
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 4- Training 1

With the rising sun painting the sky in hues of gold and orange, I began my routine just like any other day. After completing my morning rituals, I wasted no time and headed straight for the small training ground nestled in our backyard.

The soft dewy grass greeted my feet as I stepped onto the training ground, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of fresh leaves and flowers. This familiar environment felt like home, a place where I could hone my skills and push my limits.

I took a deep breath, grounding myself in the moment, and began my warm-up exercises. Stretching my muscles, I could feel the energy coursing through me, ready to be unleashed.

It had become a daily routine for me, ever since I learned how to walk.

My father believed in the importance of physical training from a very young age. He was a shinobi himself, and he knew that building a strong foundation in physical abilities was essential for any aspiring ninja. So, he made sure that I followed a strict training regimen that focused solely on my physique.

As a toddler, my training involved basic exercises that developed my balance, coordination, and strength. I would practice running, jumping, and various other movements that helped build my agility and stamina. My father always encouraged me to push my limits, but he also knew the importance of ensuring I didn't overexert myself at such a tender age.

Now, at the age of four, my training had become more structured and challenging. My father introduced me to more advanced exercises that tested my physical abilities further. He taught me basic tai-jutsu techniques and how to perform them with precision.

I was already accustomed to the daily training, so my father didn't always need to oversee my exercises. He trusted that I would be disciplined and dedicated enough to stick to my routine without constant supervision.

Occasionally, my father would observe my training from a distance, silently watching my progress.

As I continued to push myself, I could feel my body growing stronger with each passing day. My muscles developed, and my movements became more agile.

Indeed, the training was no walk in the park. While it wasn't excruciatingly difficult, it certainly pushed me to my limits. In my past life, I had been accustomed to a cozy lifestyle, and physical exertion was simply non-existent.

Back then, even the thought of lifting weights or engaging in rigorous exercises would have sent shivers down my spine. My body and mind were so used to comfort and ease that the mere idea of such training would have been considered hellish.

However, my current life was different. Being born into the shinobi world with the knowledge of my past life, I knew the importance of being strong and capable. I realized that the life of a shinobi demanded physical fitness and mental fortitude. So, I simply embraced this lifestyle.

Not to mention, only I call it training.

what I mean is, what I referred to as "training" was merely the tip of the iceberg in my father's eyes. For him, those daily exercises were just the beginning, laying the groundwork for what he considered "real" ninja training.

I remembered the day when I asked my father, "Father, when will you teach me to use chakra?"

He simply looked at me with a knowing smile and replied, "You are not ready for it yet, Katsuo."

Using my charms as a child, I whined in frustration, "But why? It's already been a year since I started my 'training.' So, why can't you show me how to use chakra?"

My father's amusement was evident as he chuckled softly, "Oh, 'training,' you say? And who told you it was training?"

"Isn't it?" I replied, genuinely confused.

He shook his head, still smiling, "What you are doing is not training, my son. It is merely the first step to build your foundation for the real training that lies ahead."

I was left speechless at his remarks.

'Are you telling me that all this running and exercise that I am doing was not even training?' I screamed in my mind.

I felt a bit foolish, akin to the time I had first gone to the gym, believing I would develop a six-pack body. However, the gym trainer had simply looked at me and said, 'Go home and eat something.'

After that day I didn't ask him again. Knowing

he would teach me when he deemed me ready. Instead of pestering him with more questions, I focused on my physical training, determined to make the most of it.

And it's not like I didn't understand his reasons; for me, it was completely reasonable.

From what I remember from the 'Anime', Chakra is said to be a combination of 'Physical energy' and 'Spiritual energy,' so it was necessary to develop a good physique.

Mastering chakra requires a balance of both physical and spiritual strength. Building a strong foundation through physical training would ensure that I could handle the powerful energies that chakra manipulation demanded.

Oh and don't ask me the logic of-

'How is it possible for a three or four year old kid to do such intense training and develop a physique?'.

After all, Kakashi Hatake, the renowned "Copy Ninja," graduated from the Shinobi Academy at the ripe age of 5! And if that wasn't enough, he became a chunin at the tender age of 6, followed by a jounin at the age of 12. Quite the accomplishment for someone who should be playing with toys and learning basic math like regular kids, right?

And of course, we have the one and only Itachi Uchiha, a genius among geniuses. He was probably mastering the art of "shuriken throwing" while other kids were learning their ABCs. By the time he was barely out of diapers, he was already a seasoned killer. Talk about childhood innocence, huh?

But hey, who needs a carefree childhood when you can have ninja training and life-or-death battles at such a young age? After all, what's more exciting than being thrust into a world of danger and warfare before you even hit double digits?

I can't help but marvel at the "realistic" standards set by the Naruto universe. I mean, who needs to grow up normally when you can be a lethal shinobi by the time you can tie your own shoelaces?

So yeah, don't question the logic behind it.

But sarcasm aside, I have to admit that my training did have its benefits. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I could feel my body becoming stronger and more agile. My stamina improved, and I could run for longer periods without getting exhausted.

I may not have started using chakra yet, but my physical abilities were definitely getting a boost.

But enough of that. Today is the day I've been waiting for. The day my father will finally teach me how to use chakra. All that "not so training" I've been doing has led up to this moment. Building my physique, laying the foundation – it's all been in preparation for this.

I can feel the excitement and anticipation bubbling inside me as I think about it. Learning to use chakra is a crucial step for any ninja, and I couldn't wait to tap into that extraordinary power.

"How can I not be excited?"

I had seen the incredible feats that could be achieved with chakra – the ability to perform jutsus, create powerful elemental attacks, and even bring the dead back. It was a force of nature, and the idea of mastering it filled me with awe and excitement.

Ever since coming into this world, I often find myself daydreaming about standing at the top of the Shinobi world, a position of unparalleled strength and respect.

In my dreams, even the mighty Madara Uchiha himself would be in awe of my power. He would revive, see me, and be compelled to challenge me. I would scoff at him with arrogance and playfulness, teasing him about his worthiness to face me.

Just think about it 'The ghost of the Uchiha' comes back from the dead and asks me for a dance.

But, I with all of my arrogance and laughtyness scoffs at him saying " You want to dance with me?!. are you even worthy-!


Ah.. just the mere thought of it is both thrilling and embarassing.

Thrilling, because it is not impossible to become a strong shinobi.

And embarrassing, because I haven't even learned how to use chakra yet, I was dreaming about swatting 'Madara' like a fly.

~A man can dream, can't he?!~


And that's it for the 4th chapter.

A/N: Hit me with some Power stones.😏💀
