
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · Cómic
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29 Chs

Chapter 8

New day - Early morning - Sawyer House - Naruto's room.


An alarm sounded, waking up a certain nekoshou whose eyebrow trembled and she moved her hand looking for the alarm without finding it until it went off.

"Good morning".

Koneko wanted to continue sleeping, it felt so good, but still with a sigh she opened her beautiful golden eyes looking directly into her boyfriend's purple ones, noticing that he is clearly on top of her chest and looking to the side at Rias sleeping was what she remembered.

Naruto, Rias and Akeno stayed talking until late at night, where Akeno "couldn't return" home so late so she was invited by Naruto to stay which she accepted and they continued talking until sleep overcame them.

Akeno took a bath and also one of Naruto's sweaters to her embarrassment, then it was time to sleep but Naruto was not giving up his bed and was sleeping on a couch so Rias suggested that he sleep in the middle of the bed with her. on one side and Rias on the other with Akeno next to Rias so she won't get upset, she was still a little confused so everyone understood and gave her her space.

Koneko turned to look at the alarm while she got up, yawning and gagging on top of Naruto, who looked at her with a smile. She could also feel his hardness from the morning rubbing against her intimacy over her panties, which made her blush slightly. before recovering.

Koneko: We are going 10 minutes late to the academy... why did you set the alarm at that time?... - I asked her curiously when the others began to wake up while Naruto took his phone from the table next to him.

Naruto: today we're not going to the academy, we're going to the beach... in 30 minutes the car I rented for a group arrives... well, he wasn't expecting Akeno but it doesn't make a difference... we have an hour and a half to get ready and leave at 8, yesterday before returning home I bought some meats, drinks and snacks... - Rias commented simply with a newly awakened Rias and Koneko giving a blank look.

Rias: You have to start informing in advance Naruto, so we prepare and are not simply taken by surprise by your spontaneity... - she said, denying what her boyfriend always does.

Naruto: where would be the surprise of that?... - he asked Rias with a smile who made a cute snort.

Naruto: I don't think Tsubaki delayed, I hope I convinced her ... -She murmured with the devils listening to him but they didn't comment.

Koneko: I didn't bring my bathing suit... - she commented with laughter, patting her forehead at that, before getting out of bed showing the black sweater she was wearing and had a sudden enlightenment.

Rias: I have an idea, but then someone else would join us... is there no problem with that Naruto?... - she asked curiously to her lover who denied.

Akeno: wait, what about the classes? Aren't they going to the academy?... - she asked with curiosity, having heard everything and how spontaneous Naruto could be.

Rias: No, neither are you since you are coming with us, what did you think? That Naruto excluded you from the invitation?... - she asked him with a smile, recovering her phone from a table, while proceeding to call someone she knew. that would help her recover her things, Koneko's and Akeno's, without raising suspicions on the part of her lover and would invite her along, the girl did not know much and also this would help her relax.

Akeno turned to look at Naruto who winked at her, while Koneko got off of him.

Akeno: Could things be so lively in the morning? ...-she asked herself, "just deciding not to go to the academy and suddenly leaving."

Akeno also looked at the simplicity with which Rias accepted, somewhat surprised, Rias... has truly changed, the normal Rias that she knows is left behind, this one is not bad... only, it surprises her, and even more so the confidence around her, no. a created one, if not a natural one... in fact she looks more beautiful than before with that slightly mature and rebellious air around her.

Naruto:rias, can you prepare the meats in the refrigerator?... - he asked his girlfriend who nodded while he got out of bed, revealing his impressive body in Akeno's opinion, he was only wearing black shorts without shirt or anything else... well, it's his house but I thought he would have more modesty but apparently not, he's not a shy guy.

Naruto walked to the bathroom to clean up, while Rias left the room towards the other bathroom and then to the kitchen.

Akeno stayed sitting on the bed before quickly going out to help Rias, since it seems that she is the only one upset about the situation, little did the himejima know that the back of her sweater was raised showing her generous butt covered by a thong black.

