely give him the edge.

"You might as well give up now." Nawaki said to Naruto as Genma began to walk over to them. "You won't be able to use your Hyoton that Tou-san told me about here. Take a look around...there's no ice. You stand no chance against me, just save yourself the embarrassment and forfeit."

Naruto sighed at his opponent's speech. Nawaki had always been too arrogant for his own good. Before the chunin exams started, the only jutsu he knew were the Kage Bunshin, the basic academy jutsus, and a single Doton jutsu. He usually just drew on the Kyuubis chakra and tried to overwhelm his opponents with brute force. The only reason he was even able to drew upon the demonic chakra was because the Bijuu was still hypnotized and wouldn't resist. That wouldn't be a problem for too much longer though.

"I'm not planning to quit so easily after coming so far...and if I remember correctly...you were the one who was sent to the hospital after their preliminary match, not me." Naruto was tired of dealing with the boy's attitude, seriously one would think that he was a Hyuga.

Nawaki gritted his teeth at the memory, "Tch! Fine by me, but I won't give you any mercy from here on out...remember that I gave you a chance when I'm ripping you apart piece by piece."

Genma saw that the two genin in front of him had finished their conversation and decided to start the match, it was obvious to him that the genin wanted to begin so that they could rip each other limb from limb. Genma sighed, this match was sure to get messy and at least one of them would come out of it bloody and broken.

Genma raised his arm up above his head and began to speak, "Let the third match, Portgas D. Naruto vs. Uzumaki-Namikaze Nawaki, begin!" He yelled as he brought his arm down to signal the start right before he Shunshined away.

Nawaki didn't need to be told twice. He quickly formed his hands into a cross-shaped hand seal, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)!" Fifteen perfect copies of himself popped into existence and began their charge at Naruto.

Naruto wasn't fazed in the slightest at the amount of Kage Bunshin that were coming at him. He had expected a maneuver like this, this very jutsu was widely known to be Nawaki's favorite and most used. Naruto had never been one to shy away from a fight, even if he was outnumbered. He got into his usual Interceptor Fist stance and prepared to counter.

Naruto easily sidestepped a kunai strike and dispatched the clone with a quick elbow strike. He ducked as two more clones came to stab him, but ended up striking each other instead, causing them to dispel. The sharingan user quickly jumped over two more oncoming clones, and forced them to dispel with a powerful kick to the head. The clones began to surround him after he disposed of three more with a few well placed kicks and palm strikes.

Naruto saw this as the perfect opportunity to rid himself of this distraction. He jumped into the air and began to spin, pulling out several shuriken and launching them at the remaining clones. It was a technique that he had seen Itachi practicing when they were younger, though he was using kunai and throwing them at targets.

Naruto now stood in the center of the empty battlefield. All of the Kage Bunshin had been successfully dispelled, however, Nawaki was nowhere in sight. Normally this would be a cause for concern, as the next attack could come from anywhere, but Naruto knew exactly where Nawaki was. The ravenette had been using Kenbunshoku Haki the entire time and knew what Nawaki's plan was from the very start.

'Doton: Dochū Eigyo no Jutsu (Earth Release: Underground Projection Fish Jutsu)." Nawaki thought to himself. He had been moving underground silently, planning to catch Naruto off guard with a sneak attack. He would have his clones keep Naruto busy while he crept up beneath him, preparing for a devastating right hook to below Naruto's chin.

However, Naruto would not let him enact his master plan. He had already sensed that Nawaki was a few feet blow the ground and still about ten feet away from him, so he thought this was a perfect opportunity to test out one of his newly developed techniques.

Naruto crouched down so that he was sitting back on his calves and only the balls of his feet were on the ground. He raised both of his arms up into the air and bent them as if he was going to throw a punch. His current actions confused many of the onlookers in the audience, including all of the jonin-senseis, genin, and even his team. Unbeknownst to them, their confusion would be turned into utter shock in only a moment.

Naruto coated both of his arms in Busoskoku Haki and slammed his clenched fists into the ground. The impact of his fists caused large cracks to appear all across the ground within a twenty five yard radius of him. Naruto began channeling his Haki into the ground, causing waves of a clear blue energy to be emitted from them. "Ryusoken: Ryu no Ibuki (Dragon Claw Fists: Dragon's Breath)!" The waves of Haki became incredibly intense until the ground started to break even more. With one final push, all of the ground in the twenty five yard radius shattered and was thrown into the air into a large twister of Haki.