
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Cómic
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26 Chs

chapter 14

Sakumo sat in the Hokage's office just glaring at the old leader. "Why was I called in here for?" He question as he wasn't in the mood. His son had found out he was alive and hadn't bother speaking with him since being back. But he has been busy with keeping his charge safe from those fools in the village and outside of it.

The Hokage just looked at the man that sat before him. "I was informed that you attacked Kakashi Hatake before his mission." He said with a commanding voice trying to remind the man before him who the boss was.

Sakumo just smirked at the elderly man before him. "I was just enforcing what I told him in the pass, and he was testing me if I would keep my word. Which I did." He said with a smirk on his face.

"What where you enforce on my Shinobi?" Question the 3rd Hokage as he was growing tried with the man before him. But there wasn't much he could do with him for Sakumo had more political pull then himself.

Sakumo's smirk grew even larger. "I was enforcing the importance on always being on time for missions and team training. For all the time he is wasting on screwing around at that stone and just wondering around the village reading that foolish book. He is wasting the Genin's time as well as the clients and village's time when he is late for meetings you call for us all." He said as he had a smug look in his eyes. For he had done something that not even Ibiki could do with the silver hair man.

The Hokage's mouth hung open with shock. "Y-you did what?" He question shocked.

"I have fixed your problem with him always being late for missions and meetings from here to his team. He didn't believe I would whip his ass if he didn't do as I told him." Said Sakumo as he was leaning back in the arm chair he was sitting in as his grin changed as he could now smell blood coming from the shadows and window of the Hokage's office as Ruby and her pack jump thought the window with two men. One missing an arm and the other dragging said arm by a chain attached his own arm.

"Sakumo-sama." Said Ruby as she was on one knee before the man.

"Speak now Ruby." Commanded Sakumo as the 3rd Hokage as he was now watching on with shock.

"Naruto along with my team have taken down the two-missing ninja's from Kiri. The Demon Brother's who work for Zabuza also known as the Demon of the bloody mist. Naruto-kun had sent us back to inform you about what is happening and his team and the other team will be needed back up for Kakashi and the others will not be a match for what Gato of Gato's Shipping has put a bounty on Bridge Builder for he can't not have a bridge to stop his strong hold on the poor island." Said Ruby.

Sakumo sits up in the arm chair growling. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He growls out. His eyes flash crimson from amber as he was turning into a werewolf before the Hokage who has never seen the man shift like this before as crimson flames licked at his feet.

"The client has lied about the mission Ranking?" Question Sarutobi as he looked at Ruby.

"Yes. Lord Hokage. But you can't blame the poor man. For he has spent all his funding on building material for the bridge. As Gato is bleeding the island dry and has kidnapped several of the women and young girls to sell into the sex trade." Said Ruby as she could see Sakumo was growing angrier by the second.

"I will pay for the higher mission. If you add me to it. For I worry Naruto will get himself hurt or killed trying to protect his teammates and those fools on Kakashi's team. Well besides the pup whose trying to make himself into a true shinobi." Growled out Sakumo as he was pulling money out of his pouch and throwing it at the Hokage.

"Fine. Go." Said the Hokage as he knew there was no stopping the man.

"Ruby go to Maze and tell her to summon me in 20 minutes. For I need to gather supplies and if any of those angels want to join me." Ordered Sakumo as he was moving to the window to jump out and make his way to the family compound.

Ruby turned to the Hokage. "It might be best to mark the other two joining the mission as well." She tells the Hokage with a bow.

"Fine." Said Sarutobi with a wave of his hand as his ANBU has come out of their hidden corners to clean up the two men to get them some medical treatment and then seen by Ibiki as they are amazingly, they are still alive.

The Team to the Wave

Ruby appeared before Naruto. "Sakumo-sama wishes to be summon here in the next 20 minutes." She tells Naruto as she looks over at Maze.

Maze smirks nodding her head. "Fine. Let your lover know I'll be summoning him here in the next 20 minutes." She told the Hellhound.

Naruto looks over at his aunt as he sees that Kakashi is hiding behind Trixie. He arches an eyebrow at this. Why was this man so scared of his Uncle? Something he would have to ask.

"Oh Kakashi-chan. Don't be scared of the big bad wolf. He isn't going to eat you. Well he might if you piss him off." Said Trixie as she giggles patting the frighten man on his silver locks.

Kakashi's eyes roll back in his head from the sheer fear he was feeling at this very moment on having his dead father joining them on a mission.

Naruto walks over to the man and picks up a stick and slowly pokes the man with his stick. "Is he going to be alright?" He asks as he looks up to his two Aunts.

"He will be fine." Said Maze as she had a sadistic grin on her face looking forward to what will happen with the father son meeting.

The time flow by and the 20 minutes was up, and Maze had gone thought the special hand signs needed to summon a demon. This demon she was calling was one of Lucifer's powerful newer Generals that could take down even Azazel. With him beating the great demon Sakumo assured the Demon's loyalty to Lucifer after everything.

Crimson flames came from the summoning circle with flames licking around him and the three others standing in the circle around him.

Michael narrowed his eyes at the other team joining his twin brother's son's team.

Kakashi just paled even more when he saw Michael. "Sensei?" He whispered in fear.

"I am not my brother you fool." Hissed out Michael as he walks past Kakashi and walks over to Maze and Trixie. "What has happened so far?" He demanded of the two women before him.

"Naruto and Ruby took out two Chunin's that had planned a surprised attack on us. But Naruto had an odd feeling and could smell something off and went to check it out from the sky. He did well if you ask me." Said Trixie as she smiles at the Archangel standing before her.

Michael nodded his head at this. "Excellent. It appears he is taking to my training well." He said as he looks over at Naruto who just smiles and turns back to talking to Kiba, Shika, and Ino about something.

Sakumo stood before Tazuna. "I have paid for a higher mission for you to get three Jonin's on this mission along with the three Jonin's already on this mission." He said as he looked at the grey hair man before him.

"Th-thank you very much. I didn't have the money for a higher mission." Said Tazuna with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I know. My summons Ruby told me as well as the Hokage." Said Sakumo as he looks over to the Hellhound that stood off in the shadows of the forest around them all.

Tazuna saw where the man before him was looking and saw the other hellhounds watching and growling from the shadows of the forest.


Lucifer laughs as he saw what Sakumo done to his son. "About time someone knocks some seen in that boy." He tells his wife as she is looking at a few files on the desk.

"I do agree." Said Kushina as she placed down several files down before herself. "Hun."

"Yes, love?" Question Lucifer looking over to his wife as she has a shy smile on her face.

"You know that the Chunin exams are coming up in a few months and I would like to enter a team form a couple of the families in Hell." Said Kushina as she looks at him with the dangerous puppy eye no jutsu.

Lucifer sweat drops and smiles at her. "I was looking into that and I do believe that would be an excellent idea of sending a team of our own." He told his wife.

Kushina smiles. "Good. I have several here that I believe that would be ready for that type of exam." She tells him.

He nods his head and looks down at the files.