30 minutes later the car with capacity for 8 people arrived.

Naruto began to carry the travel things he bought to the car as well as a large camping tent that he placed on the roof of the car.

Koneko looked at him amused as she placed the cooler with the drinks in its place.

The animated group was preparing while the girls were waiting for their things that Rias had already asked to be brought to them, as Naruto understood a fourth guest would bring them.

Naruto entered the house looking for some things and that's when he suddenly heard a familiar voice like the others at the entrance.


"Good morning Naruto, we are ready...

Naruto looked on the porch of the door at Tsubaki and Sona, both of them were wearing normal clothes far from their academy uniform with their swimsuits somewhat highlighted under their clothes to show that they are wearing it as well as a bag that is near the door. entrance.

Sona wears a somewhat loose light green blouse which highlights her low-rise swimsuit, as well as shorts above her knees and normal dark blue sandals. She also has an inflated float around her waist.

Tsubaki, on the other hand, wears a light blue skirt along with a short blouse of the same color and brown sandals, and she also has a float around her waist.

Naruto smiled and went for a hug that Tsubaki reciprocated gently, internally happy, no man had hugged her before and his previous interest had no interest in her.

Tsubaki: thank you for the invitation... - he said with a smile when they broke the hug to which Naruto nodded and turned to look at Sona who is looking at him seriously.

Sona: I don't want any... - she didn't finish when she was suddenly drawn into a hug by this shameless man, which made her blush deeply, internally something... happy? It's not because she likes him, no... Naruto just has a nice vibe over his teasing, he's an interesting human and it feels good to be hugged outside of his family circle... by a hot ,teenage boy .

Rias: Sona, what a surprise... - She exclaimed, surprised, looking at her boyfriend who broke the hug with Sona and moved and stood next to her.

Akeno was shocked by what she saw and the presence of Sona herself.

Koneko continued carrying things to the car without stopping, she knew that her boyfriend would easily attract anyone, he is cute and his personality alone is enough, although at least they are not like those other girls who flirted with her even at her side, they interrupted her outing just to giving them her number, many perverts but what made her happy was that Naruto only had eyes for her, although that did not mean that he responded cutely to those shameless perverts.

Sona blushed at Rias' surprise.

Sona:b... well, Tsubaki and Naruto-san invited me... - he tried to say before seeing the mocking grin on Rias's part that Naruto put his arm around her shoulder.

Rias: I know, I'm just surprised that these two actually made you miss some classes and they'll take you out... "You're not the normal person"... - he said in quotes and with a mocking smile because of what they had discussed before. Sona already knew that Rias was dating Naruto, they just don't make it public at the academy so as not to have any hassles behind.

Sona averted her gaze to the amusement of Rias, Naruto and Tsubaki.

Akeno just didn't believe it, she even sounded like... the lady of responsibility.

Naruto: well... he applauded... let's continue, it will be an hour's trip... - he said while everyone nodded and helped until about 20 minutes later, to Naruto's surprise, the pretty blonde arrived... Asia Argento... that's how She introduced herself as a friend of Rias and the others and she would also be the one who would join them, she was even wearing her swimsuit under her clothes.

Naruto accepted her although later he would give her some attention, she seemed pretty to him and he also didn't miss the looks she sent him.

And so the group, after much preparation and help from Asia, left at the agreed time.

Rias drove this time with a big smile, since it is easier to do it in a normal car than in a super car.

Naruto was at his side, while the refreshing morning wind that came through the open window on his side hit his face.

Clean air because they had also avoided the main routes.

Naruto: let's play some beach music... - he said turning on the car stereo and connecting it to his phone.

Rias smiled.

Rias: one song each... - she pointed to Naruto who nodded with a smile.

Sona looked at Naruto in silence, truly refreshing... he seemed to be the only normal boy who has ever set foot at Kouh Academy, all the other students are disgusting perverts or idiots, potential threats to human society.

