
B-rank mission (3)

Yoriichi P.O.V

The bandits charged at us just like the reckless arrogant fools they were.

While Itsuki gave his speech, i had covered the entire area in front of us with minimised rods and as soon as the first 6 Shinobi walked over them, I maximised them which riddled them with holes. Their faces filled with disbelief as they died.

Their leader as well as the other bandits were also at a disbelief. I already had gotten permission from Grandpa to use my Dojutsu as long as there are no survivors left. Now you might be thinking this might be reckless but the reason is that if I don't use it in battle, i would never be able to advance its stage and increase my mastery over it.

"What was that? Was it a steel kekkei genkai or the magnet Kekkei Genkai?" asked one of the bandits in shock.

I already had turned my eyes back before they could see them. Since they all were too focused on Itsuki, they never noticed it.

Now they were hesitating to move forward and Chino took advantage of this by using her signature technique of flooding the area with the iron rich water.

The enemy Jonin was experienced and said "Be careful she is from the Chinoike clan, she can control the entirety of this water without hand signs. Take a higher ground by climbing the trees, he ordered the genins."

While the other bandits climbed the tree, he didn't wait and used a 'fire style: fire ball jutsu' to vaporise the water and take our surroundings advantage. An experienced Shinobi knows how to handle such situations unlike the bandits we faced in the previous mission. The fireball was also very huge and I am pretty sure he put 30 percent of his chakra into that.

But I wouldn't let him have the advantage that easily.

'Water breathing, Second Form: Improved, Lateral Water Wheel'

I did a horizontal spin and unleashed a slash covered with water to not only cut the fireball into two but also to use the water to extinguish the fireball before it causes the water to vaporise. Although it still managed to extinguish a small amount of water but It didn't cause much harm. I then focused my attention on the Jonin who had a spiked club in his hand.

While I was dealing with the Jonin, Jiro used his partial expansion jutsu and knocked down a few trees where the bandits were, to escape the iron water. As soon as the bandits which were mostly genin landed on the red water, Chino dragged them inside the red water by using tentacles made out of it. She then choked them or made them unable to breathe to kill them. This move might seem terrifying but it works only for low level shinobis like genins and considering they were not even from a great village their strength was poor.

Itsuki and Kaito faced off against the remaining four chunins out of the original five. The first one died from my minimised rods.

Although Kaito had trained with Taijutsu for the past week, but it was still his weak point so he acted as support while Itsuki engaged three of them with his kenjutsu. The last one supported them from behind.

The supporting bandit threw lightning covered shurinken towards Itsuki to break his concentration but Kaito protected him with an earth wall.

Then he attacked the chunin with his two crystal chakrams which were controlled by crystal threads. The enemy chunin managed to dodge it but was cut in half when the chakram changed his direction back towards him.

Of the remaining three chunins, one used a multiple shurinken clone jutsu and attacked both Itsuki and Kaito at the same time.

Kaito used his crystal chakrams as a defense by placing them in front of both him and Itsuki. The chakram rotated at a fast speed and deflected every shurinken.

Once the shurinken barrage ended, Itsuki took this opportunity as he leaped into air with multiple butterfly's spreading the pollen which were actually different kinds of poison. He charged at one of the enemy while still in the air and quickly striked him at multiple places.

'Insect breathing: First Form:Butterfly Dance: Caprice'

The Chunin couldn't do anything as he was poisoned with different kinds of poison.

The remaining two chunin didn't expect this and were in shock. Kaito launched his chakrams towards the enemies. They tried to move but couldn't as they were held in place by the red water tentacles. One of them managed to cover his body with chakra, overpowered the tentacle and managed to escape just in time but his partner was not so lucky and was cut in half.

The one who managed to dodge didn't have a chance to check his breath as a big fist landed on him breaking his ribcage and rupturing his inner organs ultimately killing him. The one responsible for this was Jiro.

While this was happening, I was having a fight against the Jonin. We both clashed with our respective weapons. I was forbidden from using Muramasa by Genkai sensei as according to him most of the weapons will be easily cut in half with Muramasa and I wouldn't be able to experience a real weapon fight.

The Jonin used his spiked club with brute force and tried to smash me but I dodged it effortlessly with my speed as the club caused small craters on the ground.

I made a quick hand sign.

'Chidori Senbon'

Several lightning senbon were aimed at the Jonin who used a substitution jutsu to dodge as soon as one of the senbon hit him. With my eye of kagura, I sensed the place where he was and attacked him immediately.

He used his club to strike me to which I just placed my katana in front of myself to defend and then abandoned my blade as I reached close to him.

He was confused by my action but then had a sinister grin on his face.

"Now dieeee braattttt!" He said as he raised his club to smash me but before he could do the follow up action, I struck his chest with a


He crashed into a few trees and I was pretty sure he died as I used the rasengan right at the place where his heart was.


You can read extra Chapters on my pat*reon
