
Naruto : The Fastest Ninja

A Naruto fan from Earth gets transmigrated into the Naruto world with a not so overpowered system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : This is my first book, so sorry for any inconveniences in advance. English is not my first language and there is no proper uploading schedule .

Kayden_Break_ · Cómic
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40 Chs



One thing that they didn't show in the anime is that during war whether it is in the Naruto World or the real one, rules of the military are the same. Down from the designations to the rules and atmosphere, also the punishments you receive for not following the rules.

While he was walking toward me in an imposing manner, an amazing idea crossed my mind '"Can't I just project my ninja gear?". Even if I didn't train this ability of mine, it is still my kekei genkai so just how difficult can it be?'

Not to mention, Projection and scan are for any materialistic thing. So projecting my ninja gear shouldn't be that hard.

I immediately closed my eyes and started concentrating on the desired product. A leather pouch with about 20 kunais, 20 shurikens, and 5 storage scrolls of which 2 contained necessity items while the rest three contains more weapons and support items as well as a thin protective vest under my shirt.

'I don't think that I can project storage scrolls or anything related to fuinjutsu, but I can project a normal scroll with the word 'Seal' written on it!'

I summoned as much chakra as I could at a single moment and a faint glow appeared on my hand materialising what was inside my mind. However, this was more taxing on my body than I thought.

I felt my energy draining at a very fast rate, to be more specific a ton of my mental energy was exhausted. I had failed to realise before that the projection would require a huge amount of Yin chakra. Well to be honest it makes sense for this ability to use Yin chakra but I would have loved to know about this beforehand and not in dire situations.

I mean imagine if I used this ability during an enemy confrontation, I would be dead in the next blow for sure.

Anyway after a few seconds, my ninja gear materialised successfully.

When I opened my eyes I was met with the face of the vice commander. He had been standing in front of me for some time when I had my eyes closed.....'He looks pissed.'

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING HERE COMING UNPREPARED FOR BATTLE, DO I NEED TO REMIND YOU THAT WE ARE AT WAR AND NOT IN A PLAYGROUND!!" his voice echoed throughout the base bringing everyone's attention over to me.

"Uhh.....I am prepared, I have my battle gear right here." I said while bringing my hand out front for him to see.

"Uh...Kuhum..and what about your katana?" he asked a little flustered.

It was as if whatever he was thinking was written on his face 'Where did that come from,I was sure he didn't had any tools with him when I saw him few seconds ago.

"Ah? It broke and I don't have another one." I replied as calmly as possible.

"So you are unfit for battle, go and take a katana from the weaponry. Make sure that I don't have to tell you that again." he said in an imposing manner to give himself some face. "After collecting your sword go to your team captain he has already been given the details of the mission."

"Yes Sir" I replied and walked away, but instead of the weaponry I went to collect my new sword that the system gave me.

I returned to my team in a minute and I saw only one familiar face. Uchiha Shisui, other than him everyone else was new. My heart sank a little when I was reminded that three of my teammates who I had cherished had died. All because of my incompetence, if I had been stronger there might have been a chance for them to return alive as well.

"You must be Hatake Shiro right" I gave him a nod. "Well nice to meet you, I am Uchiha Kou a jonin, and I will be leading this mission. They are Ayane and Akane Fujimura, they are twins and you already know Shisui." He gave me an introduction to the team.

'He doesn't seem prideful, arrogant and hard to get along like the rest of the Uchihas.'

I smiled and introduced myself to them as well. After which Shisui approached me witha look of worry on his face "How is your condition. You were badly injured just yesterday. To be honest I am shocked that you can even move right now. Also-"

Before he went on a full rant, I interrupted him "I am fine, you don't have to worry so much."

"Well let's not waste anymore time and get going. I will explain the details of the mission on the way"

""""YES"""' we all replied






After 15 minutes of our travel, Captain Kou started briefing us about the mission.

"For a few days now, the intensity of attacks on our supply line has increased exponentially, so our mission this time is to provide reinforcement, protect the supplies and deliver them back to the base. There will also be a few of our shinobi already stationed there so we will meet with them and provide them assistance. Any questions?"

"What would our opponents be like?" Shisui asked

"Hmm....it will mainly be genins and chunins but on a rare occasion that there is a jonin or even an elite jonin, I will be the one to take them on. All of you should then focus on support or retreat."

I couldn't help but frown at this revelation, I mean I get that we are short staffed but 2 genins, 2 chunins and a jonin are not enough for this mission.

This mission is much more serious and difficult than what he made it sound. Every village focuses on sending their elites to the front lines, with only genins and chunins acting as gaurd for these missions. But defending the supplies is a very important factor in winning the wars. That is why the supply route is tightly defended by shinobis of them a few are elites.

For these elites to be cornered to an extent for asking reinforcement, the number of enemy ninjas must be incredible. What we are heading towards isn't much different from the front line.

Sending such a small team should be out of the question, normally that is. If my guess is correct, the village is trying to establish a different supply route and is abandoning this one. They are sending the reinforcements to make sure the enemy don't find out about their intention.

So our real mission, at least my mission is to hold out until the new route is perfectly established and then retreat while taking down a few enemy ninjas as a farewell. But is there any chance for me to do that, I will barely qualify as an elite genin, meaning it will take about 5-10 genins to defeat me and what we will be facing will be nothing smaller than an entire platoon.

Just thinking about that made me shiver in fear.

In a desperate situation, I might have to use both of my attempts at the gacha during this mission.

'This is turning out to be a real drag...'

We continued on our pace for 20 more minutes and finally arrived at the blood bath.