
Naruto: Swarm System

After transmigrating to the Naruto world, Shishou becomes a member of the Aburame Clan and awakens the Swarm System. This system allows him to upgrade and evolve insects, including the epic phosphorus bugs that can devour and feedback energy. With these powers, Shishou embarks on a journey to master all bloodline abilities and pursue immortality during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Uchiha Obito declares, "I want to create a world where Rin exists!" Uchiha Madara asserts, "I will activate Infinite Tsukuyomi and create a peaceful world." "Wow, you guys are amazing," Shishou remarks. "But I'm different. I just want to devour the Otsutsuki clan and achieve immortality with my harem of beauties." With a wave of his hand, a massive swarm of insects emerges, devouring Obito's army of one hundred thousand White Zetsu instantly. "Obito, this offering is too small. Can you add a bit more?" -:This translation:- Author: 第五青莲著 Original: 火影:忍界绝色,我全要!

Betek · Cómic
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140 Chs

Chapter 48: Pakura of the Scorch Release and the Priestess Miroku

May of Konoha Year 59.

Shishou welcomed his first guest to his mansion in Fire Source City.

Pakura from Sunagakure.

Due to Pakura's growing strength and popularity, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa felt threatened about his position.

Thus, during a political trade with Kirigakure, he used Pakura as a bargaining chip to gain financial support from Kirigakure.

However, with Shishou's healing bugs, Pakura managed to escape the shadow of death.

Facing the betrayal of her village, Pakura found it hard to accept.

"Miss Pakura, if you ever feel lost and have nowhere to go, you can come here to find me."

Remembering Shishou's words, Pakura hesitated for a moment before coming to Fire Source City.

"How did you know that I would be betrayed by Sunagakure?"

In the reception room, after some brief pleasantries, Pakura remained silent for a long time before finally voicing her doubt.

Shishou's prior invitation clearly indicated that he had some knowledge of her impending predicament.

If not for the betrayal, Pakura would never have accepted Shishou's offer.

Knowing this, Shishou thought idly while admiring Pakura's forlorn expression.

Instead of answering her question, he asked:

"What are your plans now?"

Seeing that Shishou didn't answer her question, Pakura didn't press further. She shook her head slowly after hearing his question.

At this moment, feeling disheartened, she had no intention of returning to Sunagakure but also didn't know what to do next.

"If Miss Pakura doesn't have any other plans, you can stay at my place for now."

"Yes, I need a powerful and experienced companion to help look after my family."

Although Uchiha Mikoto was a Jonin, her combat experience was not extensive, and her strength was still below that of an elite Jonin.

Under Shishou's guidance, Yūgao and Izumi had barely reached the threshold of Jonin.

Having an elite Jonin like Pakura join his ranks would give Shishou peace of mind.

And his plan to seize control of the mining industry in Fire Source City would become more refined.

Pakura nodded, agreeing to Shishou's request.

Since she chose to come here, she had already intended to seek his refuge.

Afterward, Shishou introduced Pakura to Mikoto and the others.

Uchiha Izumi was quite displeased with Pakura's arrival, but there was nothing she could do about it.

In the following period, Pakura would be responsible for training Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Izumi, and Uzuki Yūgao, teaching them combat techniques and chakra nature transformation.

As an elite ninja with a kekkei genkai, Pakura was the most suitable teacher for chakra nature transformation.

As for Shishou, after obtaining Wood Release, he focused entirely on its training.

For now, he had no interest in learning chakra nature transformation.


Capital of the Land of Fire.

Shishou visited the ninja black market again.

This time, he issued two tasks.

One was to find Tsunade's whereabouts.

The other was to locate Kumogakure's Turtle Island.

Finding Tsunade was to acquire her Wood Release techniques and medical ninjutsu.

Finding Kumogakure's Turtle Island was to cultivate his chakra bugs.

After wandering around the ninja black market without finding anything useful, Shishou used the Flying Thunder God technique to travel to the Land of Demons.

Inside the priestess's palace.

"Mr. Shishou."

Seeing Shishou approaching, Priestess Miroku greeted him with a smile.

Since sending a mother and daughter to learn sealing techniques from her, Shishou hadn't visited again.

Seeing him now, she was pleasantly surprised.

"Priestess, would you like to go out and have some fun?"

Shishou asked, smiling at the priestess Miroku before him.


Miroku was momentarily stunned, unsure why Shishou asked, but felt quite tempted.

Although respected by the people of the Land of Demons due to her priestess status,

she was also confined to the palace because of it, unable to go anywhere.

"Is there somewhere you'd like to go?"

Seeing the priestess somewhat tempted, Shishou asked.

"Without an urgent matter, I cannot leave the palace..."

Miroku shook her head. She seldom left the palace, let alone had a place she wanted to go.

Although tempted, she adhered to her duties as a priestess.

"Heh, then let's go to the capital of the Land of Fire."

Shishou grabbed the priestess's shoulder, disappearing with her.


Before Miroku could voice her protest, she found herself in a forest.

Her surroundings changed several times, and then she arrived in a bustling town.

Seeing the lively and crowded city, Miroku was stunned.

The last time she saw such a scene was over ten years ago, before she became a priestess.

"Your priestess outfit is too conspicuous. Let's get you a change of clothes."

Shishou took her hand and walked toward the commercial street.

"Mr. Shishou..."

Holding hands with Shishou, Miroku blushed, trying to pull her hand away but failing.

Half an hour later.

Miroku shyly asked Shishou as she emerged from the fitting room:

"How does this look?"

She was now wearing a simple white kimono, looking elegant and beautiful, with an ethereal aura.

Wow, she looks stunning.

Shishou marveled inwardly but shook his head outwardly, handing her another outfit—a women's business suit.

He jokingly thought that after all the effort to 'trick' her out, he had to let her try on more outfits to enjoy the view.

Eventually, Shishou chose a fitted dress for the priestess that perfectly showcased her slender figure.

After that, Shishou began showing Miroku around the capital of the Land of Fire, visiting various attractions.

Having rarely been out, the priestess found everything fascinating.

Amusement parks, cafes, shopping malls.

Everything was so novel to her.

In a cafe,

Shishou handed Miroku an ice cream, indicating she should try it.


Miroku's eyes lit up as she took a bite, letting out a sound of enjoyment.

It was her first time tasting something so delicious.

Seeing her adorable expression, Shishou smiled happily.

After finishing their desserts, Shishou took Miroku out to continue their exploration.

As they exited, Shishou extended his right hand.

Blushing, Miroku placed her clean left hand in his.

Since she wasn't recognized in the Land of Fire, Miroku started to relax and enjoy herself.

Hand in hand, they continued to wander the city.

Though Miroku loved the bustling city and the feeling of being with Shishou, she didn't forget her duties.

After wandering for a while, she asked Shishou to take her back to the palace.

Shishou agreed without argument, immediately fulfilling her request.

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