
Naruto SI:Started from nothing

Naruto Si after retrival mission

Oden_490 · Cómic
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7 Chs


I had never been the most in touch with my chakra. I knew that I had very above average reserves, if my troubles with even the most basic chakra control exercises were any indication.

But I noticed the shift in my chakra immediately. What came next, I would have never in a million years expected.

Nineteen years of another life bombarded my skull in the span of a second. There was a brief flare of pain in my mind and chakra coils but it didn't even last long enough for me to cry out. In fact, it barely registered. Growing up in an orphanage made one tough before they could even understand the meaning of the word. The mission that landed me here. Not to mention that shinobi developed high pain tolerance very early on in the academy.

I was too busy seeing another life, in another universe. A universe without chakra.

I watched myself? grow up, in all its glory. Pain, love and everything in between was shown before my twelve year old eyes as if I was living it over again.

When it ended, I was no longer just Naruto Uzumaki. No no, I could never go back to being just Naruto Uzumaki.


I then turn to the voice and see a smiling Tsunade.

"…Bu-but thats impossible…you died?!" Said a distraught Tsunade.

"How what happened." I asked.

"We'll according to Kakashi Orochimaru showed up and used his curse seal on you, after Sasuke severly injured you and the injure was to great even for me to heal." Expained Tsunade.

Well that was nothing new from cannon besides the whole Orochimaru thing.

"…Also well…you lost the Kyubi." Said Tsunade.

"W-what!?" I shout without knowing.

"Yes the strain on your body was too great and the Kyubi managed to escape in your temperary death state caused by the curse mark."

"You also suffered several other injures that will take time to heal, be lucky the Kyubi was able to heal you before leaving." Said Tsunade

"Ok thank you for saving me and for explaining all this may I get some rest." I said.

"Of course i'll come by later to see how you are doing." Said Tsunade.

Well this all sucks I lost the Kyubi and I am stuck in the hospital for a while nothing to do but plan and start from nothing.

First I must master my chakra control again and master the Rasengan one handed and also learn the Shunshin if I combine thosr i'll be unstoppable.

Also, I must relearn my basic ninja skills such as Bukijutsu Jutsu and Taijutsu becase Naruto sucked at those.

Next, I should try and study sealing jutsu its dead useful and is what my father used to become so feared.

And last but not least, we have shadow clones while I will be unable to spam them I will be able to make around eight which is still good.


Next day: Tsunade's Pov

When Tsunade arrived at Naruto's room she didn't expect him to be sitting there reading a book that was on fuinjutsu.

"What you got there brat." I asked

"A book a fuinjutsu I want to learn it." Was his response not looking up from his book.

"Pretty advanced stuff you got there you sure you can handle that." I ask skeptically

"Yes, I am sure I can handle it." He said once again not looking up from his book.

"Very well…" I said

"Let me take your vitals and we can see if you are ok to return to duty." My hands glow with a green aura and I touch his chest all seems normal.

"Your vitals are good Naruto I think you can leave in a week." I said.

"When can I get back to training?" He asked

Well I expected that.

"As soon as you leave." I responded

"Also one more thing, can I learn medical ninjutsu." He asks suprising me.

I then reach into my yukata and pull out a scroll and throw it at him.

"If you are able to learn what is in that scroll you have learned the Mystical Palm Jutsu."

"Thank you." He said

"Don't mention it." I respond and leave the room.


Same day: Mc's Pov

I was reading my book on sealing jutsu it was truely a fascinating read it was basically coding but for reality.

This book was only this basics that had the diagram for sealing scrolls and explosive tags.

I would need brushes, ink etc to start but I have plans for the future, I want to make a seal to contain senjutsu and I have the perfect base the curse seal on my neck, inactive it my be it still has the chakra without Orochimaru's soul.

"So you're finally up." My thoughs were interupted by the voice of Jiraiya in the window seal.

"Pervy sage your back!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, well i've come to tell you something important."

"I had planned to take you on a training mission to control the Kyubi but, I no longer need to as you no longer posess it." Said Jiraiya in a tone of regret.

"Well guess I will have to train with Kakashi-sensei thank you." I said

"Your taking this well so I guess you have matured." Said Jiraiya.

"Yes this situation taught me alot." I said

"Good learn from it and, let it sink in." Said Jiraiya strongly he then leapt out the window.

Well not being trained by Jiraiya sucks but Naruto didn't learn much from him anyway.

"Guess its my turn." My thoughts were once again interupted by Kakashi this time.

"Why yes it is your turn." I said sarcastically

"Well I guess I will start off with an apology." Said a sad Kakashi.

"I'll stop you right there you are not gonna apologize for a traitor being a traitor, I don't blame you but if you have regrets and want to help then train me into a great shinobi." I said

"Very well I will train you and make you into the best shinobi I can." Responds Kakashi.

I smile at him and say "Don't go essy on me either."

Kakashi eye smiled back and said "Of course I won't." And he to jumps out the window seal.

Some might say Kakashi was a bad sensei which he was but it's not impossible for him to be a good one since he taught taijutsu and the Chidori to Sasuke after all.

And I will use him to better myself.