
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Cómic
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40 Chs

What the F*ck?

[A/N: From now on, I will be releasing new chapters every Sunday and Wednesday.]


The training started with just building up my lost physical strength. Learning to walk by myself was the first goal I had to accomplish.

It was tough to even stand properly with my injured body but I managed to make some progress by walking a few steps with the support of the wall.

The zetsus were there for me if I ever fell while training. They were more or less the person I depended on. They had become my lifeline on top of being my caretakers and teachers. They are the only people who can freely go in and out of this cave.

They are also the only people who can bring food and water here. So, I am actually very grateful for the fact that they are here.

Under the monotonous schedule, I started losing the track of time after a few days and I contined to grow stronger.

I was transplanted with an arm made up of their cells which took me even more time getting used to. It was not only weird trying to move that arm but it was extremely weak so I would have to build up the muscles over there.

Not only that, I could feel my chakra reserves growing larger every single day ever since the day of the transplantation. So I had to get used to that. I started healing faster after that as well.

I kept my sharingan activated the entire duration of my training to monitor my chakra flow.

In just a few weeks I had gained back the previous mobility and strength I had lost after getting crushed under that boulder. However....I am still unable to leave this place. So, I can only train myself enough to grow so powerful that I can crush the boulder blocking the entrance.

I trained my taijutsu and chakra control along with ninjutsu for the rest of the time.

Time flew past and I had noticed but my hair had grown a lot making them look obnoxious. But I had become more buff and had even grown in height.

To be honest, I had made more progress here than I had during all those years of training in the Hidden Leaf.

I can't wait to imagine the shocked faces of all of them when they finally see me. Seeing all of them has been the sole motivation I have had these past months. Has it been months? I am not sure.

It actually felt like eternity since I have been here. I was getting more and more irritated and agitated to leave this place as soon as possible.

But this boulder just wouldn't budge.

I mean it's just a stupid boulder. It shouldn't be this tough to break it.

The old man claiming to be Madara hasn't spoken to me a word ever since the day I came here and has only been watching and observing my progress.

He gives me a little advice here and there about my training and how to maximise the use of sharingan. Though I do not want to admit it, his inputs have been really helpful.

And I have also picked up on a few words and improved my vocabulary a little bit during my stay here.

...I just really want to meet them.

I stretched out my arm in the air while laying on the bed and I saw faces of my entire team in the air just a little away from my reach.

Just a little more time till I am outta here.

"Obito!! It's Terrible news!!" Zetsu suddenly passed through the boulder and yelled.

"What is it?!" I was alarmed at what could have happened for him to make such an expression.

"Kakashi and Rin are being chased by the Anbu from Kirigakure and it seemed like they will be caught and killed any moment right now!"

"What?!" I jumped out of my bed crushing it from the impact and leapt towards the boulder.

My right arm collided with the boulder, breaking my arm and completely crushing it.

As I squatted and winced in pain. Suddenly Tobi came from my behind and opened? I don't know what the fuck he was doing but he encase me like an armour and I was in a hurry so I didn't care what was happening anyway. As long as I can make sure that Rin is safe. Nothing else matters.

I punched again with all of my strength and this time, The boulder shattered as if it was a piece of glass.

"Let's go."


"Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Yes. If we continue on this way, we will meet them."

"What is the situation like over there."

"Not good. Both Kakashi and Rin are currently surrounded by many Kiri ninjas."

"Damn it!! And what about Minato-Sensei?"

"Who is that?"

"I am talking about the Yellow flash of Leaf. Where is he?"

"Hmm...He isn't anywhere near this country. It seems like he is busy in some other stuff currently and is unable to come here."

"Damn it! At a time like this?!"

Wait...calm down. They aren't weak. As long as I make it there, I can save them.

"...Not to mention that they are also being chased by someone else right now."

"Who?!" I asked

".....It is a very dangerous person clad in black armour and a mask. He has been chasing them relentlessly. Even when Kakashi and Rin managed to shake off Kiri anbu from their tails, they weren't able to shake him off."

This is really bad news. A new variable showed up out of nowhere? Who could it be?...Kakashi just make sure you rescue Rin. You promised that to me.

"They should be just a 100 meters away from us now."

I concentrated chakra under my feat and increased my speed. I crossed the forest area and landed at the starting of the clearing.

But as I looked up, I saw the scene that made me wish this was all just a dream. It-It COULD NOT BE REALITY!!!

Rin...Rin and Kakashi both laid lifelessly on the ground.

Towering over them, standing just beside them. I saw the man Zetsu was talking about.

The figure clad in black. He flicked his sword to splash the blood on the sword to the ground.

I.....I lost my mind after that.


<3rd POV>

As Obito saw Shirou towering over the dead bodies of his best friend and lover, he could not control himself anymore.

Tobi who was on his shoulder, transformed into a mask with space for only one eye hole. Consumed by the uncontrollable and unyielding rage, Obito's eyes were bloodshot and his normal sharingan changed pattern. He slowly stood up.


As he yelled, an immense amount of murderous intent and pressure emanated from his body. His chakra which he could not control like before initiated a blow of wind from his body that might as well had been a ninjutsu.

'Where....where am I? What in the world is this place?'

"Who is that guy?"


"What a fool. Coming in here by himself."

The kiri ninjas conversed among themselves until one of them threw several shuriken and kunai towards Obito.

However....they passed right through them.

Obito's right side of the body went through some dramatic changes in a second. He now had spikes of wood growing out of his body giving him an ugly look.

'I won't accept it!'

"What did he do?"

"He dodged them?"

'I will not accept any of this!!!'

With a newfound rage within him that he did not knew existed, Obito charged towards the Kiri shinobis particularly towards the man in black who killed his dear friends.

On the other hand, Shirou just stood there and watched Obito coming towards him.

With each step Obito took, the ground beneath his feat was destroyed.

"Do not mock the blood mist!"

The kiri anbu swung his sword at Obito only to get his body skewered with wood spikes on coming into contact with Obito's fist. Not stopping there, the woods skewered and killed the shinobis around as well.

Obito continued on with his assault completely destroying everyone in his path.

As he fought more, he became more and more barbaric and ruthless. Crushing one's skull with his bare hands, Cutting of all the limbs on a person, specifically destroying the eyes and bashing the skull with just his knee.

On the other hand, Shirou also made a move. He started assaulting Kiri ninjas as well. He went on to cut and slash every person he saw in half with his sword.Not showing any emotion and hesitations whatsoever.

"Quick! grab the girl. We at least need to take back her body!"

The shinobi's words attracted the attention of the most dangerous person on the battlefield. Obito looked past the ninjas in his view and diverted his attention to Rin's body and saw a few kiri shinobis running towards it.

Using his newly awakened Mangekyo Sharingan's ability, he ran past the ninjas in his way without dodging any attacks and phased through their attacks. Even passing through a person directly.

He threw a wooden spear at one of the shinobis heading towards Rin and after performing some hand signs, the spear embedded inside the ninjas body grew even more spears from within his body killing him instantly.

As for the other shinobi......Obito lost himself and kept on punching and kicking that shinobi. Even with his head caved in, Obito continued to pulverise the remaining head of the already dead body.

Soon he stopped, got up and looked around only to see the figure clad in black looking at him. The rest of the shinobis laid dead on the ground quite similar to Rin and Kakashi.

Before, Obito could attack him, Shirou took off his mask making Obito stop in his tracks as he realised who the person in front of him was.

"It's been a while Obito."

