
Naruto: The ANBU God

When I suddenly found myself transported to Naruto's ninja world and became a Konoha ANBU, I thought my life would be more or less normal... well, as normal as it can be for an elite ninja. But I had no idea what was coming my way. Out of nowhere, I activated a template system. And guess which template I got? None other than Homelander's, the most badass 'superhero' you can imagine. So there I was, in the middle of Konoha, with the powers of a man who could fry half the world with a glance. Can you imagine? An ANBU with a god complex... this is going to be fun.

theusual · Otras
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26 Chs

No One Can Stop Him

"Ten in one blow?" Disbelief spread among the Sunagakure Ninjas. Even in the midst of battle, they couldn't help but gasp in amazement at the display of power.

"H-He's a monster," muttered a Jōnin, fear palpable in his voice. "First those rays from his eyes, and now this... What kind of demon have we unleashed?"

Oblivious to the murmurs, Luo Lei surveyed the battlefield. He noticed Orochimaru and Rasa still locked in their duel, while Chiyo and Ebizō approached with clear murderous intent.

A cold smile played on his lips. "It seems they still haven't grasped the gravity of the situation."

"Perhaps it's time for a more... forceful demonstration."

Without warning, an overwhelming aura emerged from Luo Lei. His eyes, previously sparkling with amusement, turned cold.

"Shunshin no Jutsu," he murmured.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, his speed combined with the technique rendering him invisible.

"Look out!" Chiyo's desperate cry rang out. "He's vanished!"

But it was too late.

"Suiton: Kōka Suijin," Luo Lei's voice echoed in the area.

Appearing in front of a group of Sunagakure Chūnin who were in the middle of forming seals for a combined jutsu. With a movement of his right hand, a vortex of water materialized, rapidly condensing into a liquid javelin.

The Chūnin's eyes widened in horror. "N-NO-!" was all they could scream before the javelin reached them.


The aquatic explosion engulfed the ninjas, forming a monstrous whirlpool that trapped them. Bodies spun helplessly, crushed by the water pressure.

In a matter of seconds, the crystalline whirlpool turned red, transforming into a tornado of blood that rose towards the sky.


With a deafening roar, it exploded, making blood rain down over the entire battlefield.

"By all the gods..." A Konoha ninja let out a horrified whisper, as he was painted with blood.

The impact of this demonstration of power was immediate and devastating. The Sunagakure ninjas, already shaken by Luo Lei's previous demonstrations, began to visibly tremble.

Although they still outnumbered the Konoha forces, the momentum of the battle had drastically shifted.

"Impossible!" Rasa's eyes, wide with astonishment, fixed on the scene of destruction caused by Luo Lei. "That Water Style... it's monstrous."

Momentarily distracted from his own combat, he shouted desperately: "CHIYO! What are you doing?! You can't allow Luo Lei to keep massacring our ninjas!"

Sensing his opponent's distraction, Orochimaru smiled maliciously. Although he himself was impressed by Luo Lei's power, he wasn't going to waste this opportunity.

"Rasa," he hissed, "are you getting distracted? That's not befitting a Kage." His hands formed seals at dizzying speed. "Mandara no Jin!"

A torrent of snakes erupted from Orochimaru's mouth, lunging towards Rasa.

"Damn it!" he roared, forced to turn his attention back to the fight. His hands formed seals urgently. "Magnet Style: Gold Dust Burial!"


The ground itself seemed to come alive, eruptions of sand mixed with golden dust surging to engulf Orochimaru's snakes.

Meanwhile, Luo Lei observed the battlefield with calm. "The Shunshin no Jutsu combined with my speed still hasn't reached perfection," he muttered, analyzing his performance. "But the power of the Suiton: Kōka Suijin exceeded my expectations."

His reflection was abruptly interrupted by a cry laden with fury and vengeance.

"LUO LEI! You'll pay for your crimes!" Chiyo's voice cut through his analysis.

In an instant, Luo Lei found himself surrounded.

Chiyo and Ebizō, accompanied by more than thirty Sunagakure Jōnin, had encircled him.

Looking at them with a chilling indifference. "Perfect," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. "You'll make excellent test subjects."

"Be careful!" Ebizō warned. "His eyes... don't look directly at them!"

A barely perceptible smile played on Luo Lei's lips. "Oh, don't worry about my eyes," he said, as he slowly unsheathed his short sword. As it was drawn from its scabbard, it emitted a blinding white glow that illuminated Luo Lei's face.

Chiyo, upon seeing the sword, felt her heart stop for a moment.

"You..." she growled, trembling with rage. "Luo Lei, it's time to settle accounts. New hatred and old grudges, it all comes down to this moment. I'll make you feel the pain that Sasori endured!"

Luo Lei arched an eyebrow, his expression one of pure disdain. "Really?" he responded, his tone almost casual. "Tell me, Chiyo, do you have any idea how fast I can move when I combine the Shunshin no Jutsu with my natural speed?"


Before anyone could respond, before they could even blink, Luo Lei disappeared.

"Watch out!" Chiyo's cry tried to alert everyone, but... her warning came too late.


Before the Jōnin could even blink, a silver flash cut through the air.

A Sunagakure ninja felt a sudden cold on his neck, followed by a warm moisture. His eyes widened in a final expression of surprise as his head was cleanly separated from his body.


Ebizō, his face pale, quickly formed seals. "Use substitution techniques and clones!" he shouted urgently. "His terrifying speed. We can't face him directly. We have to be smarter!"

The remaining Jōnin, terrified by the display, reacted instinctively.

"Shunshin no Jutsu!"

"Earth Clone Technique!"

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The air filled with explosions of smoke, as the Sunagakure ninjas deployed all their skills in an attempt to confuse Luo Lei.

But he remained imperturbable. His eyes, endowed with supernatural clarity, pierced through the illusions as if they were made of crystal. Every clone, every substitution, every trick was as transparent to him as the clearest water.


Luo Lei's sword moved again, a white flash in the gloom of the battlefield.

A Jōnin who had just performed a substitution felt his heart stop. His eyes met Luo Lei's for a fleeting instant, confusion and terror mixing in his gaze.

How had he seen through his technique?

The wet sound of flesh being pierced was followed by a crimson spray. Another jōnin fell, his life reaped in an instant.

And so the dance continued. Luo Lei's sword moved with lethality, each strike precise and deadly. The glow of the white blade became a harbinger of death, leaving in its wake a trail of bodies and blood.

The Jōnin found themselves reduced to mere lambs to the slaughter. One after another they fell, unable to offer resistance to Luo Lei's speed and precision.

In a matter of seconds, which for the witnesses seemed to stretch into eternity, more than 30 Sunagakure Jōnin lay on the ground, their heads cleanly separated from their bodies.


Time: If you're craving more (and I know you are!), I have just what you need. On my Patreon, you'll find exclusive chapters. Join our community and be the first to discover what happens next!

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