Naruto chose his song which seemed to interest Koneko when he began to sing it imitatingly, Koneko followed him without any hint of shame or shame.

Akeno looked at that strangely... and when Rias joined in, the fallen half turned to see Naruto singing in tune with Koneko-chan, maybe... just maybe...

Asia just felt a little overwhelmed by surprise, she watched Naruto-san kiss Koneko-chan and the president... on the mouth... but since the whole atmosphere was lively she didn't comment, she didn't have the courage to do so either. , being equally or more confused than Akeno-san.

Tsubaki then joined in with a smiling singing much to Sona's surprise and the group continued on their way...

Kuoh Academy - Classroom B-3.

Teaching in said classroom you could see the beautiful teacher Rossweisse waiting for her students to deliver the work she gave them, but that did not have her full attention, no.

Rossweisse had her mind revolving around her king and group, Rias not recently asked her to supervise the club and take care that she had something to do, well, she understood her order but then her companions followed... Akeno didn't know. I presented to class today just like Koneko-san and Asia-san, for maou even the president of the student council Sona did not do it, nor did her queen and they did not send any excuse, they simply did not attend classes that day.

Rossweisse didn't know what was happening to the girls but she would get to the bottom of this, if only Issei-san was present I was sure she could do something, but she wouldn't be back for three weeks.

Rossweisse denied, hoping it wasn't anything bad, Rias already has several absences like Koneko-chan and there is also the new student, he is average, good grades but he didn't attend, he still has several absences but these don't affect him... only in the attendance rating because he is doing very well in everything else, even though he misses some classes and he is also the person Akeno asked to keep an eye on him...

Naruto tho Sawyer.

Rossweisse did not align that name or surname with anyone she knew or any family, it seemed like a normal name, and since she returned she has not felt any strange presence other than the usual ones.

Rossweisse pursed her lip cutely in contemplation. he would have to do something.

Classroom C-1.

Ravel looked somewhat worried at the absence of her rival and "enemy."


After an hour on the road the group had finally reached the beach of a small town somewhat away from the city and the main beach of the town.

Opening the car door, Sona got out, followed by the others, admiring the beautiful landscape.

Rias: Yes, you had it well thought out, honey, if we went to the main beach we would be more uncomfortable because of the people than we would enjoy... - he said, not literally looking at anyone, both because it was class time and being away from the main beach. , you only see a large "house" that seems to be where the food is sold and they have the bathrooms.

Naruto: sure, do your research before coming, we'll only spend a few days... - he said suddenly.

Rias frowned and a mark appeared on her forehead.

Rias: days?... - he asked.

Naruto: what? Didn't I tell you?... - he asked with an innocent smile that no one believed before running away while being chased by Rias.

Asia: Buchou seems... happy... - she suddenly commented with everyone nodding when Koneko passed by her happily, they were going to have fun.

And it was true, Naruto had everything planned to spend more than one day, although that was also a lie but he didn't say it, that it would only be two days, to Sona's dismay and annoyance because of how spontaneous Naruto could be.

But even so, the group didn't claim anything... this was good for them, something they had never done or tried before.

Helping to set up the large camping tent in which they would sleep, Naruto and Tsubaki were seen, while Sona read them the manual and pointed.

Akeno and Rias went to look for firewood for the bonfire while Koneko and Asia brought some things from the car.

Time passed until everything was ready, just like the fire.

The girls proceeded to get rid of their clothes, revealing their beautiful swimsuits and sexy bodies that Naruto admired and praised them.

Rias was wearing a beautiful modest red bikini like Akeno but the latter's was black.

Koneko a normal white one-piece swimsuit.

Tsubaki was wearing a blue swimsuit similar to a bikini, it sounded the same but hers was green.

Asia was wearing a pure white strappy swimsuit.

Rias smiled satisfied as did Koneko at her boyfriend's praise, even Sona did.

