
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Cómic
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70 Chs

The Beast Unleashed

Tears. Tears fell down Hana's face. No, no, that wasn't true. That couldn't be true. It was just a coincidence. She had a loving mother and a loving but stupid little brother. The Inuzuka family was about loyalty and family! They...would never treat her like that. It was a lie. It had to be a lie!

"You might be wondering why I am telling you this. You see, Inuzuka Hana, I want to play a game. Go, have a true test given to you. I shall be waiting for you. Are you a dog created in a lab? Or are you a powerful beast swelling with pride and anger? If you are the latter then…,"

Hana crushed the folder in her hands. Every. Single. Statistics about her body read abnormal. The doctor had claimed more tests would be needed, but Hana didn't want them. She had received the answer she needed. She absolutely abhorred it, but would she be able to run from it? The young Inuzuka felt lightheaded. She thought she was going to pass out.

She...she wanted to go home, but...where was that? How many people were in on it? Who...created her? She...was supposed to be some new breed of super shinobi, but...then she would be chained and bred for more. She could feel herself blanking out. Her...her world was breaking.

The next time Hana was aware of herself, she was dressed and walking through the hospital halls. She left the hospital. Her thoughts were in a daze. These streets she used to walk were filled with such deception that she was never aware of.

Even now, she feared looking up at the setting sun. Was she... genuinely going to turn into some kind of beast? She didn't know. She didn't want to know. Who could she trust? Who could she talk to?

"Inuzuka-san, where are you going? You can't leave yet! I understand you're upset, but please don't walk away from this! I think we need more tests," the doctor said. Tests? Tests? TESTS?! The doctor touched her shoulder. Within Hana's mind, the hospital began to fade away.

Perhaps it was the stress, maybe it was the voice from the videotape, perhaps it was the truth that had come crashing down on her, hell... maybe she was just crazy, but...Inuzuka Hana...snapped.

"Do. Not. TOUCH ME!" Hana growled out, her voice a tone shift deeper than it had been previously. The doctor shivered as he took a step back in slight worry. The nurses and patients who had been in the area watched the interaction in stunned silence.

Hana could feel her blood pumping, her heart racing, and her breath shortening. Kill him! Kill all of them. How many? How many of them were in on it? How many people knew? They were all waiting to put her down like a rabid animal! But, if she made an example out of one of them, then maybe...maybe...Yes! Yes! Yes! Perhaps they would learn who they were messing with.

Hana slowly marched towards the doctor. Her steps were heavy, and their clack was like a resounding boom in her ears. She grabbed the doctor's shoulders. "I-Inuzuka-san?" the doctor asked. He stared into her eyes. Her once-human pupils took on the shape of a great beast bearing down upon him. Her mouth formed a vicious smile.

"I don't need any more of your help!" She sneered at him, the smile breaking.

She let him go and walked away. What...was happening to her?

"You see, Inuzuka Hana, I want to play a game," She recalled that voice. It...was all she had. Did she trust this voice? No, but...it was all she had. She had no one else that she could confide in. She had no one else who would understand the inner turmoil which was threatening to break her into pieces. She...she wanted to scream. She tried to curse her family. She...was too scared to go back home. Where...where could she go?

"If you are the latter, then...seek the fox which plays among the children. I shall be waiting, mighty wolf!" The voice said. Hana's frown deepened. She stared forward. Someone, she did not know who yet, was going to pay dearly for this!

"H-Here is the video footage. Please don't terminate my husband's medical costs," a nurse claimed, placing the video on a table. She had just finished her shift, and she had quickly done what had been asked of her. The other side of the room was covered in darkness, but she watched Anbu take the video footage. No doubt giving it to the man in question.

"You did your job, and that's put me in a good mood. Don't ruin it with your pitiful talk. Izumi, show the kind woman out," he said. The nurse gasped as another woman stepped forward. The nurse jumped to her feet.

"B-But you said…," Whatever the woman was going to say was cut off when Izumi grabbed her by the arm.

"Get out before you find yourself joining your husband," the young Uchiha threatened. The woman quickly got the idea and left them alone. Once she was gone, Naruto leaned back in his chair. Tch, stupid woman. Butchers don't make deals with pigs.

In any case, Naruto placed the videotape into a video cassette recorder. As he watched the footage, his grin got even bigger.

"I suppose every village does whatever is necessary to become stronger. Sacrificing the few for the many, how quaint. Then again, that is how most organizations work. Don't you think, Yugao-chan?" Naruto asked. He could feel the slight tension inside her body. Blood concentrated itself to her fists. No doubt she was clenching to keep her mouth shut.


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