
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Cómic
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334 Chs

14.That day

You can read 20 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.

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(just replace the "@" with "a")

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In a secluded corner of the Konoha forest...


A loud explosion reverberated, startling a flock of birds in the forest.

Sousuke, panting heavily, looked at the vast blackened charred trees in front of him, a satisfied smile on his face.

In these past few days of non-stop training, his strength had once again greatly increased!

It had been four days since he graduated from the Ninja Academy and became a Genin.

The battle between him and Morino that day had shocked everyone present!

In the end, it took the intervention of the Third Hokage himself to bring the battle to a hasty conclusion.

That day, all the graduating students of the Academy learned about a prodigy among them!

A genius who, at the age of only eight, could defeat a Chunin, relying solely on his taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu skills, all of which were still unknown.

That person was Sousuke!

With such outstanding talent, almost everyone believed that this guy had limitless potential for the future!

And then came the announcement from the Third Hokage, which was like a bombshell dropped among the Genin.

He was actually going to take three disciples!

Being a disciple of the Third Hokage!

Who wouldn't be envious?!

Everyone knew that under the guidance of a teacher at the Kage level, even a useless person could display genius-level strength. Moreover, this time the teacher was none other than the Third Hokage himself!

It was expected that someone with such talent and strength as Sousuke would be the first choice.

However, after the list of three disciples was announced, everyone was dumbfounded!

Tsunade, Orochimaru, and... Jiraiya!!!

Tsunade and Orochimaru could be understood, but why would even someone like Jiraiya be chosen by the Third Hokage!

The crowd erupted in a buzz of discussion.

And what about Sousuke!? Why didn't the Third Hokage choose such an excellent candidate like him and instead went for Jiraiya!

Everyone secretly marveled at the Third Hokage's decision.

Upon hearing that they were chosen as disciples of the Third Hokage, Tsunade and Orochimaru were also surprised by the news. A trace of joy appeared on their faces. But when they heard that the third person was Jiraiya, both of them instantly turned their gaze towards Sousuke.

Even the usually carefree Jiraiya was dumbfounded, unable to understand why he, of all people, was chosen by the Third Hokage. It made him feel a bit apprehensive, and he couldn't help but look towards Sousuke, feeling deep guilt and remorse in his heart when facing him.

Of course, as the protagonist of the event, Sousuke didn't pay much attention to this matter.

With the assistance of Kyōka Suigetsu, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds.

Having or not having a Kage-level teacher's guidance was inconsequential to him. After all, now, the teachings of Kyōka Suigetsu held a deeper attraction for him.

Therefore, when he heard this news, his face remained calm and serene.

The Third Hokage kept a close eye on Sousuke's expression, and seeing his lack of reaction, his evaluation of Sousuke soared even higher.

Danzo... you must take good care of this child... Speaking of which... it's ultimately my fault... No matter what... I can't let this child stray from the right path because of my mistakes!

And so, that day, the Third Hokage's purpose was not only to stop the upcoming battle between Sousuke and Morino but also to inform everyone about the decision regarding the discipleship positions.

Subsequently, the Third Hokage informed everyone that Might Dai's strength had gained recognition in the village.

Sousuke successfully graduated and became a Genin!

This news surprised everyone and brought tears of joy to Might Dai's eyes!

In the village... they finally recognized me... Father... I really did it... I became a ninja... all thanks to Sousuke.

He stood in the distance, looking at Sousuke's tall figure, tears blurring his vision. The tears of a man flowed like a collapsing dam.

In his heart, there was only deep gratitude and respect for Sousuke.

As for the Third Hokage, he never had any communication with Sousuke from beginning to end.

And so, they finally graduated from the Ninja Academy successfully.

Walking on the road, the group of four became a group of five, with Might Dai following Sousuke all the way.

Silence and an unusual atmosphere filled the group.

Finally, Jiraiya stopped, standing still, hesitating as he looked at Sousuke.

Sousuke still had that kind and gentle smile on his face, slightly turning his head, he looked at Jiraiya with questioning eyes.

"What's wrong, Jiraiya?"

"I'm sorry, Sousuke, I didn't know what the Third Hokage's choice would be..." Jiraiya's voice lacked its usual carefree tone and sounded heavy with self-blame.

But before he could finish his words, Sousuke interrupted him!

"What are you saying!? Jiraiya, being chosen as the Third Hokage's disciple is something we should be happy about. Why use that tone of self-blame!?"

Sousuke also gradually suppressed his smile, looking at Jiraiya seriously.

Tsunade, who was worried, also looked at Sousuke. She lightly opened her lips and spoke instead of Jiraiya.

"So why didn't the Third Hokage choose you, Sousuke? No matter what, your strength has clearly surpassed ours, especially Jiraiya. He believes that this opportunity should belong to you, Sousuke."

Jiraiya remained silent, acknowledging Tsunade's words. Orochimaru, who hadn't said a word, also agreed with this statement. He also believed that Sousuke was more suitable than Jiraiya.

Upon hearing this, Sousuke restored his original kind and sincere smile. His eyes behind the glasses were deep and serious as he looked at Jiraiya, speaking in a gentle voice.

"Jiraiya, you underestimate yourself. A strong person is like a flower that strives to grow at the edge of a cliff. They won't let go of any opportunity to enhance their strength! Since the first time I met you, I believed that you had the potential to become strong, regardless of talent or status. It's simply because when I see you, I see that dedication to becoming strong."

"Do you want to give up this opportunity? Or are you lacking confidence in yourself... Jiraiya!?"

Sousuke's words awakened Jiraiya's spirit of a strong person, like a resounding bell.

Suddenly, the previous dejection and self-blame disappeared from his face, replaced by a resolute and confident expression! Tsunade and Orochimaru also looked at Jiraiya in surprise.

"Do you think the great Jiraiya would apologize like that!? Being chosen by the Third Old Man is his blessing! The rare talent of the great Jiraiya has finally been recognized by someone!! Hahaha."

"Idiot!" Tsunade said

with a stern face.

Orochimaru... silently walked away.

Sousuke, on the other hand, looked at him with a gentle expression, softly saying, "This is who you are, Jiraiya. A strong person should not be burdened by any lack of confidence, but be persistent in success, become strong, and ascend above the clouds. I have always believed that you would be like this."

His words were both obscure and sincere, as if he was speaking to Jiraiya but also whispering to himself.

Might Dai stood there, dumbfounded, watching the two of them. Inside his heart, he praised!

Indeed, Sousuke is amazing!

The group dispersed, each returning to their own homes.

At the crossroads, watching Sousuke slowly walking away step by step, Jiraiya spoke in his heart.

Thank you... Sousuke.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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