
A Youthful demonstration!


Might Guy's shadow clone was doing pushups while in a meditative trance, most ninjas gain greater focus by sitting in a lotus position and resting, circulating their Chakra all the while. This was not the case for Might Guy.

He had spent so much of his life dedicated to training and sharpening his body that his mind felt most at peace when he was burning with the embers of a youthful workout.

'Aha! Kuroda is the first to arrive!' Guy's clone thought as his ears registered the heavy footsteps of his new student, he had expected it to be Aoki who arrived first but it seemed he was wrong, it seemed there was someone even more eager than Aoki himself to begin their journey as a ninja! 

The shadow clone listened to Kuroda go through a packet of chips, munching his nerves away while he waited for the rest of the team to arrive. Aoki arrived soon after and Guy had a small smile on his face as he listened to his team get to know each other.

'Good! This seems to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship!' he thought.

The Jonin's clone was in high spirits... for a few moments before he registered the oncoming steps of another student who would soon enter the classroom. From the report his teacher had given Guy, he felt that this one would be trouble.

And as expected, he was right.

Even with Guy's experiences of the arrogance that some ninjas exhibit, he was surprised at how quickly Ichiban wrote Aoki off, his declaration that he'd be the next clan leader of the Fuma caught his attention even more however, as currently, his elder brother held that title.

The clone decided that it was time to intervene once he heard Ichiban's declaration; the supposed clan heir could endanger the team's future relationship, and as their teacher, he wouldn't allow that. He quickly dispelled himself, transferring his memories to the real body of Might Guy who instantly flickered to the classroom.

Instead of walking into the room like any normal person would, Guy decided that he should leave an impactful first impression on his students, an impression filled to the brim with youthful energy!

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!" He shouted, nearly breaking the door off its hinges as he entered with a flying kick.

He was met with the sight of his students staring at him with shocked eyes as he leapt into the classroom, Aoki's expression being the only one that was different, a small smirk playing at his lips instead of an open mouth.

'It seems I have my work cut out for me.' Guy thought with a grin, excited to begin a new era of his life as a teacher.



"Before we continue any further, introduce yourselves! Tell everyone your name, something people don't know about you, and your dream!" Guy said with his hands on his hips and a wide smile.

We stood outside on one of the many training compounds surrounding the Academy, this clearing in particular was far apart from any trees and we had a lot of space to move around in. 

Ichiban kept shooting me dirty looks while left the classroom with Guy, it seemed he had a lot to say but was forced to swallow his words for now. The smiles I sent his way certainly didn't seem to help, but I couldn't stop myself... it was too much fun.

Guy's words seemed to breathe some life into the boy however, his hand flew into the sky as he answered, "I'll go first!", almost tripping over himself.

"My name is Ichiban Fuma! Something people don't know about me is how strong I really am! And my dream? I will first become the Fuma clan's leader, then if I feel like it, I'll be the Hokage!"

Everyone else just nodded, Guy especially was thrilled to hear that his student had big dreams. Becoming Hokage was a popular goal that many had, but I've never heard anyone speak of it like Ichiban had.

'Hokage "when he feels like it"... I'll tell you one thing, kid's not short of any confidence.' I thought, not wasting a chance to poke fun at him.

Kuroda stayed silent and just looked at me, it seemed he wanted me to go before him. 

I honestly had no idea what my answer would be to most of these questions so I just made it up on the fly.

"My name is Aoki, just Aoki. Something nobody knows about me is how much I like Takoyaki! And for my dream, I want to be the strongest Taijutsu user ever!" I said, puffing out my chest.

I wanted to be strong, sure. However becoming The strongest Taijutsu user wasn't a dream I had set my sights on, but it seemed to work at the moment since Guy got a little twinkle in his eye when I said that.

'Actually, why not? Let's shoot to become the best Taijutsu practitioner ever! Sorry Lee, I'm borrowing your dream for a while.' I thought, recognising that the goal was a good one to shoot for.

