
Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga

Damn it! I, Sinbad, in Naruto? Are you kidding me? What is this crazy system? No matter, I will survive in this world. Follow the journey of our hero Sinbad in the world of Naruto after his birth at the same time as Kakashi. the current world is Naruto Every 15 Power Stones = 1 bonus Chapter The uploading schedule will be as follows: Naruto: Sinbad's Shinobi Saga: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Super_Mario_4066 · Cómic
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31 Chs

Chapter 11

"Wow, damn it! I always wished I could see this fight in reality," Sinbad said excitedly.

Urgent Mission:

Title: Damn you, High King

Mission: Instill fear in the heart of the Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki

Reward: 50,000 system coins

With a cunning smile, Sinbad said, "Why don't I say hello to everyone." He then unleashes all his Conqueror's Haki, causing red lightning accompanied by suppressive pressure to sweep through, making the sky darken as if it were crying. The Kumo team and Minato stop fighting, and suddenly, the surrounding creatures fall unconscious.

The Eight-Tails, in panic, exclaimed, "B, be careful!" B, sweating profusely and supporting his knees with his hands, struggled to stand and said, "Damn, what is this pressure?" A meter-long slash flies toward one of the Kumo ninjas, slicing him in half.

A friendly voice said, "Hey." Everyone looked to see Sinbad walking slowly towards them, holding a chakra sword that he had finally transformed into a real sword, with lightning dancing around it.

Minato said, "Are you... are you Sinbad-kun?" With a gentle smile, Sinbad responded, "I haven't seen you in a long time, Minato-san."

A disappeared from his spot and appeared next to Sinbad, attempting to punch him. Sinbad dodged by bending backward and delivered a kick to A's face from below. A retreated, avoiding the punch, and said, "You're strong, kid!" With a mocking smile, Sinbad replied, "And you're weak for your age."

A vein bulged in A's neck, and he shouted angrily, "You will die!!" B, in panic, said, "Don't rush, A, because..." Before he could finish, Sinbad vanished and reappeared in front of A, swinging his sword and making a cut from A's right shoulder down to his lower abdomen, causing A to crash into a tree behind him.

B, in panic, shouted, "A!!!" Sinbad addressed B and the remaining Kumo team, "Take him and leave from here."

B rushed to A, carried him on his shoulder, and fled with his team. Minato, surprised, asked, "Why did you let him go?" Sinbad replied, "His presence is important for Kumo. The current Raikage won't last after this war, and they need a good leader just as we will need one after Sandaime-sama."

Minato smiled, then looked at Sinbad with an evaluating glance and smiled brightly, "You've grown and become a man." Sinbad, shielding his eyes, said, "You're too bright." Minato replied, "Come on, let's go to the camp. Your friends must have missed you."

As they were moving away from the battlefield, Minato looked at Sinbad and asked, "Did you eat anything on the way?" The sound of a growling stomach answered his question. Sinbad laughed and said, "I forgot to take food before I left and relied on tree leaves." Minato took out his relief rations and offered them, "Here you go." With tears in his eyes, Sinbad said, "Thank you, Minato-san, you're very kind." Minato smiled kindly in response.

After a while, they arrived at the camp. When Obito saw his teacher, he came out to greet him, "Welcome back, Sensei." Before Minato could respond, Sinbad interrupted, "Yo, I haven't seen you in years, Obito." Minato stepped aside to reveal Sinbad, who had been behind him. Obito said, "I haven't seen you in a long time," then added with pride in his voice, "I've become a Chunin." Sinbad clapped for Obito's achievement, "Congratulations, Obito." Obito, happily, asked, "Sinbad, what are you doing here?!" Minato answered the question, "For support." Obito raised his eyebrows and asked, surprised, "Then why don't I see the team that came with him?" Sinbad, puffing out his chest, said, "I am enough to support the Kumo front alone. I am now a special Jonin." Obito shouted, "What?!"

Rin and Kakashi came to the sound of Obito's shout. Kakashi looked at Sinbad appraisingly. Sinbad released some of his Conqueror's Haki on him while smiling, "Yo, Kakashi, you've grown since the last time we met." Kakashi, breathing heavily and trying to support himself from falling, could not lift his head. Minato, impressed, thought to himself, "So he can control the pressure and who receives it," then spoke out loud, "Okay, that's enough welcoming each other." He then looked at Sinbad, "Come with me, Sinbad-kun."

After Minato and Sinbad left, Rin asked worriedly, "Are you okay, Kakashi?" Obito, puzzled, asked, "What happened?" Kakashi, panting, said, "He... has become... strong."


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