Akeno and Asia waited for a gush of blood and perverted words that they didn't get, realizing how different Naruto is from Issei, they didn't want to compare but Issei was the only person that for different reasons they let get close to them... but now Naruto. .. it simply creates confusion for them, seeing him calm, attentive, fun outside of saying perverted words, it is something new... refreshing for them and that they could appreciate, not listening to... "breasts, breasts, breasts."

Naruto ran to the water with Rias in his arms before throwing her into it, followed by him jumping and submerging, laughing with his girlfriend, but he caught an unsuspecting Koneko walking to the camping tent, quickly running to her, he captured her and submerged her in the water anyway. .

Sona, who was resting on a blanket, did not expect it when she was carried and carried to the water by a funny and wet Naruto. She was so embarrassed by the way they were carrying her that she did not resist when she was submerged in the water, internally. Happy to be included in the group.

Tsubaki pulled Akeno and Asia who quickly joined in splashing water and swimming, just having fun, they all showed funny smiles even Sona's always serious one.

Rias proposed a game of volleyball, Sona seconded her along with Tsubaki and Akeno, Koneko volunteered as the referee, leaving Naruto floating in the water next to Asia, did it bother you not to be included? No, Rias has also learned that not always She has to include it in everything, since there will be things that she won't like and in order not to earn a resounding "no", Naruto would first have to show interest, interest that she didn't see in him, but she wasn't disappointed, she simply smiled at how good he was. As their relationship goes, it really felt like they were spouses.

Naruto watching them from a distance prepare for their game looked again at an Asia floating cautiously, apparently very new to being so far from the coast.

Asia seemed to notice him, when she blushed and began to sink.

Naruto quickly went to her side and grabbed her waist, pulling her afloat.

"Oh, g...thank you."

Asia thanked a little blushing for the closeness they share, too close and the contact of their bodies.

Naruto: so Asia, nice name... your eyes are also beautiful... - he said looking at the light green... so interesting.

Asia: g... thank you... - she murmured, blushing because of the closeness and even more so when she realized that she has her hands on her shoulder as support so she doesn't sink.

Naruto: you shouldn't thank, it's more than obvious how beautiful you are... - he said with a smile when Asia submerged herself again, completely embarrassed.

Naruto floated her again before claiming, to Asia's surprise, her lips in a kiss that began and ended.

Naruto: Are you okay? I thought you swallowed water and I tried to give you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation... - He simply said his blatant lie.

Naruto: Hey, don't sink... - he said, intentionally releasing Asia, she submerged before "rescuing" her and joining her lips with Asia's again for a moment.

Asia, still slightly stunned, only felt the satisfying pressure on her lips that ended.

Naruto was going to do it again only for Asia to hold on tight to him and look at him seriously.

Asia: don't do it, you did it intentionally and on purpose... - she said with a pout, making Naruto smile.

Naruto: no, as you think... I wouldn't do that just to kiss your rich and sweet lips... - he said with a smile as Asia's blush returned due to his statement.

Asia: p..p.. p.. why do you do it? We don't even know each other other than our names... - she said with a slight stutter.

Naruto: We don't do it, right, but we could do it, get to know each other, all couples start as strangers until there is a mutual interest or one falls in love with the other enough, the other accepts you and loves you over time or who knows... - Asia simply told him with nodding in assimilation.

Asia: en.. then, you?... - he asked curiously.

Naruto: I don't love you, but I have an interest in you, maybe... I don't just act like that even though I think you're cute... and look, you haven't denied my advances and before when we were on the walk you couldn't stop looking at me. .. - he said with a smile when Asia looked away.

Naruto pulled her closer to him.

Naruto: It's just mouth-to-mouth breathing... - he said before claiming Asia's lips, he obviously didn't miss the opportunity to try this pretty blonde, it aroused his interest and it's not like he's tied up or anything, he He thought with a laugh before that for his strangers, she would be more liberal in allowing him to continue having her with others, for example Koneko and Tsubaki, he has seen the interest of the latter in him... Akeno now seems more confused, Sona... Sona It's also interesting.

