
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Cómic
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339 Chs


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In the Konoha forest, sunlight filters through the cracks in the leaves, casting speckled patterns on the ground.

A figure stands there, a small body standing straight with both hands raised forward.

It is Sousuke, who practices Kidō. His eyes are fixed on a large rock ahead, and he murmurs softly.

"One of the Bakudō. Hō!"

As soon as he finishes speaking, an invisible energy wave shoots forward from his hands, swiftly rushing ahead.


The enormous rock shatters under the impact of the energy wave, as if struck by a powerful blow.

But it's not over yet!

Looking at the scattered rock fragments flying in all directions, Sousuke, with a calm and focused gaze behind his glasses, suddenly changes the position of his raised hands.

"Eleventh Bakudō. Suiryūden!"

Suddenly, his palms release scattered electric sparks!

Like tiny lightning serpents, the electric sparks swiftly shoot towards the scattered rock fragments as if guided by an invisible force.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound of shattered rock fragments resonates continuously!

The previously flying rock fragments in all directions are now reduced to dust, scattered by the wind.

Completing the release of these two Kidō techniques, Sousuke is now sweating profusely. He gazes at his masterpiece, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

Such incredible power! These past few days of hard work haven't been in vain. Indeed, as Chakra and Mizuki mentioned, spiritual energy can also manipulate these Kidō techniques.

Behind him, Kyōka Suigetsu are watching Sousuke's demonstration of the two Bakudō techniques with great interest. Kyōka Suigetsu's delicate face carries a strong smile.

Indeed, you are worthy, Lord Sousuke... Even though you have lost all your memories, within these few days, you have learned and mastered Kidō with such proficiency. Your skillful manipulation of the world's power surpasses those mediocre beings in the Soul Society. You truly possess the qualities of a true king...

After witnessing the destructive power caused by the two released Kidō techniques, Sousuke can't help but feel relieved.

Although he hasn't seen more advanced ninja techniques, there's no doubt that the power of just these two low-level Bakudō can be considered B-rank ninja techniques!

And to think there are even higher-level Kidō techniques, up to ninety-nine layers!

Sousuke can't help but feel excited. It's an immense power surpassing S-rank ninja techniques. If he can master it! He'll be even closer to his goal!

Unfortunately, he is still too young. Despite tirelessly refining Chakra since he started practicing ninja techniques, his Chakra reserves are only enough to release a few low-level Kidō.

He doesn't mind, though. Sousuke adjusts his glasses with satisfaction, a hint of joy shining in his eyes. He is already very content with his current situation.

Moreover, only by solidly taking each step forward can he truly strive for the top.

At this moment, Kyōka Suigetsu approaches Sousuke with a smile on her exquisite face, her enchanting figure adorned in a beautiful kimono exuding a peculiar beauty.

"Lord Aizen, you truly deserve praise. To fully master these two Kidō techniques at such a rapid pace, one could say it's a testament to Lord Lord Aizen's abilities..."

Hearing her words, Sousuke furrows his brow and looks at the beautiful and alluring Kyōka Suigetsu. He speaks earnestly.

"Kyōka Suigetsu, although I'm not sure what kind of relationship I have with Sousuke, as you mentioned, you must understand that I am me. You need to make that distinction."

After speaking, Sousuke ignores Kyōka Suigetsu behind him and turns around, walking towards the depths of the forest.

The dappled sunlight shines on him, and his white robe gently sways, revealing the youthful vigor of a young boy.

"Come on, let me see what kind of technique this Zanpakutō's Ghostly Way of the Slashing Fist is. I'm becoming more and more interested in what you're hiding."

The warm voice of Kyōka Suigetsu reaches Mirror Flower, Water Moon's ears. She stares blankly at Aizen's figure, and her eyes gradually brighten with an unknown emotion, becoming more and more fascinated...

Yes, Lord Aizen, no! It should be Sousuke. Perhaps you will never seek what you once failed to find. As powerful as you are, you always measure your own worth by success. By following and assisting you, I can subvert all my past failures. That is the meaning of my existence, Sousuke!

The two of them arrive deep in the Konoha forest. Kyōka Suigetsu briefly explains the Way of the Slashing Fist and Hakuda to Sousuke. Sousuke furrows his brow and softly speaks.

"Taijutsu? What use can such physical attacks have in the face of such powerful Kidō abilities?"

Hearing his words, Kyōka Suigetsu on the other side of the conversation raises a faint smile on her delicate face, covering her mouth with a hand, and looks at Sousuke with a playful expression.

"Is Kidō also considered a powerful ability? Sousuke, haven't you realized that I am your greatest power?"

Hearing Kyōka Suigetsu's words, Sousuke is taken aback.

After all, as a boy of eight or nine years old, he doesn't have enough information to analyze and judge many questions about power.

Just like a young boy, even if you give him a nuclear bomb, he can't imagine the devastating power it can unleash.

In Sousuke's eyes at this moment, the so-called powerful ability refers to destructive power on a large scale, like Ninjutsu or Kidō!

However, he hasn't realized the true extent of abilities like Mirror Flower, Water Moon's Shikai, Complete Hypnosis.

Mirror Flower, Water Moon smiles at Sousuke, her exquisite and beautiful face flawless. But the words she speaks now send a chilling feeling.

"Sousuke, how much effort do you think it takes to kill someone and erase their existence?"

Upon hearing her words, Sousuke furrows his brow slightly. After all, at this moment, Sousuke is still sensitive to and reluctant about taking someone's life.

But he carefully ponders on it and connects it to Mirror Flower, Water Moon's abilities, causing his mind to pause.

Complete Hypnosis... Complete Hypnosis... Complete Hypnosis...

Those four words play on repeat in his mind.

Yes, with Mirror Flower, Water Moon, all Sousuke has to do is approach someone and lightly brush them with a knife to kill them effortlessly, without expending any energy...

Thinking about this, he looks deeply at Mirror Flower, Water Moon.

She smiles brightly, her beauty captivating, standing there quietly, like an angel dancing in hell. Light and shadows intertw

ine on her, revealing the black and white of right and wrong, cause and effect.

She continues to smile at him, and if the throne is what he desires, she will accompany him always, even if it means sacrificing everything to help him ascend the divine seat.

Lord Sousuke...

"So, that's how it is... Kyōka Suigetsu, I'm really curious now. Are you my power or someone else's power?"

Looking at her, Sousuke says softly, his tone calm.

Mirror Flower, Water Moon, who has put away her smile, slowly walks up to Sousuke and kneels before him.

Just like a sacred angel soiled by the dirt of the mortal world.

Her clean kimono now touches the dusty ground, but she pays it no mind. She only bows down gently and says softly.

"I will never betray your existence. Whether it's the past or the future, my power will always belong to you, Sousuke..."

Hearing her words, a faint smile appears on the corner of Sousuke's mouth framed by his glasses.

"Well then... I accept your power... Mirror Flower, Water Moon."

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