One that I felt I could reach as well, my physical talent is higher than anyone I've seen so far. I had ol' Hashirama to thank for that. 

I would still need to work hard as hell though.

Kuroda seemed to make up his mind and after a few seconds of thinking, he began to speak as well, "My name is Kuroda Yamanaka! I want to be-"

My ears just fully shut off after hearing that last part.


Not Akimichi?!

He's gotta be lying right?!

"-and my dream is to become really strong!" Kuroda ended his introduction with a goal shared by many.

Guy did a thumbs-up pose, "Great! Those were some wonderful introductions, you three are brimming with youthful potential!" he said with a toothy smile.

That seemed to lift the spirits of Kuroda and Ichiban, the latter was especially proud of the compliment. 

"However, that by itself isn't nearly enough to become a ninja!" Guy said, his goofy expression transitioning into a serious one. Guy leapt backwards, putting some distance between us.

"I want all of you... to show me YOUR YOUTH!" Guy said, his voice grew louder with every word, ending with a shout. He had his fists tucked into his waist with a metaphorical fire that burned in his eyes. The kids seemed impressed by Guy's energy, but my mind was on something else entirely.


I was reminded that Guy's love of "Youth" had a side-effect at times, a side-effect that only people with a "mature" mind like me was able to notice.

"Now come!"


It was quite an unfortunate side-effect.

"Attack me with all you got! If you don't impress me, I'm sorry to say, but you'll be sent back to the Academy!" Guy declared while breaking into his favoured Taijutsu stance.

This sent ripples of shock throughout my team, Kuroda seemed to get more nervous while Ichiban steeled himself and instantly ran at the Jonin with the thought of attacking him head-on.

'Bad idea, but go on...' I thought, breaking into a sprint and following behind Ichiban. 

Kuroda stayed in his spot, but from the corner of my eye, I noticed him start to weave a few hand signs as I began to run.

Ichiban confronted Guy with a swift kick to his leg, but it was blocked easily. Refusing to take a loss, the boy threw flurries of attacks at the Jonin; kicks, punches, knees and elbows all flew at Guy but none of them landed. 

'He's actually pretty good...' 

Instead of attacking alongside the boy I took the backseat for a moment to observe Ichiban's Taijutsu, to my surprise, he was very skilled. More so than anyone I've seen in my class at least.

After his attacks proved to be futile, Ichiban got frustrated and with a grunt, tore off a part of the bracer from his arm. It instantly unfurled into a long scroll and a burst of smoke erupted from it with a pop.



From the smoke, thirty or so Shurikens and Kunai flew in an arc-like shape at Guy. The Jonin took out a Kunai of his own from his pocket, and with blitzing speed, knocked away all of the weapons that came close to him.

Ichiban's mouth hung open at the sight, he froze in place for a moment as Guy waited for him to approach. I, on the other hand, was more shocked at the Fuma's display than Guy's.

'Not only is he a budget Uchiha, he's also a dollar store Tenten!' I thought, shaking off my surprise and observing Ichiban's "bracers" again; their strange shape made a lot more sense now.

Ichiban's attack was almost identical to the ones I remember Tenten performing in the show, the only difference being that I remember her having a giant scroll attached to her back which the Fuma lacked.

Kuroda was still waiting in the background, his hand was formed into the same shape as Ino Yamanaka's when she was using her Jutsu, I guessed that he was waiting for a good time to cast it.

'Let's give him a hand then...'


[A/N: Watched videos of Tenten fighting to write this chapter, I think her fighting style is too unique to not be further explored, it has a lot of potential that I think was buried. FYI, the Fuma clan also has other specialities, he won't just be a Tenten variant ;).

I felt that the Yamanaka were also unexplored so I chose one of them to add, what do you all think of the team composition? I think it has a lot of potential!

Powerstone goal for extra chapter: 400

Review goal for extra chapter: 30

Chapter 3/5 for the week]