Asia really wondered in her mind why she doesn't deny Naruto-san's advances, he's a stranger, but he's so cute and strong with those arms and... I nego ... she...d...should walk away and tell him not to do it and...oh god, her tongue.

Naruto introduced his tongue into Asia's mouth, surrounding it with his soft tongue and exchanging saliva, while squeezing her to him.

Asia could feel a strange tingling in her lower part until they both heard a cry of victory, broke their kiss and watched Rias jump happily before getting ready again.

Naruto smiled at how happy his girlfriend looked and also very pretty in that red bikini.

Asia looked at him over her shoulder at how calm and collected he looked...

Naruto turned to look at Asia who was trying to look away.

Asia: why? Why me? I'm not as pretty as... Rias-sama and Akeno-sempai... - she said and finished the last thing in a whisper that Naruto heard.

Naruto: First, don't compare yourself... he said, taking her by the chin and making her look at him... you are your own person, beautiful in your own way, you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone, you point out your own value and fools are those who don't realize Tell me how beautiful you are... at least I'm not one... - he said with a smile, making Asia suddenly but small.

Naruto: you see, even with a smile your beauty stands out... - he said softly.

Asia lowered her gaze looking at the water as the most interesting thing, no one had ever flirted with her before and she didn't even know what that word completely meant so she was very new to someone showing interest in her in such a... cute way. and not simply tell him about some perversion.

Asia raised her gaze looking into Naruto's eyes before lowering her blushing gaze again.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: I apologize if I make you uncomfortable... - he said not understanding but not willing to make the pretty blonde uncomfortable, he acted when he saw her not to deny her advance but simply if she doesn't want to, then no.

Asia: n.. no, I just... - he stammers without knowing how to explain himself.

Naruto smiled, sighing slightly, apparently she is shy.

Naruto pulled her to him making her lift her face before claiming her lips in a kiss, Asia's deep blush continued but she tried to move her tongue the same with Naruto pulling back, a trail of saliva clearly visible.

Naruto: well, I will take this confirmation to go get you, Asia... - Asia said with a smile, looking away, still confused and internally hot... she felt a strange heat that she wanted to relieve.

Asia: Let's go get something to eat... - Naruto asked with a nod and they began to move slowly to the coast.

Naruto whistled looking at the group playing volleyball, they have good skill he admits it.

When Naruto and Asia arrived at the coast they found out that Rias and Akeno are in a tie against Sona and Tsubaki.

Naruto began to grill the meats brought by Asia next to her, who was a little confused but paid attention to what she was doing from time to time, looking at Naruto at intervals.

The players were quickly called by the delicious smell of food and returned with laughter hogging Naruto for the first meat to the amusement of the group who pointed out how unfair it was, they were all hungry and wanted the first meat.

Naruto, being the one who could give it, pointed out that it was his for the girls to dispute until again the smell of the meat on the fire distracted them by pointing out that the largest one was hers and a joke on Naruto's part simply made them remain silent, embarrassed. to all.

The food was served calmly for everyone who, after eating and resting, began the game of who breaks the watermelon, a game that Naruto didn't know but he liked it.

Each one broke a watermelon although of course the others moved away when several blows came in their direction.

Relatively, the afternoon was super interesting and fun, Tsubaki admitted it since she sounded more entertaining playing the games than reading any of the books she brought with her and Tsubaki thanked Naruto for giving this to her president... behaving like a common girl for once... without work, without thinking about any problem, without pressure... just being her, although of course everyone was very careful not to show any kind of power in the presence of Naruto.

Tsubaki smiled, Naruto is someone very interesting... she is really interested, since she watched him talk to Koneko next to the fire... his serene, cute and sincere face that does not betray his emotions.

Sona looked at her queen's somewhat enthralled gaze in Naruto's direction and understood, Naruto is the type of boy who is easy to fall in love with and admits it... maybe...

Time passed until the night arrived with the group around the fire, laughter in Naruto's arms with Koneko hugging him by the neck from behind, while he tells horror stories that keep everyone entertained... yes... the stories.





