
The Bloodline Evolution

"Personally no. However, I feel like in 1-2 months, he will be. When I do not give him more material, he goes back to his ranting quest for vengeance against his brother. It is a tiresome story, but it seems to be the only thing that drives him. If you would agree to advance his training, then I will begin the new schedule within three days.

"And how close do you think he is to awakening the Sharingan?" The blonde asked as he peered out the window. From its reflection, he could see the deep-seated hatred on Uzumei's face. No doubt she was thinking about Hatake Kakashi and his own Sharingan. However, true to form, the anger slowly left the woman's face and she took a breath.

Uzumei flipped to another piece of paper. "Yes, you had me learn of the history of every clan in Konoha. If I may be so bold Naruto-sama, given the structure of Uchiha biology, Uchiha Sasuke might have already awakened his ocular dojutsu," She answered him.

Oh? Now, this was interesting. "Is that so? And why do you think that?" Naruto asked.

"From what I've garnered, the Sharingan is a dojutsu that is awakened when the user is put under high stress or emotional instability. This condition or effect is magnified in regard to those whom the wielder truly cares about. The thesis papers by the Konoha Medical Facility seem to support this. The criteria for Uchiha Sasuke to awaken the Sharingan are all met...during the Uchiha Massacre. It's possible that...his mind has suppressed some of these severely traumatic memories in order for him to remain alive. It is possible that he doesn't even know he has it," Uzumei said.

Naruto listened to this with interest. Hmm, that might explain why dear Satsuki-chan was so good in the academy. His body had already been flowing with the effects of the Sharingan. Oh sure, he was talented in the shinobi arts as well, but it was obvious that the aftereffects of his traumatic experience had evolved his body a bit.

Naruto walked over to his bed and sat on it. A grin appeared over his face. "Uzumei, come here," he said. He pushed his new, red hair off the side of his face. Uzumei was already in front of him by the time he was done.

"Kneel," he ordered. Uzumei didn't even smooth her dress. She knelt before the young boy without another word. She stared at him as he crossed one leg over the other. He took a kunai into his hand and twirled it for a moment.

Naruto looked at the time of a clock on a nightstand. He would have to go soon. "Tell me, what is Sasuke to you?" The former blonde asked.

"A pathetic, insignificant brat whose only purpose, only good point is being a puppet controlled by my Lord. The instant his usefulness runs out, I would kill him if you gave me the order. If I may speak freely, Naruto-sama, I loathe standing near the boy for so long. His ambition is not my concern, his pride is grating, and his arrogance is annoying. I long for the day that you deem him useful enough that I need not shadow him any longer," Uzumei replied instantly.

Naruto's mouth thinned, but he could feel the creeping smile staining the confines of his mind. "And what if I asked you to sire the next generation of the Uchiha clan?" The blood wielder then asked. He could see the blood gently flow through Uzumei's heart. She was still calm.

"If that is what you wish for me, then I shall get started as soon as you wish. Would you have me perform when he is of age?" the female redhead asked.

Naruto stopped twirling the kunai. A brief chuckle expelled from his lips. "No, I was just curious. Ever since I had received these abilities that lace my enemies in blood, I have sworn to myself that Uchiha Sasuke will never again lay his hands on the things which are mine. That includes you," he fired back.

"Yes, sir. Thank you for your humble mercy, sir," Uzumei answered. She then watched Naruto cut his thumb with the kunai he was holding. By his command, the blood flowed from the open wound until it swirled into three separate oval-shaped pills. Like faint, beating hearts they pulsed with unknown sounds.

"I'll be meeting with Akari and Ryuzetsu soon. While I'm gone, take this. Make sure you take it in a secure location. Give this small one to Sasuke," He said dropping two of the pills to her. She quickly took it in her hands.

"Yes sir," she replied to him. Naruto then stood to his feet and made his way towards the door. He opened it and then closed it. This left Uzumei alone with the two red oval-shaped pills that her master had left her. She placed the smallest one in her pocket and ate the one that had been given to her.

As soon as she swallowed it, she could feel her body burn with a fire greater than any she had ever experienced. Before she could even scream, her consciousness faded away and she fell to the bed. If Uzumei had managed to stay awake then she would have seen the pumping, straining, pulsating veins that lined her arms, legs, and neck. Her red hair began to glow in a creepy light that cracked the light bulb in the hotel room. Her body curled itself up and her hair wrapped around her body. Just like with Naruto, a smile appeared upon her face as well. There she would rest for the next 12 hours.


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